a mother's protection spell

By adognumber1

6.1K 68 13

Cinder fall was never supposed to hear that cry that day. She was never supposed to make that deal. Now she i... More

A red rose in the flame
Red like flames that fill my dreams
The vale of lies disappear
A beacon of hope? Or despair?
In the heat of battle
Burning heart warm the cold
A burning passion for knowledge
A trip to the callows
A chance encounter with destiny
An illusory fang. A real difference
Aria of a flame. Burning brighter
An icy resolve. A mother's fire
Embers burn bright. A flame to behold
A fool's errand. A lovely host
It's a start. Some just want to watch it burn
Time to say goodbye. The storm is growing deadly
A point where it tips. A point where it breaks
Couldn't take it. Couldn't stand another minute
One winged raven. And nevermore
Newsflash. Damage control
A qrow and raven walk into a bar
Boiling point.
A day in the life
Here comes the dawn.
The ice winds come in.
the winds still, and the cold chills
a framework of lies
A mother's flame vs An heiress's cold resolve!
a mother's story. a daughters story

The flaming rose of vengeance

387 6 0
By adognumber1

A/N grammar edits

Cinder pov

The next morning cinder woke up in their crapy apartment with a splitting headache "Mama!" Ruby exclaimed from her crib "Ughh i'm here ruby. Oh brothers my head." She changed her diaper while dizzy then took a cold shower. And now awake came back to her room wondering if any of what happened last night was real. Then she saw the note (Hello miss fall i used the last of my power to leave you this note. The spirit bonded to you is extremely volatile and in most circumstances won't come out in daylight. And no rider ever remembers the first night, so hope your body didn't do anything crazy! But all the same hope you enjoy the power of hell!) Then the note tuned to ash.

"Okay don't panic. So i made a deal with the devil. So what! All that matters is ruby and neo are safe... and maybe roman." She calmed herself and looked at her Pyro gem "you're going to be a great woman one day ruby! Neo too, you both will be better then all of us. And i'll murder anyone who tries to hurt you girls." And secretly kissed her head. Then she walked out for breakfast, rolling her eyes at the 7 year old trying to eat ice cream for breakfast.

"Neo!" She said getting her attention then signed [no ice cream for breakfast okay? as much as i adore your disdain for rules, you will ruin your teeth if you only eat sweets] The girl then replied [okay] while sulking back to her cereal. "Well if you want you can eat while watching tv." Then the little girl ran to the living room and the 3 of them all enjoyed the morning. "Where is roman?" The silent ice cream thief signed over her head while ruby crawled on her lap to watch tv [Work]
"Already?" The little girl simply nodded.
Cinder wasn't entirely sure what kind of work he did only knowing it wasn't legal. "Well what say you, me and ruby go see a movie then?" She beamed and signed [really?! Can i pick please!] She smiled at the return of normalcy in her life. "Of course you can kiddo!" She seemed excited and without thinking signed [thanks mom!]

Causing cinder to stare mouth agape at the little girl who ran to her room to change. She couldn't fathom why she signed that "P-p-probably misspoke or something." Said cinder to ruby not understanding how someone could see her as a mom. Ruby dealt the second blow saying "Mama!" Leaving the teenager a completely embarrassed blushing mess. But happy all the same.

Cinder pov After the movie

"Thought that would never be over!" Said cinder jokingly. She secretly enjoyed the movie, about a fish looking for its offspring, and then after grabbing some snacks at the food cart for the two of them, and using her huntress license for a huntsman discount. That's when it happened. "Oh sorry miss excuse me!" Said cinder bumping into a middle aged blond women. "Hmm Oh that's quite alright. Oh here." She said grabbing what cinder dropped "you dropped your license miss... huh?" The blond looked shocked and confused slightly. 'Ok no big deal just give me back my license'

Then the blond handed it back saying "That's a very pretty last name miss rose. And a lovely white cloak as well." Cinder smiled and said "Yeah i get that a lot, and thanks. Let's go girls." After they got a few feet away then something weird happened. "!!!!" Her body froze in a light purple glow. And she flew back towards the women, who looked ready to kill. "Do you also get told, your appearance reminds someone of a girl named summer rose a lot!?" Before cinder could answer ruby said "Mama!" The blond looked whiter then cinders cloak. "R-ruby?" The woman responded. "Kids run!!!" Cinder cried but was rewarded with a hard Slam into the concrete ground by the invisible force holding her.

Thankfully activating her aura in time. "KIDNAPPING AND MURDER!" Screamed the blond, lifting and slamming cinder down again and again. "AND IDENTITY THEFT!" It would appear this woman knew ruby's mother, and was less then pleased by cinders actions. 'Guhhh gotta get out of here oof, this bitch is crazy!' So cinder used her semblance to blow apart the ground beneath her feet, causing the bond telepath to lose her grip. Now free and instead of retaliation, she ran and shielded her girls. Looking over her shoulder she asked "You alright?" Neo nodded and signed [kick her crazy ass!] Cinder smiled and nodded back.

Now looking back at the blond she said, "I don't know who you are, or your relationship to that corpse named rose. But if you think that i'm just going to let you take my kids. Then lady you've got another thing coming!" The blond glared so cold she felt shivers down her spine. And she said "My name is Glynda Goodwitch. And your kids!? Please madame, your nothing but a psycho playing house." Perhaps it was the mention of her kids? Or the use of the word madame. But regardless, glynda couldn't respond in time. "Die!!!!" Cinder flew so fast and far that she was already right in melee range!

Cinder pov glynda vs cinder fight!
[Violence warning]

Cinder felt the rage and literal burning hatred she had for this woman named glynda. And thankfully her skin didn't burn away yet but she used actual flames not just super heating her palms. But actual pyrokinesis! And after hurling herself across the street using an explosion of red hot fire screaming "Die!!!!"
She quickly made a genuine steel knife Out of thin air! Not in the proper mindset to think or talk cinder didn't quite understand the awesome power of hells greatest warrior spirit.

Glynda looked shocked exclaiming. "The fall maid-gahh!" Cinder cut her off literally. If not for Goodwitch's aura she would be dead. A fact which pissed cinder off to no end. "Raghhh!" Cinder exclaimed giving into raw hatred rather then her usual methodical fighting style. And the blows she was raining down on the new headmistress of beacon academy, we're doing a great deal of damage. After wearing the woman down, cinder heard the woman's scroll chime, it appears she still had it in tournament mode announcing her fighting strength a foolish mistake on her part. (Glynda Goodwitch aura 75%) She decided to finally fight tactical.

Cinder used an explosion to hurl the woman right into a solid brick wall, damaging it and then running to grab the woman by the throat, she super heated her hands and choke slammed her into the street. And straddling on top. She super heated her fist and lit them on fire, then delivered a right hook followed by a left, over and over again so fast it was almost inhuman. Never giving the blond time to think during her merciless street pummeling, she could hear the scroll repeatedly chime (Glynda Goodwitch aura 50% 45% 30% 25% critical, 15%) and after one more mighty blow (Glynda Goodwitch aura 0% imminent Danger seek help.) She finally stopped beating her, she was panting fire puffs, and grabbed her by the neck saying "Listen well you bitch! Nobody talks about me in front of my daughters like that or tries to kidnap them!" She said finally being able to claim them as her daughters. Then headbutting the blond unconscious. The bystanders cheered at what looked like a mother giving the smack down to a lady trying to take her kids.

She got up and went towards her girls "you okay girls!" But before she saw it a large scythe landed in front of her. She remade her knife and got ready. She then saw a man with grey hair and glasses sipping out of a mug. "Now now let's all cool our heads." He said in a very calm almost tired voice. Next to him was. "Hey your that stinky weirdo! From the day that bird was following me!" True enough it was the same man wielding a flask having just thrown his weapon blocking her. "Sorry little lady, but you're coming with us, we got questions first of which is why our headmistress is laying there out cold." She brought up her guard and moved to shield the girls and said. "Listen, that crazy bimbo attacked me first and threatened my daughters, so i messed her all up. Why the hell should i go with you?"

The grey haired man stepped forward and spoke. "Excuse me miss, I'm terribly sorry for the harm my colleague tried to inflict on you, but my name is professor ozpin headmaster of beacon academy. Perhaps we could work this out like adults?" She thought for a moment 'no way i could get away fighting them, i would surely go to jail' so she made a show of contemplating, while her left hand moved behind her and sneakily signed to neo [we. going. if. danger. find. roman. run. raise. ruby.] She looked back at her and neo gave a small teary nod. She smiled at HER daughters, and said "Okay but please bring them with. And call an ambulance for mistress Goodbitch over there." The young flask wielding man snorted at that, while ozpin smirked slyly. "Fair enough. Qrow tend to miss Goodwitch please, ladies follow me."

After following ozpin to a private bullhead they all got in. The little girls marveling at the sights while cinder sized up the headmaster, "What do you want from me?" Ozpin sipped his mug and said "Oh nothing much, although we both know that the reason miss Goodwitch attacked was because she noticed you in summer rose's cloak, and using her license correct?" He asked casually. She made her hands catch fire and stated "Not the first time someone used anything they had for their survival outside of prim and proper vale, is it?"

He smiled knowingly and said "What a magical trick using flames like that. But you're unfortunately right, it's just that particular woman was a fine student of this academy. And we all knew her quite well, and mister qrow and miss goodwitch are a lot less patient and forgiving of mistakes then i." She extinguished the fire stating "I didn't kill the bitch, only took her clothes and money then burned her to ash. I was 15 and needed to survive so being seen as a huntress got me here, i even helped some people fight grimm isn't that what you guys stand for?" He then came back with "Oh? My thanks then, and that's all you did correct?" She nodded "Ah but what happened to little miss ruby, summers baby? She was pronounced dead along with her i imagine burning a baby's corpse must have been hard on a teen mom herself."

Cinder started sweating, "Come to think of it? Ruby rose would have been around the same age as your youngest. I don't know whether i could have had the strength to do that myself." She then hissed out "What are you implying old man." He smirked "Prefer to cut the runaround then? Alright is that summer rose's baby ruby?" She felt hate deep emanating hate and said. "She's mine! Not that dead bitch summer's dead kid. Mine! And if you try to take her i'll kill all of you." He didn't look outwardly phased but his eyes widening told her he was shocked. "I see... you certainly seem too attached too her for her not to be your child. My apologies. However you do possess an ability that only 4 young women possess so i would like it greatly if you could attend beacon academy as a new student would you like that miss?" She said "Cinder, cinder fall. If you want me that bad, then i've got conditions."

He nodded. "Name them." She was a little shocked at his willingness to hear them but said "Number 1 i want both my daughters under my care and full custody, i'm talking birth certificates biological identification that i gave birth to ruby fall, forge it if you have to. Number 2 they live with me on campus it's the safest place to stay with food provided and they get free admission when of age. Number 3 you give the same offer to Neo's father roman torchwick and a biological identification for him as the father as well. These are non negotiable terms."

He seemed to ponder saying something about her wants, but looked slightly wistful at the way she slid to block her daughters from his sight and said "I accept your terms fall maiden." That confused her 'like the fairy-tale? Oh great he probably nicknamed me like roman did ughhh' he then added "It's a damn shame ruby rose died though, and she never got to see her sister again." That hit her in the heart a little 'he's testing my convection don't give an inch she's mine! No one else's' cinder said "Really is sad, but the world can be a cruel bitch like that." He gave her a look that said (not just the world) but she chose to ignore it.

"Well then welcome to your new home beacon academy miss fall, and miss neo as well as miss ruby. Please enjoy your free month on campus before school starts." Cinder couldn't believe it. She was here at beacon with her family, she had to suffer and kill and steal, but she made it! It felt like a big middle finger to her biological parents she never met. And all the jerks she had to kill and climb over to get here like Rhodes and the madame, but she did it. "I DID IIIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!" She screamed so hard while on her knees crying. while clutching her hard fought for daughters, Neopolitan Torchwick-Fall and Ruby Fall. They were finally safe... for now at least.

Author's notes
Well now that was a hard first arc to write! From a way cinder could be put on the path of greatness without doing a deus ex machina on her personality like most fics tend to do. I figured it was a good blend of her negative traits with an interesting growth as a person please comment on what you're thoughts are. Cinder fall was always a traumatized person but if she hadn't met salems forces that day like she would have, but instead found a young girl who could be her light. Her bright sunflower. As always please join us in the next chapter A beacon of hope? Or despair? But until then true believers excelsior!

Stay tuned for updates to my other fic along came fate in which misato katsuragi of neon genesis evangelion is the spider-girl of her universe and the first chapter of my black lagoon centric story sharpened claws! In which our favorite ambidextrous gunslinger gets a not so friendly neighborhood metore friend in her universe. Both stories will eventually cross over into this one once the ghost rider cinder fall becomes the protector of the multiverse as the sorcerer supreme!

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