Dangerously in Love - SATZU [...

By sweetlittleCub

69.6K 4.3K 1.7K

Many people say true love will always find a way to come back, but what if she already loves someone else? Ar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 5

1.6K 113 99
By sweetlittleCub

Morning, Tzuyu is done reviewing and revising some documents that she's been working.

She stood up and get the folder. She's now on her way to Sana's office.

"Hi, Ms.Chou.."

"Hi, Good Morning. Ms.Yeh."

"Are you going to Ms.Minatozaki's office?."

"Yeah :) is she there already?."

"Uhmm.." Shushua check the time. "Yes, Ms.Chou she's there."

"Okay :) .."

"You seems in a good mood today."


"Mmmm. Did something good happen to you??.."

"Nothing, Maybe because I had a proper sleep last night."

"I see, See you around Ms.Chou."

"See you around :).."


Tzuyu knock on the door before she enter inside. The moment she enter she was surprised to see Kenshi, Sana was fixing her tie and they're both close to each other.

"Oh, Tzuyu.."

"I'm sorry. I'll just gonna come back later." Tzuyus said as she was about to leave..

"No, Tzuyu. I'll gonna leave now." Kenshi said before he looks at Sana. "I'll see you later hon. Don't stress yourself." Kenshi said as he kissed Sana on her lips.

"I'll see you later. Drive safe."

When Kenshi leave the room Tzuyu walks closer to Sana and give her the documents.

"I already done revising it." Tzuyu said.

Sana open the folder and scan it..

"Okay, tonight you will go with me."

"Where are we going?."

"We will meet our new investors the C.I Enterprise. I will introduce you to them later."

"Okay, in what place we will going to meet them.  just tell me the address and the time so that I know to go there."

"You will go with me. It means you will ride in my car Tzuyu."

"It's alright, I will just commute. Just tell me the place."

"You didn't hear me? I said you will ride in my car. It only be hassle if you will commute."

"Okay." Tzuyu didn't argued anymore.

"Good. You can leave now, I'll just check this folder."

Tzuyu left the office when Sana forgot to give something to the latter.

"I'll just gonna give it to her later." She mumbled as she look at the ointment she bought from the pharmacy earlier.


Lunch break Tzuyu is currently waiting for Mina, until she received a message from the latter informing her that she's now at the back of fhe building..

Tzuyu was currently in the front so she walks through the back to meet Mina..

"Tzuyu ~ ah..."

"Mina Unnie."

"Let's go???."


"Can you drive the car?."


Mina let Tzuyu drive her car and a moment later they already leave the building.

While driving Tzuyu notice that Mina keeps glancing at the back..

"Who are you looking at Mina Unnie, are you okay???." Tzuyu asked.

"Yeah.. I'm just looking if the paparazzi is still following me."


"I saw them earlier at the filming site, luckily I escaped from them."

"You're scared with them?."

"Uhmmm, not really. I just don't want them to invade your privacy if they saw you with me."

"We can't be able to eat in public then.."


"It's alright Unnie :) we can just eat here inside your car. I will just buy the food."

"Is it okay? Sorry if we can't be able to eat in a restaurant."

"It's alright, I understand. I'm worried for your security as well. You're a public figure and you should be careful."

"Komawo Tzuyu ~ ah.."

Tzuyu just smile as she looks at her before she turned her eyes back to the road.

Meanwhile, Holding the ointment Sana cane out from her office. She was looking for Tzuyu but she didn't saw the latter.

"Oh, Ms.Minatozaki. are you going to have your lunch?."

"Ms.Yeh where is Ms.Chou? Did you see her?.."

"Ah, she's not in her office. I saw her earlier, I think she will going to have her lunch outside."

"Ah, Okay.."

Sana directly went to Tzuyu's office, she looks around and she saw Tzuyu's things on her swivel chair.

She walks closer and put the ointment at the table..


Tzuyu and Mina are now starting to eat, Tzuyu park the car near at the  fast food chain where she buy the food..

"How's your work Tzuyu ~ ah?."

"It's good, Mina Unnie :) .."

"Are you still uncomfortable with Sana ~ Chan?."

"Mmmm.. a little bit."

"I hope you will be fine soon.."

"Mina Unnie, thank you for always asking me 3 years has passed but you still didn't change. You always put my heart at ease."

"I just don't want you to get hurt. Like what you've said you deserve to be happy."

"You're right, I deserve to be happy Mina Unnie .." Tzuyu smile genuinely.

"By the way, this is so yummy ^^.." Mina said as she cutely show the chicken and eat it..

"Kiyowo ^^ .."


"You want what?." Nayeon asked Jeongyeon.

"I want to set up Tzuyu in a blind date. What if she will find her true love with the girls I will introduce to her.."

"Ya, Yoo Jeongyeon. Finding true love is not easy. What if Tzuyu will get hurt again because of that blind date..."

"Ey, Just trust me. She will not going to hurt. I'm sure this girl will be perfect for Tzuyu.."

"Who is she?."

"You will know soon.." Jeongyeon winked at her wife.



5:30 PM when Tzuyu and Sana are on their way now to their business meeting.

"Where did you eat lunch?." Sana asked the latter.


"Who did you eat with?."

"Is it necessary for you to ask that?."

"Mom is asking it. She message me earlier she's looking for you."

"I had my lunch with Mina Unnie."

The moment Sana hears Mina's name she looks at Tzuyu.

"You're getting close with her, Are you trying to used her to move on?."


"Mina is like a sister to me, Don't used her Tzuyu just to ease your feelings."

"I don't know what you're talking about Sana. is that how you think of me? That I will use someone for my personal interest?."

"I'm just saying Tzuyu.."

"Don't worry, Sana because I will never use Mina Unnie. Mina is too precious for me to use her. I will not going to do that." 

"That's good then."

"I told you not to interfere with me, why are you always interfering? Am I the one who hasn't moved on, or are you?.."


"You started it." Tzuyu smile.

Sana just rolled her eyes and get back to the road. She suddenly feel irritated as she didn't be able to answer Tzuyu..


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