Chapter 23; Secrets

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Once I finally got a hold of my emotions we packed up the gifts and threw away the paper when we got back to the castle. Ralph, Elizabeth, and Lionel walked a long ways ahead of Cedric and I. Cedric had held onto my hand all the way back.

He tugs me, pulling me against a corridor wall. Out of sight of the others if they decided to turn around. I start to get nervous, blush rushing to my cheeks.

"Allison, we can't keep being like this," Cedric says with a laugh.

"Ced you're caught up in the emotional state that began on the field. We're friends that's all. I mean yes your present could convince me to marry you," He chuckles. "But Cedric we're good friends, that's how it's supposed to be," I finish.

"For right now," And with that, he starts walking again, my hand tight in his.

Without turning around I hear him talk.

"He's snogging Katherine, the Gryffindor."

I snag my hand back.

"No he's not," I say with quite an attitude to Cedric.

Cedric starts to laugh.

"Yes he is, she's been telling everyone but you."

I see Cecil, a 4th year Gryffindor, walking down a corridor with friends.

"Cecil! Will you come here a minute?"

She turns and prances towards us.

"What's up Allison? And Cedric," Flirtation flows through her mention of Cedric.

"Um have you heard anything about Katherine and Draco?" She's the biggest gossip, if anyone knows it'll be her.

"Yeah," Cecil rolls her eyes and heads off.

"Told you," Cedric beams.

I hit him hard on the shoulder.

"Ow?" He says with a grin.

"It's my birthday, you decide to tell me on my birthday? This couldn't wait Ced?"

"Just thought you'd want to know," Cedric shrugs.

I push him off and walk quickly past Elizabeth, Lionel, and Ralph.

"Where do you want us to put these?" Elizabeth says behind me referring to my gifts.

I ignore her and head in the direction of the Slytherin common room. I know no outsider has been in, except Harry and Ron, of course. But I'll just wait outside til Draco goes in or comes out.

I make it to the deadbolt door. I sit down. It's late, shit. What if he's gone to bed? I stand up, my mind swirling only to see Snape approaching. I start off in the opposite direction, hoping to avoid him.

"What are you doing Miss Northcott?" Snape inquires, his tone flat.

"Um, I'll be honest. I need to see Draco. I had the brilliant idea to wait out here for him but now I realize he's most likely asleep," I hang my head.

"Will this be a quick visit?" Snape asks, getting my hopes up.

"Yes sir, it would only take a moment," I smile up at him.

"Turn the next corner for me please," I do as he says and he quickly tells me to return, the dead bolted door now open.

I look down to see stairs, a ton of them. I quickly start off on them. I brace myself for the stares I'm going to get in Slytherin. I make it to the common room to see no one. I let out a big sigh of relief. Now: how to find Draco? I start pacing, I hadn't thought this through. I hear footsteps approach. I try to hide in a corner.

"Hello? Who's in here?" A familiar voice exudes confidence across the chamber.

I step out into the emerald light and I watch his face light up. He runs towards me and wraps me in a hug.

"What are you doing down here?" Draco says into my hair.

"I was just looking for you, I need to ask you something."


"Katherine Pious says you two are snogging," I back out of Draco's embrace.

"Come on! Northcott, I only snog you I swear on it," A mischievous smile grows.

His lips touch mine softly.

Heat fills my body, this is so risky, in Slytherin commons! Snape! I've lost track of things, I need to go. Just as Draco pulls away I hear two sets of footsteps.

"Crabbe! Goyle! Come here!" Both sets speed up.

When they enter the room, glances of surprise fall on me.

"Who do I talk to you two about?" Draco asks, without his eyes ever leaving mine.

"Why Allison Northcott of course," Crabbe says loudly.

"Honestly you never seem to shut up about her," Goyle adds on annoyed.

Blush fills my face.

"I must get going, I promised Snape I'd ask you then be right back up,"

I jog to the stairs and then start up them with much haste.

"Snape let her in?" I hear Crabbe complain behind me.

As I reach the top of the steps I start thanking Snape with every breath I can spare.

"You're not the first and certainly won't be the last," He replies solemnly.

"But the lore, no one's been in there besides Slytherin for centuries," I leave out Harry and Ron, it's not common knowledge.

"Oh silly child, not everything you hear is true," And with that, he heads off.

I make my way back to the Hufflepuff commons. I plop down on the couch between Elizabeth and Ralph. I lean my head on Ralph.

"Where'd you get off to?" Ralph asks with a sly tone.

"To see Draco, got it sorted out. Katherine's obsessed. It's embarrassing if you ask me," I spit out.

As I think about my conversation with Draco I think about him talking about me with his friends. A rush of happiness runs through me. I smile wide.

"Ced lied? Damn," Elizabeth side-eyes him across commons, holding onto Cho.

Elizabeth quickly slips my gifts in my lap.

"Thanks for holding them, I was so angry I would've told you to throw them in the trash."

"Of course, I know when you're pissed," Elizabeth smiles at me.

"I kept on your ring of course!" I flash the gold in Elizabeth's face.

She laughs and Ralph chuckles. Ralph slaps his arm around my shoulder.

"Curfew is soon! Better leave," Ralph laughs and gets up.

He extends his hand and I take it.

"See you guys tomorrow?"

"Of course," Ralph laughs.

"Duh," Elizabeth rolls her eyes.

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