Finding love again

By Brianna170402

32.8K 1.6K 232

Callie is Shane's younger sister by 2 years. All Callie and her brothers are trying to do is survive in this... More

Their weapons
Tell It To The Frogs
TS-19 part 1
TS-19 Part 2
What Lies Ahead
Cherokee Rose
Pretty Much Dead Already
18 Miles Out
Judge, Jury, Executioner
Better Angels
Besides the Dying Fire

Save the Last One

1.7K 82 26
By Brianna170402

No One's POV:

Frank stares at his quiet sister and his sleeping niece with a protective look. If only he had cut bait then his niece and nephew wouldn't have been hurt.

   Callie runs her hand gently through Emma's hair as she looks over her daughter's features that's the perfect mixture of both Amy and her.

   She looks up seeing her brother staring at them with a protective look making Callie smile to herself. "I'm uh, I'm gonna go check on Carl and I'll let you know," Frank announced getting up from his spot on the floor next to his niece.

  "Okay," Callie quietly responds watching him leave the room before she turns back to look at her daughter. She leans forward and softly kisses her forehead.

A soft knock made Callie look up seeing Maggie coming in quietly. "I figured you might be hungry so uh I made you a sandwich and got you some orange juice," she says quietly and walks over carrying a plate and a cup of juice.

"Thank you, Maggie," Callie says grabbing the plate and cup before setting the cup on the small dresser that's next to the bed. Maggie smile's slightly and moves around the bed to check on Emma.

"How's Carl doing?" Callie asks picking up her sandwich and took a bite out of it. She chews and waits for an answer.

  "He needs more blood transfusions because his brain isn't getting enough oxygen. If your brother and Otis don't get here soon with the medical equipment then Carl may sadly pass away," Maggie sadly tells her feeling bad for the little boy.

  Callie's breath hitched and in the process she chokes a little on the bite making Maggie look at her alarmed. She moves around the bed quickly and starts patting Callie's back gently.

  Callie grabs the cup and starts chugging it quickly to help. "Uh, thank you. Sorry for that. What kind of blood does he need?" She clears her throat and asks setting the cup down.

"A-Positive. Good thing his dad is the same but we already took too many pints from him. If we take anymore, his body could shut down and he can go in a coma," Maggie explains making Callie frown sadly.

She looks down at her daughter and pushes Emma's hair out of her face before looking at Maggie with a determined face.

  "I have the same blood type. I can give him some if he needs more but can I do it here? I really don't want to leave my daughter alone," Callie says gesturing to her still passed out baby girl.

   Maggie nods with a sympathetic smile. "Hold on. Let me go check," she tells her and walks out of the room to go talk to her dad. Callie looks back at her daughter seeing her lips twitch up slightly making her wonder what she's dreaming about.

Emma's POV:

  I smile up at mommy and swing our hands together making her laugh. "You're mommy's brave girl," she tells me as she stops us and kneels down in front of me with a soft smile.

I blush and she giggles slightly. "Is it time to go back now?" I question softly, tightening my hold on her hands. Mommy picks me up with a sad smile and holds me close.

"Yes but don't worry, angel, you'll see me in your dreams. Just know that I'm watching over you, your uncles, and especially your momma, okay? I love you so much, my sweet angel. So so so much," mommy says pressing a kiss on my forehead for a long time while squeezing me tightly.

I hold onto her shirt tightly and move around so mommy's holding onto me like I'm a baby still making her smile down at me. "Sing me my song pwease, mommy," I softly tell her and she stands up holding me.

"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy. When skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away," mommy softly sings to me with a tear falling from her eye that I wipe away with my small chubby finger.

   "I love you, mommy. I try to help momma find her happiness," I softly say and mommy smiles at me proudly as she walks forward.

  The open fields of flowers change and we're in a room where we can see momma, me, and a pretty lady who's talking to momma with a smile as she hands my momma food and juice.

   I look up at mommy and see her staring at momma with a loving smile. "You miss momma, mommy?" I innocently ask making mommy sigh heavily and smile down at me.

  "Everyday, angel. Just like I miss you. Come on, baby," she tells me and carefully set in my on the bed on top of my other body then kneels down next to me.

   "I will always be here. In the form of a butterfly. Wherever you go I will be there. I love you, angel," mommy says magically making a butterfly appear on her hand and I gasp in awe.

Mommy smiles and leans forehead kissing my forehead. "I love you, my sweet angel. Close your eyes," she whisper and I do feeling her fingers softly touch my cheek before it disappears.

No One's POV:

Emma makes a noise making Callie's eyes snap towards her baby face seeing her eyes are opening. "M-mommy?"she calls out weakly and Callie kneels down, grabbing her small hand while gently pushing her daughter's hair out of her face.

"It's Momma, baby. Shh, you're okay," Callie softly tells her with a relieved smile. Emma weakly smiles up at her momma before wincing at the slight pain on her side.

  She pushes down the blanket seeing a huge white bandage on her side making her look at her momma scared. "W-what happen momma? It hurt," Emma says whimpering reaching down to teach the bandage but Callie stops her gently.

"No don't touch, baby. It will hurt more if you do. What h-happened baby is that y-you got g-grazed by a bullet and a very nice woman helped you. And I'll ask the woman if she has anything for the pain, okay? I'm so glad you're okay, love bug," Callie emotionally tells her and kisses Emma's small hand making Emma smile at her lazily.

"I survivor wike you, momma. Can you sing me my song, momma?" She tiredly asks making Callie give a watery chuckle and nod.

"Anything for my love bug," she softly responds and gives one last kiss on her hand before she begins singing 'My Little Sunshine' quietly while Emma stares at her in an admiring way.

The two are so lost in each other they don't see or hear Maggie walking in quietly. She stares at them with a soft smile and listens to Callie sing.

  "You'll never know dear how much I love her so please don't take my sunshine away," Callie softly sings and hums the rest of it while running her hand through Emma's hair.

"I momma's sunshine," Emma cutely says with a smile making Callie smile lovingly down at her.

  "Yes you are, love bug," she softly replies gently rubbing her thumb on her daughter's cheek.

Emma smiles and tries sitting up but she whimpers slightly at the pain in her stomach. "Let me help you, love bug. Hold on," Callie hastily says and gently helped her daughter sit up against the headboard with the pillow at her back.

Callie softly pushed up the thin sheet to cover her daughter's waist. "Hey Maggie," she spoke turning her head seeing the woman's surprised look at being caught.

   "How did you? Uh never mind. I see someone is finally awake," Maggie gently states smiling softly at Emma who stares at her unsure.

   "I Emma. You pretty," she says smiling up at Maggie who giggles and moves closer to the bed. Callie shakes her head at her daughter with a chuckle.

"Well thank you, little lady. You're pretty as well. More prettier than me thats for sure. I'm Maggie Greene. It's nice to see you awake," Maggie softly tells her and holds out her hand making Emma look at her momma who nods with a small smile and Emma shakes it firmly.

   "Maggie's the very nice woman who helped you, love bug. Maggie, is there something you could give her for the pain? She said it's hurting," Callie tells Emma with a smile then asks Maggie who stares at the little girl in concern.

Maggie carefully removes the sheet and looks at the bandage. "I could give her some more morphine for the time being and tomorrow I could head into town to get some pain meds for her. We do need more medical supplies anyway," she comments putting the sheet back on the girl softly.

Callie nods, "I will go with you tomorrow while Frank stays here with Emma. Only if that's okay with you?" She runs her hand through her daughter's hair slightly while giving Emma a small smile.

"Oh you don't have to do that, Callie. I'll be fine by my own," Maggie gently waves her off and grabs the morphine needle from the side table with her gloved hand.

"You saved my daughter's life, Maggie. The least I can do is provide protection for you when you go into town. It's not how it was before where I can give you money or buy you dinner for the good deed you did for me. So please let me do this," Callie gently tells her with a soft look making Maggie sigh and nod.

Callie turns her attention back to her daughter who's glancing between the two with a mischievous look making her mother stare at her slightly confused before looking at Maggie.

  "Can I do the blood transfusion here or do I have to go to his room?" She questions making Maggie smile slightly at her.

"Frank is already giving some to him as we speak. Uh, I'm gonna put this in, Emma. Okay? You'll just feel a little pinch. It's to help with the pain," she informs Callie then tells the little girl who nods while putting on a brave face.

Maggie quickly but carefully stuck the needle in then put a small strip of tape over it gently before pulling away to throw away her gloves.

   "I didn't flinch, momma. I'm just wike you," Emma exclaims staring at the needle in her arm before looking up at Callie smiles proudly.

"Good job, love bug. Are you thirsty?" She replies chuckling slightly and grabs her cup, bringing it closer to Emma who nods and takes a big sip of it.

    "Woah! You must be really thirsty, little lady. Would you like some of your own? I'm sure I can find a silly straw that comes with it," Maggie tells Emma in an astonished tone and winks at her at the end.

  Emma's eyes go big in excitement and she nods frantically making Callie sigh and hold onto her head to stop her. She smiles cutely at her momma before turning back to Maggie.

  "Please?" Maggie chuckles softly and nods making Emma squeal softly. "Tank you, Maggie"

   "Your welcome, little lady. I'll be right back with your drink and straw," Maggie announces before walking out of the room to get the items.

   "I wike her, momma. She's nice and has a funny accent. I wike it. S-she's like a princess. Wike, uh, wike, Princess Belle! Are are you gonna be her Prince, momma?" Emma spoke up innocently and Callie chokes on her spit slightly at the unexpected question.

   She clears her throat uncomfortably and takes a sip of her drink before sighing. "Uh, heh! Um, I can't because I don't know her that well, love bug," she gently responds making Emma frown and tap her chin in thought while humming.

  "Okay, so get to know her, momma. Isn't it that simpwle? Uncle Fwankie says all he does is talk to girls and they fall in his arms. All the girls he talked to must be very cwusy, momma," Emma says giggling at the image of girls tripping into her uncle's arms.

  Callie looks at her daughter with a 'really' look while nodding her head. Oh she is so gonna talk to Frank about this.

A soft knock made them turn seeing T-dog and Glenn standing there. "Hey, we just wanted to let you know that we're here for you guys. Also to bring this to a special little girl," Glenn says holding up Emma's stuffed unicorn making her gasp excitedly.

  "Thank you guys," Callie tells them in a grateful tone.

"It's no problem, Callie. We all were extremely worried about Emma and Carl. I'm glad you're doing okay, Emma," T-dog softly spoke up smiling at Emma who's hugging her unicorn.

"Tank you, T-dog and Gwenn," Emma says smiling at them and groans slightly as she moves around on the bed making Callie help her get comfortable.

"Your welcome, kiddo. We'll let you get some rest," Glenn spoke giving them a smile before he and T-dog walk out of the room just as Maggie comes back with a cup of orange juice with a yellow silly straw.

"Oh uh excuse me," Glenn stutters slightly as he moves out of the way for her to go through. He looks back seeing the girl smile at Callie who gives her a small smile and he sighs before walking out with T-dog.

"Here it is. One cup of orange juice with a yellow silly straw for the pretty little lady," Maggie exclaims holding out a small cup towards Emma who claps her hands excitedly.

"Tank you," she says and Callie helped her hold it while she takes a sip. The thirst took over and Emma kept drinking until it was all gone.

  "You must've been thirsty, love bug," Callie chuckles softly as she pull away the empty cup and set it on the side dresser with hers.

   Emma smiles tiredly up at her momma before turning to Maggie whose been looking at them with a small smile. She gestures for her to come close and lean down.

   Maggie looks at her confused but does as she asked and leans down next to the little girl. Emma leans in and kisses her cheek softly before pulling away.

  "Tank you for saving my wife, Maggie. You pretty awesome. Momma, I tired," Emma giggles tiredly making Maggie smile softly down at the girl before moving away with a blush.

Callie chuckles and helps her daughter lay back down then covers her with the sheet and Emma holds her unicorn to her chest while closing her eyes.

   Callie smiles lovingly down at her and smooths down Emma's hair softly. "Thank you for being so nice to her after knowing about Frank and I," she spoke up making Maggie stare at her in shock.

"H-how'd you know?" She stutters slightly before closing her mouth when Callie chuckles and looks up at her.

"Your dad wasn't exactly quiet about it. It's okay, Maggie. As soon as Carl and Emma are better, we'll be out of your guys hair. We don't want to cause any trouble by being here," Callie tells her shrugging slightly. 

   "You haven't, Callie. I kinda understand why you and your brother did what you did but my dad is old fashioned in a way that if someone killed someone without a reasonable explanation then he just doesn't like it. My sister and I don't hold anything against you and your brother so you won't have any judgement from us," Maggie gently announces as she takes a seat on Frank's chair. Callie stares at her long before giving her a small smile.


  Shane holds onto a small face as he limps down a ramp following Otis. "Come on, man. We need a way out," he quietly says as Otis slows down.

Otis stops briefly and leans against a fence, panting, "just let me catch my breath." He sucks in gulps of air trying to calm down.

Shane leans against the fence next to me to try and catch his breath as well. Suddenly walkers slam against the fence from behind them scaring them as they snarl and growl for human flesh.

"Come on, this way," Otis grunts and Shane wraps his around Otis's shoulder as he helps him walk down in another direction with a limp.

They're down to just their handguns now since they ran out of bullets for their main guns. Luckily Callie's gun has a strap so all Shane did was throw hers to his back.

"We're almost there," Otis pants struggling to keep going as the weight of the bag and his tiredness creeps up on him.

Shane grunts as he steps on his bad ankle and falls to the ground with a groan making Otis fall with him. "Got to get to the street, double back to the truck," Otis informs him with a groan.

Shane scoffs, "look, we ain't gonna make it, okay?" He pants as he sadly thinks back to his family who are probably waiting his return.

"Got to try, man. Come on, get up," Otis responds set his hand on Shane's arm to try and pull him up with him.

Shane shakes his head and starts to take off the bag. "You're gonna take these bags and you're gonna go," he grunts out as pushes the bag towards Otis who shakes his head.

"I ain't leaving you behind. Okay?" Otis firmly tell him and helps him up. Shane grits his teeth as he puts pressure on his ankle before swinging the bag back on.

"How many rounds you got left?" He questions as they start limping away from the school and away from the walkers who sluggishly catching up with them.

"Four. You?" Otis informs him breathing heavily after checking Rick's gun. Shane scoffs angrily and spits on the ground.

"Five and one in the pipe. Come on," He sighs roughly struggling with carrying all the bags. Otis shoots off two rounds as the walkers move closer to them.

   Shane aims back and shoots off two rounds killing two walkers that fall to the ground dead before he continues limping away with Otis.

Otis looks back and shoots one more round but this time it just hits the walker in the chest that doesn't even faze it.

Shane shoots two walkers that were coming towards them from the front and sighs. "Down to my last," Otis announces tightening his hold on the revolver.

  Shane shoots one more time and nods, "me too." He suddenly gets a terrifying idea before stops briefly and looks at Otis who stops with him to catch his breath.

  "I'm sorry," he says making Otis stare at him confused before Shane shoots him the leg with his last round as the walkers get closer. Otis screams in pain and falls to the ground.

   Shane moves and tries to take the bags off of Otis but he fights back. "Will you give it....ah!" He growls pulling with all his might to rip it out of Otis's hands but Otis holds onto his pants.

"Give it! I'll kill you!" Shane growls and starts kicking a screaming Otis in his injured leg to try and making him let go.

Shane stands up and gets a better grip on the bags then starts pulling. Otis screams and grabs a hand full of Shane's hair and pulls hard on it.

  Shane begins punching him in the face while screaming as Otis pulls on his hair. He shoots him one last time in the stomach and continues punching him in the face with Rick's gun he pried from Otis's grip.

"Let go of me! Let go!" He screams and pulls away finally getting the bag from Otis who's screaming. Shane limps away in a hurry as the walkers close in on Otis who screams as they tear into him.

With a crazy look in his eye, Shane smiles sinisterly as he hears the walkers tear into Otis as he limps over to the truck and throws the bags in.

  He climbs in an hurry and starts it up then peels out of the parking space. As he races towards the house he thinks back on what he's done.

'He deserved it for shooting my niece and my son to be' he angrily thinks tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

He drives up the path fast and skids to a stop in front of the house where everyone comes out including his sister. He gets out in a hurry and pulls out the bags.

"Carl?" He worriedly asks limping towards them with the bags.

  "There's still a chance," Rick announces and Shane hands over the bags to Glenn and Hershel who looks towards the truck not seeing his friend.

  "Otis?" He questions and Shane sadly shakes his head while breathing heavily making Maggie's eyes begin to water along with her sister that Callie noticed.

  "We say nothing to Patricia. Not til after. I need her," Hershel announces and gestures to Glenn 'who has the other bag' with his head towards the house.

   The both of them run inside towards Carl's room to set up the equipment. Shane gulps slightly as he meets the others eyes who are staring at him. Rick hugs him with tears in his eyes before pulling away with his hand still on his shoulder.

    "They kept blocking us at every turn. We had nothing left. We were down to 10 rounds. Then he said- - He said he'd cover me and that I should keep going. So that's what I did. I just..... I kept going. But I........ I look back and he..... I tried," Shane gets out what he could as he get emotional about it.

   Callie frowns sadly at her brother before setting her hand on Maggie's back who's crying silently. "Come on," she softly whispers and gently begins guiding Maggie in the house.

   Maggie heads over to the kitchen and begins crying more as she looks at some photos hanging. Callie frowns sadly and lifts her hand to set it on her shoulder hesitantly.

  "I'm so sorry for your loss," she whispers rubbing Maggie's shoulder. Maggie's bottom lip wobbles uncontrollably as tears fall down her face.

"I've known Otis since I was a kid. He's run this farm since before my mother died," her voice cracks as she speaks making Callie pull her into a hug that she seems to need as Maggie clings onto her.

"I know words don't mean much right now but I'm so sorry, Maggie. I'm so sorry," Callie softly tells her and rubs her back as Maggie sobs into her shoulder.

  She glances to the side seeing Glenn comfort Vanessa in a similar way she is with Maggie. They stay in this position for awhile which Callie didn't seem to mind.

    Maggie manages to pull herself together and pull away from Callie who's looking at her sadly. "Thank you, Callie. I'm sorry about your shirt," she says with her breath hitching slightly as she points at the damp spot on Callie's shoulder.

Callie waves her off, "don't worry about it. It's just tears. Nothing to be upset over especially since I've had worse put on me from Emma. I'm talking disgusting things that I still have nightmares of." She shivers in disgust making Maggie chuckle through her tears.

   She smiles slightly at Maggie who wipes her face quickly before blowing out some air to calm herself down.

After about an hour later Hershel comes out of Carl's room making all the ones in the house follow him as he walks out towards the porch.

   "He seems to have stabilized," Hershel announces and relief washes over the group's faces. Frank and Callie smile happily while sighing in relief.

  "I don't have words," Lori cries happily as she stares at him with so much gratitude in her eyes.

  Hershel looks down at his hands sadly, "I don't either. Wish I did. How do I tell Patricia about Otis?"

   Silence follows the group as they think about the question. Rick clenched his jaw and looks at Lori, "you go to Carl. I'll go with Hershel." Hershel nods slightly before turning around and heading back inside with Rick a step behind them.

    Callie and Frank head back inside, heading towards Emma's room where they find her still sleeping peacefully.

   Callie sits down on the chair next to the bed with a heavy sigh. She's glad her brother came back alive but she feels bad for Maggie who lost Otis in return.

"Hey, how are is she doing?" She turns her head seeing Shane standing in the doorway of the room and gestures for him to come in.

"She's doing fine. She woke up earlier but only for a little bit before falling back to sleep because of the morphine Maggie gave her. When she was awake she was very talkative so that's a good sign," Callie informs him making Shane sigh in relief before setting Callie's empty gun by the door.

"That's good, great. I'm relieved she woke up," he responds messing with his hands making his siblings look at him in concern.

"Are you alright, Shane?" Frank gently asks leaning forward on his knees as he stares at his younger brother.

Shane opens his mouth slightly then closes it before repeating it a few times but he gets interrupted by Maggie walking in carrying a pile of clothes.

   "The bathroom's upstairs. I brought you some clothes," she says handing them over to Shane who grabs them carefully.

   "Thank you," he whispers nodding his head at her but she just looks down sadly.

  "They won't fit well. They were Otis's," she states and gives him a brief sad smile before walking out of the room.

   Shane gulps down the bile that wants to come up before sighing and walks out of the room with no explanation to his siblings who stare after him in extreme concern.

  "Wonder what's the matter with him," Frank remarks aloud and Callie shrugs while pushing Emma's hair out of her face.

  "Whatever it is, we will help him through it. That's what families do," She states getting more comfortable in the chair and Frank agrees while leaning back.

Hope you enjoy
Sorry for any mistakes
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Have a good day or night
Peace out o

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