Chapter 24; His

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When I think of Cedric I think of early Quidditch practice, late-night snacks in Hufflepuff commons, and just unconditional love for anyone he's close to. I think of all this as I approach Hufflepuff's entrance. I pray no one else is bombarding him yet. I do the knock and head inside. I scan the area. There he is. Sitting at the wooden table with coffee, just looking through the windows through to the grounds. Hair still messy and clothes still wrinkled from sleep. The sound of the door gets his attention and he turns to find me staring at him.

"Allison," A warm bright smile fills his face and I walk towards him with my paper brown bag in hand.

I place it on the table in front of him and take the seat right next to him.

"You didn't have to," Cedric smilies and peers into the bag.

"I had to, considering my best friend made me a blanket and a memory book," I return the smile and watch as he blushes at the mention of "Lionel's" blanket.

His smile drops and a look of seriousness replaces it.

"I'm sorry about last night. I mean I just got out of hand, jealous I guess. I don't like him and I'm trying to for you but it's hard," Cedric rambles.

I cover his hand with mine and send him a reassuring smile, yesterday was ancient history now. After all, it is his birthday.

Cedric's eyes hover over the bag and I laugh.

"Open it!" I say.

One hand goes inside the bag while the other grabs the side of the bag. He pulls out the cactus. It fit perfectly in his palm.

"This is adorable," Cedric grins at me.

"It learns names and waves at people too. It'll just take a bit," I smile back as his eyes light up.

"Oh no way! Allison this is by far the coolest gift," He stands up motioning for me to do the same.

As I do, Cedric quickly wraps me in his arms. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him to me. We stand there for what feels like forever. Eventually, the silence breaks as we hear others start the commotion of the day. He slowly loosens his grip around me but still holds me. I look into his blue eyes.

"Happy 17th Ced," I smile and let go of him.

"See you at breakfast?" Cedric says.

"Allison?" I hear a familiar screechy voice question me.

I turn to see the person who tops my "would probably get murdered by" list. In her blue tight-fitting long sleeve with blue velour track pants, Cho Chang was staring me down. A box in hand.

"Hello?" I give a quizzical look.

"Just wondering what you're doing greeting my boyfriend," She looks me up and down.

"I was leaving actually," I nod and leave quickly.

I enter Gryffindor commons to see stragglers across the room, zombified versions of my classmates. Edmund catches my glance, my 2nd year heart picks up the pace. I head up to my dorm to see most girls already up and about. I grab my school clothes and hurriedly put them on while everyone is in the bathroom freshening up. I grab my wand and levitate a mirror in front of me while I put on mascara and some chapstick, no breakouts thanks to the wonderful medication I got from Madame Pomfrey my second year (used to be ghastly). I then settle my hair with a quick flick of my wand, I mastered that spell early so I never had to waste time on it again.

"Haven't seen you in the dorm awake at all it feels like," Madalyne Fredricks says.

"I'm usually in Hufflepuff actually," I reply.

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