Taehyung's Home (COMPLETED) T...

By Zzzabog

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Just V and Tzuyu's cuddling moments inside Taehyung's home . CONTAINS SOME MATURE CONTENTS! Highest rank: #1... More

1 - Happy Birthday
2 - Jealous
3 - About time
4 - First Snowfall
5 - Dispatch
6 - When you say nothing at all (R)
7 - Taehyung's Plan
8 - After 1 month
9 - Eyes
10 - Rooftop date
11 - Truth or Dare
12 - kiss
13 - Finish this night with a Kiss
14 - Inside the room
15 - Dark
16 - Flirty
17 - a helping hand
18 - late night talk
19 - I have something to say
20 - Silent Signs
21 - Can We Meet Each Other Tonight?
22 - The Fanboy
23 - Baby
24 - Baby Part 2
25 - Positive And Negative
Last Chapter - See You Again

A Question, A New Book?

521 39 52
By Zzzabog

I wonder if there's reader who really stopped reading at the middle part of the last chapter? 😂 (or even at the first part 😅)

I hope you will still give it a try 😅

You can express your anger and disappointment to me here though(about what you honestly felt on the last chapter) , I will not feel offended I promise 😅✌️

Anyway... I am writing this part to express my appreciation and gratitude to all the readers who read up until here 😳💜 I have read all your comments here and others are even messaging me on instagram and Im sad that I can only say "thank you" even though I have more words to say to you though I cannot form the right words to say to express my sincere appreciation for you all😭 I just really love you all a lot 💕💕💕😥

I know this story is somehow messed up from the original plan that it will just be a calm and cuddle story about TaeTzu. 😅

But the hardest part on writing this story is that, it should always be based on reality. And we all know that reality isnt perfect. Life sucks you know 😞. Thats why this story was somehow became bad too. And Im really sorry for hurting you a lot 🥺

And writing a story with Taetzu being as themselves was the hardest struggle I've ever encountered in writing a story. Their actions and dialogues are very limited cause I should make it look like its really them and it should always be based on their personalities (which we do not still completely know even as die-hard fans)

I decided not to make their characters perfect here in this story though (even though we really look at them so perfect and so beautiful as idols, and i know its possible that they are close to perfection too) in reality though, we all know that there is no really such thing as perfection, and its really disappointing I know. 😅 I am even supposed to add a scene here where Taehyung vapes or smoke but I dont know, there's no perfect opportunity and chance here to add those scenes. I mean, i didnt found any perfect timing to add that scene in any part of this story. 😅

I didnt mean to potray him here too as a cheater 😅, but i hope we do not close our doors for the possibility that he could really make mistakes. (not specifically being a cheater) (and his cheating mistake here is not really that kind of huge cheating affair though, now i want to defend him lol 😂, yeah i know its still cheating even though he's drunk, he chose to be like that so~~)

As for Tzuyu, did you noticed that she's a little bit scared and fearful here? She rarely even say "I love you" to Taehyung. And hiding a child is really such a huge mistake

I am not claiming them to be like that in real life, but what Im trying to show here is that, they could really do some crazy mistakes in real life. Whether it do not please our feelings or not, there are really chances that our idol would do some things that will disappoint our expectations to them. And we should not even expect some perfection to our idols, they are here to share their talents and music, they are not obligated to be like Saints. They are not Government officials that should serve their people lol. We do not own them, they dont need to please us always. But I truly understand that as fans, its really hard to accept sometimes if we somehow cant help to expect our idol to be like this or that in our imagination, and then they suddenly made something that is not pleasing. Its really something heartbreaking for us fans, i am feeling that too.

As for their break up, I told you that this story is somehow based on that famous sasaeng tweets,(though I am not believing to her completely) but in her narrative, Taetzu broke up. So they needed to break up in this story too. And I am deeply thinking about why they broke up? Im thinking about the possible reasons why they broke up and I somehow think that they just fell out of love. And thats more disappointing cause we will have no hope for that anymore.

But as I observed them in their social media activities, especially for tzuyu, she really often recommend heart breaking songs. And for taehyung, he really often share songs of being inlove.

The last tweet of the sasaeng for them is that Taehyung isnt still moving on from her. So I was thinking, what could possibly be the reason of their break up if he's still inlove with her then she is often sharing songs about being traumatized about love?

So I concluded, their break up is not about falling out of love with each other cause they are clearly still into each other based on their activities. So maybe, someone did a mistake. They do not want the break up at all maybe. Breaking up because of dispatch threat is not completely a reason too cause they could pay for it. We all know that. So yeah, its really hard to think about the main reason why they broke up(what do you think tho?) So I just decided to show a cheating mistake in the story. And its the hardest conflict Ive ever done in writing a book. I mean, it couldnt really be just fixed right away. It shouldnt be even fix. 😅 I remember how many times Ive said to myself, "what ive fvcking done?" 😅

So I dont know if all of you agreed to the resolving solution I did at the ending. I do believe in second chances though, and I think Taehyung made enough efforts too. But yeah, I still want to know if the ending that I did was just the right thing from your perspective.

Anyway, the story ended now and I hope, somehow, you enjoyed reading the story. I really wished Taetzu to marry each other. But sometimes, are you also thinking that its too good to be true? But life is still surprisngly beautiful too right? So its still possible.

Thank you really so much for reading up until here even though Ive annoyed you a lot. 😅

And now Im thinking if I will write another Taetzu story again. I dont know if you could trust me again 😅 But i have four new concepts right now for a new TaeTzu story

And these are those:

1. Title: Last Two People on Earth

- After a zombie apocalypse, there are only two people who survived and were left in this world. Its Taehyung, a half human and half zombie and Tzuyu, an archery athlete from Hyosan High School

(yeah, its "all of us are dead" inspired 😅)

2. Title: My Stepbrother has a secret

- in which Tzuyu found an opportunity to kick out her annoying stepbrother Taehyung out of their house as she found out a controversial secret about him

3. Title: Behind those glasses

-in which Kim Taehyung is the boss and he often doubt the kindness and the innocence of his secretary Chou Tzuyu, who always wear eye glasses.

4. Title: Dont Tell Them That I am Here

- a secret criminal with the name of "V" is being obsessed to a famous kpop idol "Jo-hee" (Tzuyu). He is killing every person who mistreats and bashes her.

So yeah, that's the new concepts, what do you like? Choose only one 😂

Though I dont know if I can write those right away cause i have an upcoming major exam on the next months 😥

But hey, thank you really if you read up until here, in this moment, dear reader 💕💕💕

Bye for nowww 👋

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