Vento Aureo/Golden Wind x Rea...

By Evan_Connor

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Y/N is an 18-year-old finally moving to her/his/their own apartment in the middle of a pandemic. However, whi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (yes 4- bc while I love Mista it's my fav number-)
Chapter 5
Smoll Author's Note :D!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

635 24 36
By Evan_Connor



"The city of Pompeii was known to the Romans as a peaceful, prosperous health resort. It was then abruptly destroyed by the lapilli and lava that came from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius-"

"On August 24th, 79 AD, right?" I butted into Fugo's little history lesson as I leaned forward a bit, "Later, archaeologists discovered how much shit was left behind and preserved like they were when the volcano erupted years ago." I finished my statement, earning a small smile and nod from Fugo.

"Are you a fucking nerd as well?" Abbacchio huffed out as he rolled his eyes at our small bonding. I gave a small shrug at his question.

"Well, I'm certainly no expert like our dear Fugo. I mainly remember because we were taught a bit about it in school, and it was always just wild to me to be exposed to what mother nature is truly capable of... Like- pop-off queen, but damn is that shit crazy-" I mutter the last part in order to not get any attention at my slang but of course, it doesn't go unnoticed by the dudes surrounding me, especially not by Abbacchio who was sitting right next to me. While he and Fugo, whose ears were momentarily a light shade of pink thanks to the term of endearment that was used earlier to refer to him, gave me questioning looks. Giorno of course simply smiled being used to my lingo considering my background as well. Not long after Abbacchio sighed while shaking his head.

"Jeez, forget I asked." He commented while I dryly chuckled. After that Fugo cleared his throat in order to continue his own speech that I had intruded on earlier.

"The dog mosaic that we'll be looking for is located near the entrance of the House of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii-"

"Fugo, you'll have to turn right on the upcoming corner- just btw's" I quickly added to ensure he doesn't get mad at Giorno later. However, instead of a quick thank you the vehicle came to an abrupt stop. It sent me flying forward and in order to stop myself from harshly landing backwards on my seat, I wrapped my arms around Giorno and his seat

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Giorno?! What would've been the point of you correcting the information after I would've taken the turn?! You have the map! You're sitting in front with me for a reason! HAD I KNOWN YOU COULDN'T HANDLE SUCH A SIMPLE JOB I WOULD'VE LET Y/N BE MY GUIDE!-"

"Heeeey, Fugo!~ Darling~ Sweetie~ I know Giorno screwed up!~ But this ain't a big deal!~ It's okay!~ I gave you the correct info, and now we can be on our go-lucky way!~ There's no need to be mad over a situation that's already been solved, mkay?~" I sweetly said as I shifted over to gently pat his shoulder.

The whole interaction of course had Fugo a flustered distressed mess. My tone and careful gesture seemed to calm his anger, however, seemed to arouse embarrassment over having, practically a stranger, be able to handle him and his anger so delicately and sweetly. It was definitely something that bewildered Fugo right then and there. How could someone he barely knows be able to both bring down his temper and bring up a fluttering sensation within his heart?

And while that turmoil was going inside him, Giorno couldn't help but switch his eyesight between my own arm basically on his titty since I was still lunged up in front, and the slight envy he was feeling as he watched and listened to me calm Fugo down as well as giving him a small comfort.

"What the fuck is happening right now?" We were all broken from our own trances as Abbacchio spoke up. "I don't know if you're all aware, but we have a mission to complete!" He barked at us as we all awkwardly went back to our original positions and Fugo resumed the drive. A drive that for the next few minutes was filled with an uncomfortable silence. At least for Fugo, Giorno, and I that is. Abbacchio was more annoyed over the whole situation than anything else. But alas, that awkwardness came to a halt when we finally arrived at our destination. Once there we all immediately got off the van.

"Pompeii, huh? I haven't been here since I visited on a field trip as a kid." Abbacchio commented as we all looked around.

"It's crazy to think you were once a child." I chuckled, earning myself a glare from Abbacchio.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He scowled at me as he began to approach me but his actions were quickly halted by Fugo's voice.

"Abbacchio, Y/N, Giorno, we need to hurry." He said as he looked down at his watch that he's definitely had this whole time- and began to walk towards our destination.

"The place we're looking for is about 100 meters ahead. It should take us about 30 minutes to get what we need and get back to the others." He informed us as we followed his lead. After a bit of walking, eventually, we came to a stop in front of a mirror.

"Oh nooo...." I whispered as Fugo stared into the mirror.

"Y/N, Abbacchio, Giorno, be on your guard." He firmly warned. "To think we'd be found so soon..."

"How many are there?" Abacchio asked.

"One... for now. He's peeking around that stone pillar behind us."

"Pillar? Which one would that be?" Giorno questioned while looking behind him.

"Giorno, there's literally only one pillar behind us." I deadpanned even though I knew very well Giorno still wouldn't be able to see Illusio. Next to me, Abbacchio scoffed before responding,

"Clearly we can see there's a single pillar, but I don't see what you two are seeing either." He explained while peaking back trying to figure out what we were witnessing.

"Quit messing around! He's heading right towards us! God damn it! If Y/N can see it I'm sure you two can too!" He exclaimed as he turned to glare at the two clueless guys.

"Mmm, okay, Fugo, baby, Ima need you to step away from the mirror right now." I said as I slowly started to walk towards Fugo.


"FUGO! HE'S INSIDE THE MIRROR! GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!" I barked back as I finally lunged at him and shoved him out of the way. Impressively getting myself and only myself taken hostage into Illusio's mirror realm. I landed with a thump on the floor.

"Owieee" I whined as I rubbed the pain away from my arms which I had mostly landed on. I slowly got up as I looked for Illusio.

"Illuuuusooo!~ Darling, where are you?~" I teased with a giggle but the answer I was met with was a punch to my left cheek.

"DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK-" I growled as I once again harshly landed on the floor. Blood trickling down the corner of my mouth.

"Huh, you're not Pannacotta Fugo." He glared as he took out a piece of paper and looked over the bit of information he has about us.

"Do I look like an unripe strawberry to you? Yeah, no shit I ain't Fugo!" I exclaimed as he looked at me up and down. "Ayo, I know this is a heated interaction but don't be getting freaky on me now." I said as I uncomfortably sat up, averting his gaze.

"Y/N L/N, right?" He said in a monotone voice.

"Uh... yeeesss?" I responded, unsure of where our interaction was going. Lucky for me I got the answer when I was kicked in the stomach.

"HOLY FUCK! WHY DOES THIS HURT MORE THAN NARANCIA DROPPING A BOMB ON ME?!" I cried out while clutching my stomach as I spat out more blood. However, there was no time for me to recover from the hit because after my words my neck was immediately clutched in his hand.

"Tell me why a teammate of mine that we all agreed was dead, contacted me to warn me about you?" He demanded a reply. Despite literally squeezing the air out of my lungs, I gave him one. Just one he didn't seem to be fond of.

"Harder daddy-" I replied with a smirk before being thrown against a wall. "I'm straight up not having a good time..." I wheezed out as I felt the little wind I had left inside of me being knocked out of my lungs. At this point, a bit of blood stained my top.

"Do you not have any shame?!" Illuso scolded as his face heated up at the comment.

"Listen man, this is already a hard situation for me to control. The least you can do is let me have some fun." I complained as I struggled to get myself up and wiped away the blood scurrying down my chin.

"You still have yet to answer my question." He glared as he started to approach me.

"Bro, Formaggio needs to work on his communication skills. I have no clue why he said that to you as If I was a threat because I'm not... Well, okay, maybe, I'm technically a threat to your guys' plan- B-But I'm not really a threat to you guys as people!" I began to explain. "I don't know how much he told you but I saved his life and-"

"Yeah, Yeah, you're here to save mine. He made that part very clear." He insisted.

"Okaaay, then why the fuck have you been beating me?!" I barked at his nonsense.

"I hate that you were so easily able to slither into Formaggio's mind and make him believe such bullshit." He spat as he started to proceed forward towards me.

"IT'S NOT BULLSHIT THOUGH!" I shouted as I reached for my phone and pulled out the chapter of Fugo and Illuso's fight. "This was what you were planning originally, right?! To get Fugo in here and threaten him to give up Trish's whereabouts, right?! I hate to break it to you but that plan would've led to your death! Just like Formaggio's fate would've been the same had I not stepped in! And fate will remain the same for the rest of your team if you don't let me help you!" I insisted as I practically shoved my phone in his face. He clutched my wrist in order to get a better look at what I was showing him. And slowly the color began to drain from his face as his eyes nearly fell out of his skull.


"I know it's a lot to take in but unfortunately right now we just don't have the time for clear, uncomplicated explanations! Right now we need a plan on how to get you out of here safe and sound without making my teammates suspicious of me!" I persisted. After a brief pause, he finally swallowed and spoke up.

"A-Alright... Tell me how I can avoid my doom."

~Meanwhile Back With The Bois~

Giorno's POV

We were all really starting to go into hysteria. None of us could figure out what happened to Y/N or why she's/he's/they've been gone for so long. I had taken out Golden Experience as a precaution in case the stand user who's taken her/him/them ever showed his despicable face. While Abbacchio insisted that taking out his own stand would be pointless, Fugo didn't offer a reason on whether he'd take out his stand or not.

Though by the looks of it he seems to be on the verge of exposing it. Considering how he appears to be foaming at the mouth with rage right now.

Fugo's POV

I couldn't be more bewildered at the current situation. Though the emotions taking over me didn't stop at confusion. No. Rage was stirring within me as well.

Rage that I so easily allowed Y/N to sacrifice her/his/their safety for me.

Rage that we didn't have answers as to what happened to her/him/them.

But most of all I felt aggression towards whoever decided to let their filthy stand drag Y/N into who knows where in order to endanger her/him/them. Or even worse... kill her/him/them.

I couldn't help but let out an audible growl as Purple Haze took a mind of its own and punched the mirror Y/N was dragged into. We all watched in horror not only at the sudden appearance of my outrageous stand but at the now shattered mirror that was probably Y/N's only way out.

"FUGO!" Both Abbacchio and Giorno scolded me as they backed away from me and Purple Haze.

"I-Im... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." I whimpered as I backed away from Purple Haze as well.

"What the hell are we going to do?!" I whipped around in distress hoping for a possible answer on how to save Y/N.

"Y/N isn't the concern here, but rather figuring out how to get the key without more of us getting attacked! I'm sure Y/N can handle herself/himself/themselves." Abbacchio argued as he turned around, beginning to make his way to the key. However, his steps were quickly halted when his argument was swiftly rebutted by Giorno.

"No.... Y/N's stand isn't a fighting type. The most it can likely do is give her/him/them time to figure a way out. But she's/he's/they're prone to being attacked. Or worse..." Giorno swallowed trying to hide his fear but his concern was evident. Abbacchio, however, shook his head at Giorno's comeback.

"My point still stands. We have a mission to complete. And if we have to leave Y/N behind in order to complete it, so be it."

"Are you really willing to abandon Y/N, who's in danger, right now? She's/He's/They're a teammate, we have to help her/him/them out." Giorno sternly said. This seemed to really strike a nerve in Abbacchio as he got closer, jabbing a finger into Giorno's chest.

"Watch your mouth, you bastard. I don't know if you were ignoring me or if you're just plain stupid so listen clearly. As I stated before, our mission is to get that key and safely get that girl to the boss! As much as you'd like to save your girlfriend/boyfriend/joyfriend, getting that key is paramount right now! Even if I was the one currently being attacked instead of Y/N, I would want you guys to abandon me." He spat believing he'd somehow make Giorno's opinion change. But the attempt seemed to be useless as the blonde backed away from the gothic man.

"I beg your pardon, but I don't believe that's true! Y/N is indeed in danger but hasn't lost! We should risk our lives and save her/him/them!" Giorno barked back.

"And making any movements when we don't know the enemy's ability is dangerous to us as well!" I added on as well, officially making the argument two against one.

"No! All four of us being taken out is the worst possible outcome! I'll say it again! WE'RE MOVING ON! COME ON!"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Both Giorno and I roared.

"We're going to solve this mystery, save Y/N, and defeat the enemy!" Giorno insisted

"Abbacchio, it's the best way to ensure all of our safety!" I pleaded as well. But our pleas were met by Abbacchio's own rage as he took us both by our collars, causing Giorno and me to butt heads in the process.

"I have the seniority here, so in this situation, what I say goes!" He howled at us. "Are you two imbeciles still going to decline?!" He glared deep into our eyes as we silently stood our ground. Soon enough he harshly let go of us.

"You both better be prepared! That is if either of you manages to survive!" He sneered as he immediately ran away to get the key. We both watched him disappear into the distance. Once out of our site, we turned around and tried to figure out if we could somehow put the mirror shards back together in order to, hopefully, give Y/N an out.

~Meanwhile With The Big Titty Goth GF~

Abbacchio's POV

I walked into the dog mosaic and immediately spotted the key hidden between the cracks of the concrete floor.

"There it is. That must be it." I said out loud to myself as I reached down to grab it. Though instantly took curiosity into an out-of-place mirror placed right beside it.

"Has that always been there?..." I mumbled to myself as the mirror quickly displayed something I couldn't believe. In mere seconds, Y/N's bloodied and disheveled body was shot out of the mirror and slid across the floor.

"The hell?!" I shouted as another bloodied figure limped out of the mirror.

"YOU STUPID BRAT! I'LL KILL YOU!" He called out to Y/N as he lunged himself towards her/him/them.

"YOU AIN'T TOUCHING MY BUNS, HUN!" Y/N growled back.

It all happened too quickly. I didn't even have time to make some sort of effort to help her/him/them. Before I knew it Y/N was able to lift herself/himself/themselves off the floor and avoid her/his/their attacker. Rapidly reaching out for the previously mentioned mirror and hitting it against the wall to make a make-shift knife. And to my horror, threw herself/himself/themselves onto the stranger stabbing him repeatedly in the throat.

"TAKE THAT YOU EASY BAKE OVEN! BING BONG, FUCK YOUR LIFE!" She/He/They screeched as she/he/they continued to overkill him. Finally, after dropping the "knife" she/he/they wiped the blood off her/his/their face and hands using the dead man's clothes. Then she/he/they simply slumped down against the wall and let out a cry. A genuine cry. It was honestly more horrifying watching her/him/them cry than watching her/him/them brutally murder someone. All I had ever really known her/him/them for was for being annoying as shit with their stupid little jokes and comments. Somehow being able to insert some sort of humor or brighter side to our situations. But all of that was stripped away in this scenario. I had absolutely no idea what to do. I sure as hell wasn't anyone to comfort her/him/them. Yet it somehow slightly, and stupidly, pained me to see her/him/them break down like this. The only thing that came to mind was to get her/his/their little boyfriend to help her/him/them. And so, I slowly turned back to quickly get the other two.


I momentarily deactivated my stand, which was hiding from Abbacchio's sight, once he turned to leave. I'm assuming to get the others. I was able to hash out a good plan with Illuso. Once Abbacchio turned to leave and get the key, Illuso would release me from the mirror world in that bigger, unbroken mirror. Of course, though, that plan had to include an illusion of Illuso being taken out. He had proposed the idea of how it should happen. And while at first, I thought it was genius, actually witnessing it play out was an absolute nightmare. I really mentally fucked myself over. I had replaced the illusion of me when I slumped down against the wall. Those cries weren't an illusion. Seeing the terrorizing things I could be capable of and would probably have had to do had I not decided to save everyone... Well, it really rocked my world, to say the very least. Apart from that not being an illusion, the aching pain I was feeling from Illuso's earlier beating of me wasn't fake either. My head was still pounding from both times he so roughly knocked the breath out of me. And the bruises of his punch and kick were starting to be noticeable. Not just visually but the physical aching pain was really starting to get to me. And of course, there was dried blood on both my clothes and the corners of my mouth. It definitely felt like I went to hell and back, but I knew damn well this was only the beginning.

As I heard footsteps approaching, I took a deep breath and wiped my tears, carefully helping myself up. I reactivated my stand to at least make Fugo and Giorno believe that Illuso was indeed "dead". Immediately Fugo and Giorno gasped at the crime scene before them. Though I couldn't tell if it was due to my disheveled state, or Illuso's brutalized "body".

"Y/N!" Both Giorno and Fugo called out as they ran toward me to make sure I wasn't severely injured.

"How's up, my bois?" I weakly smiled as I pulled them closer and gently hugged them both. "You guys have no clue how much I missed you." I softly said, trying to find some sort of comfort after what just happened.

Both boys were clearly taken aback at the act of affection for multiple reasons. Not only was it something they most definitely weren't used to. But even to them, it was slightly strange experiencing how physical I suddenly was. Up until this point, I was mindful of my physical affection towards them. However, at this moment I didn't care, I couldn't care. I just wanted some love and something to forget about what I had just experienced.

No One's POV

Though the two boys didn't expect Y/N's sudden affection, they somehow were able to get that she/he/they really needed it at the moment. So, hesitantly they both made an effort to gently wrap one arm around her/him/them. Though the minute of bliss was finally interrupted by a loud sigh.

"Alright, Alright, It's understood a lot just happened. But, c'mon, we have to contact Bucciarati and inform him that we safely got the key." Abbacchio said, though his tone was calmer than usual. It could be said that he also understood what Y/N just went through.

The three teammates finally released each other and gave Abbacchio a small nod. However, in a turn of events, the impossible seemed to happen. Abbacchio, with his cheeks suddenly bright red, approached Y/N and carefully lifted her/him/them into his arms.

"You look like you went to hell and back. I doubt we'll get back to the van fast enough with your injuries." He justified his actions while avoiding eye contact with the teammate currently in his arms. He started walking back to the van, completely ignoring the looks of shock and perplexity from the two blondes as he walked past them.

And in order to not ruin the small moment of endearment from Abbacchio, Y/N simply kept quiet as she/he/they screamed her/his/their little heart out internally.

(Author's Note: HOLY SHIT I FORGOR TO PUT THE THING SHDHNFHNDF- This was 12 pages and 3,861 words :D!)

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