Thunderstruck Mk 2

By HighEctoLord

119 3 4

Let's try this again. The Joestar lineage is... Shall we say very Bizarre. But that's okay. Giuseppe preferre... More

Return of the Queen
You can't see me
All that glitters
Dynamite and a Bubblebeam

High Voltage

10 0 1
By HighEctoLord

Musutafu 2325

Giuseppe had just finished unpacking his bags and putting his things away, when he saw a small golden-yellow object flying past his face. On instinct, he summoned his stand, Thunderstruck, to catch the object. He turned the object toward him, revealing Sex Pistols No. 7.

"Hey, Giuseppe! Nice catch! Mista sent me to let you know that it's lunch time."

Giuseppe smiled. "Thanks 7." He released the small stand and began making his way to the kitchen of the apartment his family had rented for him to go to the world's premier hero school, UA high school. The apartment was quite large, the Italian number one hero having spared no expense in making sure his son was comfortable for the three years he would be spending in Japan.

Giuseppe made it to the kitchen, where he was greeted by his pseudo uncle, Guido Mista, preparing sandwiches, and a smaller plate of freshly sliced pepperoni, while wearing an apron that said, "Kiss the cook." On the table there was a small tortoise eating kibble from a bowl. The tortoise looked up at Giuseppe and spoke.

"Bonjour, Jo Jo. How are you liking the place so far?"

"It's pretty nice. How are you liking it, Polnareff?"

"I cannot complain. Japanese kibble is excellent. I have to wonder what they put in it, but I know for certain that I will bring quite a supply with me when we return home."

"I'm glad you've already found something to love here," Giuseppe spoke.

"Oui. Traveling is one of life's greatest pleasures, especially when you find something you enjoy in many different places."

At that moment, Mista cut in by placing a plate of food in front of Giuseppe, and sitting down to eat one of his own. "Well I'm glad we're all settling in so well. It's going to be quite a while. I wonder if Italia will be alright without its gunslinging hero around, though."

Giuseppe quipped, "I think they might do a bit better without you, Mista."

Mista feigned offense, "How dare you!? After I made you a sandwich?"

One week Later.

Giuseppe said his goodbyes to Mista and got out of the car. He walked toward the gates of UA, and standing in those gates, he saw a familiar figure. A girl with short black hair stood frozen at the gates. Giuseppe recognized her as his cousin, Yoshihara Kira, and called to her. "Yo Jo?" She turned to him, tears in her eyes and spoke. "Jo Jo?" At that moment, he could see, she had been having a panic attack. He knew these weren't particularly uncommon for her. She had suffered a lot as a child, and she was constantly doubtful that she deserved the life she had now. Giuseppe and their cousin Shiza had always been close with Yoshihara. They could always tell when she was struggling, and they knew how to help her. Whenever Yoshihara had a panic attack, it was always vital to bring her back to the present, and remind her of where she belonged. With her family. Happy, and embraced. Giuseppe hugged her, and she latched onto him like a lifeline.

After a few minutes like that, Giuseppe finally asked in accented, yet fluent English, "Feeling better?" Yoshihara responded, "Much better."

Giuseppe, wanting to lighten the mood, changed the subject. He always knew better than to pry into what had caused Yoshihara's panic attacks, as he already knew the horrible things that had been done to her as a child. He never wanted to make her relive that. "So we both traveled thousands of kilometers to come to U.A. Here's hoping we get in."

30 minutes later

Giuseppe and Yoshihara were placed in separate exam groups for the practical portion. Giuseppe was pretty sure he had passed the academic portion, and now it was time for the fun to begin. He had been recommended by the number one hero in all of Italy, so he took the recommended entrance exams. He saw quite a few interesting characters in his group, including a boy with ash blonde hair and no lips, an extremely enthusiastic and very tall boy with a buzz cut, and a peppermint flavored Zuko. He was fairly confident that he would do well when he heard that this part of the exam was a race. Thunderstruck was the fastest stand he knew of, outpacing even Sex Pistols and Star Platinum. And what it lacked in physical strength, it more than made up for in raw electrical energy. The exam consisted of a two-person race on a three-kilometer obstacle course. Giuseppe was called up with the lipless boy, whose name was Juzo Honenuki, and they took their starting positions. Giuseppe overlapped Thunderstruck's legs with his own, and got ready to sprint, while Honenuki looked like he was at the edge of a pool, about to swim laps, as he took a hunched position. They were told to go, and Honenuki literally dove into the ground and started swimming, while Giuseppe took off in a mad sprint. He was moving so fast that it wouldn't take him more than five minutes to finish the course. He saw robots coming toward him, and immediately discharged a dome of electricity at them, completely disabling them. He made it to the finish line in just under four minutes.

Giuseppe watched as the tall boy and the peppermint boy, whose names he discovered were Inasa Yoarashi and Shoto Todoroki. Todoroki skated on Ice of his own making, while Yoarashi jettisoned through the air, and they both tore through obstacles like paper. Yoarashi just barely beat Todoroki, placing them in second and third place respectively, with Giuseppe in first. He couldn't hear what he was saying, but it seemed like Yoarashi was trying to make friends with Todoroki, only to be rudely brushed off. Giuseppe approached Yoarashi, and greeted him, as Todoroki walked away.

"Hey, man. I'm Giuseppe Giovanna. You did great out there, that wind quirk of yours is super cool."

Upon hearing The name Giovanna, the seemingly downtrodden Yoarashi perked up. "Giovanna? As in Giorno Giovanna, the number one hero in Italy, and the number two hero worldwide?!"

"Yup. That's my dad."

"IT IS AN HONOR TO MEET YOU!!!" Yoarashi shouted as he bowed so low his head hit the floor.

Giuseppe grinned. "Love the enthusiasm. Yoarashi, right? It's nice to meet you. I hope to see you in class."


Giuseppe said his goodbyes to Yoarashi, and made his way out of the school. He thought that had gone well.

One week later

Giuseppe was in his room studying at his desk when he heard a small knock at his door. He opened it to see No. 5 holding an envelope with the U.A seal on it. He took it and closed the door. Giuseppe sat down at his desk and opened the envelope. Inside was a holo-projector and two forms. He turned on the holo-projector and it showed a familiar face. Rohan Kishibe.

"Greetings Giuseppe. I am here as one of U.A's new teachers, to inform you that you passed the recommended entrance exam. In first place, might I add. Well done. Inside this envelope are two forms you must fill out and send back to U.A within one week. They are a uniform fitting sheet and a costume request form. Classes begin in three weeks, and you have been placed in the hero course class 1-A. Congratulations.

With that, the message concluded, and the projector deactivated. Giuseppe walked into the living room of the apartment where he saw his parents on the television, apparently on a call with Mista. Mista turned toward him and asked, "So, what's the verdict?"

"I passed!"

Giorno and Trish congratulated their son, and they stayed and talked with them for a while, basking in Giuseppe's achievement.

So, I want to apologize for the massive delay on this chapter. I just got hit with busy week after busy week, when I had initially planned to make this a weekly upload. So I apologize for that. Even so, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I feel like this one was a bit weak, but maybe that's just me. With all of that, I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!

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