Hogwarts Hearts Book 1

By JessySaphire

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My first Story. This Book is a Kingdom Hearts and Harry Potter Crossover story, following the events of the f... More

Before you read
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Family
Chapter 2: Adventure of the two sisters
Chapter 3: Old Town Floturena
Chapter 4: The first departure
Chapter 6: Unique Meetings in Diagon Alley
Chapter 7: Train Ride with new Friends
Chapter 8: The Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 9: The Mysterious Book
Chapter 10: An unforgettable Day
Chapter 11: Halloween in Hogwarts
Chapter 12: First game of the Season
Chapter 13: Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw
Chapter 14: Christmas and a Mirror
Chapter 15: Ancient Alchemy
Chapter 16: Hagrid and the Dragon
Chapter 17: Unicorn Search at Night
Chapter 18: Past the Enchantments
Chapter 19: An Enemy rises

Chapter 5: Accepting Yourself

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By JessySaphire

Three Years went by since Kuraiko was in Hogwarts. Now, she would come into her 4th year, as Jessy would soon be coming into her 1st year. It was a warm summer day, father and daughters in the air, discussing. "Kura, that was good but you don't have to be reckless" "What?! I am not!", protested the 14th-year-old, crossing her arms over her chest. "You'll be the Captain this season. Remember what a good Captain does, and what you do know, you will bring them at risk" "But Elrena always encourages me to do risks" "She is not you. She is the Beater and you are a Chaser. She plays differently than you do" "But!" "No buts" "Jessy, back me up on this", Kuraiko looked at her younger sister with pleading eyes, who tried to look away. "Jessy!" "You know Dad is right", she said softly. "Wha? Even you?", Kuraiko looked sad and broken. Her little sister took their fathers' side! "Kura. As a Captain, you must be tactical, oversee and listen to the others. You must think of the others, not just about winning...well, winning is the reason why you play, but you're not alone" "See", stated Kei proudly. "You read way to much" "Actually, Dad said that in an interview" "You've betrayed me, Dad!", she began to whine, making him laugh as "Hey! Food is ready! Come down and eat something", all 3 looked down to see Rei with her wand against the side of her neck, speaking loudly. "Coming!", all 3 shouted back and landed on the ground.

The brooms were stored away, food on the table and all sat down to eat. "I can't believe you're already going to be a 4th year, dear", cooed Hedwig and pinched her oldest granddaughter's cheek. "Grandma! Stop that" "So, how is Divination?", she asked. "Pretty good. Professor Trelawny is super funny and-", she stopped and suddenly beamed at Jessy. "Je", she began to sing out, making the blond-haired girl look at her older sister. "Study of Ancient Runes?" "You know me!" "Kura. You should do this yourself, not asking Jessy" "But! But she is the best! Even the Professors are mind-blown about that knowledge" "Blimey, what will be when she goes to school", groaned Kei, making Kuraikos eyes go wide. "YOU CAN HELP ME!", she suddenly yelled out and pulled Jessy into a big hug, cuddling her. "Kuraiko, not by eating", stated their mother and Kuraiko let go. "But this is amazing! You can help me, I can help you. I wonder in which house you come!" "Slytherin! Of course! The only right house for an Amakura!", Richard boomed with laughter, making Hedwig roll her eyes. "I hope not. Everyone is mostly scared of us" "Agreed! Shortly before Easter, a first-year Hufflepuff collided with me and they scurried away, apologizing and nearly crying" "Amakuras and Slytherin...just like history", groaned Kei and drank some water. "Well, if Jessy would get into Slytherin, then Qui-" "Welcome to Slytherin!", Kuraiko hugged her a second time, causing Jessy to almost choke on a piece of meat. "Ah! Sorry! You ok?" "I'm fine...not my voice", she stated with a scratched voice, causing mother, father, and Grandma to sigh, while Richard laughed loudly. "So I should just join you when it's about Quidditch?" "Oh, you will be the best!" "Kura, seriously", her younger sister sighed, head in her hand, as she just hummed and smiled at her.

"Mama? May I have the carrots?" "Going to Abrax again?", she asked as Jessy nodded, grabbing the said carrots and walking out as "Jessy! Care for a second round?", beamed Kura, with her black broom in hand. "Ah, no. I'm going to Abrax. Want to tag along?" "When he comes here, yes. I'm not going to him anymore" "Kura! That was 3 years ago", growled Jessy, ruffling her long golden locks. "It was 3 years ago, in the winter! I lay Christmas until the new years day down with a cold because of him!", Kuras's eyes went wide, ready to break something as Jessy held her hands up in surrender. "So no, I will not" "Ok, then I go alone" "But come back before it gets dark", shouted the older sister after she saw Jessy running away. "OK!", she shouted back and went fully inside, jumping over rocks, climbing over fallen trees, to the clearing where they met all these years ago, shouting "ABRAX", as loud as her lungs could.

Waiting for him, she sat down, feet in the water that was lukewarm because of the sun as she heard rustling and turned back to see the large horse coming to her from behind the trees. "Abrax!", beaming, she stood up as he bowed his snout to her, nuzzling her softly. "I got you carrots" She went to the big bundle, wanting to pick it up as she felt a soft force on her, landing on all fours in the small river. "Abrax! You~" The horse flapped his wings, clearly happy and proud of himself. "Abrax! You", she jumped up and wanted to jump on him, as he evaded, hovering in the air. "Hey! Flying is unfair" She began to chase him as he flew a little up.

"abrax? I am...scared", she admitted with a loud sigh on the back of the winged horse who walked through the forest, huffing and shaking his head. "Every person in my family was always in Slytherin! Even they who married into the family! Grandpa said that this is the only right place for a Amakura. I mean even Kura got into it! But Mama, Papa and Grandma say that it's not good. That it only adds bad things to our name, the rumors and everything. I am so conflicted!", she breathed out and let her mane fall against his mane. "What should I do? I know from Kura that the sorting hat chooses our house. What if I get put into Slytherin? I don't want other students to be afraid of me, or leave me be. And then when I get into another house, I break the tradition and others would spread rumors or what knows I?! I'm so conflicted...Abrax, what should I do?" She was helpless and began to sniffle, her vision became glassy as big tears rolled down her cheeks, that she wanted to wipe away with her hands, as more kept flowing down, onto the Fur of her horse.

She didn't know that Abrax came to a halt by a more clear path, spreading his wings, and began to run. As soon as she realized it, she fell into his mane, grabbing it as he took off, soaring in the sky. Looking down, she saw her home getting smaller with every passing second, as just the clear sky was now in her sight. She didn't know where Abrax would take her but she let him do his thing. She gasped as she saw after a while a big sea, making the horse fly down, until they were shortly above water, his hoof gazing the water, creating soft splashes, making Jessy peek over the big wing, just to see her reflection in the water. She was so into it, that she almost fell from Abrax when he reached a nearby shore, landed by it, and slid her down. "Abrax?", she was visibly confused on why he dropped her here, but she looked around. It was a rather big lake surrounded by a few smaller mountains, as there was gravel on her side, behind her a few trees but to them, she paid no attention.

Bending her knees, she looked at her reflection in the water, fished in different colors swam by, creating small bubbles and waves, as she turned to her horse. "Abrax? Why did you bring me here?", she asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, looking at him, as he bend his snout to her, nudging her face softly. She looked back at her reflection, seeing Abrax behind her. "I'm feeling like I'm having a crisis...and I am eleven! Haaa", she sighed and sat now down, leaning her head onto her hands, while gazing at the clear water. It was so clear that you could even see the stones on the ground. "What do you want me to do here?", she asked, frustration clear in her voice as she heard huffing, and in the next second, she was picked up by her shirt, feet not touching the gravel, and was suddenly thrown with full force into the water, as she screamed, body full-on landing into the water. She swam as fast as she could to the surface, gasping for air "What was that for?!", she shouted, shaking her hair off, and swam to the shore, only to be pushed back by Abrax. "Ok, what should I do?" She stood up, rinsing her hair and shirt off as best as she could, turning around to look at the lake. "This lake... ok what is with it?" she threw her hands up, groaning before she took a deep breath with everything her lungs gave. "Leave me alone!", she shouted as loud as she could, with only her horse to hear, hushing into the forest to hide, causing a few birds to escape from the little trees that were there. "I don't care! Ok? I don't care in which house I come in. So what?! What if it's decided by some hat?! I want to make my own life! My own decisions. I want to be myself not have a path because of my name! I am my own person!", she let all of her frustration out by yelling and screaming, hands threw around, eyes wide, and her voice nearly giving up as it became scratchy and hoarse from everything. "I am me! Me! And no one else", with one last scream, she let everything go, huffing, arms raised in the air before she plopped down into the water, as it reached to her elbows. "haaaa, that felt good", throwing her head back, she began to laugh before looking forward again. "Just be me, that is all I wish for", breathing out, she looked at the sun, signalizing a late afternoon when something hits her eye.

She closed it on instinct, her wet hand going over her eyes to shield her from the blinding. Standing up, she came nearer to the shining spot of the lake, the water now reaching from her kneed to her waist. "How can something shine this bright underwater?", she asked out loud, removing her hand as she took a deep breath and underwater she went. Rocks of different kinds were there but in between two bigger ones, was something glistening. She used her hands to push the rock carefully away, to free the shining thing. It took a few tries before it moved and grabbed it, then raised herself to the surface, gasping for air, using her free hand to wipe her face clean. As soon as she was up, she heard some noise and turned to the shore, seeing Abrax, flapping his wings before she turned to the sun. "Oh blimey! We're late!", she gasped and dashed, fast as the water allowed her to, out to her horse, who was already bending a little to get on his back. She climbed on it, still wet as the winged horse began to run down the gravel road, opening his wings before soaring up in the air, allowing Jessy's wet state to dry a little with the warm summer wind. "Thanks for the reminder, my friend", she patted him as he gave out noises, her other hand still holding the item tightly in the hand.

Slowly opening it, she revealed a dark blue stone, mostly dirty, just a few pecks visible to recognize the color. It was in a form of a tear, as she inspected it, letting her fingers run down the stone. it had a few bumps but despite the dirt, it felt smooth to the touch. Holding it up to the setting sun, the clean spots began to sparkle, projecting the shade on the soft palomino fur. After a few seconds of admiring the stone, she put it away, into one of the pants pockets and enjoyed the flight home. Abrax was so nice and set her down directly in front of the Kitchen, as the door opened and there stood Hedwig, arms crossed and a small smile on her face. "Now, where were you?" "Abrax took me to a lake and we had fun" She slid off his back, legs dangling in the air as she lost her grip, falling onto the grass with a bump sound. "Ouch", she began to whine, eyes closing and rubbing her butt slowly before she was softly nudged by the tall winged horse as if to ease the young girl. "I am fine, don't worry, ok", she laughed and stood up, petting him one last time. "Thank you for today. It meant a lot to me" Lifting his snout, he began to tug stands of her hair between his mouth, making her giggle in a childlike manner. "I won't mind watching further, but dinner will get cold" "Oh Blimey! Right!", she stopped directly and went straight to her grandma, who flicked her wand, making her dry completely again. "Night Abrax! Bye-bye", she waved to him as he took off again, both walking inside, past the kitchen to the dining room. Everyone was already seated, food presented, Richard already eating, while the others waited. "Ah, there you are" "I guess your daughter had a little swimming course today", Hedwig winked at Jessy, making her chuckle, and sat down next to her mother, her grandmother following her. "Now we can eat" "Good. I'm done!", laughed Richard and rubbed his full belly, making his wife glare at him directly. She muttered something under her breath, mother and father eyeing her but the two girls continued their eating fully as "ah, mama? I found something in the lake Abrax took me to" "Oh? What is it?", she asked, looking at her youngest daughter who fiddled in her pocket and grabbed the stone. "This here", she handed her the stone, as Kei leaned to his wife, and even Kuraiko stood up to join her sister. "You found this in a lake?" "yes! I swear" "It's a sapphire", stated Mrs. Amakura "Like my middle name?" "Yes. But I wonder how it got there", huffed her older sister and ruffled her silver hair. Jessy looked at the stone, as it held the same color as her eyes "Mama?" "yes?" "Could you make me a necklace with this stone?" Everyone eyed her. "A necklace?" "Yes. If that is possible? I found it and...I like the stone", she admitted, her cheeks flushing a little. "Oh, no problem! I make you this" stated the Grandmother, taking the jewel. "Oh, what a fine thing. You're lucky to find it in such high quality" "Grandma? From where do you know Jewels?" "Do you think I spend all life as a seer without knowing about crystals and other kinds?! Foolish girl", she huffed loudly, Kuraikos eyes widened in sadness of her foolishness. "It will take some time to finish this, though" "It's ok Grandma. Thank you for doing this" "Of course, Jessy", the old woman smiled softly, caressing her youngest granddaughter's hair softly, making her smile. "My grandmother thinks I am foolish", the 14-year-old held her chest, since she wasn't expecting that.

A week passed since the day as it was already passed breakfast. While Kuraiko was in the air with her father again, talking about maneuvers for quidditch, Jessy sat under the large willow tree outside her home, just watching them as "Jessy? Where are you?", Hedwigs' voice could be heard from a window. "Willow Tree Grandma!" "Come to the Living room, dear", she shouted and a window was closed, making her stand up and walked back inside to the big living room, where her Grandmother sat on the couch. "Ah! Perfect, you're here" "What do you need?", she asked and moved back and forth on her heels. "Come here", she stated and moved her hand to inquire Jessy to come closer, which she did. "I've finished your necklace", she stated and pulled it out from behind her, as it was fairly simple. A loop was now connected to the top, around it a silver holding for the sapphire and a silver necklace attached to it. "Turn around, I put in on you" She turned immediately, the necklace was being put around her neck, and the ponytail was holding her hair away to make the clipping easier. "And done. Now turn around", she stated and Jessy faced her grandma, who smiled and cupped her cheeks. "Oh, you look so beautiful! This necklace fits you so well and ads to your eyes" "Grandma...cheeks", she stated as Hedwig squished her cheeks together. "Oh! Sorry, Jessy. Didn't mean that" "Thank you Grandma for doing this", she smiled and hugged the older woman, who hugged her back. "I show this Mama", she stated and dashed straight to the kitchen. "Mama, look look" Mrs. Amakura turned around, looking at her youngest with the silver necklace around her neck. "Oh how pretty-" "JESSY!", the back door was slammed open by Kuraiko, broom in her left hand, Muria on her shoulders, with Kuraiko out of breath. "Kura! What did I tell you about slamming the doors?!" "Sorry Ma! But But! Big news" Her mother raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. "That doesn't mean that you can slam the door, young lady!", she raised her voice to her oldest "But! Hogwarts Letter! Jessy", she held in her other hand two letters, one addressed to her little sister. Directly the whole family gathered in the kitchen, as Kura handed her the letter, and on it stood

                                                         Ms. J. Sapphire Amakura
                                                         Willow Tree
                                                         Amakura Mansion
                                                         Grassland of Derbyshire

She turned the yellow-brownish letter around to find the seal crest of Hogwarts on there, as she opened it, taking the papers out, and looked at the first page.

                                    HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY

                                                           Headmaster: Eraqus Pueralbis
                                    (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlocks,
                                      Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Sapphire Amakura,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Terms begin on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

By the time she was finished with the letter "Bye Muria! Have a safe flight", she heard her sister shouting and looking at her. "Where is she flying?" "Already getting to accept you at Hogwarts", stated her father, while ruffling her daughter's golden hair. She was shocked. "Already?! I was just reading", she exclaimed, making them laugh. "Ah! So happy. Another member of a proud Slytherin", Richard was fully happy, clapping and happily rubbing his hands, as the others eyed him. "What?! An Amakura belongs only in Slytherin" "maybe Jessy here will get into a different house than Slytherin", stated Rei and the Grandfather began to laugh loudly, while everyone else was quiet and just looked at him. He calmed down after a while, wiping softly under his eye, looking at them. "Oh! You guys were serious" "One more, old griffin", threatened Hedwig her husband, drawing her wand. "What?! An Amakura belongs only in Slytherin! Just as generations before" "And what if not?", asked Jessy. "Then you'll be disowned from this family and exiled", he stated dry and serious, as the rest of the family looked at him. "RICHARD!" "That is the law of this family!" "GRIFFIN! Don't you dare disown your 2nd Grandchild for this! Don't you even try!" the 3 elders went defensive and he scoffed loudly. "That is the law of this house" "You drank to much firewhiskey! Your whole mind is corrupted" "Son! You have to back me up" "Never. I will be proud in whatever house she comes, Slytherin or not"

 While the adults began to shout and accuse Richard, Kuraiko slid to her little sister. "Soooo...come to Slytherin" "Kura", Jessy laughed at the big exciting eyes of her sister. "What?! Then we can play Quidditch together! Me! The captain and Chaser while you will become a famous Seeker", pulling Jessy in by her shoulder, she looked up. "Best Quidditch team in over centuries! Or The sisters dream Duo! Slytherins pride of Quidditch", she moved her hand over the air, looking back at Jessy. "Sound perfect!" "You do know that I am not allowed to have a broom in my first year, do you?" Directly her face fell but then suddenly changed into a smirking one. "We could bribe the headmaster, or threaten him" "KURA!", she was shocked by her statement, eyes wide. "What? Will be worth a shot! He could say yes" "Or, the more likely, he will expell you", she huffed and walked away, making Kura follow her. "Hey, come on! It was just an idea" "A stupid one...hey Kura?" "Yes?" "May I get your books from your first grade?" Suddenly, a nervous sweat came from her, as she rubbed her neck "W-Well ehm...haha...no" "Why not?", she crooked her head innocently. "Better buy new books, and not mine" "Kura?" "Please don't ask, please" Jessy huffed but agreed and both entered her room. It had white walls and a turquoise ceiling. "So, what do you think?", the older one asked, sitting down on her couch. "What should I think?" "If you come into Slytherin? Or do you even think you come?" "I don't know and to be honest, I don't care", she smiled. "Huh? You don't care?" "It doesn't matter where I come, I just want to be myself in it, that is all. I accept the sorting hats decision" "You sound like an old woman that has seen things in life" "Crisis at 11, I shall die when I am 22" Both sisters began to laugh. "you know, whatever it shall be, I support you, you know that" "Thank you", she smiled genuinely and hugged her older sister close. "I get love and hugs?! I feel supreme!", she shouted and both erupted into laughter again, smiling and talking the rest of the day, as well as teasing.

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