The Way We Slammed the Orb: A...

By monkeymania101

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Tems and Cai are in for a riot! Just because Jimmy and Peter united to help save Tems, that doesn't mean that... More

The Way We Slammed the Orb: A sequel to ASOA
This Place.. the One from My Dreams?
How Dare She?
Faith? Zip. Trust? In who? Mineral Dust? Okay, you got me, I have that.
I think it's called..... Depression?
What have I done?

Tori is NOT unbrave, among other things.

123 4 6
By monkeymania101

Tori's POV

I walked into Peter's hut and heard him discussing something with the Lost Boys.

"-and that's where you'll find the treasure!

"A Treasure Hunt? So, you mean like those fake plastic beads or like, legit treasure? Like gold and stuff?"

Peter gave me one if his "Are you kidding me?" looks. I just chuckled and shook my head.

"Oh my gosh! Real gold! Hey, yo lost boys! I call the tiara... If there is one!" I joked.

Curly just snorted and scoffed and muttered something. His face turned into a disgusted sneer.

"Come again?" I asked.

"I said, girls like you only care about girly things like dresses and pretty frilly things. You wouldn't have lasted a week with Jimmy and us when we were in Lon-"

I unsheathed Peter's own sword out of his scabbard and pointed it at Curly's neck. His nostrils flared.

"What do you think you're doing?!?" He demanded

"Okay, buster, you need to get some things straight. I am not some... " I struggled for words "Delicate flower who needs protecting. You want to know why it hurts to be away from Taylor? Tems? Whatever you call her? 'It hurts because it mattered!'"

'(Quote by John Green,not me)'

"It hurts, because we spent every day of every summer together, playing mermaids, or, or lost girls or something, or even orphans who had to steal from the street to live! We would play until midnight, and then, we would climb up on my rooftop and look at the stars!

"Wanna know what she said last time we were there, lying on the shingles? She said to me 'Tori, there has got to be a different way to get to Neverland,' she said. 'There's gotta! I mean, flying through space wouldn't work because without oxygen we would blow up and then explode! I bet there's another way. And when I find it, gee! That day can't, can't come soon enough.'

"She told me that and then the next morning her dad came to take her home. We lived far away, you see. So it was over a year ago when I saw her last, and then when she went missing, God! I thought like everyone else she had been kidnapped and murdered. Then there was a funeral.

"I got up at that day, and didn't wear black, I wore blue because that's her favorite color. I gave a speech, and didn't talk about her being a great person and yadda yadda ya. I talked about the endless games we'd play in the summer. I didn't cry for the longest time, too much a shock. I cried a week later when Cai went missing.

"Both of my best friends, all disappearing in the same place. I decided to go to the 'place' and see what was there. And I see this bloody orb! I tapped it and whatdaya know, there I see Neverland. I didn't know how to get inside so I kicked it, and here I am. So don't you DARE try and accuse me of being girly, unbrave, or even unsacrificing because believe me. I will run you through if you don't shut. Up!"

He looked shocked and just nodded, pleasing me. I handed Peter his dagger back, which he quickly sheathed.

"So," I said, "Tell me about this treasure hunt."


We headed out into the White Wood for the treasure hunt because it all looked the same and would be easy to get lost. However, it was clear enough to see your opponents. The perfect battleground.

I started walking around, looking for any possible footprint or markings identifying Peter's path. I stopped, realising a very important fact.

"Peter probably flew!" I whisper-gasped.

I cursed under my breath and started to walk around, deeper and deeper into the mysterious woods. Sheesh, the shadows of these trees sure gave me the creeps.

I rounded a tree, sword in hand, when I bumped into someone. I picked myself up, dusting off snow saying,

"Hey, stop following me! I'm gonna find it without some-"

I stopped dead cold.

"Oh, uh, hey."

It was a pirate. A tall, gross, disgusting adult of a pirate. Right in front of me. I swallowed nervously.

"You know, I was. Just out on a short stroll, enjoying this, ah, chilly weather."

He grunted in return and grabbed my arm tightly not allowing even a tick to pass between my arm and his hand.

"Unhand me you-"

Too bad for me, before I could call him a few things (probably better I hadn't said them) another person spoke out-


Oh no. Taylor. Not her.

"Don't talk to me, Taylor! You made the wrong choice, I can be friends with the enemy!" I declared.

"I'm not your enemy! I just want to be your friend!" She plead desperately.

"I'm not in a position to accept your friendship right now! You used to be different, you know. You used to be a good person. What happened to the Tems I knew? Is she still there? Or did these pirates kill her like you killed our friendship?" I snapped.

She stood there, flabbergasted at my remark. The tall pirate grasping my arm released it slowly as I backed off away from my ex-best-friend. Things were not like they used to be. I didn't want Tay- Tems' excuses. That's who she is. Tems. Not the Taylor I know.

"What happened to you," I mumbled to myself.

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