sweet tooth

By eroticsteph

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"You know what you are doing " he said he's eyes darkened to cobalt blue .Not knowing that he's in front of h... More

authors note
Authors note part 2
twenty -one
Twenty- five


62 12 21
By eroticsteph

Partially exhausted and partially happy to reach home after practice ,James flinged his backpack on the nearest couch .

His muscles, mostly his arms and legs were numb from all the exercise that occurred in the evening and he's undeniably in need of water ,he mused heading straight to get just that

But the practice isn't the only thing that exhausted him ...it was Sweet tooth .

That's right her

She ignored him throughout the whole day , starting from breakfast where her face was focused on the food they were eating till now and it was unnerving to be honest

She can be so infuriating sometimes that he can feel steams coming out of his ears

And her mood swings is on another level , he thought gulping down the chilled water not caring if it freeze his brain or not

It's like she's on her period every day cos like she gets angry for no gaddamn reason

She even locked her door last night ...likkeeeeee !!

He's not disrespecting women on their periodically moments but like they are scary as fuck

One of his teammates used to tell him how him and his dad do lock themselves in a room when his sister or mother is on their Rosy day

And they pratically try not piss them off . He even goes to extent to tell him that their dad does the cooking just for the sake of peace because they will be smiling now but within a minute they are very angry

And they are so sensitive

He shuddered in fear

Because he had never had to worry about that although he had wondered if he's dad secretly has a vagina because he acts like a pussy but ...

Oh well..

He shrugged walking to the sitting room only to see the so called devil on the largest sofa chewing on the raw chocolate flakes ignoring his presence and just staring ahead

Yh...she's always on her period

He shuddered but mentally sighed on how cute she looked facing the tv and  her on her dad's tee-shirt, her hair partly wet, her lips brightly pink and was parted for the awaiting flakes

Her dimples occasionally appearing while she chewed . He also noticed that her legs were crossed in an indian style as her small fingers wrapped on the cereal box she supposed to eat on breakfast

She must have showered he thought before clearing his throat

" Hey"

No response

" Rose ?" He still got no response


He slowly walked towards her, her eyes slowly narrowed and she quietly moved far away from him .

She will be the death of me

"Roseeee?" He said sitting next to her, but the stubborn peacock ignored him again. He sighed

How he wants to bend her over his knee....

Moving on

"You don't wanna talk to me , fine !"he muttered as he brought her up to his lap making her gasp and curse . He chuckled as she made a poor attempt to punch his chest

" You son of a..."

" Careful Sweetheart " he said as her golden orbs glared at him , her choco flakes were scattered on the couch  . He smiled wrapping his arms on her waist before rubbing his nose on her pink ones " Hi" he said smiling cheekily

"Ugh " she huffed while he sighed placing his head on her chest , inhaling her scent that always seemed to calm his nerves

" Missed you " he muttered tiredly while she fake gasp

" How can you miss me ,Mrs puff . Oh the horror !"

He rolled his eyes before snuggling deeply in her soft breast . So that what go her panties in a twist , he mentally shook his head

" That's why you are mad at me ? Come on baby it's just a joke " he could feel her balling her hands in fist " Alright I'm sorry " he peeked up to her narrowed eyes  and mock pout " Please "

She huffed stretching her hand to get her flakes before putting them in her mouth and giving it a slow crunch before swallowing , her other hand,was absentmindedly playing with his hair and he nearly purred " No " she said

He smiled breathing her in " Okay "

And soon after he joined her eating the flakes while telling her his day as she chewed quietly in order not to disturb him.

She sighed still playing with his hair , while he sneakily played with her shirt buttons wondering how to unbutton them without her noticing

" .. you're the captain so it's understandable if the coach was that hard on you the most " he sighed kissing her neck while enjoying how her less busy hand managed to message his numb muscles and this time he gave a low purr." You just need to rest, if possible, sleep "

He smiled looking up to her , seeing her mouth full with flakes , her eyes narrowed ,slowly chewing before swallowing while raising her perfect brow at him " what ?"

"Does this mean that I'll be sleeping in your room tonight ?"

She wiped her mouth with her sleeve

" No"

And soon enough she found herself on his shoulder her arms and legs dangling as she screamed at how fast he did that .

He just smiled spanking her a little , forgetting his school bag and her almost finished flakes , heading upstairs while ignoring her attempts to punch him "Okay"


The dreams did not come

That's what James thought as he dribbled the ball the next day before throwing it on the net

It was lunch period and he feels oddly happy to an extent that he's appetite is non-existent.

And then he decided to why not practice with the time he has , alone to improve himself and also train the newbie that the coach oddly loved, Harper,he mused staring at the panting half -italian boy who was struggling to catch his breathe

"Cazzo" Harper cursed resting his weight on his knees , his black curly hair was slightly damp due to sweat " You want to kill me , no?" He said his accent slightly prominent

James noted that he's gonna be best friends with Daniel if they ever cross paths .Because Harper is literally like him , a flirt and he ain't fruity but he can't deny that the kid is good-looking

" It's called practice" james said spinning the ball with tip of his index finger " peck's of being the coach's favorite" Harper groaned drying his hair with his white towel before getting his bottled water from his sport bag and gulping it down like an angry man

" You seemed to be in a good mood " Harper said resting on the railing in order to catch his breath before flicking his stormy eyes to James " The girl must be that good ,huh ?"

James grinned shaking his head ,not bothering to answer his question as he dribbled the ball again before throwing it to the net "Again?"

" The fuck "


Rose hummed to the music playing on her ear pod as twirled a little before giggling walking towards her biology class

And soon enough, her entire humming stopped when she was pulled to the janitors closet


"What the -"

"Shhhh" a familiar voice hushed her weakly

"Henry " she muttered quietly seeing he's teared filled eyes .He opened his mouth about to speak but she hugged him instead

He's quiet sniffles filled the quiet stuffy room

" It's okay " she said while he clutched her blouse ,his shoulders quietly moving as he cried quietly

"Gosh I'm crying like a girl " he sniffed" No pun intended"

Soon enough she was seating down on the floor with Henry's head on her lap as he stared at space .

Her mouth ready to ask questions but she decided to keep quiet ,just watching him taking deep breathes ,his eyes slightly red from all the crying which didn't fit his handsome face at all .

" Is there something wrong with me?" He asked and she shook her head immediately playing with his brown locks

" Ofcourse not " she said as Jessy blue hair popped out and in a flash Henry was in her arms

" Who is the idiot " she asked lowly , craddling his head to her chest

Henry has always been a goofy guy ,he always brighten people's mood just by his smile alone . So to see him cry was rare and it must be something serious

" He had a girlfriend" he said quietly between breaths " He didn't tell me he had one ". Rose came to his side , holding his hand while he bit his lip " I'm such an idiot "

" No you are not "  Jessie scolded " It's him because he's the  cheating asshole , he's lucky that I don't know where he lives if not he's balls will be his sunglasses "

" That's true boo, nothing is wrong with you, we love you " Rose cooed kissing his cheek " Come on let get out of here "

" Yeah" Jessie agreed " Who likes history anyway " she giving face of disgust

" Come on , where is your bag ?" She asked , already planning a sleepover in his place . She has to text Daniel though so that they won't get worried

" Didn't come with anything " Jessie and her shared a look . They wished they could kill that bastard

"Alright let's go , ice cream and Netflix to go " Rose said to lighten the mood but got no reaction

Oh well she mused helping her friend . The George better watch his back

Guuuuys 🙂

I tried 😭like I really did buh I can't write up to 2000 words I'm sorry y'all

Anyways pls view , read and subscribe

Sorry vote 😂

Let's go to the next chapter cos if I don't update two chapters, someone would kill me 😹

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