Dreams of War, Dreams of Liars

By Zana_Zoola14

3.2K 97 1.3K

Weird things happen with Jedi and smoke. More

Dreams of Dragon's Fire
And of Things that will Bite
Beast under your bed
Say your prayers
In your head
Going for a swim
That's Kote to you
But it's sand!
The Lakes of Naboo
Held Hostage
So, A Jetii

Include everyone

205 10 30
By Zana_Zoola14

Obi-Wan growled, opening up the next set of draws.

Anakin paused in Obi-Wan's doorway, looking around at the mess. "You alright?" He could see that various pairs of tunics were thrown across the bed.

"I can not find my causal robe," Obi-Wan muttered, growling as another draw showed the lack of that robe.

"Are you sure that you didn't lose it as you do with the others?" Anakin questioned, moving further into the room, hearing the door hiss closed behind him.

"I don't take it out to battle, so there is no way for me to lose it," Obi-Wan stated.

"Why don't you just wear some of your other robes for the time being?" Anakin suggested, "what is so different with this one?"

"It's made out of a softer material," Obi-Wan explained before nodding, "I'll just wear one of the others."

Anakin watched as Obi-Wan walked over and dramatically threw open the doors of his wardrobe.

"Except there is none." Obi-Wan stared in his robe-free wardrobe.

Anakin sighed. Pinching his brow, he quickly commed Cody. "Obi-Wan seems to have lost his robes. Do you have any?"

"Yes, sir, I have the one he dropped last battle; I was going to give it to the cleaners," Cody spoke, "should I bring it to the General instead?"

Anakin bit his lip to stop himself from laughing as Obi-Wan perked up at the sound of the Commander's voice. "Yes, bring it down as soon as you can. He's in his quarters at the moment."

"Sir, yes, sir."

Anakin could not stop laughing as Obi-Wan almost sprung into action, cleaning the room.


Anakin watched as Obi-Wan turned to face the door even before he'd started to feel the Commander's presence. He bit his lip to stop his laugh as Obi-Wan opened the door before Cody had come to a complete stop.

"Ah, Cody! I believe you've been asked to bring me something?" Obi-Wan grinned, inviting Cody into the room.

"And I believe it is because you keep losing things," Cody stated back, handing Obi-Wan the robe so that he could remove his helmet.

Obi-Wan scratched his beard sheepishly. "I don't know how I lost them; it's not like I brought them all with me to the battle."

"You lose things even outside of battle, and you know that."

"Would you like some tea while you're here?" Obi-Wan asked, moving towards one of his larger drawers. Opening it up, he showed Cody the extensive collection.

"What was it I had last time?" Cody asked.

"Shig with added peppermint," Obi-Wan grinned.

"I'd like some of that if you still have it," Cody nodded.

"Of course!"

Anakin raised an eyebrow at the interaction before leaving to see whether Ahsoka needed help finding anything.


Anakin paused in Ahsoka's doorway. "Snips, what in The Force?!"

Ahsoka looked up from where she was trying to get the plant into the old food container. She grinned, knowing she was covered in dirt. "They looked lonely!"


"All the plants!" Ahsoka chirped, pointing to the range of plants around her. "I even got flowering plants!"

"Snips, why did you take them?" Anakin asked.

"They looked lonely," Ahsoka stated, crossing her arms.

"Snips, you're not meant to take planets from their planet," Anakin sighed, "did you even see whether they were happy to go with you? Check whether they felt healthy with The Force?"

Ahsoka bit her lip before shaking her head. "I forgot to do that," Ahsoka muttered.

"Plants are important and have feelings; remember that," Anakin smiled, crouching down in front of his Padawan. "Now go get clean before you spread it all over."

Ahsoka nodded, heading for her fresher.

"Next time, remember to check with the plant first," Anakin called just before she disappeared from view.

Ahsoka smiled. "Will do!" She chirped.


Anakin paused in Rex's doorway. "You've got to be rancor-osiking me," Anakin sighed as he stared at Rex.

Rex's eyes went wide as he looked up to find the General at his doorway. "Sir!" He couldn't salute, not with his rocks in hand.

"Why do you have lots of polished rocks around you?" Anakin asked, looking down at the rocks surrounding the kneeling Captain, "and are you using wax on them?"

"I– er– they looked lonely?" Rex offered. Rex grinned sheepishly at the look the General threw him. "I saw them and just grabbed them. Not sure why. And they looked dirty, and when I cleaned them, they looked like they'd take a wax-polish well."

Anakin sighed, pinching his brow. He backed out of the room, deciding this was not something he should have to deal with.


Anakin grinned, working on improving the motor within the mouse droid. He looked through one of the piles, finding the spring he was looking for. Sitting back down, he finished assembling everything. "There, how does that run?" He asked, placing the droid back down onto the floor.

Anakin chuckled as the droid squealed happily around the room. "I should have something for that squealing if you want?" Anakin laughed as the mouse droid started to protest. "Alright, nothing for the squealing. Off you go then."

A loud beeping filled the air, spooking the mouse droid out of the room.

Anakin answered his comm, seeing Padmé appear.

"You know you owe me," Padmé started.

"What do I owe you for?" Anakin frowned.

"I'm a dragon."

"Continue," Anakin stated, swallowing back anything else.

"There is this book that I want, Mando'a basics, but they're not allowing me to have it," Padmé sighed, "maybe they'd be fine with selling it to you."

Anakin sighed, "send me through the location, and I'll see what I can do."

"I've topped up your account as well," Padmé grinned.


"How have you gotten these many books within such a short amount of time," Anakin gasped, looking at the various bookshelves around the room, "I don't think I've seen this many paper books in one place that wasn't an old library!"

"Hush," Padmé laughed, "I just like them."


Cody looked down at the pile of robes in his storage box.



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