Messy Ties and Loose Ends {H...

By Bubbles1431

48 9 0

Allison Northcott, a Gryffindor fourth year at Hogwarts. You've grown up with Cedric Diggory and you are prac... More

Chapter 1; New Year, New Dynamics
Chapter 2; Nerves
Chapter 3; Tensions on the Rise
Chapter 4; Metaphorical Boners
Chapter 5; Same Old Same Old
Chapter 6; Why I Dislike Slytherins
Chapter 8; I'm Conflicted
Chapter 9; Me & You
Chapter 10; Are You Alright?
Chapter 11; Listen To Me
Chapter 12; I Think He Knows
Chapter 13; Wish He Was Mine
Chapter 14; That Sucks
Chapter 15; Finally, a Party
Chapter 16; Something More
Chapter 17; The Dreaded Morning After
Chapter 18; Still Tired?
Chapter 19; Don't Look At Me That Way
Chapter 20; Epic Start
Chapter 21; Bashing a Skull in
Chapter 22; Birthday Wishes
Chapter 23; Secrets
Chapter 24; His
Chapter 25; Well Gosh
Chapter 26; Volts of Electricity
Chapter 27; Is This What Hell Feels Like?
Chapter 28; Heaven, Definitely Heaven
Chapter 29; Confessions
Chapter 30; No Where Near Where I Was Yesterday
Chapter 31; Fucking Fantastic, Thanks for Asking
Chapter 32; Win For Me
Chapter 33; Scrimmage Finals
Chapter 34; Upset Much?
Chapter 35; Enjoyable
Chapter 36; Responsibility
Chapter 37; Oh Come On
Chapter 38; Conversations
Chapter 39; Cat Fight
Chapter 40; Harry Potter and the Unrequited Crush
Chapter 41; Rollercoaster of a Night
Chapter 42; Champion Selection
Chapter 43; Working Out
Chapter 44; A Decent Morning
Chapter 45; A Little Lunch
Chapter 46; In Tune
Chapter 47; Suck My Balls Madalyne Fredricks

Chapter 7; Just Lovely

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By Bubbles1431

After an uneventful dinner with Cedric and Elizabeth arguing about the importance of house elves, I slipped away to the library.

"Alright Malfoy, I'm here, what do you want?" I say as I slowly walk down the aisle of library books.

He never said where he was going to be, just said the library. I feel a slight tug on my sleeve and I turn to see Draco in black sweatpants and a black lounge shirt. He pulls me down an empty hall, quite secluded. He positions himself on the bookshelf across from me.

"So you came after all."

"Well, of course, I don't have anything better to do right now, wanted to see what you're up to,"

"That's it? Wanted to see if I was plotting? Rich." He rolls his eyes and a look of annoyance flashes on his face.

My heart beats.

"Well then why'd you ask me here?" I feel heat rise to my face

My heart beats.

"You haven't guessed?" He looks down at me and smiles.

My heart beats.

"No, completely clueless," My heart starts to pick up its pace, for no real reason besides Draco.

"Just here to talk about what you and Pansy fought over," He walks slowly towards me.

Each step he takes makes my heart beat a little faster.

"Oh is that all?" Breathing is becoming harder, he's right up against me now.

"If I recall correctly, you wanted to kiss me and Pansy didn't allow it," Draco pushes my hair behind my ear.

"Yes, kind of a silly thing to fight about huh? Makes me ponder what I even saw in you" I breathe out, my eyes scanning every inch of his face.

His hand snakes around the back of my neck, the tension comes to a head.

"I think you saw what you wanted," His lips finally touch mine.

Draco's other hand wraps around my waist as I lean into him. My hand caresses his cheek. My mind is racing with questions but for just a second I let it all go and just feel his chilled lips pressing against mine hungrily.

Then I catch myself, I pull away and Draco opens his eyes, non-caring as ever. I give him a little smile and unwrap myself from him. I walk out of the library as my head spins so fast I feel nauseous. I head down to the kitchens, I see Cedric waiting outside of the Hufflepuff common room.

"Cedric!" I wave as I walk towards him.

As soon as he hears me he turns around with the biggest smile, I smile to myself because I caused it. He starts walking towards me. Cedric finally reaches me and I'm swept into an enormous hug that includes him twirling me. When he finally sets me down I am flustered and a bit confused.

"I was so worried, everyone said you disappeared after dinner. You promised to come to commons, what happened?" His puppy dog eyes come out in full force and the guilt of it all sets in.

"I was meeting a friend in the library I'm so sorry I didn't tell you."

I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"I promise to alert all of Hufflepuff if I won't be available to annoy them next time," I smile at his look of relief.

Cedric throws his arms around my waist and locks them, pulling closer. Just us. In the corridor, his blue eyes joyfully looking into mine. It seemed almost too perfect, like something out of a storybook.

"Good, I missed you annoying me," He laughs a bit, I eye my shoes in a bit of embarrassment.

Cedric brings his hand to my chin and lifts my head. His warm smile greets me and his eyes are so caring I could burst.

"You know you could never actually annoy me," The words come out like honey and I feel a small smile creep onto my face.

Elizabeth pops out of the common room.

"Cedric? Ally?" She turns her head until her eyes land on us.

I pull myself away from Cedric but I keep his hand in mine and walk us quickly back to Liz who was basically begging for the scoop with her eyes.

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