Twilight plus one

By fluffymeowcat

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❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 I'm in what century now?
chapter 3 Home sweet home
chapter 6 Why is Carlisle carrying a limp body.
Chapter 7 Yeah I have a new sister sarcastic much?
Chapter 8 Fist hunt....Joy
Chapter 10 My big teddy bear brother!!!!!
Chapter 11 Emmett my brother... what can I say
Chapter 12 Big brother bear.
Chapter 13 Jealous
Read please :)
Chapter 14 Meeting the Quileutes
Chapter 15 Alice and Jasper
Chapter 16 Meeting the Denali coven
Chapter 17 Twilight. (Baised on the book and the movie)
Chapter 18 Biology
Chapter 19 Brothers got a crush
Chapter 21 Take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Chapter 22 First meeting
Chapter 23 Emmett and the bear (short chapter)
Chapter 24 Willie
25 Hey batter, Batter swing! NOT AT ME!
Chapter 26, showing my true self.
chapter 27 Crazy,psycho, tracker.
Chapter 28 We lost a human in a airport
New moon: New begging's.
Chapter 29 He Changes His Attitude Like The Weather.
Chapter 30. Put The Gun Down.
Chapter 31 Black heart.
Chapter 32 Say something.
Chapter 33 My Last Breath.
Chapter 34 Heaven Knows. (Re-written.)
Chapter 35 Going home
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37 Were not all suicidal. . . well at least i'm not.
Chapter 38 "Here we go."
Chapter 39 "Adding it to my collection."
Chapter 40 "Bella, the Caffeine Junky."
Chapter 41 "Welcome to the Family."
Chapter 42. Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 43 Eclipse: Letting the Spectrum In.
Chapter 44 Dig Up His Bones
Chapter 45. Surprise surprise.
Chapter 46. The Race.
Chapter 47 The Argument.
Chapter 48 The Truth.
Chapter 49. The miscommunication.
Chapter 50. Through The Valley
Chapter 51. When I Was Younger.
chapter 52 Medicine Man
Chapter 53. Cloaked Figures.

Chapter 4 different era and chapter 5 combined

5K 129 16
By fluffymeowcat

I looked around the room and I saw something? It looked fascinating to me. I got up,and walked over to it.It had a bunch of white things in front of it. With little black keys. I poked , and as I poked it, it made a noise. A loud bing sound. I giggled. I kept poking it. I looked over at Carlisle and Esme.

"What is this?" Pointing to the thing. They looked confused.

"You don't know what a piano is?" Esme asked me.

"A piano" I sighed in awe. "No I don't and i'll tell you I don't know much time from this era. But I will tell you when the time comes.But for now I would like you hear from the both of you."

"Very well. I will go first" Carlisle said to me. "I was born in the era Circa in the 1640's in London,England. My father was my only family. My mother died giving birth to me.My father was a crusader to evil.He always used to go leading hunts through London,and the surrounding areas for witches,werewolves,and vampires. He caused many innocent people to burn." He sighed." As he grew older, he put me in charge. But I was not quick to judge. I actually found a coven of vampires in the sewers. I gathered a group of hunters and we waited for darkness to come. We waited for one to emerge.One did.He attacked all of us. Two of us were killed. I was bitten. Knowing that if anything was infected by the vampire it would be burned. I hid myself in a nearby cellar. I didn't make a sound. When the pain stopped. I realized what I had become. I tried everything to jumping of cliffs or by drowning myself. I even tried to drown myself. Months passed and I was filled with self loathing. I kept myself to the loneliest places I could find. One night a heard of deer came by the place I was at. I didn't even think. I attached them. It was then that I realized that I could feed of animals.I didn't have to be a monster. Knowing that my father would hate me no matter how I lived. Or what I lived off of. By night I learned different things, like music, science, and medicine in the universities of Europe. While I was studying in Italy in the early 1700's. I was discovered by the Volturi."

I gasped. This will not end well I new shouldn't of come her. I thought to myself. Carlisle ignored my gasp and kept going.

"I admired their civility. They tried to persuade my diet. After two long decades in Italy I was growing increasingly lonely and longed to find other vampires who believed their was a life for them that didn't involve murder. When I moved to America, things didn't changed for me like the way I had hoped. But I began a career in medicine. I felt that by saving human lives I could compensate in some measure for the existence of vampires. I couldn't risk exposure.In 1918 I was working with a patient her name was Elizabeth Masen. Her son,name was Edward Anthony Masen. I hope you could meet him.His father had died in the first wave. His mother was barley holding on. She begged my to save her son. she said "that I must do everything in my power to save him" At first I was undecided I never thought to steal another life, like mine was stolen. I walked over to Edward and looked at him. I looked into his face the goodness and purity in Edwards face is what convinced me. I grabbed him and ran across roof tops, but him and waited.Once he woke up from the changed we realized that he had a ability. Mind reading.I was shocked. I never heard of such a power. In 1921 I was still working at a hospital. That's when I met someone. Someone who I could love and I knew she was my life. Esme. She has changed me in more ways than one. I felt hole not half. Our son Edward left he said that he needed time. That he would come back. But he will be back I imagine I hope you could meet him." Carlisle said with a small smile.

Wow his life so far was nice. But some of the things were tragic. Wait does he think he has no soul? He must have bumped his vampire head. His father was exactly like the Volturi. I wonder if I could like this Edward.

"Why do you feed off animals? Why not be like others? " I asked him.

He let out a sad sigh. "Because I didn't want to feed off innocent humans. That maybe I could get a chance"

"A chance at what?"

He looked straight into my eyes."A chance at heaven"

"That makes sense" I stated.

"Now could you tell us your story?" Esme asked me. I smirked.

"You first" I told her she sighed.

"Okay but I will make it quick.My full name is Esme Anne Platt Evenson Cullen. I was born in 1845. I was married to a man named Charles Evenson. Vile man. I had a new son. He was so beautiful. Shortly after he got sick. He had died. I was crushed, like any mother to see their newborn die in front of them. I couldn't live without him." She had a sad smile, and a longing in her face." I jumped off a cliff, and that's when I found Carlisle. Well he found me." She laughed. Carlisle smiled at her adoringly.

"You found each other. That's what soul mates mean" I stated. They looked at me and smiled. Esme sighed.

"I'm surprised that I survived that fall, and I think you know the rest." Esme said. She smiled at me and pointed her finger at me "Now you"

I sighed "Here we go".

                                Chapter 5. Telling stories and you must be Edward?

Stephenie Meyer: Say it

me: neverrrrrrrrrrrr

Edward: Just say so I can be in the story quicker.

Me: fine I do not own anything from twilight its all Stephenie

Edward: well you do own Emily

Me: this is why I like you


Emily's P.O.V

"My story is very short. Complicated, but short." I told them. They both nodded, saying that I may proceed. "Well i'm older than you Carlisle. I was born in the 1580's. Of course you already know i'm a hybrid. My mother was the werewolf. My dad was the vampire and a scientist" I scoffed. "More like a mad scientist. My father wanted to see if you could impregnate a werewolf. My mother was the full moon werewolf. As you can see the experiment was a success. Once it was time for me to be born. My mother was almost killed because of me. It was not a normal pregnancy. My father said that I was an abomination, that I was not worthy of him. That I shouldn't even been called his child. I was told from my mother that he put us both in cages. Like we were animals. Since I was born I have been in a cage. I learned a lot from my mother. She told me stories to keep me calm. My father only fed us two times a week. My mother told me what I was, she taught me how to control my "inner wolf". She said that if I turn I can not control my actions on a full moon. I told her that I will not be a monster, that I could focus, and be me.On the next full moon I turned for the first time. Do you know what happens? How it feels to turn on a full moon? It hurts.

Every bone in your body breaks.It takes five minutes for the turn to complete. The thing is I had to be chained to the wall so I couldn't kill anyone. Or escape. All I felt was pain then...nothing. It was in a cold sweat. My mom asked me if I was okay. I couldn't say anything I was so disappointed in myself. I thought I could control my shifting. By day mother taught me things. By night she taught me how to fight, and how to control myself. It took seven full moons for me to master it. In 1596 something happened. Something I will never forget. It was night time. The next day was the full moon.My mother was singing softly always the same tune. It kept me calm. She stopped all of a sudden. I was dozing off into a great slumber. When I heard my villages screams. Sounds of horror in their voices. I tried asking my mother what was wrong.She turned, she made her self turn. She broke down her cage door and broke mine. She said that we barley had any time, no time for questions.She told me to leave. To run. To never come back. She gave me her necklace. At this point I knew she was saying goodbye. I took a deep breath and ran." I took a breath and remembered the horrific sight.

But once I was outside. It was treacherous. Fire that's all I saw. Women, children, family, and friends all running for their lives. I ran towards the woods but stopped when I was in the tree line.I saw what the cause of this disaster. Seven cloaks figures. My mother ran out and she saw me.In her face was disappointment but with relief. She ran towards me, but was grabbed by them. She screamed and thrashed so she could be free. I took charge. I ran to help my mother, but I was too late. They had already snapped her neck and set her on fire. Out of anger I pushed the biggest one down and ran towards what was once my mother.They were shocked that I had done that. We had a little conversation. But Marcus is the one that saved me. He told them to wait that I was not like others. Aro asked Jane if she could something. Whatever it was it was not working. Which I was thankful for. Aro then asked me to join his guard. I told him that i'd rather die. He then came up to me and snapped my neck. Everything was black. But I felt something pulling inside me stomach. It was a stake. After someone pulled it out. I got up and grabbed a girl I did not know. I held her by throat. Since I'm stronger than your kind. She couldn't do anything. Aro knew that if he took a step she would be dead. After Heidi told me her name of course. I kinda sorta challenged Aro. He was shocked. So was I. I asked Aro what year is it. He told me it was 1927. Three hundred and thirty-one years I was "Asleep" or  "half dead". I demanded that he let me go.

But there were conditions. He left. Marcus came in shortly after. I don't know I sort have a connection with him like a protector. He told me that I was like a daughter to me. He said that I also reminded him of his wife. He said that if I wanted to get out of there he would help me. Which he did.I ran. Everything was so different. Everything from this time period shocks me, and fascinates me. That's why I don't know what a piano is. You guys know the rest. Because I'm here with you two." I sighed and gave Carlisle and Esme a small small "You guys can ask me anything. If you would like too"

"You were born in the 1580's"? Carlisle asked me in shock. Shocker.

"Yes I was.So that means im older than you. But in human years I'm sixteen." I told him.

"You said that you were staked?" Esme asked me.


"So if you were staked, does that mean you can be burned by the sun?" Carlisle asked me.

"Yes, I can, but the necklace that I have on is protecting me from the sun. If taken off I will be burned. I would surely die" I told him.

"So that is why you have the necklace on." Esme stated.

"That and because its the only thing I have left of her. Besides the memories. " I chuckled.

"Do you...." Carlisle started but stopped. He looked nervous.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Do you have fangs?"Carlisle asked me. I smirked.

"You mean these?" I asked innocently. I opened my mouth and let my canines come out. I felt the veins coming from my eyes.  I closed my eyes and thought of something peaceful. I looked back at them. They both had a look of pure shock. I giggled.

"What?" I asked them with a smile on my face.

"Wow"Carlisle told me. Still in shock I see. I sighed and looked at Esme. She really did resemble my mom.

"You look like her" I confronted her.

"Like whom?" Esme asked me as she raised her eyebrows.

"My mother" I told her simply. She did something that shocked me. She ran at me and hugged me like a mother would. I froze. I never had a hug. I slowly put my arms around her slender waist. Mom. WAIT MOM? where did that come from?

"Shhhh its okay" She cooed in my ear.

"Thank you, Esme I kind of needed that" I told her letting go.

She let go and sat down beside me."Your welcome dear".

"Emily if I may. May I ask you more questions?" Carlisle asked me.

"Of course fire when ready." I replied back.

"How fast can you run" He shot.

"Faster than your kind." To make a demonstration in a blink of an eye I was behind Carlisle and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around but only caught a glimpse of me. I flashed back to the couch as if nothing happened.

Carlisle turned back to me. His expression was so priceless Esme and I laughed together. For a while. When I laughed I realized that I haven't laughed, ever. I felt normal. Human. We sobered up.

"I can also sleep, eat food, I'm probably stronger than your kind, and before you ask my diet is animal blood. But I could go without for months." I told the both of them.

"You can sleep" She said in awe.

"Yes. But I already "slept" for so long I don't need anymore sleep" I laughed.

"That's true. I have two more questions" Esme stated.

"Go on ahead" I told her.

"Well one may I speak to Carlisle in the Kitchen?" She asked me sincerely.

"Of course you can. Go take your time. It's your home."

She nodded and waved Carlisle to follow her. They walked away in the other room I looked around the room. Once again it was beautiful. Art work was around the room. The art was peaceful but meaningful. It blended in with the room. I sighed. Even though I could hear there conversation. I would not eavesdrop. I rolled my eyes at that thought. I looked over to the piano. I walked over to it admiring it. I sat on the bench. Thinking that maybe I could teach myself. I heard footsteps coming closer to me. My muscles tensed. They relaxed when I recognized the scents. Carlisle and Esme. I looked over my shoulder they were holding hands. Esme had her head on Carlisle's shoulder. They were a perfect couple. Esme walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"We have a question. Carlisle and I talked. You don't have to make a decision now but we would like to know would you like to move in with us?" Esme asked me.

I froze. They want me. As a daughter? that would mean they would be my new parents. Would they leave me?"Would you leave me?" I asked the both of them.

Carlisle came over to me and crouched down in front of me. He took my hand in a fatherly way."We would never if you accept the offer. That would mean you are family. Our daughter." Carlisle told me.


"Yes what sweetie?" Esme asked me.

"Yes I will move in with you." I told her. There faces were priceless. I giggled. My new parents. A dad who actually cares. A mother who I could talk to. A comforter. I got off the bench and hugged both of them. I can't believe I have a new life, new parents, new love, new history, wars.

"I have a question" I looked at them. "What does Edward look like?"

"Oh he has untidy bronze hair, he is 17. Lanky, but muscular, boyish looks. He is also very tall maybe 6'2"." Carlisle had this glint in his eye. With a smile on his face.

"What are you playing at old man ?" I teased him. Carlisle and Esme laughed. I looked around. Yeah there are a lot of new things. But the newest thing is a new beginning.

1928: Were still living in Ashland, Wisconsin. Were waiting for my brother Edward. From the stories that I heard he seems like a gentleman. Carlisle or should I say dad, taught me a lot. Lets just say for some of the stuff, I'm happy i missed it.

1929:Still in Ashyland, Wisconsin. Mom and dad are worries about Edward, my brother. Quite franically so am I. Dad and I went hunting. Lets just say Im sticking to bear. Oh I also have this power I can track. Human or non-human. All I have to do is think of something or someone and I could find it.I tried tracking Edward but mom and dad said not to bother him.

1930: If this Edward does not show up. I will explode. Mom's been worrying left and right. Damn him. So far we have not run into the Volturi which is a good thing. I hope.

                                                                   1931. Ashland, Wisconsin

Mom and dad said they would be back in a while. Its been three hours. I hope there all right.

"Ugh" I plopped down on the small sofa. "I'm so bored. So bored." I sang. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Next thing I know I'm up against the wall with un-human strength.

"That is no way to treat a lady" I said to the stranger.

"Who are you?" The stranger said. In a mans voice. I felt myself turning into a vampire. I flip us around and held him by his neck. His face was written in shock. I hissed. I looked him over he had bronze hair and was very tall, but muscular.

Wait. I recognize him. I cocked my head to the side."You must be Edward?"

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