Obsidian Kiss

By Dusk_Love

561 44 2

Lav is a fledgling angel with troublemaker friends, an addiction to quicksilver shots, and a lust for the una... More



89 9 0
By Dusk_Love


I have a LOT of unpublished stories and a LOT of drafts that have been sitting for years and you know what, I just want them to be out there. For anyone and everyone.

Enjoy, babes. And thanks so much for being here.


Lav was stupid drunk and yet she still called for another round of quicksilver shots. An inferno was settling in her bloodstream and she felt like doing cartwheels off the edge of a bridge with her eyes closed. Which she had actually done a week ago. Quicksilver was her thrill-seeking BFF and no one could say otherwise.

A platter of the sterling liquid was hurriedly placed on their table with a wink from a waitress with amethyst feathers for hair. She slipped back into the crowd and Lav shouted out a thank you that got lost in the frenzy of the club.

"Okay, let's play a game this time!" Ellra rubbed her palms together in a devious manner. She hadn't stopped grinning ever since Sage, a delicious incubus, had joined their table.

Three angels and an incubus getting drunk together. A giddy laugh spilled from her lips at the thought. This was why Lav loved the Forsaken City. It was a place where the ultimate mix of species could mingle together and you could be anyone you wanted to be. Rules faded into the background, which also made it dangerous if you visited certain parts. But Forsaken was where the girls got their kicks.

And the playground city was totally off-limits to fledgling angels such as herself, Ellra, and Athena. Total bummer. But did it ever stop them from sneaking out through the Veil? Not in a million years.

Sage's glittering eyes flicked over to her and ooooooh yeah, that delectable face made her insides flip. Nice job, Athena. She had to give her bestie credit for luring the incubus in. He was walking sex. And it seemed he was truly interested in Athena because his gaze flew back to the angel with her hands fluttering in the air to the music. It was way off beat to the hard, pounding electronic sound in the air. Girl was definitely feeling that quicksilver.

"What do you have in mind?" Lav couldn't contain the eager note in her voice. She wanted to down another shot now.

"Easy tiger," Ellra teased as she planted her elbows on the table and leaned in, "First one to finish gets to tell someone to strip something off. How's that?"

A stripping game? Hell yes. Her friends were the best. They could drink alcohol like there was no tomorrow. But add in competition and the threat of getting naked? Well actually, wait, getting naked didn't sound like a threat with Sage. It sounded like a tasty adventure. But either way, Ellra and Athena were so winning the friend of the year award.

"Normally I would pass up a game like this with such young ones but you all drink like sailors that have never left the sea." Aww, Sage was making an exception for their crazy asses.

Ellra batted her eyelashes and placed a hand over her heart, "You are sinfully sweet and I can't wait to take you home."

"Not if I take you home first!" Athena snuggled closer to Sage and flashed her bedroom eyes like a starving beast.

A seductive smile turned up the corners of his mouth and Lav picked up her jaw from the floor. Why can't I have a crush on him? She barely refrained from scowling at the thought. Sage was so much more attainable but instead she'd been lusting after a particular angel for the past eight years that wasn't even remotely aware she breathed and existed in the same realm. Ugh.

She quickly grabbed a shot and the others followed suit.

"Someone's underwear is going to be pinned to my wall tonight and I so hope it's you, Glitter Eyes." That was quicksilver talking now and Brave Lav was steering like there was no tomorrow. Sage didn't seem to mind the moniker and raised a challenging brow.

"Cheers!" Athena shouted and then they all brought the first shot to their lips.

Lav was so immersed in the feel of the icy liquid streaming down her throat. It was just as good as flying. Hmm, maybe flying and drinking quicksilver at the same time would be gratifying. She grabbed her second shot at the same time Sage reached for his. She tilted the glass at her lips in a straight line down and the contents swam down her esophagus.

She downed the third shot like she was breathing air. Two more to go. Ellra and Sage were right on her heels. Not tonight, babes. Lav and alcohol were soulmates. Nothing could take them down.

Except this time, something did. Or rather, someone.

Blinded by their drunken giddiness and downing quicksilver like it was to be outlawed by the end of the night, the group didn't exactly pay attention to their surroundings. Big mistake for fledgling angels that didn't want to get caught.

From the corner of her eye, she sensed a ruckus ensuing. It was getting closer to their table and then Sage was being yanked out of his seat. Lav reached for her fourth shot, even as she heard Athena start yelling. These idiots didn't know how to keep their head in the game. Their loss.

The fourth shot had her head spinning and she wasn't even moving. Okay, one more. Last one. You're a winner, Lav.

She picked up the fifth and final glass of quicksilver and briefly wondered if Sage wore silk black briefs. Those would look good hanging up on her wall.

"We are so dead." Ellra whispered. When had the club gotten so quiet?

"Not yet." A masculine voice that promised of their terrible fate made her wings tingle in awareness.

She swallowed the last shot in one effortless swig and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. With a loud whoop of victory, Lav launched up from her seat and slammed the shot glass down. It shattered on impact with the table. Damn. Too much quicksilver. She couldn't control her strength.

"HA! Your underwear is mine, sexy demon! Shall I take it with my hands or my teeth?"

Oh, shit.

The words had already left her lips and by the time she read the room, she realized her mistake.

Athena was shouting obscenities as handcuffs were being slapped over her wrists. And not just any cuffs. The iridescent glint of divine cuffs sobered Lav up real quick. Those were specifically made for the restraining of angels. Which meant they were here.

The Elite Guard.

Ellra was pouting as a blond Guard confiscated her purse and drew her hands together for the divine cuffs. Another Guard stood behind her and she leaned back, pressing against him in her barely there mini skirt. Trying to seduce The Elite Guard? Ha. Ellra was going to punch herself when the quicksilver wore off. They were lethal enforcers, not of the incubi like Sage.

Speaking of which, he was nowhere to be seen. Her prize ran off? Not. Cool.

But the thought vanished as her sight landed on one particular striking Guard near Athena. That tingle in her wings earlier. It was him.


The sleek black armor of The Elite Guard molded to his impressive form like a second skin, as it was made to do so for agility in battle and also for taking flight with their wings. He loomed over her friend in all his deadly galore and wow. He was breathtaking. Thick, dark hair hung past his ears and those eyes were such an intense tempest grey. Eyes that had never looked her way.

Lav had that whole invisible effect going on. Hell, she'd finished her shots while her friends had been getting handcuffed. That was a whole other level of being ignored.

But not anymore. Her outrageously deafening declaration had all eyes swiveling to her. Including Obsidian.

Whoa. Being at the center of those polished smoky orbs made her skin feel like it was on fire. He was watching her and she couldn't read his expression for the life of all angels but that menacing stare perused every inch of her. She felt naked in her crimson corset held together by ribbons and a black skirt that was missing a lot of length. Heat flushed her cheeks and she probably wasn't hiding her desire quite well but she didn't even feel embarrassed about it. Thank you, oh precious quicksilver.

And then he sauntered up to her, those long and muscular legs eating up the distance with ease. Her breath hitched as he continued to stare her down and - hell, was he going to kiss her? The thought was so ridiculous, so unlikely, and yet she still dared to hope.

Hoped that he would fist her hair and kiss her savagely. Or grab her by the hips to tug the lower halves of their bodies together. Oooh, yeah. She wouldn't even mind sinking down to her knees and getting a few bruises on the tiled floor just to taste him-

"Don't move." The harsh order pierced her fantasies into crumbles.

He gave no further indication before dipping a finger into the waistband of her skirt and tugging the material away from her skin. A thin gold blade the length of her hand was tucked into the waistband of her sheer panties, lying flat against her hipbone. It was her emergency weapon in case anything shady went down. And he was confiscating it.

His fingers brushed against her tanned flesh for a fraction of a second as he snatched the blade and Lav bit her lip to keep from gasping. Later on, she'd feel disappointed that he'd only approached her with the intention of disarming her. But right now? She was soaking in the bliss of the fact that he'd not only looked at her but also touched her. That plus the quicksilver made her daring.

"Aren't you going to do a full body check?"

Obsidian released the waistband of the skirt at her flippant tone but not before she caught his eyes narrowing over her panties. Well, well, well. Not so cold after all. Or had she just imagined it in her intoxicated state?

She really needed a rewind button in her life.

"Sneaking out of the academy, traveling through the Veil without a warrant, entering an illegal city," He broke off to glance over at their table full of empty quicksilver shots, "consuming a copious amount of alcohol, convening with a demon-"

Yikes. Those sounded like a ton of marks going on her already shitty record. Maybe that was why she turned and ran like death was on her heels before he finished that sentence. Nice one, Lav. That was definitely going to earn her another mark: running from The Elite Guard.

But wait a sec, what could an additional mark hurt if she already had so many? Quicksilver logic.

The feathers resting on the edge of her wings were ruffled by a swish of air as Obsidian reached out lightning quick to snatch her. But she was faster.

The club around her blurred as she hopped over a table and Ellra's exclamation was the last thing she heard as her boots hit the stairs leading up to the roof exit.

"I know that bitch didn't just leave us in the dust!"

Yeah, she was going to have to make that up to them later when the sinful temptation that was Obsidian wasn't chasing her like a hellhound.

She half flew up the stairs, not even daring to peek over her shoulder. She didn't have to. He was right there with her, his presence painfully dominant in the enclosed space, a mere breath away. It would have been nice to watch him break a sweat but he wasn't an Elite Guard for no reason. She was playing a dangerous game, even more dangerous than playing tag in the sky during an ice storm (which was one of her favorite games).

The door coming into view rivaled the miracle of finding a lake in a barren desert. Lav grinned and with a tiny flap of her wings gained an extra burst of speed that propelled her straight into the unlocked door. She knew it was unlocked because people usually came up here to smoke or to get frisky.

And she may or may not have been familiar with both the former and the latter.

The scratched up door banged into the wall outside and finally. Lav was free. She took off at a dead sprint towards the ledge of the building, unfolding her wings fully, prepared to dive and take their chase into the clouds. She suddenly felt optimistic about escaping with the starry night in view.

Def gonna brag about this back at the academy.

No sooner did her feet begin to leave the ground that a heavy weight slammed into her from behind like a two-ton truck. Spoke too soon. The air whooshed out of her lungs as she hit the ground hard with Obsidian weighing down on top of her. Can't breathe.

He was deliciously heavy, every part of his body searing every part of hers with a roughness that made her crave more. But obtaining air was becoming an issue and she squirmed beneath him, ignoring the twinge of pain in her wings. She hadn't had time to brace the poor things for the fall, let alone the impact of his bone-crushing weight. Warm breath ruffled the lilac feathers close to her neck.

Obsidian lifted his torso and spun her around so that she faced him. Maybe a potentially broken wing was worth it. His gorgeous face didn't appear as stoic as usual. It was refreshing. Satisfying, even. He might have even been a little pissed, his jaw locked tight.

He didn't waste time straddling her hips and Lav bucked against him, trying to throw him off, but quickly stilled at the sight of those heather eyes swirling with hunger. Was that desire?

Even in her drunken state, her mind was suddenly filled with illusions. It was like a rush of heady lust enveloped her from head to toe. The angel she'd coveted for years was here. Right in front of her. Scrutinizing her. And it wasn't enough that he'd finally noticed her. She wanted him to remember her. Not gonna let this end so quickly.

She made a grab for his gorgeous blue-black wings. It was a low move really. And one that a member of the Elite Guard would have lots of training to deter. He seized her wrists effortlessly and pinned them above her head.

"It would be wise of you to quit struggling." He shifted his hold on her so that one free hand could reach for the divine cuffs in a pocket of magic.

Too bad the potency of quicksilver in her veins didn't comprehend his version of wise. Lav arched her chest up to brush against his defined pecs and yeah, it definitely snagged his attention. Score. Her boobs looked great, practically begging to be released from the tight corset.

He hissed out a breath and glared at her, "Behave yourself."

"But we could have so much fun." She exuded enough sultriness that would have left any other man in a frenzy to rip away at her clothes. Just not Obsidian.

Testing his solid resolve, she lifted her hips and rocked right against him. The best thing about the uniform of The Elite Guard was that it really did little to hide the perfect form of the angels, even their best assets. The sleek midnight uniform had to have been made by a sexually intelligent fiend because damn.

It made it all the more frustrating when the beings wearing the uniform were impassive slayers. Brave Lav had some serious balls trying to seduce one.

"Do. Not. Do. That." Obsidian enunciated each word like he was speaking to a child but the darkening of his pretty eyes said something else.

So obviously she did it again. There was no mistaking the rock hard length of him this time. Whoa. And he snarled, baring his teeth as he quickened his movements to slide on the divine cuffs over her wrists. It was such an animalistic sound from her dark angel. Her heart went wild.

Click. There went the first one. Her left wrist was a goner, the magic of her body seeping into the seal of the cuffs where she wouldn't be able to access it.

She was officially out of time. Drunk as she was, Lav just couldn't accept that. Wouldn't accept that.

Obsidian's face was mere inches from her own as he bent to slide the cuff over her right hand. She lifted her head and pressed her mouth to his.

It was a desperate move but she was drunk and she didn't care if the world suddenly went up in flames around them. His lips were hot and full as she kissed him, sending an electric shock straight to her bones.

Except it was an absolute crime that he wasn't kissing her back. He was a frozen sculpture and for a second she wondered if he might have been holding back from ravaging her. Only one way to find out. Her tongue slid out and traced the seam of his lips and yes, that got a reaction.

Just not a good one.

Click. There went the right cuff.

Her dark angel leapt off her like she was a tainted demon and swiped a hand over his mouth. Ouch. That was as insulting as it could get. Trying to get rid of the taste of her? Even the quicksilver couldn't stop the sudden humiliation that made her want to crawl into a hole. She'd never had that reaction from a guy.

He glowered down at her and it was a severe reminder of who he was.

An angel that had lived countless centuries of existence, an Elite Guard with a fierce sense of duty and no time for a young girl that, in comparison, hadn't even hit her first century mark.

"Lavender Everwick, you're under arrest in violation of the divine laws."

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