Surprising turn - a turn for...

By Gwendoline_Snape

769 145 0

Victoria Elizabeth Lestrange, she was raised all her life to be the perfect Death Eater. The feeling of love... More

Chapter 1 ~ Home is not a place - it is a feeling
Chapter 2 ~ The Slytherin Ice Prince
Chapter 3 ~ A new year at Hogwarts has begun.
Chapter 4 ~ Just leave me alone ...
Chapter 5 ~ Life just makes it unnecessarily difficult for many ....
Chapter 6 ~ I was paralyzed, there was nothing I could do.
Chapter 7 ~ The Eternal Darkness, that Eternal Nothing.
Chapter 8 ~ A chaos of feelings and thoughts.
Chapter 9 ~ What is that feeling?
Chapter 10 ~ Will either of us be a murderer at the end of the school year?
Chapter 11 ~ Fear as a constant companion
Chapter 12 ~ What If It Comes To A Fight?
Chapter 13 ~ The burning on my forearm was answer enough.
Chapter 14 ~ How could I be so mistaken in a person ...?
Chapter 15 ~ "I will never forget what was between us."
Chapter 16 ~ The true letter is poetic in nature
Chapter 17 ~ When the Night is Silent ...
Chapter 18 ~ What Did You Do? - Too much
Chapter 19 ~ Keep your secret from yourself too.
Chapter 20 ~ What's Up? - I can't anymore...
Chapter 21 ~ A drop of love is more than an ocean of mind
Chapter 22 ~ It breaks you very slowly and draggingly ...
Chapter 23 ~ Secret of the great silence before midnight?
Chapter 24 ~ Devil in the blood and madness in the head
Chapter 25 ~ Love makes you smile when you are tired
Chapter 26 ~ The past is history - the future a mystery
Chapter 27 ~ The time has come...
Chapter 28 ~ Commissioned by Tom Marvolo Riddle
Chapter 29 ~ The burden of standing on the other side
Chapter 30 ~ "Oh dear Lestrange, do you really want to challenge it!?"
Chapter 31 ~ The last time in life...
Chapter 32 ~ Accepting help has nothing to do with weakness!
Chapter 33 ~ Alone you are strong - together unbeatable
Chapter 34 ~ Waiting takes more strength than action
Chapter 35 ~ The fear of failure is my enemy
Chapter 37 ~ What are you trying to explain to me...?
Chapter 38 ~ Two cruel people fit like a glove...
Chapter 39 ~ It's too late to back down...
Chapter 40 ~ Death is permanent damage
Chapter 41 ~ Half the truth is mostly a whole lie...
Chapter 42 ~ When you are at the end, no one can be behind you...
Chapter 43 ~ Less words, more deeds
Chapter 44 ~ Death or Azkaban? - I prefer death...
Chapter 45 ~ Take care, Harry Potter...
Chapter 46 ~ An ace up your sleeve...?
Chapter 47 ~ Run...!
Chapter 48 ~ Is it him? Is it Harry Potter?
Chapter 49 ~ Do you feel the anger of the dark lord...?
Chapter 50 ~ For a brief moment, the horror of the world was forgotten...
Chapter 51 ~ There is no way around the battle anymore...
Chapter 52 ~ Hope in this hopeless world...
Chapter 53 ~ Here we go! Prepare yourself... Also for eventual death.
Chapter 54 ~ If you're still standing, keep fighting...!
Chapter 55 ~ He who fights can lose. Who does not fight has already lost.
Chapter 56 ~ An hour in which the living become dead...
Chapter 57 ~ Eyes glowing red in the light of the fire.
Chapter 58 ~ Only the dead saw the end of the war...
Chapter 59 ~ Evil is a consuming fire...
Chapter 60 ~ Not a good book, show its good side first...
Chapter 61 ~ Evil proliferates, good penetrates...
Chapter 62 ~ "Who are you going to use for your shield today, Potter?"
Chapter 63 ~ Who believes in good causes good.....
Chapter 64 ~ Peace is not everything, but without peace everything is nothing...
Chapter 65 ~ How the waves broke on the rocks....
Chapter 66 ~ The title writes the story

Chapter 36 ~ You know what that means...

4 2 0
By Gwendoline_Snape

Victoria's Pov.

Some would say that young people have it easy.
Their whole lives would lie ahead of them.
They still have so much to look forward to.
For example, graduation.
Also the beginning and end of the training.
When you earn your first money and are no longer dependent on anyone.
When you can afford your first apartment.
When you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
When you bring children into the world and pass on all your experiences to them on their own path through life.
If you're happy and don't want to change your life with anyone in the world, then you've done everything right.
Every day I thought about what my life would be like if I hadn't been born to Bellatrix Lestrange.
If I had grown up in a loving family.
How would that have shaped my life?
It's always these "what if..." questions that nobody has an answer to.
Nobody could tell you anything about your future.
Nobody could describe your life to you if it had happened differently.
Nobody has the power to change anything.
Except yourself.
But even that is not always as easy as it sounds.
When you're born into a family, it's hard to turn away from it.
You are who you are.
I shook my head briefly and blinked a few times.
I hadn't even noticed that I must have stared at the opposite wall for several minutes.
I closed my eyes briefly.
They felt tired and a bit dry.
I figured when I was staring holes in the wall I forgot to blink.
My leg also started to tingle.
I looked under the table and didn't wonder why my leg had gone to sleep.
I had crossed my legs and must have held this position for some time as I still didn't feel part of my leg.
I swiveled my head to the right and spotted Blaise talking to some of the other sixth year Slytherins.
Several weeks, even months ago, Draco and Blaise's friendship slowly began to unravel.
He always wanted to know what we were doing all the time when we weren't there.
He'd asked Draco about it many times, but Draco always tried to brush him off or change the subject.
The arguments between the two could often be heard throughout Hogwarts on their heyday.
The walls have ears, the teachers always said.
I thought this was nonsense.
Unless you mean the talking and moving paintings.
Zabini also tried to talk to me several times.
But I couldn't tell about it any more than Draco.
I tried to keep my answers short, to the point, and to the point.
Little satisfied with that, Blaise chose to avoid and ignore us.
I think that was the best solution to this problem.
Especially since Draco and I most likely won't be staying here until the end of school.
I looked away from him and could make out a shock of peroxide blonde hair at the entrance to the great hall.
Draco gestured for me to follow him and after a few seconds he stuck his head out of the hall again.
I had no idea what he was up to.
I finally got up and aimed at the great double doors of the hall.
I felt Blaise's piercing gaze on the back of my neck.
However, tried to ignore him and increased my pace.
When I stepped out of the hall, the aisle in front of me was empty.
I couldn't see Draco anywhere until I was suddenly yanked into another hallway.
And could make out young Malfoy in front of me.
"What's this about?" I asked, looking confused.
"We need to take another look at the vanishing cabinet," Draco replied shortly, leading the way.
"Why?  It doesn't work anyway," I didn't understand what he was getting at.
The cabinet was completely gone.
I tried to keep up with Draco and caught up a bit.
"If it doesn't work, we'll be dead before Dumbledore is," the Ice Prince sputtered dead serious, but didn't bother to slow his pace.
He was right, if we failed to get the Death Eaters into Hogwarts, that would be our death sentence.
As Draco turned a corner, he stopped abruptly and pulled me behind an alcove.
I didn't understand and therefore peeked around the corner.
When I spotted Potter and Ginny Weasley, who were just disappearing into the Room of Requirement, I pulled my head back and then stepped out of our hiding place.
"What are they doing in there?" I threw up angrily, stepping towards the cool stone wall.
Draco didn't answer as a questioning expression graced his face as well.
He just shrugged and stepped next to me.
I paced up and down the wall three times and waited for the familiar wooden door to form.
I opened it carefully and quietly and tried to make as little noise as possible.
I entered the room and immediately sucked in the stuffy air.
Beads of sweat immediately formed on my forehead.
It was indescribably hot in the room.
I gently pulled Draco behind a mountain of books and walked down the small path of pushed away clutter.
I kept my eyes on the ground and tried not to trip over anything.
Behind me, Draco had less success as he repeatedly fell over books or boxes lying on the floor with his two left legs.
At least he wasn't making any noise too loud for Potter or Ginny Weasley to hear us.
I made my way further and followed the two from a safe distance.
They stopped in a small free space, only a few meters away from the vanishing cabinet.
I felt like slapping myself at that moment, realizing that neither Draco nor I had covered the cabinet.
But Potter and his little friend didn't seem to have noticed yet.
They started to speak, but I couldn't understand a single word.
They were too far away and all the junk and the high ceiling of the room muffled the spoken words.
I could see little Weasley taking a book from Potter's hand and disappearing.
A few minutes later, she reappeared in front of him, but this time without the book.
She must have hidden it somewhere, but I didn't know why.
I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Draco was still behind me.
When I looked ahead again, I saw Potter and Ginny Weasley kissing.
I grimaced in disgust and looked away.
I could read a similar reaction on Draco's face.
He seemed resentful of that, too.
Suddenly there was a clatter and I realized that young Malfoy had bumped into a box full of plates and cutlery.
Startled, I looked at the two lovebirds and hoped they hadn't noticed us.
They broke apart and turned their attention to the sound.
However, they could not make out where it came from and finally decided to make their way back.
As little Weasley turned around, she banged her shoulder against the vanishing cabinet, opening the door.
I could make out excited chirping and flapping of wings as I watched the little blue bird fly out of the cabinet.
I couldn't believe my eyes and turned to Draco.
"You know what that means..."

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