Player Status

By muraar

329K 16.2K 12.4K

ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴇᴛ ɪꜱᴇᴋɪᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ, ʏᴇᴛ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ꜱᴏᴍᴇʜᴏᴡ ʀᴇᴛᴀɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴍᴇᴄʜᴀɴɪᴄꜱ ❝𝙬𝙝𝙮- 𝙬𝙝𝙮... More

⚠️Important ⚠️
Crit ratio (extra)
Business Opportunity (extra)
Insights #1
Conversations That Are 69% Canon
13 (fr This Time, This Bad Boy Has WORDS, WORDS THAT YOU CAN READ)
Fleeting rumors (extra)
Insights #2


21K 1K 814
By muraar

(ꜰɪɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ) ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴍᴇ

After your borderline fatal initial encounter and then your rather awkward reconciliation, you find yourself outside Good Hunter, munching down on a serving of Pile' em up. With the man of the hour seated in front of you, he got nothing for himself though, seemingly content with staring at you... well, more like analyzing you as if you were a specimen under a microscope.

You didn't let it bother you though, not much anyway. Supposedly it's easier to tune out extracurriculars when one is hungry and there is a (rather delicious looking) serving of food in front of them. And further in your defense, Diluc didn't look like he was going anywhere any time soon, but your food? That could very well get cold if not consumed immediately.

And so what if the silence wasn't exactly comfortable? You've been through worse. Besides, Diluc seemed to be content with studying your face and your actions. After all, you'd have to be an idiot not to understand that this man was probably one of the most vigilant people alive; and that he was probably trying to figure you out. Or rather, attempting to figure you out.

It was hard to tell if he was succeeding, but you weren't complaining. This gave you time to think after all. Think and process whatever the hell happened in Whispering Woods.

You were in Teyvat... understandable, you could still access game mechanics... might as well. Diluc Ragnvindr was using traveling doctors and bloodstained greatsword... blasphemy.

Maybe you could understand the whole artifact thingy. The man probably had no clue about those, but he was rich enough to afford a decent weapon... then why use that thing? He probably used a Favonius Greatsword in the old days, but after everything that went down, you don't fault him for ditching it. Maybe he just switched and then never bothered again... the man was confident in his abilities, so maybe it never mattered in the long run.

Subtly, you glanced at him from the corner of your eyes... and yup you were still the center of his attention.

Sighing, you fiddled with the remaining bits of food on your plate, trying to think of a way to explain everything. You didn't want to lie, in fact, you half considered coming clean entirely. 'Hey, I'm from another world where you are just a video game character. Also, I know everything about you, from your ancestry to the details of your life' was what you wanted to say. But it was too much to swallow, especially now when you had only just managed to talk some sense into yourself not thirty minutes before. It would be hard enough explaining yourself, that you existed in a different universe without adding to the already awkward conversation by telling him how you knew about the things he had done in the past.

"Diluc Ragnvinder,"

He spoke up first, startling you out of your thoughts. You briefly met his gaze before your brain caught up to make some coherent sense. He was introducing himself Something that had clearly slipped you... You know him, But he doesn't know you! Yes, thank you very much brain. And you gave him your name too, before tentatively adding.

"Say Diluc.... I think you could use some improvements"

He didn't have any reason to doubt you, not when he had just experienced your premises to be true. But perhaps there was something more than just curiosity that urged him to say the following.

"What do you suggest?"

Okay, now time for you to put things forward in the simplest form possible.

"Artifacts might not be possible at the moment'' because you didn't actually have any "but a better weapon... that's very much doable"

Wolves Gravestone was the only thing you had on your mind. Lore-wise the weapon existed, and it had Mondstadt origins and it looked good on him. All you had to do was find it, really.

Easier said than done, but the Knight of Boreas left it behind as a literal gravestone. It might still be out there, in some wilderness.

"So, is this what you do?"

Along with watching and observing all monumental changes in this world and uncovering all its secrets.

"Sometimes, otherwise, I'm just a traveler exploring this land, watching and learning about its history." the lore whore that you were, you had to indulge yourself. And yeah, you knew it was just a video game, but useless research was your forte. And better to mention it now before you got any weird looks for knowing something obscure.

Still, you had an inkling feeling that he wasn't sold on your story just yet.

"A traveler with no supplies or preparations. Rather unlikely, don't you think?"

And of course, he wasn't.

"In the words of the geo archon, All Mora is currency but not all currency is Mora."

You leaned forward, situating your elbows on the table before your chin in the palm of your hand.

"I have a rather peculiar skill set, as you just saw, and it proves itself to be more than sufficient."

There might be some truth to your words, but then it would be impossible for someone like you to be so... unexpected. He firsthand knew the lengths people could go for power. In a world like this, for you to remain so inconspicuous.

Something about that just doesn't make sense, but then again, 'not making sense' was essentially all of you.

He sighs, and yet he feels compelled to accept what you said.

"Now tell me do these guys serve some sort of dessert?"


Maybe ditching Diluc like that wasn't the best of ideas. The man had just paid for your lunch and was inquiring about dessert for you when you took off.

But oh well, what's done is done and you could always find him again. You knew the streets of Mondstadt like the back of your hand, a little bit too well to your liking, in fact. Collecting Philanemo Mushrooms took you to every nook and corner of the city. Needless to say, you recognized almost all corners of this city.

Your exploration detour was exciting really. Everything that was used to fit on your screen now surrounded you completely. Buildings that were in-game for the sake of existing, now were more solid... in the way everything was animate. No longer just a digital model of a city but in fact a real one, no longer just an idea of a place, but something tangible.

Currently, you were beyond the main street and the shops, a quiet street beyond the usual hustle of the seemingly cheerful city, a left turn and you were sure you could spot Mona's house. You had half the mind to go and visit but the plan was cut short when you spotted two very recognizable blonde pigtails. .......Barbara? But what was she doing all the way back here?

The answer hastily arrived as another familiar face, the infamous NPC Albert, who looked like he ran a marathon. Oh, of course, makes sense makes sense. From your peripherals, you saw Barbara sinking further into a corner.

"Have you seen Barbara-sama come through here?"

Pointing in the opposite direction. "Yeah, I think she went there."

Your two-fingered mock goodbye went unnoticed as he sprinted off in the gestured direction.

"So... Is he gone now?"

You tuned towards the resident idol and she came out of her hiding place.

"Yes, he's gone, for now at least."

"whew, thank you! Although... This isn't quite fair of me."

Her voice and demeanor falls, before brightening up again.

"But I appreciate your intervention!"

Scratching the back of your head, "It's fine really, I know that company can be ... overwhelming at times."

Barbara knew it wasn't polite of her to ignore straight-up avoid her fans like this. If anything, she should be grateful for their enthusiasm and support. But she had just finished her church duties for the day, not to mention the performances she had yesterday finally seemed to be taking their toll. When she spotted Albert waiting outside the church, startled and rather exhausted, she took her leave from the opposite exit. What was unfortunate, is that Albert noticed her and continued his enthusiastic pursuit.

Hastily trying to make her escape, she ended up beyond the main street and in this corner with him still hot on the tail. Maybe she shouldn't have tried to hide in the first place.

Until you strolled up as her savior, effortlessly getting him off her back. And as such she approached you to express her gratitude but looking at you, she realized you didn't look like a local. Your clothing, while not exactly local, did suit you. It was simple yet sharp and framed your figure well. You were definitely on the handsome side.

"O-oh, where are my manners? I am Barbara, a deaconess of the Church of Favonius. And you outrider, are you new to Mondstadt?"

Yes, freshly isakied and you dear Barbara are the second addition to my Harem here.


You really should stop thinking like this. And I should get a better sense of humor.

You ended up giving her your name and telling her that you were indeed a traveler.

"Oh, I see, well I hope that your stay here is enjoyable. There are plenty of beautiful locations in Mondstadt! "

"yeah not so sure about that," -remembering your initial encounter with Diluc-. "But if you have any places to suggest I'm all ears."

"Well, I suggest going to Cat's Tail. their special drink 'Summer-Serendipity Coral Sparkling Tea' is fantastic." anticipating pause, "we can go there together if you like."

She doesn't know what came over, but you seemed kind enough to her. Or perhaps she just wanted a company that wasn't so... overbearing. Compared to how the rest of her day had been, your presence was a welcomed distraction from the constant thoughts in her head.

Your ears pick up at the suggestion. Barbara was literally asking you out (not in that way) and you won't terribly mind having a drink with her.

"Yes- I mean sure, but don't you want to avoid." you gestured to where Albert went.

"I already gave my order to Margert earlier, making one for you won't take much time and, well, we are already in the vicinity."

You dont say.

You looked around; lips pursed as you yet again considered the current scenario. You were indeed behind the main street and could easily sneak around to reach Cats Tail discreetly. Barbara's expectant look thawed your resolve (if you had any) even further.

"Alright, let's go"


First, the drink was delicious, like holy shit in-game food was quickly raising up the ladder, and second, you didn't run into Albert again. And now Barbara was showing you around Mondstadt and that's how you ended up taking a stroll along the bridge.

Sure you were fluent in the history of Teyvat but it didn't stop you from animately nodding along to all the things she was saying. And it's not like she was going all nerd on you, talks were more on things like 'top five drinks to try from taverns' (which you definitely noted), the city's very own Honorary Knight, and their deeds here. (learning about it from a different perspective was interesting)

It didn't take long for the Acting Grandmaster to be bought up and that's when she practically had stars in her eyes.

"The acting Grand Master sounds impressive, shouldering all that responsibility cant be easy." Surely not with how overworked she gets

She peaks up at this. "She really is adept with her sword and managing the Stromterror crises in the grandmaster's absence. It's all remarkable"

"Sounds like you really look up to her." her cheeks flare at this.

"I do, but I could never come close to comparing to her." a sigh "Aside from my singing and performing, I don't really have any abilities worth mentioning."

Self-doubts and inadequacies, feelings that were all too familiar, and not too uncommon for yourself either. A typical reaction for someone who was self-conscious or insecure. Something all too relatable, maybe it's just the fact that you were looking at her as a real person or the fact that you didn't like people talking down on themselves.

"There's nothing wrong with admitting when you're not up to par. I know how hard it can be... but just because you aren't up to par doesn't mean you can't improve."

"You really think so?" the doubt in her voice was evident.

"With a little help... who knows what you'll do" you wink down at her

"I have zero combat talents. I can't swing a sword-" there was no way that you could actually-

"You have more potential than you realize." you vaguely gesture to her vision

The setting sun on the horizon was almost making your eyes glow gold. The wind rustled the tops of the trees ahead of you as you walked alongside her. Her pace had slowed down considerably as she processed what you had just said.

Welp, time apart. If you were lucky, Diluc would be at Angels Share right about now.

"Well, I must take my leave now. Thanks for showing me around. It was nice meeting you, Barbara." you immediately turn back, heading towards the main entrance to Mondstadt.

"wait can you- can you really help me?"

Halting and turning around, orange rays now directly illuminating your face, a few meters separating the both of you.

"I know I can... Find me when you make up your mind, alright?"


The usually peopled streets of Mondstadt were now deserted, save for the occasional knights patrolling around. One even asked if you needed assistance going around, but you politely declined. It wasn't long after, you reached the tavern and gods was it satisfactory to open the tavern door and interact with the missing poster beside it.

The static change in scenery was quite something to take in. The streets might be empty, but the tavern was anything besides that. Your evening chill was immediately taken over by warmth when you entered the tavern and it wasn't hard to understand why. Mondstadters were fond of their wine and you could spot knights and residents alike indulging in their drinkings.

Another reason for the crowd might be the fact that the winery tycoon himself was behind the bar tonight. Clad in all his glory, his expression was neutral as he served the patrons, but that changed as soon as he saw you.


"yeah me"

Heeding your request Diluc had just bought you a dessert but as soon as he turned back to where you were seated, you were already gone. Now he would have gone after you if it weren't for the fact that how ridiculous all this was. A traveler (he still doubts this) that could empower vision wielders? Sure people with unnatural abilities exit and maybe you could too, but undetected? He's not the one to overestimate his networks and reach but surely there would have been a word in the wind, however fleeting that might be.

Or maybe it was for his own commonsense that he let you be. Maybe he was just stressed and had imagined the entire ordeal... but the conclusion quickly shattered when he saw you enter through the door.

When he remained silent, you took a seat in front of the tavern table, right in front of him.

"Hello again"

"Where were you?"

"making friends and exploring, of course... plenty of things to see in this city" you weren't exactly going to lie about this.

Here you were! Back again!... right in front of him.... and that mean you existed, and he wasn't going crazy.

Or perhaps he is a little crazy still.

"I've decided"

Your eyes furrowed as you stared at him.

Beyond all odds, if someone like you did exist and worked how you said you did, then he was also not short of being an opportunist.

"If this amplification is what you do, then I could use your cooperation"

Building Diluc? and he was agreeing to it?

I see this as an absolute win.

"Sure... I mean why not?

"In the meantime, you can stay at the winery."

This caused you to turn back a little. It was simply too good to be true. You couldn't stop the awkward laugh that escaped you.

​​"hah... really? You will let me stay?"

"All Mora is currency, but not all currency is Mora. It's only fair... but I do still intend to pay you"

You had stayed in five-star suits back home, but nothing, nothing could ever come close to this.

"You certainly put forth a hard bargain, Mr. Ragnvinder." You needed to pinch yourself to check if any of this was actually real. But there was no point hiding the genuine smile that adorned your face. "As such, who am I to refuse?"

"Very well, then. We shall take our leave once I'm done here."



me: guys I'm just editing

also me: *ends up adding 1k more words*

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