His Princess: A Draco Malfoy...

By Maggieh25

341 5 6

A Draco Malfoy story There is some smut in this story, just a warning. I do not own any of the characters, ex... More

First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Fourth Year (Part 2)
Fourth Year (Part 3)
Fifth Year
Fifth year (Part 2)
Fifth Year (Part 3)
Sixth Year
Sixth Year (Part 2)
Sixth Year (Part 3)
Seventh Year
Seventh Year (Part 3)

Seventh Year (Part 2)

17 1 0
By Maggieh25

Blaise and Theo snuck me into Hogwarts, lessons started back about a month ago but becuase they were in Slytherin, Snape didn't even bat an eye at their absence. We floo'd into the Headmaster's office, Blaise and Theo knew when Snape and the Carrow twins would be away. So, it was pretty easy to get me in, now they just needed to get me through the castle.

Theo grabbed an extra Slytherin robe, throwing it on me, it was long but it would work. I had the hood thrown up so I couldn't be easily recognized. We walked in a row, with me in the middle until we needed to turn a corner. Blaise in front, with Theo behind, making sure no one snuck up on us. We eventually made it to a wall, that turned into the room of requirement.

"We can't go in with you" Blaise said

"You'll be safe, though" Theo continued

They brought me into a hug, "We'll see you soon" Blaise said before pushing me into the room and slamming the door.

"What's a Slytherin doing here?" I heard a familiar Irish accent ask.

I turned around, slipping the hood off of my head, before smiling at Seamus Finnigan, "Good to see you too, Seamus"

"Maggie?!" Ginny said, coming to the front of the group.

As I slipped the robe off, I looked towards the sound of her voice, I smiled, running towards her to engulf her in a hug. "Ginny! I'm so glad you're okay!"

I pulled back, looking at everyone in the room, "Godric, it's good to see all of you."

"Where have you been?" Neville asked

"It's kind of a long story, if you're okay with that"

There were a lot of nods, and multiple murmured yes's.

I recalled the whole story to everyone in the room, "I only made it here safely because Draco saved me from his father, and Blaise and Theo snuck me in to the castle to keep me somewhere safe."

"You're telling me, that three of the children from 'the Sacred 28' rescued you and got you somewhere safe, without any other motive?" McLaggen asked

"You all know that Draco and I have been together for almost three years now, and Blaise and Theo are two of my closest friends. What I am about to tell you must stay here, it cannot leave this room, or it will ruin everything. Got it?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, I still lowered my voice, "Who do you think has been feeding information to the order?"

Everyone's eyes widen as they comprehend what I just said, "You're telling me," Dean started, "your boyfriend is the insider?"

"He's one insider," I said smiling at everyone. Cho chiming in, "Based off of that huge emerald ring on her finger, they aren't just boyfriend and girlfriend anymore." She said with a smirk on her face.

I blushed immediately, feeling the heat rise up onto my cheeks.

"Does Harry know?" Ginny asked

I shook my head, "I haven't seen Harry since before Dumbledore's death, and I wasn't speaking to him a good bit before that," I said looking down, "but if I know my brother, which I do, he'll be here soon. I'm sorry I couldn't come with more information."

"You gave us enough," Neville said, "You've been through a lot. We are all just glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you all are too. Although, some of you look a bit beat up." I said

"The Carrow twins prefer physical punishment," Seamus answered, "nothing we can't handle."

I smiled at them, it's good to be back.


A month later, I'm still cooped up in the room of requirement. Although, it is nice to be able to catch up with everyone. Neville disappeared into a portrait hole, saying he'd be right back. Not even twenty minutes later, he is walking back through.

"Hey, listen up you lot. I've brought you a surprise." Neville said

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking I hope," Seamus said, making me giggle, "it'll be a surprise if we can digest it."

Neville steps aside as Harry, Hermione, and Ron appear from behind him. Everyone stands and starts to cheer, I stand towards the back, as everyone greets him happily.

"Have you seen Maggie?" Harry asked, in hopes that I'm safe.

Everyone steps aside, showing me at the back of the group. He looks back, seeing me standing there, waiting for a reaction. He sighed out loudly, in relief, and began to hurry towards me. I move quickly towards him, as well, engulfing him in a hug. Tears run down my face, thankful that my twin was alright.

"Thank Merlin, you're alright" I said through tears.

"Me? What about you?" He said, pulling back, wiping my tears.

"I'm alright, I missed you"

He pulled me back into a hug, "I've missed you too." He grabbed my hands, and then looked down at my finger, "What in Merlin's name is on your finger?"

"Oh, uhm- that would be an engagement ring" I murmured quietly

"A what now?" He asked amused

"An engagement ring, Harry" I said, louder

"And who, might I ask, has given that to you?"

I scoffed at his question, "Who do you think?"

"Malfoy's a lucky man," Harry said, giving me a hug, "I'm happy for you, and I'm sorry for everything."

"I'm sorry too. Be happy for me, after we come out of this alive, okay?" I said smiling, "We still have the fight of our lives."


Harry had snuck his way down in the group of Gryffindor's. Hermione, Ron, and I have found where the order is meeting. Walking in, the first two people I see are my pranking twins, Fred and George. I know this wasn't the right time to be happy, but I was so happy to see them again. They spotted me running towards them and opened their arms for me to jump in to.

They both laughed, "We missed you, too", they said in sync.

"I know these aren't the best circumstances, but I'm just glad I finally get to see my favorite twins again."

They hugged me tighter before putting me down, Mrs. Weasley made her way over and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so glad you're safe dear" she said

"Same to you" pulling back, I saw Remus walking up behind Mrs. Weasley.

"Mini Padfoot" Remus said

I didn't realize how much I had missed him, I engulfed him in a hug almost as soon as I heard his voice, "I missed you, Moony"

"I missed you too, Pads"

After getting to greet everyone that I hadn't seen in ages, I walked towards the front of the group so I could walk straight to Harry's side.

"It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster." Harry said as we walked in through the double doors.

I walked in further than most of the group, positioning myself right beside my brother.

"I'm afraid it's quite extensive" he continued

Harry accused Snape of killing Dumbledore before Professor McGonagall stepped in front of us to duel Snape on her own.

At some point, during the celebration of Snape leaving, Voldemort began speaking to everyone without even being near, asking for someone to turn Harry into him.

"What are you waiting for? Someone grab him" I heard Pansy Parkinson say

I immediately stepped in front of my brother to block anyone that came for him, multiple students surrounding him including Blaise and Theo, who stood at my sides.

There were gasps from other Slytherins at the sight of them standing guard next to me. Filch running in, acting a fool about the students being out of bed.

"If you would, I would like you please, to take Miss. Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house from the hall." McGonagall said

"Exactly, where is it shall I be leading them to, ma'am?" Filch asked

"The dungeons would do", cheers erupted through the hall. I held firm to both Blaise and Theo's hands so they wouldn't leave with the rest of Slytherin house.

Professor McGonagall walked up to me, noticing my firm grasp on the two of them.

"Please, don't make them leave. They are the only two that stood by my side to guard Harry." I said pleadingly.

"As you wish, Miss Potter" she said with a slight smile.

Chaos began throughout the castle, paintings going to safe havens, younger students being taken to hide, and others beginning to prepare for war. I ran to Harry, with Blaise and Theo following close behind me.

"Harry, where are you going?"

"I  have to find one of the last horcruxes, it's a diadem."

"You do that, Blaise, Theo, and I are going to help barricade the castle."

"Be safe, Maggie"

"You too. Oh, wait! I found out, while I was there, that bloody snake is a horcrux."

"The snake?"

"That's why he keeps it so close"

"Thank you, I-I'll think of something"

"Find the diadem first"

He nodded before running off, I looked at the guys, "Let's find Draco"


Running through the chaos of the castle was not easy, there were so many students not knowing what to do or where to go. We ran down different corridors, we tried to find the less known ones, knowing we'd find Draco in one of those. We ran into a deserted corridor, I stopped in the middle for a moment to catch my breath.

"We're never going to find him, there's too much going on." I said, as I continued to catch my breath.

"I wouldn't be so sure" Blaise said

I looked up, seeing a familiar mop of platinum blonde hair running into the end of the corridor with Greg following closely behind.

"Draco!" I yelled, as I started running towards him, I jumped right into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"You're okay?" He asked

"I'm great! Your best friends know how to keep me safe" I said smiling at him. He brought me into a quick kiss before he started talking about what needed to be done.

"Blaise, go with Dray. Keep him out of trouble, please." I smiled as he stepped towards his best friend.

"What about me?" Theo asked

"I'm keeping you with me, we are going to see if McGonagall or any of the students need help"

"Keep her safe, Theo" Draco said, before letting go of my hand.

I kissed his cheek, "Don't get hurt"

He smiled before running off with his two friends beside him, Theo and I backtrack to the front of the castle to see what we could help with.


The battle had started, at some point Theo and I had gotten separated, so I continued running through the corridors blasting spells at death eaters and blocking whatever came my way. I made my way around a corner seeing some Weasley's fighting down the hall, Fred with a smile on his face. I started running towards them when I watched a wall crumble down on top of one of my best friends, stopping me in my steps. I stared at the spot where Fred was, tears filling my eyes before black mist surrounded me taking me somewhere else.

I found myself standing in a clearing in the forebidden forest, surrounded by the main group of death eaters, and Voldemort. Hagrid had been captured as well, and I knew what I was being used for. I looked at Hagrid with saddness in my eyes as Voldemort walked up to me.

"Miss Potter, you may have not been very useful to us before," he said as I looked him in his snake-like eyes, "but you will be now." He grabbed my arm, shoving me towards Bellatrix so she could hold me captive next to her.

About thirty minutes later, I heard footsteps coming towards us, my head snapped up, hoping it wasn't Harry.

"Harry Potter, come to die" Voldemort said

Tears springing to my eyes, "Harry, no! Please!"

He just looked at me and mouthed, "I love you" before being struck by the killing curse.

I watched as my brother's body dropped to the ground, "Harry, no! Please, get up! GET UP!" Tears streaming down my face as I scream and try to get out of the grip of the death eaters. My sobs wrack through the quiet forest, as the group laughs at my despair.

A/n: 2,071 words

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