Three Eyes, Six Fingers (Stan...

By RynnTabris

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"It can be difficult at times. But if you having knowledge of events that happen in future that you can't te... More

Some things before we get started
Chapter 1: The Necklace
Chapter 2: The Kings of New Jersey
Chapter 3: A Bus Ride
Chapter 4: Prom (part 1)
Chapter 5: Prom (part 2)
Chapter 6: Prom (part 3)
Chapter 7: The Science Project (part 1)
Chapter 8: The Science Project (part 2)
Chapter 9: The Mistake
Chapter 10: Welcome to Backupsmore
Chapter 11: Confessions
Chapter 12: The Grant
Chapter 13: Home Again (part 1)
Chapter 14: Home Again (part 2)
Chapter 15: Welcome to Gravity Falls
Chapter 16: The Unexpected
Chapter 17: The Portal (part 1)
Chapter 18: The Portal (part 2)
Chapter 19: Catching Up
Chapter 20: The Murder Hut
Chapter 21: April 25th, 1982
Chapter 22: Someone to Trust
Chapter 23: The Accident
Chapter 24: New Research
Chapter 25: Intimacy
Chapter 26: The Truth
Author's Note
Chapter 27: Answers
Chapter 28: New Friendships
Chapter 29: Ahmad's Shop of Wonders
Chapter 30: The Rabbit
Chapter 31: Soos
Chapter 32: Talking to Abuelita
Chapter 33: The Girl
Chapter 34: Worry
Chapter 35: Engagement
Chapter 36: Tourist Trapped
Chapter 37: The Boy Who Cried... Werewolf?
Chapter 38: Not What They Seem
Chapter 39: A Tale of Two Stans
Chapter 40: Forgiveness
Chapter 41: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
Chapter 42: The Dream
Chapter 44: Comfort

Chapter 43: The Last Mabelcorn

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By RynnTabris


I was enjoying a nice peaceful sleep for once when I suddenly jolted into Ford's dream.  He was in a field of wheat with a ruined swingset, universe portal, and the Stan 'O War.  Ford looked around as the wheat is flattened around him, and I quickly crouched down to keep my presence concealed.  The image was in the likeness of Bill Cipher and began to glow blue. The flying Doritos' maniacal laughter echoed around the field.

Ford scowled.  "I know that laugh...  Show yourself!"  He yelled before turning around see the triangle materialize from the ground.

  "Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well!"  Cipher said as multiple copies of himself appeared around my husband. "Aren't you a sight for sore eye! Stanford Filbrick Pines, my old pal!"  His gaze then fixed upon where I was hiding.  "It's no use hiding from me, toots.  Come join the party, Y/N!"  My breath hitched as another clone of Bill appeared behind me and shoved me into view.

  Ford's eyes widened in surprise at my presence in the dream, but he wrapped his arms around me protectively nonetheless.  "Bill Cipher. What do you want from us?"  He growled.

  "Oh, quit playing dumb, IQ!" The triangle's voice switched to one of the copies.  "You knew I'd be back!  And Three Eyes already knew."  It flicked Ford's nose. "You think shutting down that portal could stop what I have planned?"  Bill and his copies merged into a giant flying Dorito, looming over us. "I've been making deals, chatting with old friends, preparing for the big day!  You can't keep that rift safe forever." He snapped his fingers and a replica of the dimensional rift appeared in his hand.  "You'll slip up, and when you do...!"  The monster threw the rift onto the ground, where it creates a massive portal in the shape of an upside-down triangle, which started to burn the wheat field around us.

  "Get out of here!"  My husband shouted.  "You have no dominion in our world!"

  "Maybe not right now, but things change, Stanford Pines!"  Bill ascended up into the portal. "Things..." his voice warped into a deep demonic voice, "change."  The stupid triangle laughed as he flew away, leaving Ford and I in the middle of the burning wheat field in the ring of fire.

  We woke up.  Ford was panting when he sat up.  I looked up at my husband as put on his glasses.  He turned to me, fear evident in eyes.  "We have to warn them!" He looked down at his hands.  "He's coming." 

  I lightly placed my hand on his arm.  "Fordsie, no one is up right now except for us."

After a few moments to steady his breathing, he slowly nodded. "Alright... I guess that gives us time to discuss how you were in my dream." Ford said with a side glance.

I groaned. "I guess I have to. I was hoping to avoid this topic for..." I sighed heavily. "Basically forever." I got up and took my journal from the shelf. I sat back down next to my husband and flipped to my notes on Daluh. "Read this and the next page."

As he scanned the pages, I felt anxiety gnawing at my stomach. When he was done, he shut my journal and sighed.  "I can see why you wouldn't want to share this with me..."  He set it aside and rubbed his temples.  "This is worse than I imagined it to be." 

  I chewed on my lip.  "Major things could happen and I would have no idea of the outcome."  I placed my head in my hands.  "It scares me, Stanford.  If something happens to any of you I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." 

  I felt his arm wrap around me.  "Whatever happens, we'll figure something out." 

  "That isn't something you can promise me, Ford." 

  "I can at least promise to try my best." 

  I looked up at him from my prone position.  He had a soft expression on his face.  I kissed him gently on the lips.  "Thank you for not assuming the worst out of me." 

  Ford stroked my hair.  "Well if I did that then you would probably kick me out of bed and make me sleep on the couch for a week."  He joked lightly. 

  "I would never."

  He hummed in faux skepticism as he laid us back down on the bed.  "I don't know, you get pretty upset when I assume the worst out of situations." 

  "You know I'll always forgive you eventually, Fordsie."  I smiled as he cuddled up to me and started to kiss my neck. 

  "Mhmm.  I'm working on being better about that.  For now though..."  My husband nuzzled me.  "I'll spend every waking moment trying to make up for how I treated you."


Later in the day, Ford and I went to the living room table and laid out some things. I ran downstairs to grab his bag as he called for the family meeting. As I set the duffel down, the children rushed in. Teddy and Winter came in moments later.

  Ford stopped laying out his papers on the table and sat down. "Ah, children.  Come in, come in!" 

  Mabel stood on the chair next to mine and her eyes lit up.  "Ooh, mysterious scrolls and potions!  Are you going to tell us we're finally of age to go to wizard school?"  She started rummaging through the bag.  "Is there an owl in this bag?"  My niece asked excitedly.

  My husband quickly moved the duffel away from her.  "No!  I can assure you if there's an owl in this bag, he's long dead."  Mabel frowned as he continued.  "Now children, do either of you recognize this symbol?"  Ford held up a scroll emblazoned with the image of Bill Cipher and several Egyptian hieroglyphs surrounding it.

  Teddy's eyes grew big as the kids gasped.  "Bill."  Dipper muttered ominously.

  Ford glanced at me in concern.  "You... you know him?"  He cautiously asked his nephew.

  "Know him?  He's been terrorizing us all summer!  I have so many questions and theories..." 

  "Dipper's been pretty paranoid since Bill turned him into a living sock puppet."  Mabel interjected.

  "The important thing is we defeated him twice."  Dip said in affirmation.

  Mabel nodded happily.  "Once with kittens and once with tickles!"

  Dipper scowled.  "It was a lot more heroic than it sounds."  He said in protest.

  My son and his wife looked at me with confusion written all over his face.  I gave him a "I'll fill you in on the details later" look before directing my focus back to my husband.

  "The fact that you've dealt with Bill is gravely serious."  Ford muttered as he stashed the scroll away.

  "So, how do you know Bill?"  Dipper asked.

  "I've encountered many dark beings in my time, Dipper."  My husband dodged the question while avoiding the boy's gaze.  "What matters is that his powers are growing stronger, and if he pulls off his plans, no one in this family will be safe!"  He said seriously.  "Fortunately, there should be a way to shield us from his mental tricks.  A way to Bill-proof the Shack."  Ford started drawing circles on a copy of the Mystery Shack's floor plan.  "All I have to do is place moonstones here, here, and here, sprinkle some mercury, let's see... I always forget the last ingredient!"  He muttered before opening Journal One and rolling his eyes when he found the right page.  "Ugh, unicorn hair." 

  My son turned stiff and his eyes widened.  "Please tell me you're joking."  I had to bite my lip to not laugh at Teddy's horrified expression.

  Dipper raised an eyebrow.  "That's not, like, rare, is it?"

  "It's hopeless."  Ford adjusted his glasses as he looked back at the journal.  "Unicorns reside deep within an enchanted glade, and their hairs can only be obtained by a pure good-hearted person who goes on a magical quest to find them."

  Mabel shrieked ecstatically.  "Grunkle Ford, can I please go on this quest?  I am literally obsessed with unicorns!  My first word was 'unicorn', I once made my own unicorn by taping a traffic cone to a horse's head."  She got up and gestured to her outfit.  "Are you even looking at the sweater I'm wearing right now?!  Not to mention that I'm probably the most pure of heart person in this room.  No offense Grauntie Y/N." 

  "None taken, sweetie."  I giggled lightly.  The boys started agreeing with her, saying that she had a point. "I do, however, take offense to that." 

  Everyone chuckled before Mabel turned her attention back to Ford.  "So can I go on a mission to get that hair?  Please please please?  I'LL GIVE YOU MY BLOOD!"  She shouted.

  Ford stood up decisively.  "Very well.  But it won't be easy."  He handed her the journal.  "Take this."   He then gave her his crossbow.  "And this." 

  Mabel's eyes widened with excitement as he was handed the extremely dangerous weapon.  "Oooh!"

  My husband turned to me.  "I haven't been in this dimension for a while.  It's okay to give children weapons, right?"  He asked. 

  I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.  "Stanford... in what dimension would it ever be okay to give an adolescent the power to end lives?" 

  "You'd be surprised."

  "Pssh.  Come on, dawg."  Mabel tried to be nonchalant but the crossbow accidentally shot through a window and activated a car alarm.

  We could hear Stan outside freaking out.  "AH!  IT'S THE COPS!  GUN IT!"

  As we heard a car speed away, Mabel turned to me.   "Are you coming with me Grauntie Y/N?"

  I ruffled her hair.  "Sorry, kiddo. I think I'm supposed to help the boys out with their stuff. Why don't you call the rest of the girls? I'm sure Isra would love to join you as well. They haven't been too well since the Tate incident."

Mabel simply nodded as she pulled her phone out and speed dialed her friends. "Candy, Grenda, Wendy, Isra, clear the afternoon!"  She squealed happily as she ran off, but not before grabbing Winter's wrist and dragging her along with.

Dipper turned back to us.  "So, what are the odds she gets that hair?"

"Unlikely." My husband admitted.  "I've dealt with unicorns before, and if I had to describe them in one word it would be... frustrating."

Teddy scoffed. "Calling unicorns frustrating would be like calling the Gravity Falls cops dumb."

"So... they are?" Dipper questioned.

"They're so frustrating that it makes me want to tear my hair out. They're the only creatures I haven't been able to catalogue properly." Teddy pouted a little.

  Dipper turned back to his gruncle.  "So, what are we gonna do about Bill?"

  "Follow me."  Ford said as he made his way to the vending machine.  Dipper quickly changed the sign on the Mystery Shack to "Closed" before following Teddy and me.  We all crammed into the service elevator landing as my husband pressed a button on his watch, bringing us to the second basement level.  He opened the door and ushered us all inside.  "Welcome to my private study, a place where I keep my most ancient and secret knowledge. Even your uncle Stan doesn't know about this place." As we followed, Dipper stopped to investigate a covered painting.  "Dipper, come along!" Ford called to him.  "If we can't Bill-proof the Shack, we're going to have to do the next best thing." He pulled out the helmet from the 'project mentem' drawer.  "We're gonna have to Bill-proof our minds."

  Dipper and Teddy step back uncertainly as the head bracer extended out.

  "Don't worry boys, the bracer is on meant to keep the helmet from falling off."  I patted their backs, and gently nudged Teddy forward. 

He hesitantly sat down on the chair. Ford came over and fastened the brace on his son. "How long is this going to take?" Teddy asked as he squirmed a little.

"As long as it needs. It's best to try to clear your mind."

"Are you actually going to need my help down here?" I interjected.

Ford thought for a moment. "I suppose not, since you're already taken care of."

I made my way over to him and kissed his cheek. "Send Teddy up when you're done with him, alright?" I said softly.

My husband gave me a questioning look before realizing I was just trying to guide the plot in the right direction. "Sure."

I smiled. "Alright. See you later boys. I'm going clean up the glass upstairs." I heard a chorus of farewells as I went back to the elevator. When I got back to the scene of Mabel's incident with the crossbow, I was surprised to find it was already cleaned up. Someone cleared their throat me. I spun around and relaxed when I realized it was Stan. "Hey, what's up?"

"I... uh... need to talk to you." We sat down on the couch. He sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Listen, what I'm about to say isn't meant for you to feel bad. It's just something that's been bothering me, something I probably would've kept my trap shut about if it weren't for Teddy." He looked at me directly. "I understand that you're fixing your marriage with my brother, but with him around I-" He quickly corrected himself. "-we haven't gotten to be around you all that much." Stan rubbed his exhausted eyes under his glasses. "I get that he's your priority right now, but... there's others that need you too, you know?"

With every word that he said, I could feel my throat tightening up more and more. I've been so caught up with being reunited with Ford that I've been completely ignoring my best friend. I hugged Stan tightly, causing him to freeze up. "I'm so sorry. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll make sure to make time for you Stan."

I felt him slow wrap his big arms around me. "Thank you." He said softly.

I chuckled. "I never thought I'd live to see the day where Stanley Pines would say 'thank you.'"

"I figured after losing all of that money from not using 'please', being nice once in a while won't kill me." He joked.

"You're a whole different man now." I snorted as I let go of him. "Good God, I can't believe you stripped on national television."

"Didja like what you saw?" He wiggled his eyebrows and had a goofy grin.

"I take it back. You're incorrigible." I looked at him and we both laughed.


Dipper, Ford, Teddy and I all sat in the living room, sipping on our sodas. "Ugh, I'm so embarrassed about earlier.  I'm such an idiot." Dipper said as he rested his head on the table.

I patted his back comfortingly as Ford spoke.  "From now on, no more secrets between us.  We're not the first two idiots to be tricked by Bill, boy.  But if we work together, we could be the last." As he said the last sentence, Dipper picked up head to see his uncle giving him a reassuring smile. He halfheartedly smiled back before becoming worried again.

  "But what about Bill?  I broke the machine!  Now we have no way to protect the shack!"

Just then, the girls came in and Mabel slammed down a fistful of unicorn hair. "Did someone say 'unicorn hair'?!" She said with a wide grin and a crazed look in her eyes.

Upon further inspection, all of them except Winter were an absolute mess.  They are all beat up and covered in unicorn fluids and tears. Winter just looked extremely frazzled.

  "Uh, no, actually?" Dipper said, looking somewhat worriedly at the state his sister was in at the moment.

"Oh.  That would have been perfect.  Either way we got some unicorn hair!" She yelled as she waved the glittery hair in his face.

"Mabel... how on earth did you convince them to give it up? Celestabellebethabelle wouldn't even let me near her!"  Teddy said incredulously.  He held up a hand.  "Wait.  Don't answer that.  I'll come by a different time for the story.  I have to get Winter home before she passes out.  Her stress transformations take a lot out of her."  He waved goodbye as he guided Winter out of the house, who seemed completely out of it.

  "We also got some unicorn tears, unicorn eyelashes..." Candy said as she gestured to Grenda, who now had unicorn eyelashes on her.

  "They finally gave us this treasure just to get rid of us!"  Grenda said in her usual loud voice as she dumped a treasure chest full of gold and other unicorn valuables onto the table we were at.

  Ford grinned as he pick up a handful of the coins.  "It... can't be! This is a great day, girls! With this unicorn hair, we should be able to completely shield the shack from Bill's mind-reading tricks!"

  "Is it okay?"  Mabel asked.

  My husband beamed as he held the unicorn hair.  "Better than okay; it's perfect! You've protected your family."  He set down the hair and knelt down to pat her shoulder. "You're a good person, Mabel."

  Mabel looked like she was about to cry out of pure joy from Ford's kind words, but then she just smiled. "Thanks Grunkle Ford, but today I learned that morality is relative."

  Stan chose this time to dash into the room and snatched the unicorn horde.  "MONEY!"  He yelled as he ran away. 

  "Stanley Pines, get back here you nitwit!"  I shouted after him.

  Ford patted my shoulder.  "Let him have his moment Y/N."

Heeey guys.  Heh.  How's it going?  If you guys follow me, you'd know why it's been so long since I've updated.  But... for those of you who don't, let's just say I've had a rough couple of months.  But... thanks to some of you, (you know who you are 👀), I've managed to gather myself up to (somewhat) get out of my depressed state and write again.  I love you all and I love hearing from you guys, so if any of you have questions about the story or have any other writing ideas for me feel free to pm me! 



Who do you imagine would voice the OCs?  I wanna hear what you hear when reading about them.

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