Naruto: Forgotten Power: Male...

By WalaNaPar

73.9K 1.9K 755

Being born in a family of shinobi's Y/N was always expected to join the Shinobi ranks, but Y/N was different... More

We... Passed?
On the way to wave and the Demon brothers
Demon of the mist
Zabuza+1 vs Team7
Y/N's unknown Dojutsu
The Forest Of Death
Naruko, Mito and Satsuki art work
The forest of Death part 2
I guess fem Orochimaru it is
family picture ( not a chapter )
Conclusion of Preliminary
Drawings for the previous chapter
Shackled from the start.
Former Siblings
Anger and Seal Removal.
A date? and The fight. (Edited)
Satsuki Flee's for Power.
This might be The End.
Naruto Shippuden Fanfic out now


3.2K 82 7
By WalaNaPar

Hi peeps..

Kakashi: Looks like you all failed. Not even a single one of you got a bell from us.

The Genins groan except for Y/N. This kept up for a few seconds until Y/N decided to speak up.

Y/N: umm sensei... *shows the two bells he got from Kakashi.

Kakashi and Kushina was a bit surprised but went unnoticed as they quickly composed their selves.

Kakashi: How did you manage to get those bells Y/N? I still have them he *poof*

he was interrupted when the bells on his waist poofed into smoke.

Y/N: Well.. It was before the test ended when the training ground was engulfed in smoke I made two shadow clones and had them transform into the bells and replaced them with the one on yours.

Kushina: Well you did a goodjob Y/N, but since you got two of the bells who will you give them to?

Without hesitation he threw the bells towards the Uzumaki Namikaze twins.

Y/N: They can have it, I don't really mind repeating the academy.

Kushina: Alright well why don't you and the twins eat lunch.

Sakura: What about us sensei?

As she said that, She and Satsuki were knocked out by Kakashi and were tied up on separate logs, while the three other genins sat in front of them.

Kushina: Here, eat up. *Hands them boxed lunches*

Naruko: What about those two?

Kakashi: oh don't worry about them, they'll wake up soon. Oh don't feed them when they wake up.

Kushina: Oh and since you don't have a bell Y/N you along with Satsuki and Sakura will get another chance to take the test in about an hour.

Y/N: Oh.. uhh.. Alright.

The three started eating as the other two started to wake up.

Mito: Oh hey, you two are awake.

Satsuki: Huh, what happened?

Naruko: Kakashi sensei knocked you both out and tied you both on on logs.

Sakura: What!? Get this off me!

Y/N: Oh by the way, Me you and Sakura will be given one more chance to do the test so here, eat up. *Attempts to feed her but stopped by Mito*

Mito: Hey what are you doing? you'll get in trouble. Sensei said to not feed them remember?

Y/N: Well, if we will be taking the test again they're gonna need energy so. *The other twins not and tries to feed them but Kakashi and Kushina show up suddenly*

Kakashi & Kushina: WHAT. DID. I. SAY?

The two said in a menacing voice while the clouds turned dark and lightning could be seen behind them.

Y/N: W.. we... well i was just tr..trying to feed them so t..they would have eno8gh energy for the test.. *He managed to say as the other Genins were frozen in shock and in fear*

Kakashi: Well we have only one thing to say to you lot.

Kakashi & Kushina: YOU ALL.... Pass.


Genins: WHAAAAAT!?

the end

I'll make another chapter if I'm feeling confident enough haha bye bye

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