Rogue Waves[Book 1 of the Rog...

By Scrin245

23.7K 901 142

Danny is the next alpha in his pack. Before he gets to be the alpha he must find his mate, but what if his ma... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

5.9K 67 19
By Scrin245

If you find any MAJOR mistakes comment me and tell me where. Also comment if you like it or want more parts. I would appreciate some major fans of my books!! But enjoy anyways! :-)

Chapter 1

With my eighteen birthday fast approaching I was getting anxious. My wolf was getting restless. I knew why though; I needed to find a mate. Although with my parents pushing me to go out and see people and go parties so I could find my mate, I just could never find him or her. My parents didn't bug me to much with it. Even if I was supposed to be the next alpha.

I groaned and got up out of my nice comfy bed. I hated school! It never did go well for me. Especially since I came out of the closest as being bisexual. Even though I have only dated two people. Everyone made fun of me since I dated a girl then a guy. But I have started to just ignore them and all the kids ignored me in return.

I walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on and took my boxers off that I slept in. I jumped into the shower and was scalded right away for my stupidity for not slowly going into the heat. As I finished washing the soap from my body a loud knock came to the door.

"Yes!?" I yelled out to the person.

"Hurry up! Your going to be late to school!" My mom yelled in. I sighed and turned the shower off. Another day without breakfast.

"Alright I'm just drying off I still have to get my clothes," I said back to my mom.

"Alright but be quick," with that she left and I came out with a towel around my waist. I went to my room and got some clothes out. All my friends knew I was more gay then bi, but I kept that to myself. After two years now of being single I could careless about finding someone, but my wolf wanted to find his mate. I could understand and as he was getting more desperate I was getting sadder everyday. Some days were better then others though. Today wasn't one of those days.

I finally got my clothes on and was going down the stairs when my mom appeared again, a stern look on her face.

"I'm going! I'm going! But first..." I quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed and apple and ran from the house before my mom tried getting me out forcefully. I loved her dearly but she did have those moments where I didn't quite like her. Especially when she got angry. I could feel my wolf laugh inside me at my own thoughts. Luckily I could drive now soooo I got to my car. Nothing nice of course! My dad couldn't let me get a nice car, but I could careless.

It did look a lot better then when I first saw it. I didn't even know the car type, but it worked. All I did know about it was a pickup. It originally was rusted and PINK!! Who would want a pink pickup. My dad thought it was funny but I didn't so as soon as I could, I painted it black. I've spent enough money on the piece of crap too! With all the repairs and getting a new body job that wasn't all rusted costed me a few grand! My wolf found driving annoying. He'd always pace and make me anxious which more then once almost made me crash.

When I got in the car and drove to school I was happy to not be stuck in traffic the whole time. When I finally got to school my best friend was waiting there. I found it funny how he was also my dad's beta's son, so eventually my beta. Out of all the teenagers he showed me the least respect when it came to ordering him around, but he would be at my side in a moments notice if I was in trouble.

As soon as I parked my pickup and stepped out he walked over. "Hey fag," I turned on him and growled. He always called me that, and I've told him many times not too. "You should really get a new car. Your pickup is a little to squeezed for us and some girls." I just rolled my eyes and walked past him. "Oh did I hit a nerve?"

"You know one of these days I'm going to knock you flat on your ass after you call me a fag," he only laughed and patted my back. "But you are right about getting a new car for myself."

"Aren't I always?"

"No you aren't, who said I wanted girls in my new car, all that perfume bugs me," Arturo sighed and shook his head.

"Even though you get mad at me for calling you a fag, you really are one," I growled, watching him. "No offence of course, but come on two years now! Get back and find someone."

"I don't want anyone, I want the right person," he looked at me and I knew behind his blue eyes I meant a mate.

"Dan Dan!!" I heard a shrill high pitched voice yell out to me. I pinned pointed her voice and saw her. Melissa was another of my life long friends.

"Hi," she got up to the two of us and stopped and looked me in the eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong," she rolled her eyes.

"The big old sour puss wants that special someone," Arturo teased. Melis cowed me about how sweet that was. Only Melissa had found her mate, but Arturo hadn't yet, but I could tell that he didn't care as much as me.

"I don't want to be late to class," I growled. Melissa put a hand on my forehead. "What are you doing?"

"Seeing if your sick, something must be wrong if you want to go to class," they both laughed but I just picked up my speed. My wolf was just watching through my eyes like he always did. I knew he grew bored so I had to go for runs to keep him calm.

"No I just want to get through the day," I said back to them. Something stirred my wolf out of his bored, but as soon as that something came it left. "Besides someone is going crazy," I tapped my head with my index finger. The bell rang for everyone to get to class so I hurried to my English class and sat through the boring lecture. My ears took in the data and my hand wrote it down. But my mind was else where. As soon as the bell rang for my next class I packed up and met up with Melissa, since we had next class together we walked together.

She was staying quiet which was odd but I don't know why I'm complaining. We sat down at are seats in math and did are work. I looked over at her but she stayed focused on her work.

"Something wrong?" She looked up as if shocked to see me there.

"No, nothing is wrong," she went back to her work. I sighed and grabbed her pencil.

"Tell me," she only glared at me.

"It's nothing," she said through clenched teeth.

"Lies! Melissa, spill!" She shook her head and went to grab another pencil from her bag. I quickly wrote on her page: 'tell me!' and dropped the pencil back on her page. When she looked up and sat what I wrote she puffed her cheeks out and tried not to yell at me. I could tell I was pestering her so I sighed and erased it quickly.

"Tell me what's wrong Mels," she sighed and shook her head. I started poking her. "Tell me." She glared at me.

"Leave me alone Dan," I whined quietly. She looked at me, I could see in her eyes that see was going to break down and spill so I whined again. "Damn you. It's just that my best friend and I had a major fight."

"Never mind, your fights are always stupid," I looked back down at my work. She slapped me over the back of my head.

"Asshole!" She yelled. Everyone turned to us then went back to work.

"Melissa, language," the teacher warned.

"Sorry," she glared back at me. "But you are one."

"Well it's not my fault that your arguments with your friends bore me, get some guns and murder and I'll sit there and listen to every detail," she just rolled her eyes at me. The bell finally rung for lunch. I shoved all my stuff in my bag and got up and to my locker. I dropped some of my stuff in and grabbed my lunch. Yes my lunch, and yes my mom packed it. That's another reason I can't hate her, she has always done this even if I complained and told her that I hate her. Which isn't often!! And if I do say it I'm joking!

I could smell Arturo behind me. "Mommy still packing your lunches?"

"Your really pushing it today man," he laughed and patted my back.

"You know I'm kidding, besides I take food from you all the time so I can't complain," he went to reach for my lunch and I started to growl. My wolf quickly perked up and guided my eyes to look at everyone in the hall. 'Its nothing, even though we both want it to be someone' my wolf whimpered at my thought.

I noticed that I didn't have my lunch anymore, and Arturo wasn't anywhere in sight. "Bastard!" I soon was on his trail, Melissa was with him too. I followed their trail outside and spotted them rummaging though it. I saw Melissa exclaim and grab something from it. I quickened my pace and snatched my lunch from them. "And for that I'm not allowing either of you any of my food."

"NO!!!" Melissa exclaimed and pounced at me. "I want that cookie!!!" I rolled my eyes at her. I shook my head and held my lunch high above my head out of her reach. She glared and went to sack me. I quickly grabbed her leg.

"Don't even think about doing that," I threatened with a growl. I saw Arturo go behind me. "You either, I'll hurt you."

"Just give us something to eat, and no one gets hurt," I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'll give you guys my scrapes," Melissa glared at me. "Wait...why don't you guys buy your own food!?!"

"Lazy, besides we have you as an amazing friend," Mels said smiling.

"Well that's true, but go buy your own food," I growled, "lazy asses." I whispered the last part.

"Oh come! I saw carrots in there! Give me those!" Arturo whined. I checked and wrinkled my nose at the orange sticks that sat in a container.

"Have fun," I grabbed them and tossed them behind me. They both jumped for them and started to fight over them.

"Mine!!!" Melissa yelled. My wolf whimpered at that one word. 'I know buddy,' I encouragingly thought. I rolled my eyes at the two of them and walked away to grab my stuff that I left in my locker before running after dumb and dumber.

As I stepped in the door my wolf became aware, he stayed quiet but he was looking around with a urgency. I walked through the deserted halls happy that I was alone in peace. I knew I had to go outside again to my friends but I really didn't want to! Although if I didn't one of them would be eating the other. I got to my locker with a smile on my face at that thought. I grabbed my bag and threw my lunch into it. I could smell someone very close to me. So I turned to see a guy standing near me looking nervous.

He had grey eyes and light brown hair, cute. He wore worn jeans and a plain grey t-shirt. He went to say something to me but stopped himself.

"Can I help you?" I asked trying to sound nice, I thought it was good but the guy looked even more scared now.

" it's...ah...nothing," he went to turn but I grabbed his shoulder gently. I looked him in the face and my wolf didn't respond in anyway. So I took that as a sign to date but not fall for him.

"No you wanted to say something to me so say it," he opened his mouth but closed it again quickly. He was shaking slowly. "Hey it's okay man, what do you have to say?" I smiled at him.

"I was wonder i-if maybe you'd like to g-go out somet-time," he closed his eyes. I rubbed the shoulder I was holding.

"Sure, how about Friday night?" He looked at me with a massive smile on his face and nodded rapidly. "Alright then, want to come eat with me...and my weird friends?"

"If you want me too," I let go if him and started walking back to them, I could hear his footsteps behind me. He got beside me and I went to wrap an arm around his shoulders. He backed away and looked at me sheepishly. "I don't want everyone to know I'm gay," I nodded and kept walking, him right beside me.

"So what's your name? I'm Danny."

"I'm Elliot," I smiled and nodded. We made it outside and I could see my friends still fighting over those damn carrots. "Please don't say those are your friends."

"They are, just act normal and don't feed them. Also they sense fear," I laughed but he didn't even smile. "Oh come on and loosen up." He nodded, a weak smile went across his lips. "Your becoming less attractive if you can't take a joke," he laughed, I glared at him knowing it was completely fake. "Forget it sour puss."

"Well I just don't find it funny, especially since I'm nervous right now," I sighed and hugged him close. He tried to get away so I let him and walked over to my fighting friends. They were fighting full out, Arturo had a scratch down his face. I leaned down and grabbed the carrots.

"I think I might eat these instead," they both looked at shock at me, then lunged at me. I jumped out of the way pushing Elliot out of the way.

"Dan no one is getting hurt if you give me the carrots," Melissa said glaring at me.

"Honestly I think Arturo deserves them more," he smiled in victory, "but I think Elliot is going to get them instead." They both glared at him.

"I DON'T WANT THEM!!!!!!" He exclaimed and backed away.

"Fine, I'll eat them then," I opened the container and grabbed one and ate it. I shivered at the taste. Disgusting orange sticks of death. I swallowed it quickly. "Yummy," I lied through a fake smile.

"Lying piece of shit!!" Melissa exclaimed and pounced at me, making me fall, the carrots spilled all over the ground. Arturo quickly pounced on them and tried to grab as many as possible cleaning them. I laughed as Melissa joined in. I snuck over to Elliot and wrapped an arm around him.

"Don't you love my friends, they are already bowing down at your feet," he smiled trying not to laugh, I smiled as well. The two of them glared up at me.

"I thought that you weren't going to date anyone till that special someone," Arturo whispered inaudible to anyone who wasn't a werewolf. I nodded slightly. "Then explain him."

"He had balls and asked me out," I whispered back.

"We're not bowing at your feet, just trying to get fed for the day," Arturo said. I smiled and hugged Elliot closer. I scanned over the school grounds. My wolf has been on high alert all day since this morning.

"Meh, I find it bowing, or grovelling...ya grovelling is much better," I smiled evilly down at them. Melissa growled at me quietly. "Oh just eat your carrots." The four of us finally settled down to eat are lunch, after much arguing I got Elliot to lean against me. We talked casually until the bell rang. I tried to walk Elliot to class but he refused so I let him go.

School went by slowly...and boringly!! My wolf wouldn't stop making me anxious so I was fidgeting the rest of the day. When I finally got out my wolf was scanning the hallways through my eyes, it was annoying as hell! My friends noticed but didn't ask anything about it. I got to my locker and quickly got my junk and headed for the door. I finally got out and went to my truck.


I hope you enjoyed. And sorry if some parts are boring but I have to establish the characters! Oh and suggestions are appreciated. Or any comments really, hehe

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