Crit ratio (extra)

13.9K 716 160

"I am glad that you all joined me today. Today's session is about a certain ratio you see me cry about."

Yes, you were info-dumping. but will they understand? While you had dumbed down the explanation. This all was still Schrodinger's cat.

"I'll spare you the maths, but it's kind of the final determinant of your power. The final multiplier that gets into account. 1 to 2 is ideal, is more for each is better."

You had everyone's attention on the word 'power'. they were as much as a stranger to your abilities as you were.

"Yes Childe I can see that you are very excited, but yours is only 46/180." It was no surprise that the domains here too hated you.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night can feel my-

"yes but how exactly?"

You don't bother to see who asked and continue on with this impromptu lesson.

"Imagine your mom is chasing you with a broom. The crit rate would be the percentage chance of that broom hitting you and the crit damage is how hard she hits you. If both are high, then more damage more frequently."



It was comical how everyone turned their heads towards Zhongli, who was sipping on the tea he had. Where did he even get the tea?

"A fine rationale indeed." Stroking his chin, he sounded like he actually understood.

He understood.

The thought was almost comforting.

"See! I knew you would understand. If no one got me, I know Zhongli go- WHERE ARE YOU DRAGGING ME?"

You were soon dragged by Childe, who was more agitated than excited.

"Peak of Vindagnyr, we still need 44% more."

"But-but we just got back!"

Your pleas fell on deaf ears as the Harbinger dragged you along, determined to make that broom hit more often.


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