The Rise of the Space Emperor...

By TheWritingGriffin

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Y/N has recently moved to Kuoh where he meets Issei, quickly becoming friends with him despite his perverted... More

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2 (S1)
Chapter 3 (S1)
Chapter 4 (S1)
Chapter 6 (S1)
Chapter 7 (S1)
Chapter 8 (S1)
Chapter 9 (S1)
Chapter 10 (S1)
Chapter 11 (S2)
Chapter 12 (S2)
Chapter 13 (S2)
Chapter 14 (S2)
Chapter 15 (S2)
Chapter 16 (S2)
Chapter 17 (S2)
Chapter 18 (S2)
Chapter 19 (S2)
Chapter 20 (S2)
Chapter 21 (S2)
Chapter 22 (S3)
Chapter 23 (S3)
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25 (S3)
Chapter 26 (S3)
Chapter 27 (S3)

Chapter 5 (S1)

574 20 3
By TheWritingGriffin

"Speaking" 'Thoughts/communicating with sacred gear'

'Sacred Gear communicating with Host'

3rd Pov:

Raynare: "Yesss I've been lusting after this power for years! Those miserable hearts are in the palm of my hand.. PERFECT"

pushing the two rings inside her chest Raynare lets out a moan before she's engulfed in a bright green light as the light dies down Raynare has a very visible green aura radiating off of her.

Raynare: "I'll be beloved, I'll be the most powerful fallen angel there is, all those pricks who screwed me over are going to regret it!!"

Issei: "Oh screw you!"

Issei charges forward to try and reach Asia, but an army of Priests with light swords stands in his way, screaming "I don't have time for this move it!!" Issei charges through beating down any priest that gets close, but quickly loses his momentum due to their number advantage, right before one of the priests stab Issei in the back Kiba blocks the attack with his own sword that seals the lights power as Koneko punches them into the wall they both start pushing back the wall of priests,

Y/N: "Parting of the red sea if I've ever seen one, nows your chance Issei go grab Asia, we'll hold them off, well they will, I guess I'll just stand here and admire them...." 'Actually fuck it, Palkia do you think there's any of your magic that I could pull off currently?'

Palkia: 'Without hitting your allies no, you would be able to use it eventually but without training there's a high chance you'll hit one, my suggestion would be to jump in if they need help, but if you want to do something try warping and moving through dimentions, it will take time to focus your energy and power, but it's a start'

And so Y/N started to feel the power running through him and his sacred gear, trying to manipulate it so he could bend the space to his will, during this Kiba and Koneko start to get pushed back.


3 different colours of light spears fly directly at Rias, before they got close to her though Akeno steps in forming a magic circle which stops all the spears.

Mittelt: "That's going to get old real fast"

Kalawarner: "eheh and exactly how long do they intend to hold their shield"

Dohnaseek: "Not a very thought out tool is it, that's got to be draining."

Mittelt: "Tell you what put those barrier things down and we'll let you go, sooo kidding, get comfy cause you're going to be here for a while, man I bet your minions think you've dropped them like a bad facelift, OMG especially that hornball who thought Raynare wanted his corn cob... hmmm no reaction, I bet she's gone ahead and killed that other prick that tried to save the hornball in the first place, I bet he screamed in pain as she tore him limb from limb"

Rias: "If I were you I wouldn't underestimate them, Issei is the most powerful pawn I've ever seen and Y/N is a mystery but he's just as powerful"


Shaking himself out of his focused state Y/N notices Issei had dodged an attack from Raynare and was running to go back through the entrance to the basement

Kiba: "We've got this get out of here now! Hurry Koneko, and I will keep them here, and Y/N will help if needed, so RUN!!"

Koneko: "Come on leave already"

Y/N: "Issei if you don't leave right now I'll make sure that I burn your porn stash personally"

That did it, Issei now filled with determination to protect his precious, runs up the stairs and back up too the main chamber of the church, with Kiba and Koneko holding off the Priests Y/N resumes trying to bend the dimention to his will, which obviously for the first time doing so is proving a lot harder than he thought it would.


Mittelt: "Pawns? well isn't that nifty, you nerds name your servants after chess pieces? The pawns are the jokes who line up in the front is that right?"

Kalawarner: "ahahaha that's right they're the sacrificial players"

Akeno: "Non-sense we would never sacrifice any of our members, they're family."


Kiba and Koneko slowly start losing ground and backing toward the concentrating Y/N, before they could do anything Raynare flys over them and up the stairwell chasing after Issei and Asia, just as she leaves Y/N's sacred gear starts to glow a bright magenta, as a vortex appears above them pulling them in, the vortex only lasts for a second before Y/N collapses on the ground exhausted, but it was enough to pull half of the priests in allowing Koneko and Kiba to easily finish them.

Kiba: "Woah Y/N I didn't know your sacred gear could do that... Y/N!!!"

Running up too Y/N they realised that he'd fallen unconscious due to the strain he put on himself, as Koneko picks him up they start heading up stairs to find Issei.

In Y/N's mind he appears next to Palkia

Y/N: 'Huh I'm here, does that mean I used up too much strength??'

Palkia: 'You certainly did, although I'll admit I'm proud, I never thought you would be able to summon a portal into the abyss, mind you it only lasted a second and you would've used up all your life force too if I hadn't made you fall unconscious, but you still pulled it off... NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! tonight I'll start to teach you how use your sacred gears power but for now I'll teach you how to travel through the dimentions, It's like the magic circle but a lot more stealthy and you can go anywhere, basically teleportation as it should be, Now....


Akenos shield protecting Rias and herself breaks forcing her to stumble back

Dohnaseek: "It doesn't matter what those morons abilities are, they don't stand a chance against Lady Raynare"

All 3 fallen start summoning their light spears again

Mittelt: "Even if she is his Ex-Girlfriend and executioner of his best friend ahahaha oh we heard allll the tragedy lame details of their little fling and how his poor best friend came to save him at the last minute but they both ended up dieing anyway"

Dohnaseek: "ehehehe Now stop Mittelt you're evil"

Kalawarner: "What a couple of jokesters ahaha"

the fallen throw their spears at Rias, but before they can hit her a large red aura explodes out of her deflecting the spears and throwing them harmlessly away.

Rias: "Y/N's not a joke, and no-one laughs at my servants."

Akeno: "Look what you did now, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to taunt her like that, whoopsie on you~~"

Rias releases her power directly at all three fallen angels, obliterating them instantly.


Getting too the top of the stairs Y/N is still unconscious but before they could decide anything Rias and Akeno appear, seeing Y/N's status Rias decides to give him some of her energy, hugging him closely she gives him enough just so he would be able to come awake with a few minutes of rest, noticing Issei is with raynare she turns to the rest of the group

Rias: wispering "now I know you want to go help Issei, but as bad as it sounds this emotional push should allow Issei to unlock the next phase of his sacred gear"


Raynare: "She's dead! Stone cold dead, and you're whining about protecting her, you realise how psychotic you sound. You would'nt of been able to save her back then anyway, and you CAN'T SAVE HER NOW!!"

Issei: "Will you shut up.. I'll never forgive you for this, I'll never forgive myself, WHY COULDN'T IT OF BEEN YOU!!... I want her back! I WANT ASIA BAACCKK!!!!!"

Screaming out at Raynare Issei's sacred gear appears on his hand with a green and red aura coming from it, from the sacred gear a voice is heard "Dragon Boost", charging at Raynare ready to punch her in the face Raynare easily flips over the attack leaving Issei to trip over himself.

Raynare: "You don't pay attention do you, there's nothing you can do to win, even if you triple the power you have"

Not giving up Issei charges at Raynare again trying to get a punch in, but Raynare flips over the attack another time

Raynare: "Heh and you're still trying to test me"

Floating in air after her flip Raynare throws two light spears piercing both of Issei's legs making him scream out in pain while also pinning him in a kneeling position.

Raynare: "Light is a toxin to devils, just touching it scorches your bodies, it's said to be the most intense and worst pain a devil can endure, so what do you think? is it true?"

Biting through the pain and ripping out the spears of his legs Issei responds

Issei: "So what if it is, this is nothing compared to what Asia went through, argh, I'll put up with anything for her!"

Raynare: "You know, I really am impressed, a lower class devil making it this far, that power is something to be reckoned with"

Collapsing on the floor and letting out groans of pain Issei responds

Issei: "What's happening,"

Raynare: "Not that it's going to do you any good though, I just wanted to make sure you got your kudos for doing so much better than expected from a devil of your class"

Issei: "That's it, god isn't going to help me, I'm a demon now what was I thinking, I need to call satan, I'm a devil now too so what do ya say, just this once I need a little help"

Raynare: "What are you mumbling over there? Is all the pain driving you mad"

Using all his strength Issei manages to lift himself back onto his feet, ready for one last go

Issei: "I'm begging you, I won't ask you for anything else after this, turn this around on her, let me DESTROY HER ASS"

Releasing his devil wings Issei stares at Raynare with the most fury and hate he's had for anyone ever

Raynare: "How are you able to stand! This is impossible, that light should be burning you from the inside out, tell me how you're doing that!! you don't have the power to temper light, you are NOTHING!"

Issei: "Don't get me wrong, it doesn't tickle, even with this strength I feel like I'm about to pass out, but I don't care, I'll fight through it if it means I can take you DOWN!! AHHHHHH"


With Issei's sacred gear morphing into a red gauntlet Raynare stands back stunned and shocked

Raynare: "That energy wave is at least 2nd level, his sacred gear should be no where near this strong, it's.. it's.. it's just a double critical"

Panicking and throwing another light spear at Issei, Issei uses his sacred gear and bats the spear away once raynare sees this she turns and tries to fly away but Issei launches himself and grabs a hold of her arm

Issei: "You Won't Get Away BITCH!!"

Raynare: "No I have the supreme power"

Issei: "This one's for ASIAAAAA!!!!!"

Slaming his fist into Raynares face he sends her flying out the church window landing with an audible *THUMP * outside.

Issei: "That felt good..."

Just before Issei collapses Kiba runs in and catches him from falling

Kiba: "Look at you handling that all on your own"

Issei: "Yea thanks, what held you up?"

Kiba: "The rest of us were instructed to stay back, Rias's orders sorry"

Issei: "Seriously??"

Rias: "Seriously. I believe in you, I knew you would defeat her.."

Issei: "You did?"

Rias: "Once my business was finished I found my way to the basement where I found Kiba, Koneko and Y/N finishing up with the priests"

Issei: "Oh man, I'm sorry I missed it."

Just then the doors open revealing koneko draging Raynares semi-conscious form along the floor

Koneko: "Did someone order this?"

Throwing her down infront of the rest of the group there

Rias: "You must be Raynare. Lovely entrance, I am Rias Gremory, also known as the next head of the house of Gremory."

Raynare: "Gremory? You've gotta be kidding"

Rias: "It's wonderful to meet you, what a shame we don't have time too chat, but sadly" Dropping 3 feathers infront of Raynare she looks surprised but recognises who they belonged too. "it's time for you to join your friends I disposed of earlier.. They were rather rude too me"

Issei: "So you killed them?"

Kiba: "Rias's fuse is long, but when pushed she lives up too her title as Empress of Annihilation"

Issei: "Damn, didn't know I was apart of such a hardcore group, neat.."

Raynare: "Why would the heiress of Gremory dare such a thing?"

Rias: "Well since you ask, after Dohnaseek attacked Y/N and Issei, I discovered multiple fallen angels had plans to attack this town, normally I would've stayed out of it but they seemed insistant on targeting my team."

Issei: "So you did it too defend me?"

Rias: "Oh look at you, I didn't see your sacred gear"

Issei: "Yea it kinda freaked out and turned red"

Rias: "It's called a red dragon, which explains a lot actually, did you see this Raynare? you weren't defeated by a dual critical sacred gear after all, no need to feel too embarrassed."

Raynare: "What!"

Rias: "The one Issei uses automatically doubles the owners power every 10 seconds, allowing him to transcend both god and satan at will, It's one of the 13 varieties of longinus, the strongest version of the red dragon is called boosted gear, the one downfall to it is that it requires a decent amount of time to start due too it's immense power, the only reason he was able to defeat you was because you let your guard down."

As a last resort Raynare changes back to her Yuuma form and begs to Issei

Yuuma: "Issei please. I'm sorry, I know I said some mean things too you but I didn't have a choice, I had to fulfill my role as a fallen angel,"

Issei: "Y-Yuuma"

Yuuma: "I mean if I really didn't care, would I still be wearing your gift? please don't tell me you forgot? you bought it for me don't you remember"

Issei: "No way, why do you still have that thing?"

Issei starts to walk up too Yuuma, but little did they know that someone had finally woken up and they were not happy about someone trying to manipulate their friend again

Yuuma: "How could I possibly get rid of this, It reminds me of you"

Kiba: "Koneko, you ready?"

Kiba and Koneko go to rush to save Issei but Rias stops them wanting Issei to get the clarification that he needs.

Yuuma: "You wouldn't let them hurt me? would you Issei?"

Issei: "Shut up.. I don't buy it.. Rias please, I can't do this"

Rias walks up too Yuuma/Raynare as Issei faces away from her

Rias: "You've toyed with my servants emotions for the last time begone" 

But before she can obliterate her with her magic Y/N appears behind her punching a hole directly through her chest before grabing her sholder with one hand and her head with the other and tearing it off, making her explode into a bunch of black feathers as she died.

Turning back around Issei notices the two green rings that belonged to Asia appear in the same hand that Y/N used to punch a hole through Raynares chest, walking up too Issei Y/N hands him the rings

Y/N: "I think you should put these back where they belong, it's the right thing too do,"

Issei: "Yea you're right."

Walking back over to Asia's corpse that was on one of the benches Issei puts the rings back on her fingers, on the verge of tears Issei speaks

Issei: "I'm sorry, you all came too help me, I fought as hard as I could and still... I Failed... She's gone... Asia please forgive me," he starts to cry as he holds her cold dead hand

Rias: "You have nothing to apologise for, this world is still knew to you, nobody here is placing blame, least of all asia,"

Issei: "But-- But-- But I..."

Rias: "Now this may not make any sense, but I'd like to show you something," Pulling out a white Bishop piece Y/N instantly gets a feeling as too where Rias is going with this. "Have you ever seen one of these before?"

Issei: "A chess piece?"

Akeno appears behind Rias through a magic circle

Akeno: "ahuh that one, is called the bishop"

Issei: "What does that mean?"

Y/N: "Look around Issei, we're far from a full set of pieces on a chess board, we know Koneko is a rook, Kiba's a knight, you and I are pawns and Akeno is the Queen plus Rias has told us that Bishops main attribute is magic, and those rings are pretty magic based."

Issei: "Does that mean. what I think it means?"

Rias: "Our good sister is about to be reborn again into the underworld"

Setting up Asia on a magic circle Rias places the Bishop piece on Asia's chest and starts to chant

Rias: "In the name of Rias Gremory, I call to Asia Argento, hear my command, return thy soul from the shadows of death to the human realm, rise once more as my demon servant, rejoice for you have been given new life, wake as my healer and clergy men"

The Bishop piece sinks into Asia's chest and a red glow appears around her for a second before dying down and vanishing.

Issei: "So what now? is she going to wake up?"

Y/N: "Go see for yourself my friend,"

Looking over Asia's eyes flicker open again, and Issei rushes down to her

Issei: "You're alive, wait is that really her??"

Rias: "It is.. I don't make a habit of reviving the dead but her power maybe useful, from here on you are her protector, you are the senior devil after all"

Walking away Rias quickly drags Y/N away to go punish him for his stupidity that he did which she heard from Kiba and Koneko.

Asia: "Issei? Umm am- am I here??"

Instead of responding verbally Issei rushes Asia and hugs her tightly.

Issei: "Yes and I'm so happy... You're home."


Rias and Y/N magic circle back too the clubroom where Rias sits Y/N down before walking to her desk and facing him

Rias: "Y/N what were you thinking, you almost used up all your energy AND your life force and died, then when I gave you enough to wake up you use that energy to teleport behind Raynare and stab her, you almost killed yourself TWICE."

Y/N: "Sorry Rias, I didn't mean to use up all my energy on one spell, I did something wrong and created something completely different, and I guess I got angry that Raynare tried to manipulate Issei again so I wanted to kill her myself"

With that Rias lets out a sigh before walking over too him and hugging him

Rias: "I'm just glad you're alright, I wouldn't want to lose you before you unlock your potential anyway. but that spell you created, Kiba said it created some kind of vortex that sucked up some of the priests before disappearing after you fainted, do you know anything about that?"

Palkia: 'Not yet partner, I feel now is not the time yet'

Y/N: "...No not really, I tried using something to help Kiba and Koneko, but I must of put too much effort into it and accidentally created that spell, Mind you I'm. Not.. Doing that..... Again....." and with that Y/N had passed out after the slight energy he recovered had been drained again leaving an exhausted sleeping Y/N on the couch

Rias: "Well I can't just leave you here can I," 'I guess one more night didn't hurt anyone, if he asks why I'll just say I was helping him recover his depleted energy'

With That Rias takes Y/N home, stripping them both down she puts him in his bed before joining him and using her magic to make sure his lost energy had recovered.

Timeskip too next morning

Y/N: 'hmmmm I'm not feeling as tired as I'd expect'

Palkia: 'The reason is next too you partner'

Y/N lifting up the blanket reveals a sleeping Rias with them both being naked again, poking her face gently Rias stirs in her sleep before pulling Y/N into her pillowy breasts for a hug and falling back into a deep slumber

Y/N: 'She is really warm, eh guess it couldn't hurt to lay here for a little bit longer.... Wait we're both naked still... and... I'm facing her.... oh god, ouch'

Realising what could happen with Jr Y/N, Y/N breaks out of Rias's hug and rushes to put some clothes on, with the sudden movement of a Y/N throwing himself out of the bed Rias finally wakes up, stretching and giving a little moan Rias looks at a panicked Y/N

Rias: "What's got you so energetic this morning"

Y/N: "Me, ME. What about you! You're in my bed, and we were naked, again, I don't remember getting stabbed last night so why are you here?"

Rias: "I was making sure your stamina and energy had fully recovered after you used every last bit of it last night, with Asia healing Issei that left me to deal with you, also why do you get up sooo early every morning?"

Y/N: "Cause It's a weekday and I would like to train before school starts, you're welcome to join me again if you want, or you can stay in bed and sleep for a bit, but I'll be leaving shortly"

Rias: "You've already woken me up, I'll help you train, you can carry me like last time as added weights to it cause there's only so much you can improve without adding more weight to things"

Y/N: 'Ahhh right I can't tell her about you already weighing me down can I... Do you think you can still apply the weights without her noticing?'

Palkia: 'Of course I can, It's just up too you to not drop her or fall'

Y/N: "Alright then, get ready so we can go go go, we're loosing precious time here"

Quickly getting ready Y/N head out to jog around with the weights Palkia added and with Rias on his back he's struggles a bit at the start getting used to the awkward feeling of carrying someone while they jog but Y/N quickly gets into a pattern, as he's running he quickly notices something with Rias, with him giving her a piggy back ride he's constantly feeling her large breasts on his back as she holds on and gives him words of encouragement while also watching the rising sun, realising if he keeps focusing on Rias and her breasts pressed that are pressed into him he'll probably trip and fall, Y/N tries to concentrate back on the exercise


Making it home after a few close call of being too distracted Rias and Y/N head off to the school and to the ORC clubroom, making it inside and sitting down Rias goes to her desk to work through some papers while Y/N just sits around and waits for everyone else.

Surprisingly enough Issei is the first one to enter the ORC room

Y/N: "You're here early today Issei, how are ya feeling buddy??"

Issei: "Great thanks to Asia's healing it's like it never even happened"

Looking up from her work Rias beats Y/N to a reply

Rias: "Fantastic, she's already proving how useful she can be, It's no wonder all those fallen angels were so threatened by her power."

Issei: "So question Rias, if we follow after chest pieces does that mean that there'll be 6 other pawns like Y/N and I eventually?"

Y/N: "I too would also like to know the answer to this Rias."

Rias: "You two are the only pawns I'll ever need..."

Y/N: "I feel there's more you're not telling us, so, proceed."

Rias: "When a human becomes a devil, the number of evil pieces they consume varies, it just depends on what special abilities that person has to contribute, for you both the pieces I had remaining were one knight, one rook, one bishop, and 8 pawns.. So that is what I had to choose from, after deciding to bring you both back as my peerage members I had to use 4 pawns for each of you"

Y/N: "So, we're the only ones aye, well that brings us down with potential team size"

Rias: "It was a gamble, but with your power potential alone Issei it would've been worth all 7 pieces, and Y/N, we don't know much about your sacred gear but it too could be worth all 7 pieces, you'll just have to train more, but if you want to keep up with Issei's potential you'll have to train extra hard"

Palkia: 'Oh they don't know how much they underestimate your potential Y/N, keep training and prove them wrong for me'

Y/N: 'Haha you've got it partner, I'll make sure to be a host to live up too your expectations' "I'll do my best Rias"

Asia: "Y/N it's good to see you all healed, I heard from Issei about you using up all your strength to protect Issei so I'm greatful, Dear lord please protect Y/N AHHHH"

Issei: "Asia are you okay?"

Asia: "I feel like a knife just ran through my head"

Rias: "God's not very receptive to the prays of devils,"

Asia: "Oh I forgot.. He's probably angry that I became a devil huh.."

Rias: "How do you feel about it?"

Asia: "Oh me I don't have any regrets at all, the best part is that Issei and I can be together forever now and that's all I ever really wanted"

Issei: "uhuh that's nice, now about that outfit you've got on?"

Asia doing a little twirl to show off "Yep what do you think?"

Issei: "It's great but does that mean you go to our school now?"

Y/N slaps the back of his head, "No shit sherlock, why else would she wear kuoh's uniform, to dressup for you... you know now that I think about it, that is something Asia would do."

The door opens revealing 2 more club members

Kiba: "Goood morning everyone"

Koneko: "I'm almost glad to see the perv not dead, and glad you've recovered too Y/N"

Y/N: "No offence Koneko but that's the most you've spoken since Issei and I joined"

another door opens revealing a food cart and the last known member of the peerage

Akeno: "Ooh goodie you're all here, I brought cake so we can officially welcome our new member"


???: "Wasn't that a sweet ending.. Gag me, muhahahaha Muhahahahaha"

???: "Riser deary would you be quiet in there your father and I are attending to business"

Riser: "Riser shall listen to his mothers wishes....."

A/N: The end of the raynare arc has finished and the beginning of Riser's arc starts, hope you guys enjoy the chapter and chapters to come

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