Messy Ties and Loose Ends {H...

Bubbles1431 द्वारा

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Allison Northcott, a Gryffindor fourth year at Hogwarts. You've grown up with Cedric Diggory and you are prac... अधिक

Chapter 1; New Year, New Dynamics
Chapter 2; Nerves
Chapter 3; Tensions on the Rise
Chapter 4; Metaphorical Boners
Chapter 5; Same Old Same Old
Chapter 6; Why I Dislike Slytherins
Chapter 7; Just Lovely
Chapter 8; I'm Conflicted
Chapter 9; Me & You
Chapter 10; Are You Alright?
Chapter 11; Listen To Me
Chapter 12; I Think He Knows
Chapter 13; Wish He Was Mine
Chapter 14; That Sucks
Chapter 15; Finally, a Party
Chapter 16; Something More
Chapter 17; The Dreaded Morning After
Chapter 18; Still Tired?
Chapter 19; Don't Look At Me That Way
Chapter 20; Epic Start
Chapter 21; Bashing a Skull in
Chapter 22; Birthday Wishes
Chapter 23; Secrets
Chapter 24; His
Chapter 25; Well Gosh
Chapter 26; Volts of Electricity
Chapter 27; Is This What Hell Feels Like?
Chapter 28; Heaven, Definitely Heaven
Chapter 29; Confessions
Chapter 30; No Where Near Where I Was Yesterday
Chapter 32; Win For Me
Chapter 33; Scrimmage Finals
Chapter 34; Upset Much?
Chapter 35; Enjoyable
Chapter 36; Responsibility
Chapter 37; Oh Come On
Chapter 38; Conversations
Chapter 39; Cat Fight
Chapter 40; Harry Potter and the Unrequited Crush
Chapter 41; Rollercoaster of a Night
Chapter 42; Champion Selection
Chapter 43; Working Out
Chapter 44; A Decent Morning
Chapter 45; A Little Lunch
Chapter 46; In Tune
Chapter 47; Suck My Balls Madalyne Fredricks

Chapter 31; Fucking Fantastic, Thanks for Asking

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Bubbles1431 द्वारा

My walk through Hufflepuff commons wasn't as nearly bad as I had anticipated. Nobody I knew side-eyed me. I kept my eyes down and tried to make it to Gryffindor without causing a scene.

"Where do you think you're going Northcott?"

No, this is terrible luck.

"To freshen up in Gryffindor," I turn around and smile at Draco Malfoy.

"You spent the night at Hufflepuff?"

"On accident, I passed out and Liz let me stay with her," I move towards him.

"You remember what we did last night then? Or were you too drunk by then?" Draco smirks as he looks down at me.

"How could I forget?" I smile and lay a hand on his fine-pressed white shirt.

"Are you excited for tonight?"

"Do we have something planned I don't remember?" I quickly kiss him.

"No Allison. It's the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament. Although now I wouldn't mind a rendezvous," He smiles at me and returns my kiss.

After making out a bit and getting a good amount of horny, I say goodbye to go get dressed.

I enter Gryffindor commons to see a completely different mood. Everyone is cheery and awake. Harry avoids my eye contact. Even Madalyne Fredricks is smiling at me. I head up to my dorm and throw on my robes. I check my appearance and am halfway satisfied. After all, there's no way I could shower in the five minutes I have.

I go back down to see if I can catch Harry. He's gone.

Ugh when will things get less frustrating?

"I just think everyone should submit their names just for fun," Elizabeth says.

Am I the only one that's read up on the twelve-year-old that died last time? I poke around my fruit bowl and don't bother interjecting. I'm sitting next to Cedric and my mind is telling me it'd be best if I just avoided conversation in general.

"I think you could win Ralph!" Cedric basically yells this at Ralph.

"No way! You could win!" Ralph yells back.

I don't think either of them could win and I'd not like to find out.

"Obviously Allison is the only person here who doesn't have a good shot," Lionel laughs while sitting across from me.

Don't give in.

I shoot back a strained smile and go back to counting the bricks in the wall.

"Don't count her out just yet. Ced, Ally, and me are all gonna start working out a lot!" Ralph smiles at me and I just ignore it.

As soon as I've finished an acceptable amount of fruit I find an elf to take my plate. I get up to leave and Lionel opens his mouth.

"Hungover much? Jeez," Lionel laughs with that smug look on his face.

I can't anymore. I turn and get right in his face.

"You know what Lionel? Ask Cedric what he fucking did and don't speak on things you have no clue about," I leave and don't plan on sitting with them again.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Cedric shouts behind me.

I'm glad breakfast doesn't have a big crowd so people can't see me crying. I wipe my face quickly and head off to the bathroom.

I don't know what to do. My entire life has totally spiraled in the past month and I don't know how to get it back on track. I'm so confused by everything and no one even knows half of what I'm going through, not even Ced. Like that even matters now. I feel all my anxieties rise up and I vomit in the toilet. Fuck this. I wipe my mouth and wash my hands. I need a breath mint. I can get out of class like this.

I head back into the Great Hall and spot McGonagall at the teacher's table. I grasp my stomach and play it up for everyone.

"Professor, I just threw up in the bathroom," I say far enough away so she can't smell my breath.

"Oh dear. Head to Madam Pomfrey and you should probably stay in bed for the day. I'll write up your excuses," Professor McGonagall tells me with a worried look on her face.

"Thank you so much," I nod and head off to the infirmary.

Knowing she's not going to find anything inherently wrong with me she'll probably just tell me to rest.

"Ally!" Cedric interrupts my thinking process.

I turn to see he's been following me. I walk ahead, not bothering to listen.

"Ally! Please wait!" Cedric jogs to be in front of me.

"What?" I look up at him annoyed.

"What's wrong? I saw you holding your stomach in the Great Hall," He touches my forehead. "Ally you look pale. Are you ok?"

Obviously not.

"Fine. Just heading to Pomfrey," I give him a fake smile and move around him.

He grasps my arm and reminder: classes are about to start, so people are in the halls invested in the show they're getting.

"Can I walk you there?" Cedric gives me his signature pleading eyes.

"Go to class Ced," I lift the corner of my mouth and head off.

As I expected, Pomfrey had heard about the party and I was not the only one vomiting this morning. I tried to explain it wasn't the partying but more my raging anxiety. She brushed me off and told me I was out of class either way. I slowly walked back to Gryffindor and when I found my dorm completely empty I lied down and had my first real rest in a while.


Uploaded Scrimmage Finals too early! This chapter and Win For Me will fill in the gaps. I apologize for any confusion!

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