In Another Life

By Akeboshishiba

4.9K 221 110

In Another life things could be different. In Another life she could be someone different... Love someone dif... More

New Life
Untitled part
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Benzaiten's Bond
Chapter 10
Untitled Part 11

Beautiful Moon

138 9 1
By Akeboshishiba

I do not own Naruto.

Hinata had been expecting something to go wrong for a while now, it was too perfect. They had dealt with smaller issues all over, but whoever was trying to create a Rinnegan hadn't showed themselves. She wasn't quite sure why she was looking for issues, other than the fact that no one had come to disturb the shrines for Indra or Ashura. She scanned over the shrines and sighed, a hand on her hip. This made no sense, it had been a long time since Tobirama had been brought back by Madara. She glanced over to said man and he just watched her in silence. She could see the amusement in his eyes, he was plotting something. She rolled her eyes at him, but deep down she loved this. He was adorable in all forms of the word, shocking she would ever think of the towering man that way.

She looked up at him and rolled her eyes, she knew he enjoyed being taller than her. She also knew she was never going to get taller than she was now, but she also knew he would eventually get taller. He propped his chin up on the top of her head as he wrapped his arms around her. He seemed to be enjoying this peace, which she could understand... since the day he learned to fight that was all he had ever been able to do. Fight... that was all he had known.

She reached up and grabbed his arms gently, rubbing a cheek against his forearm. "Hinata..." he mumbled into her hair and she forced her head up to look at him causing him to smile down at her. "We have been discussing our dreams for the village once more." He said and she smiled. This was good, she hoped they could continue their dreams and build them up better than they had before. She knew it was going to take years still to be able to get to that point, as they were all still younger than they were when the village was built. But that was honestly only about two years away at least.

He released her from his grasp and spun her to face him once more. He took both of her hands in each of his and he was slowly leading her around, in some sort of little dance. A wide smile crossed her lips as he dipped her back, then pulled her back up to him. One hand moved to her hip and she place her hand on his shoulder, enjoying the little dance with him. "Didn't know you were elegant enough to dance." She snorted and he gave her a dirty look as he spun her away from him, only to pull her back in.

"There are many things you don't know about me." He whispered into her ear, causing a deep blush to coat her cheeks. 'Damn this man and his ability to fluster me.' She growled in her mind, only for her eyes to flutter shut at the feeling of his breath on her neck and his nose trailing up her jaw. She opened her mouth to say something, but he silenced her with his lips. He tilted her head back and tangled his fingers in her hair ever so gently. She moved her lips against his and he returned the gesture. This was all they did, and yet this was enough for the both of them right now. The feeling of kissing until they were breathless was amplified by the bond of their chakra.

It was addicting and she knew they both were wondering what it would be like to do other things together, but they knew that they couldn't risk pregnancy or try to settle down with the threat of a rinnegan user looming about. "Madara..." she muttered against his mouth and he smirked at her as he pulled back. "Not here either." She said and he chuckled and offered her a hand. She took it and they made their way back to the Uchiha compound. "Hope your ancestors aren't perverts like you." She sighed and he gave her an appalled look.

"I'm not a pervert!" he snapped and she laughed and shook her head. "Peeping on me while I'm bathing is being a pervert." She said and a blush covered his cheeks and he glared up at the sky. "I forget you can see in three-sixty." He muttered softly, the blush darkening on his cheeks. She huffed in amusement, well at least she could fluster the almighty Madara.


He had felt it, the massive presence was pretty far, but he looked over and noticed that Tobirama had sensed it as well. He frowned and took off that direction, Tobirama hot on his heels at this point. "Shouldn't we wait for Hashirama and the others?" he asked and Madara frowned. "No, this is something I want to handle on my own, to protect the rest of you." He said and Tobirama scowled at him. They were a good distance away from the rest of them anyways, so it would do no good to wait on them. Tobirama and himself had been out on a scouting expedition to check on everything once more. He looked over at the white haired man once more.

A frown crossed his lips as he did so, he didn't want Izuna to lose the man. It had been a year since they had all been consumed by Benzaiten's bonds, and he couldn't help but want to ensure his younger brother didn't lose the one thing that meant the most to him in this world. "Tobirama, do you remember two years ago, when I saved you and said you owed me?" he asked and Tobirama furrowed his brows. "I'm calling upon that debt here and now." He said and Tobirama glared at him. "I need you to keep Hinata safe."

"I'm not leaving you to fight alone." He snapped and Madara only offered him a small smile, which seemed to catch him off guard and his footsteps stumbled. "Madara." "Don't Madara me, you can't stand me, remember? You hate my guts and want nothing to do with me." Madara said and Tobirama scowled at him once more. He just continued to hold that small smile. He knew he was possibly running head first to his death, but there wasn't much more that he could possibly hope to get in this world.

His thoughts drifted to Hinata and he sighed. Despite the divine intervention that led them together, he wanted to protect her and he knew he had to do this to help her. He wasn't stupid, he had noticed that these people had no interest in Izuna and Tobirama anymore. They had discovered a new target, Hinata or Neji. Which is why he had kept the two of them as close as he could. Hinata may not have known, but he had always been looking out for her. The only reason Tobirama had been taken was because they had missed their chance to grab Hinata. His eyes slipped shut as he thought it over. He had been there the night Tobirama had been taken in Hinata's place.

He had been watching her for a while, having been so intrigued by those eyes of hers. They were different from Neji's, he had always seen that. Neji's were solid white, while hers held the slightest lavender tint to them. He was knocked out of his thoughts when he felt her chakra pulse. He rushed to go see what was happening, only for a cloaked figure to nail her with a hit to the gut that sent her flying backwards. He made a move to go to her, but Tobirama and Hashirama were already there by her side. He gripped the tree he was hidden within and waited for an opening to help out.

There were three of the cloaked figures, all of their chakra was different but the one standing off to the back... his chakra was the strongest, even he could feel that. That one made no move to attack as of yet, it was as if he were waiting for something. His eyes widened as he saw the opening he was looking for, Tobirama and Hashirama were locked in combat with both of the weaker two and Hinata was trying to heal herself, her focus completely on that.

His eyes spun red and he sent a kunai right where the person had appeared, striking them across their face and sending a white mask crumbling to the ground. The person grabbed their face and he was met with white shocked white eyes, that narrowed upon meeting his gaze. He tried to use a genjutsu on them as to stay out of the battle forwardly, but it showed that it had no effect on this person. The person didn't release the grasp on their face, but whirled and struck Tobirama across the back of the neck, causing him to crumple to the ground. Hinata stumbled to her feet and rushed at the person who now had Tobirama in their grasp, only to the person to duck their head and hold out a single hand to Hinata, which sent her flying away from them with a gust of wind caused by their chakra.

"Tobirama!!" her scream shook him to his core as he looked over to her. The pure desperation in her eyes as she forced herself to her knees.

Two of the three made a break for it, only for the third to get caught in Hashirama's roots. However, before Hashirama could get anything from him a blade came from the direction the others had fled and impaled him right through Hashirama's roots. He slunk back into the shadows, seeing as though it felt like Hinata were staring right through him at this point.

He glanced back over to Tobirama who had stopped running at this point, as had he. "I'm still not leaving you alone." He said and Madara rolled his eyes, the man was stubborn he would give him that. He had never wanted to fight with Hashirama and his family, it seemed that Tobirama knew this but was only abiding by his father's orders. Madara turned on him, eyes flaring red. The younger man would forgive him for this. He turned to face him once more, but Tobirama had shut his eyes. He knew that he was going to try it.

"Madara, stop, think about it for a second then decide what you think is best for us to do. Because turning on me isn't it." he said and Madara sighed once more, his eyes fading to black once more. He had spent the last few years protecting Hinata in secret. He was the reason she hadn't had to worry about fighting for a while, not like she had slacking in her training or anything but he didn't want her to worry about anything. He just wanted her to continue to enjoy the peace they had all created, even if it were only temporarily. A frown crossed his lips as he thought over all the times he had taken out the ones sent after her.

The first time that they had tried to grab her, she had been coming out to the river to meet him. She had sat there for quite a while on that same rock he always found himself upon. He hadn't come out to talk to her because something had just felt... off. He concealed his chakra and had been trying to find the source of his unease. He had managed to sneak up on the unsuspecting person, only to end them mercilessly. He wasn't going to let anyone touch her. He was extremely protective over her, despite her trying to fight him and deny him every chance she got. He never wanted anything to happen to her and that purity she radiated.

The second and third times had all gone about the same, he had killed them before they could even make a move on her. He started realizing they had come to expect him to be lingering around so they had sent more with them the next few times. It mattered little to him though, he was stronger than every one of them who opposed him. He would come home covered in blood more often than not. He came home one night absolutely soaked and that was the same day Hinata had confronted them about Tobirama. He knew if he wanted to win her over, he needed to find the brat.

When he had walked in that night they all stared at him as if he had committed an atrocity. "What happened?" his father had asked, his mother searching him for any injuries. "More pesky bugs trying to touch things that aren't theirs." Was all he had said and they all seemed to understand. Neji had only frowned at him. He motioned for him to follow him back outside and he did. "What are you doing, Madara?" he asked and he looked up to the sky. "Protecting her." Was all he said.

"She doesn't need it, nor want it." Neji said and Madara only nodded to him. "I am fully aware of this. But I feel as if I have to. If they get their hands on her... I worry for her safety..." He said and Neji nodded, a small smile on his lips now. "Don't worry, Madara-nii. All will be fine in the end." Neji said and Madara gave him an odd look, due to the fact the Hyuuga had never referred to him as his brother before. "I'm sure it will be. They will eventually run out of followers and have to face me themselves." He said and Neji blinked at him, he only smirked at the other male.

"You're definitely an odd one. I've never met anyone with such a love for fighting." Neji said and Madara only laughed. It wasn't that he held a love for fighting, it was more so that he had something to protect and he didn't want to lose it. He didn't want to lose a single one of those that surrounded him and he refused to do so.

Madara looked over to the white haired man who had his arms crossed over his chest. "Fine. I won't go at it alone." He said with a sigh, his hand ruffling his hair gently. "Go get them." Tobirama glared at him but nodded. "Don't do anything stupid until we get there, do you understand me?" Tobirama said and Madara nodded, he was still going to push forward without them. He hoped to resolve this before they all arrived. Tobirama turned and took off in the opposite direction, but not before saying something that caught him off guard. Madara looked back to the younger man in confusion. The only thing he could see was the smirk on Tobirama's lips.

"Brother, huh?" he asked, still looking back to the white haired man. "What an odd group. Just because you're with my brother doesn't make you my brother too, you little shit." He grumbled as he turned back towards where he felt that chakra once more. He took off once more and kicked it into high gear. When he got to the clearing, he looked around and saw all three of them. The one in the center, which he recognized as the person who had taken Tobirama was sitting there, laid back with their arms under the back of their head. The two beside the person were not human in the slightest, they looked like plants of some kind. The person pulled their knees up to their chest and used the momentum from that to kick themselves to their feet.

They spun on their heel to face him and he just watched them. He could feel their massive chakra presence, but he wasn't sure how much he could trust that this person actually knew how to use it. he had been able to easily disperse threats with chakra levels like this person's for the sole fact that they didn't know they held such tremendous power. "What do you want with Hinata?" he called out and the person just cocked their head to the side slightly and pulled back their hood.

"Who is that?" the person asked, and he could tell from their voice alone they were a woman. When her hood fell, it revealed white eyes, exactly like Hinata and Neji's. He furrowed his brows at this, a Hyuuga? Her white hair fell around her shoulders and he frowned more, no... she wasn't Hyuuga. "The girl you have been sending these fools after." He said simply and a wicked grin crossed her lips at this. "Her... I see." She said, the amusement filling her voice. "The pure one. He seeks to keep the pure one from us." One of the creatures said to her and the woman just began laughing.

"She will be mine!" the woman said and Madara's eyes went wide as she appeared in his face, she was fast. His eyes spun red and she dropped her arm from where she was going to hit him. "Oh... I see... you're a descendant of cousin Indra." She said as she grabbed his face and looked him over. "Makes sense I suppose..." she said and he jerked himself out of her grasp. "Who are you and why do you want her?" he asked, seeing the small horns poking out from her hair now that she was close.

"Me? I'm Miyu Otsutsuki." She said and he furrowed his brows. "Why are you here? What do you want Hinata for dammit?" he growled and she just yawned loudly into her hand. "You ask too many questions. I want to play now." She said and lunged at him once more. He deflected the majority of her hits and he could tell this was irritating her. She slung one arm out to the side and a bone shot from her hand and she whipped it up to use as a blade. He deflected what hits he could with a kunai, but she was still managing to land hits on him. He jumped back away from the woman, only to fly into hand signs and release a grand fireball jutsu at her.

Much to his surprise though, she lunged straight through it at him. Once more she swung down at him with the bone sword, only for him to duck and land a punch to her stomach, sending her flying backwards. He continued his onslaught of her, not letting her get back to her feet before he was hitting her once more. The two plant beings tried to jump in and interfere, but the woman screamed at them to stay back. Her chakra erupted from her after he landed a swift kick to her jaw.

She rolled to her feet, a strange marking coating her left cheek and extending up to her eye. The horns that were once small bumps on her forehead grew longer and twisted around to form horns similar to that of a ram. Madara furrowed his brow, seems this one actually knew how to use the power she possessed. This was going to be bothersome. He flew through the hand signs of his Susanoo and the moment the ribs encircled him, her chakra filled fist connected with it. cracks rippled across the surface which surprised him, no one had ever been able to break through this before.

His eyes narrowed at her as he jumped back to avoid more of her hits. He wasn't sure if he could take this one on alone. Sure he was strong enough to withstand her and her attacks, but for how long exactly was the question. He had no knowledge of this woman or her clan, other than that of the sealing of Kaguya Otsutsuki. He had heard all about the stories of how the brothers had sealed away their own mother, but he was at a disadvantage without the knowledge of said seals.


Hinata crossed her arms over her chest, she had been looking for Madara everywhere but she had yet to find him. What on earth could he be doing right now? She looked out the window to see Tobirama off in the distance, her eyes narrowed at this. He and Madara were scouting, they were supposed to be back hours ago but they hadn't returned yet. She rushed out of the compound to meet him but he brushed right past her, knocking her off to the side. Her eyes went wide and she slowly turned to see he had run into the house without a word. She turned her gaze to where he had come from and activated her byakugan.

She couldn't see anything, but she knew something was going on if Tobirama ran by in such a manner. She furrowed her brows and flew through the hand signs for a summoning jutsu. She slapped her hand onto the ground and a large bird appeared. "Princess." It greeted and she nodded at the crow. "We need to move, something isn't right." She said and the bird nodded as it dropped a wing to allow her to get on. She hopped onto the bird, gripping tightly to its feathers as it prepared to take off.

Not long after the bird took flight, she heard Neji, Tobirama, and Hashirama yelling at her from below. She looked off to the distance and saw two chakra signatures going at one another. She fisted her hands and urged the bird to fly faster. "Damn you, Madara. What are you doing?" she growled to herself as the bird dipped in preparation to drop her off. She threw herself from the bird, only looking back to tell the crow to go get the others and bring them to their location.

She landed behind Madara to see that he was currently rag dolling a white haired woman. Every hit he landed on her only seemed to enrage her further. The moment the woman's eyes landed on Hinata, a feral grin crossed her lips. Hinata fell into a defensive stance, knowing that the woman was now going to come after her. "Hinata no!" Madara yelled as he lunged for the woman who was on the war path towards her, a blade made of bone in her grasp.

"So pure!" the woman screeched as she reached for her, only for Madara to tackle her to the ground and pin her to the ground with her own blade. "Hinata get out of here! Now!" he roared at her, which honestly caught her off guard. He had never yelled at her like this before. Was this woman truly that dangerous? She started to turn and get a bit of distance, but she was struck with a sudden pain and she hit her knees. She looked down to see the blade protruding from the upper right side of her chest. Her gaze turned to see the woman still pinned by the blade Madara had pinned her by.

How had she managed to hit her with the same weapon she was pinned down with?

All she knew next was the darkness seeping in as she fell forward, and Madara's absolutely enraged yell.

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