Messy Ties and Loose Ends {H...

By Bubbles1431

48 9 0

Allison Northcott, a Gryffindor fourth year at Hogwarts. You've grown up with Cedric Diggory and you are prac... More

Chapter 1; New Year, New Dynamics
Chapter 2; Nerves
Chapter 3; Tensions on the Rise
Chapter 4; Metaphorical Boners
Chapter 5; Same Old Same Old
Chapter 6; Why I Dislike Slytherins
Chapter 7; Just Lovely
Chapter 8; I'm Conflicted
Chapter 9; Me & You
Chapter 10; Are You Alright?
Chapter 11; Listen To Me
Chapter 12; I Think He Knows
Chapter 13; Wish He Was Mine
Chapter 14; That Sucks
Chapter 15; Finally, a Party
Chapter 16; Something More
Chapter 17; The Dreaded Morning After
Chapter 18; Still Tired?
Chapter 19; Don't Look At Me That Way
Chapter 20; Epic Start
Chapter 21; Bashing a Skull in
Chapter 22; Birthday Wishes
Chapter 23; Secrets
Chapter 24; His
Chapter 25; Well Gosh
Chapter 26; Volts of Electricity
Chapter 27; Is This What Hell Feels Like?
Chapter 28; Heaven, Definitely Heaven
Chapter 29; Confessions
Chapter 30; No Where Near Where I Was Yesterday
Chapter 31; Fucking Fantastic, Thanks for Asking
Chapter 32; Win For Me
Chapter 33; Scrimmage Finals
Chapter 34; Upset Much?
Chapter 35; Enjoyable
Chapter 37; Oh Come On
Chapter 38; Conversations
Chapter 39; Cat Fight
Chapter 40; Harry Potter and the Unrequited Crush
Chapter 41; Rollercoaster of a Night
Chapter 42; Champion Selection
Chapter 43; Working Out
Chapter 44; A Decent Morning
Chapter 45; A Little Lunch
Chapter 46; In Tune
Chapter 47; Suck My Balls Madalyne Fredricks

Chapter 36; Responsibility

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By Bubbles1431

I wake up the next morning refreshed and happy. I pull on a hoodie and some slides and head down to the Great Hall. It's a bit past 9 am and barely anyone is up. I look at an empty section of Gryffindor and take a seat.

In front of me is warm cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting falling down on all sides. My mouth waters.

"Eating alone Northcott?"

I look up to see Draco standing next to me with today's Daily Prophet in his hand. He's wearing black plaid pajama pants and a black shirt.

"Yes Malfoy," I reply while rolling my eyes.

"Well that's sad," Draco takes a seat next to me.

I smile at him and he lifts the corner of his mouth. I lean my head on his shoulder as he opens up his newspaper.

"What's the news?" I say in between bites.

We sit there and talk about the news and various other things when Draco informs me that it's been almost an hour.

"I have stuff I have to attend to. It's been fun Northcott," Draco gets up, leans down and kisses me then leaves.

I feel my face burn in heat. I smile as I stack our used plates. I get up and start my way back to Gryffindor for a lounge type of day.

"Ally," I hear a tired voice say monotone.

I turn to Hufflepuff table and see Elizabeth with her hands cupped around her lips. I smile and walk towards the band of hungover teenagers. Ralph asleep on the table, Cedric and Cho leaning on each other for support, Elizabeth heaving from just saying my name, meanwhile Lionel just sits solemnly eating his cinnamon roll.

I play it safe and take a seat next to Lionel.

"How was your night?" Lionel asks without looking up from his plate.

"Good, I didn't party so I woke up super refreshed," I smile.

"Wow that's good. You're like fifteen you really shouldn't make partying a habit," Lionel says.

We all sat in silence after that. I started to get fidgety after a while. I had been sitting still for what seemed like forever. God, I hate being the second most responsible.

"I think I'm going to go. I'm quite tired," I yawn and move my legs from beneath the table.

"Bye Ally," Elizabeth whispers.

Lionel follows me out of the Great Hall.

"Allison. We must talk," Lionel says as we exit the doorway.

"What is it?" We start walking down an open-aired hallway.

"First we should talk about the rager that is your love life. Then something much more serious," Lionel's expression changes and his mouth becomes a thin line.

"Serious?" I ask, confused as ever.

Lionel looks around quickly and lowers his voice. "Someone has been practicing dark magic in the castle."

"Lionel you've lost it. Who in their right mind would do that right under Dumbledore's nose?" I smile to try and lighten his grimace but nothing changes.

"Ally I've seen it. Books about dark topics have gone missing and I swear I've seen a dark mark appear out of thin air."

Lionel isn't joking and it's quite scary.

"Dark mark? That's not unusual, lots of reformed death eaters right here at Hogwarts. The headmaster of Durmstrang, Snape, and who knows who else. But the best auror of the past century and the strongest wizard of the past millennium would sniff out anything bad. I'm sure of it," I keep up my smile as his brown eyes pierce mine.

"You overestimate them-," Lionel pauses. "But I'm sure you're right, I must be going mad." Lionel flashes me a wide grin and heads off.

"Lionel!" I yell after him but he's gone.

I try to wipe the conversation from my head as I walk aimlessly around the castle.

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