Tokyo revengers x male reader

By RandomKid362

44.4K 1K 438

Another time leaper or is he from the past our (Y/N) is one strange dude will he be able to get past these ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Discord fuckers
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

1.3K 38 11
By RandomKid362

(B/N) then kicks one of them in the ribs as you hear a crack coming from the kick.

The unconscious guy spat out saliva.

Akkun: (B/N) it's over.

(B/N) didn't respond as he stomped on another person in the face.

Takemichi: (B/N). We need to get (Y/N) and Draken to the hospital.

(B/N) then looked back to them.

(B/N): Takemichi and others help Draken up and follow me. I'll get my brother.

Takemichi: Right.

Draken: Nggh...

As Takemichi and Akkun try to help Draken get up. Takuya wraps Draken's head up with a bandanna to stop his head from bleeding.

(B/N) gets some bandages from his pockets and wraps (Y/N)'s hand and then wraps his stomach up a little.

Yamagishi: I don't see the ambulance!

Hina: It's over here! Hurry!

We then see Hina and Emma coming over to them all with the ambulance.

Hina: Hey, over here!

Emma: Hurry!

Akkun: Cmon, hurry!

Yamagishi: Hey! Over here!

We then look over at the Toman vs Moebius battlefield as we see Toman and Moebius members on the floor knocked out.

Mitsuya sitting down.

Mitsuya: Man, I'm beat.

Smiley: Hey, we're done over here!

Smiley is being supported by Yuto heading over to Mitsuya.

Yuto: Apparently, he hurt his leg.

Mitsuya: Ah. Where's Mikey?

Baji then pointed towards Mikey.

Baji: Over there.

We then see Hanma and Mikey having a stand off as Mikey has an expressionless face.

Hanma chuckles.

Hanma: Yeah, you're exhausting, Mikey.

Hanma: And you're not even out of breath. What are you, a monster?

Mikey: Shit up. Just die already.

We then heard a motorcycle rev up as Mikey looks and sees a muscular bald guy on a motorcycle.

???: Hanma, we should get going.

Hanma: Yeah.

Random member: Shit it's the cops!

Toman and Moebius members then started running again.

Moebius member: We're gettin' outta here!

Hanma: Mikey!

Hanma: You're about to witness the creation of the most sinister biker gang alliance in the Kanto region:  Valhalla!

Hanma then covers his face with the hand with sin on it.

Hanma: I'm Valhalla's first vice commander, Hanma Shiji.

Hanma: Remember this, Mikey.

Hanma: From now on, Toman will never know peace again.

Hanma then gets on the motorcycle as the two then drive off.

Mikey stared the two off.

We now see an ambulance drive off as it holds (Y/N) and Takemichi inside.

Takemichi: Please... Please be okay.

We then hear some tiny sounds of pain from (Y/N).

Takemichi: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): How's... Draken?

Takemichi: He's in another ambulance.

(Y/N): Good...

Takemichi: You saved his life.

(Y/N) eyes widened as he smiled.

(Y/N): Mission accomplished...

The heartbeat monitor then flat lined.

Doctor then pushed Takemichi out of the way.

1Doctor: He's gone into cardiac arrest! Step back!

2Doctor: Airway's clear.

1Doctor: Starting CPR! One, two, three, four, five, six!

They kept trying to push out of his lungs.

1Doctor: I'm not getting anywhere!

2Doctor: One more time! One, two, three, four, five...

Takemichi was wide eyed.

Takemichi: (Y/N)!

We then see Mikey driving on his motorcycle with with an anxious look on his face.

Mikey: Tch...

We then see (Y/N) being rolled in a hospital bed to an operation room.

Takemichi followed but stopped once they got in a operation room.

The room sign light up and said Operation in progress.

(B/N): Takemichi! Where is he?

Takemichi turned around and saw Hina, Emma, (B/N) and his friends.

Takemichi: Hina... Emma... guys.

He then turned his head.

Akkun: No. Cardiac arrest?

(B/N): Damn it! (Y/N) you better not fucking die.

(B/N) had some tears threatening to come out.

Mitsuya: Takiemichi! How's Draken and (Y/N)!

Takemichi: Mitsuya. Peh.

Takemichi: Draken's fine but (Y/N)... before we got to the hospital, his pulse...

Mitsuya: Damn it!

Mitsuya and Peh then look and see Mikey.

Takemichi: Mikey.

Takemichi: Draken is..

Mitsuya: Mikey!

Peh: Mikey, I-

Mikey: Shut up, all of you.

Mikey: You need to keep quiet in a hospital.

Mikey: Where's the waiting room?

They then see everyone in a waiting room as Emma notices Mikey first.

Emma: Mikey...

Mikey then saw (B/N) as (B/N) stood up and went in front of Mikey.

(B/N): Manjiro.

Mikey: It's good to see you again (B/N).

(B/N): Should've been under better circumstances right now I'm more worried about my brother. Though he is sorry we couldn't visit anymore from when you two were younger and he might have barely remember you he still tried to remember you.

Mikey: I see...

Mikey then looked at the operation in progress sign that's light up.

Mikey: He will live he promised me. He's not gonna die here. He'd never do something so disingenuous. He has to keep his promise of being my advisor.

(B/N) nodded his head.

Mikey: Everyone believe in (N/N).

Mikey then took a seat next to (B/N) with a smile.

Mikey: He'll pull through.

Takemichi: He's right. What good is gonna come out of us panicking?

Takemichi smiles.

Takemichi: Mikey is so damn strong.

(B/N): Remember, keep quiet.

The operation in progress sign then turned off.

As everyone noticed and was now watching the room.

Two doctors come out.

Doctor: We managed to save his life. The operation... was a success.

Everyone's faces except Mikey and (B/N) turned into a shock happiness.

Takemichi: Hell yeah!

Takemichi: (Y/N) is okay!

Mikey walked away.

In another room Draken heard them shout it as he smiled.

Draken: Knew you would be okay.

Draken had some tears leak from his eyes.

Draken: Damn man you got me fucking crying.

Everyone was smiling Takemichi and his friends celebrating.

Mitsuya: Shut up, you guys! Let's go let the guys outside know.

They all agreed.

Peh didn't move.

Peh: I... can't face the others.

Mitsuya: Peh, we all get that you did what you did for Pah's sake.

Peh: Mitsuya...

Mitsuya: But Peh, the one who was thinking the most about Pah was Draken. And (Y/N) has been caring for his motorcycle to this day.

Mitsuya: That's the people you tried to kill.

Peh: Draken... (Y/N)...

Mitsuya: You'd better apologize.

Mitsuya: To Draken, to Pah... to everyone.

Peh: Yeah.

Mitsuya: Welcome back, Peh.

Peh then let some tears come out of his eyes.

Hina: It stopped raining.

Hina: Oh, no! Look at the time! It's past midnight.

Emma: It's already August 4th.

Takemichi was behind them at the doorway.

Takemichi: Huh?

Takemichi: It's already... August 4th?

Tkaemichi then got on his knees.

Takemichi: Naoto... he made it through. It's not August 3rd anymore

Tkaemichi: The mission to save Draken...

Takemichi: Was a success!

Toman members we're celebrating.

Takemichi noticed something.

Takemichi: Hey where's Mikey and (B/N)?

Takemichi then went back to the hospital.

Takemichi then saw Mikey outside the hospital with his body against the building.

Takemichi: Ah, Mi-

Mikey's body dropped to the floor as he was crying a bit.

Mikey covered his face with one hand.

Mikey: Thank goodness.

Mikey was crying.

Mikey: (N/N)...

Takemichi then just listened to Mikey.

Mikey: Don't make me worry like that, you asshole you still gotta be my advisor.

Timeskip of a week later.

(Y/N): It's been a whole week after the fight. I'm at the hospital with my brother in my room.

(Y/N): Mom and Dad were pissed at me but understood after I said I wanted to not let anyone die.

(Y/N): I became a hero among delinquents. They started calling me the gladiator hero though I guess the gladiator name stays with me even in the past.

(Y/N): (B/N) told me that he's going to start training me with dad. So I guess I will finally be able to fully fight instead of trying to copy moves.

Takemichi and Draken then came inside when just saw Takemchi wearing some weird outfit.

(Y/N): Takemichi what the hell are you wearing.

Takemichi: What's don't like it?

(Y/N): You look a little weird this outfit just says. "Hi I'm a wannabe pimp with a huge ego."

Takemichi: Wait really?! Why didn't anyone tell you.

(Y/N): They probably did but you didn't listen.

Takemichi then looked down saddened by my words.

Takemichi: For someone I look up to and respect you sure know how to bring my mood down...

(B/N): (Y/N) I gotta go home I'll see you later.

(Y/N): See ya.

(B/N) Left. It was just me, Takemichi and Draken left.

Draken: I didn't know your brother was (B/N). He's very respected and feared in the delinquent world.

(Y/N): I know I just don't talk about it so he doesn't think I'm using his reputation to make people scared I rather make my own.

Draken: Anyway's I got something for you.

(Y/N): Hmm.

Draken then handed me a bag.

Draken: From Mikey. He said to give it to you.

I pull out what was inside the bag and saw a gang uniform.

(Y/N): A gang uniform?

Draken: That's Mikey's, from when he first formed Toman.

Draken: To Toman. It's as important as life itself.

(Y/N): Shy would he give it to me?

Draken: It's up to you if you wear it or not. But he wanted you to have it regardless.

Draken: (N/N), you basically saved Toman.

Draken: Everyone would admit that. I'd be first in line.

Draken then got closer to me.

Draken: So I want to thank you again.

Draken then bowed his head.

Draken: Thank you.

This shocked me.

Draken: Take good care of that.

I then look the the uniform as Draken stopped bowing.

(Y/N): Mikey's...

(Y/N): This is... too heavy for me.

(Y/N): You think I'm worthy of this someday?

Draken: He'll come see you.

(Y/N): Huh?

Draken: I'm gonna wake him up and get him here.

We then see Draken and Takemichi not in the room as the door opens and Mikey comes inside the room.

(Y/N): Oh hey Mikey...

Mikey: It just won't go away.

(Y/N): Huh?

Mikey: This uneasy feeling in my head.

Mikey: Why did Hanma try to cause inner conflict within Toman?

Mikey: Why did he try to use Kiyomasa and his lackeys to kill him?

Mikey: The biggest mystery... is you, since you realized inner strife was happening and someone was after Ken-chin way before anyone else.

Mikey: And you stopped it... (N/N).

Mikey then stood over my bed.

Mikey: Who the hell are you?

(Y/N): ...intuition.

Mikey: Well whatever.

Mikey: Ken-chin's Alice because if you.

Mikey then raised his hand to (Y/N) to shake it.

Mikey: Thanks, Takemitchy.

(Y/N) shook it.

Mikey: It's good to see you (N/N).

Mikey then left as (Y/N) was finally discharged and he then got out of the hospital.

(Y/N): Mikey, Draken, Akkun... Honestly, I wanna stay with you guys forever. But... I've gotta go home.

(Y/N) smiled.

(Y/N): Goodbye, guys.

(Y/N) then sees Takemichi on the street.

(Y/N): Takemichi. You okay?

Takemichi: Yeah...

(Y/N): Well see you in the future... God that sounds so lame.

Takemichi: Heh. See you in the future big bro.

(Y/N) extend my hand for him to shake as he shook it.


(Y/N) wakes up in a bedroom he feels two things on top of him.

He looks and see a girl with short white hair. And a girl with brown hair cuddling up to him as they seem to be wearing a shirt but no pants.

(Y/N): HUH?! What the hell!? Who these girls?!

(Y/N) slowly gets out of the girls hold as he get out of bed.

(Y/N): Ok what the hell.

(Y/N) then feels something on his finger as he looks at his ring finger he sees a wedding ring. The ring said Yuh x (Y x Sen.

(Y/N): What the hell?! I got married! To two girls!? Oh hell yeah!! Oh wait shit Takemichi and Naoto gotta find them.

(Y/N) then silently left the bedroom to not wake the girls up.

He looks at his hand and sees the scar. He then checks his stomach and sees another scar there. But he also realizes one thing he was stronger way stronger then his past future body.

(Y/N): Well at least I know this isn't no hallucination of a fantasy.

He then felt a vibration as he checked inside his pocket and felt his phone. He looks at his phone and sees a schedule notification that says Salon Today 20:00.

(Y/N): What the hell? What salon?

We cut to see (Y/N) walking to a salon.

He checks the window and sees Akkun in the Salon cleaning up.

(Y/N): Akkun...

He then goes inside.

Akkun: Ah (Y/N). Your early what about your wives?

(Y/N): Oh they're asleep.

Akkun: Ha ha ha your going to get scolded by them again.

(Y/N): Mhm.

(Y/N) was sitting down.

(Y/N): Akkun, did you actually become a hairstylist?

Akkun: What? I'm just startin' out. I told you, I'm working as an assistant.

(Y/N): Right sorry forgot.

Akkun: The reason I callled you here today is because they're gonna finally let me start cutting hair next month, and I wanted you to be my hair model.

Akkun looks at (Y/N).

Akkun: You know, my first customer.

Akkun smiled at (Y/N).

Akkun: We made that promise, remember?

Akkun: The hell? You didn't forget, did you?

(Y/N): No dumbass, I didn't forget I'm more surprised you didn't forget.

Akkun: Hey I'm not that bad I mean your still the gladiator hero after all.

(Y/N): Heh heh.

(Y/N): I finally understand. I actually changed the present.

(Y/N): It fucking worked!

(Y/N) then heard his phone ring as he checked it and saw a number he didn't recognize.

(Y/N): A number I don't recognize.

He answered the phone.

(Y/N): Hello?

???: You must've succeeded.

(Y/N): Huh? Who's this?

???: And you just returned from the past.

(Y/N) then realizes who it is.

(Y/N): Naoto?!

Naoto is driving his car.

Naoto: Fantastic! You actually did it! Everything changed!

Naoto: (Y/N)!

Naoto: I got Takemichi let's go see my sister!

(Y/N) smiled.

(Y/N): Yeah!

(Y/N) got up and started to leave.

(Y/N): Akkun! I gotta go.

Akkun: Alright. Say hi to Senju and Yuhuza for me.

Author: Hello everyone the love interest are here and I never said who they are till this chapter you get two girls and only two no harem. If you thought this was a gay story you are wrong. (If you don't know who the people are there in the manga and one will be in the next season for the anime.)

(Y/N): I'm getting a lot of chapter published.

Danganronpa (Y/N): Well yours gotten easy cuz Author got a website to use. And he's trying to get better at descriptions.

Fnaf (Y/N): Me, PP and Undertale have no transcript or any motivation for so we are not as active for.

Undertale (Y/N): Eh he actually could get a lot of words.

Powerpuff girls (Y/N): Well gotta remember Author is trying to get better at writing as well.

Mystery: Anyway bye everyone.

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