My Fox {Sasunaru}

By hansrightpinkeytoe

110K 2.6K 668

Sasuke has been running from some leaf ninja ever since he went rouge. As he was running from some leaf ninja... More

A fox
you can understand me?
I love you
finding out
What are you doing here
Important Mission
I'm In
Team 7
Ino's vist
Telling Sasuke
Naruto's family part 1
Naruto's family part 2
Telling the Akatsuki
the apology
The baby bump
Breaking my silence...

The beating

1.6K 45 7
By hansrightpinkeytoe

Sasuke soon fell asleep after him still tired from the all-nighter he pulled to pack. Konan was walking down the hall when she heard light snoring and muffled words from Naruto's room. She opened the creaky door and peaked her head in to see them all cuddled up. (Something like this)

She mentally screamed and took a picture. Sasuke opened one of his eyes and looked at her. "Send that to me," He whispered not wanting to wake up Naruto. Konan nodded her head, closed the door, and quickly walked away fangirling. Sasuke smiled and rubbed his fingers through Naruto's hair. Sasuke kissed Naruto's forehead before he placed his hand on Naruto's belly. "Hey little bean, it's your dad, I can't wait for you to be born," Sasuke said smiling and rubbing his stomach still.

Sasuke kept talking to Naruto's belly as if the baby would respond to him. Naruto had woken up a bit ago but Sasuke was so busy talking to the baby he didn't even notice."You still talking to "little bean"," Naruto said starling Sasuke. "When did you wake up," Sasuke said giving Naruto a kiss. "For a while now but that's not important, how long have you been talking to the baby," Naruto said raising an eyebrow.

"Um not too long," Sasuke said laughing Nervously. "sureee I totally believe you," Naruto said rolling his eyes and sitting up. "I can't help it, just knowing there's a little person in there is just weird, I've never felt anything like it," "I would hope not, can't have you sleeping around with other people," Naruto said jokingly while winking and laughing. "You know what I mean," Sasuke said nudging Naruto's shoulder.

"I'm excited but it's also like, what if I'm not a good dad, what if-,"  Sasuke got cut off by Naruto putting his hand on his mouth. "We'll learn together," Naruto said smiling a soft smile.  "Yea... Together." Sasuke said holding Naruto's hand and kissing it. Naruto blushes as he sat up. "I-I'm hungry, gonna go eat." Naruto said zooming out of the room

Sasuke chuckled at the flustered fox. "Same easy to fluster Naruto." Sasuke said getting up when his phone went off, he checked it to see Konan had sent him the picture. He blushed a little and replied with a "thank you" Sasuke got up and went out the door in search of Naruto. He went to the kitchen to see Naruto arguing with Deidara about god knows what.

Sasuke decided he didn't feel like dying today so he stayed out of it and stared from the sidelines. He laughed everytime Deidara screamed for Naruto not to kill him. "PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON ME!" Deidara yelled on the ground with his hands up. "SASUKE HELP ME." Deidara said looking at Sasuke with pleading hands. Naruto gave Sasuke a stare saying if you help him your dead.

Sasuke turned his head to Konan who was losing it in the corner. "You hear something?" "Nope I think your hearing things." Konan said giggling and shrugging her shoulders. Naruto grabbed Deidara by his legs and started to drag him into another room. "NO PLEASE HELPPP!" Deidara said clawing at the ground in an attempt to get away. He fails as Naruto drags him into the room and locks the door.

It went dead silent before loud high pitch screams could be heard from the room. "I almost feel sorry for the guy," Sasuke said crossing his arms and shaking his head. "Same... Almost." The door slowly opened to reveal Naruto smiling an innocent smile and Deidara on the floor beat up.

"Move " Naruto said as Deidara scrambled out of the room behind Sasuke. He put his arms on Sasuke's shoulders trembling. "Remind me to never test how much cursing I can do around Naruto." Deidara said looking at Sasuke then Konan. "Oh so that's what happened." Sasuke said snickering. "It's not funny! He even pulled the pan on me." Deidara said in a shaky voice.

"Hey Deidara~, aren't you suppose to be doing something right about now." Naruto said holding pencil and paper. "Y-yes sir, Deidara grabbed it and sat on the couch. He started writing. 'I will never curse again' over and over. "How many times does he have to do that." "139 times" Naruto said smiling as if this was normal. "Why that much?" Konan butting in tilting her head. "I don't know, it was the first number that popped into my head." Naruto said shrugging.

A/n: sooo I ran out of ideas and motivation. This chapter was many later then expected because of this thing called ✨Life✨. Updates are probably gonna be slow because I'm working on FOUR different stories that I'd really appreciate if you checked out. But yup that's it have a good day or rest of your day.
Goodbye my kitsunes
Word count: 817

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