
By neozaep

35K 1.4K 1.2K

Bellatrix/Reader Y/N is the newest member of the Death Eaters and immediately feels herself drawn to Bellatri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

2.9K 130 75
By neozaep

It has been a month since Bellatrix was send on her mission to gather more allies for the Cause. Mainly working with Dementors and giants. You have not heard from her since. It is another sleepless night for you full of worries and headaches about the older witch. You try to distract yourself with some light reading, while the cold late autumn wind is howling outside of your bedroom. There is a clicking sound on one of the windows, you look up from your book to see a beautiful raven. Curiously enough it has a letter in its beak. As soon as you open the window the black bird flies onto your desk, cocking its head, waiting for you to the take the letter. You do so whilst mumbling: "From whom could that be..."

My dearest Little one.

First of all I can assure you that I'm fine, I know how you tend to worry your pretty head. The last weeks I had some time to think. About you. About me. About us. I want to apologize for the pain I've caused you. You're not weak, nor pathetic, anything but. I'm glad you came into my life in a time where I, stupidly enough, thought I'd rather be alone.

Now, I know again what I'm fighting for. Not for the UK, nor Wizardkind, nor any Cause. It has all come down to the hope of being with you. I can't wait until you're underneath me again. I'll mark every part of your skin, so everybody sees that you're mine. Forever.


Your cheeks are wet with tears as you have finished reading the letter, clutching it to your heart. With closed eyes you stand still for a while, only to be rudely yanked out of your thoughts by the raven. It keeps pecking your arm. "She demands an answer, doesn't she?" The bird caws and finally leaves your arm alone as you search for parchment, quill and your ink bottle.

Dearest B.

I'm so happy to hear from you. You suspected correctly that my mind is prepossessed by you, not a minute goes by where I'm not thinking about you. You hold my heart spellbound. You've made me feel and experience things I never thought to be possible. So I am thankful for the storm I've known because of you, because in the eye of that storm, we have been together.

Please be safe and come back to me as my body and mind are aching for you.

Ever Yours.


"My sister sent you a letter?" Narcissa Malfoy asks you in astonishment. While Potion Brewing you have told her about the night before, because the fair-haired woman was worried about her sister. Again. You could see it on her face over the last weeks, slowly learning to read Bellatrix's youngest sister better. The longer there was no sign of the dark-haired witch the worse the dark circles around Narcissa's eyes would get.

"Yes, she says she is fine. Oh- I never mentioned that she invited me to Black Manor for solstice. I hope she'll make it back in time."

The older woman looks even more stunned, but in the blink of an eye she regains her composure. "Well, you should tell your parents about your holiday plans, because the last time I have spoken to your mother she was still under the impression you'll spend the celebrations with your family." She gives you a stern look. You gulp. You dreaded telling them, but you really could not delay it any longer.


A few days before solstice you arrive at Black Manor. Another letter, a rather short one this time, informed you that Bellatrix would be there today. The imposing gates let you go through as though you are anticipated. The manor is even bigger than the Malfoy's, although it looks a tad rundown. You have the feeling that it was not inhabited for a long time. The front door opens with an ominous

squeak and you take in the foyer. You can already tell that the Black Manor widely differs from the Malfoy Manor. It is stuffed with all kinds of little trinkets, the walls are draped with paintings and arrases, the wooden floor looks old and is split in some places. You approach an interesting looking piece of jewellery on a side table as-

"You shouldn't touch that if you don't wish to die a horrible death, pet.", drawls a familiar voice.

"Bellatrix!" The older witch gives you a lopsided smirk before you run to her. You think you might knock her over as you throw your arms around her, but she keeps her balance.

"My little one...", Bellatrix whispers as she hugs you tightly, securely. Nuzzling your neck with her nose.

"You are cold..."

"Well, no wonder, it's freezing outside.", says the dark-haired witch playfully. But you think it is also because she spent so much time with the Dementors. As you pull back to look at her once more you notice that she has a haunted look in her eyes. You let the topic slide, instead you softly kiss her, wanting to give her some kind of warmth.

"Lanpy!" A rather old looking house-elf appears with a soft crack.

"Yes Mistress Black?"

"Take Miss Y/N trunk to my bedroom." Her bedroom? "And make us some tea."

The house-elf bows low before he disappears with your luggage.

"So, tell me pet, have you been a good girl for me?" Bellatrix asks in a sultry low voice, making you shiver.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Have you protected yourself from prying eyes..." She starts to grope your body with her hands. "And from unwanted touches..." The older woman pouts. "... and unwanted kisses?" So she still harbours a grudge towards Thorfinn Rowle.

"N-Nobody touched me, I was waiting for you. I'm yours."

"That you are, indeed." Bellatrix looks intently at you as if she is trying to read you. "You've gotten better at Occlumency.", she states plainly.

"Yes, but I think it's still not good enough to last against our Lord. I don't want to expose anything about you... or us."

"I shall teach you then. But first and foremost I want to fuck you in every room of this manor." The older witch grins cheekily at you whilst slightly sticking out her tongue.


Bellatrix did not make an empty promise, over the course of the next few days she had you in every way you dreamt about for the last weeks. Sometimes you thought your body could not bare any more, but every time you saw her hungry eyes, felt her roaming hands or experienced her wet kisses, the dark witch kindled your fire anew.

One rainy afternoon the older witch, again true to her word, invites you to the vast Black library to start your Occlumency training. You are excited, Bellatrix is one of the most accomplished Occlumens in the world and her skill in Legilimency is way more perfected than Draco's. She eases your nervousness by holding your hand as she sits opposite to you.

"Take deep breaths, pet. Empty your mind. Free yourself of all emotions. Be a blank canvass. Be calm. Are you ready?"

You nod your head and Bellatrix enters your mind with a muttered Legilimens. You see some images fly through your mind, but they are distorted, not clearly visible.

"Not bad. Try imagining another layer of thoughts, compartmentalise your feelings, mislead the intruder."

The dark-haired witch tries to access your mind another few times, you start to feel exhausted from the exertion of shutting her out of all the important thoughts.

"Very well, little one. You start to get the knack of it."

"Thank you." You beam at her praise.

"Shall I try it with full force for once?" She asks you with a grin, your smile falters. "You didn't think that was all I could do, now did you?" Bellatrix cackles.

"Try me." You accept the challenge, gritting your teeth. You build the biggest walls you can imagine to secure your deepest thoughts and feelings, but as soon as the other witch penetrates your mind they crumble as if they were nothing. You can feel her magic. She is too powerful. She rummages through your mind, carelessly looking left and right, just to prove her point that she, indeed, is capable of destroying your feeble attempts of Occlumency. It does not bother you all too much, since she knows most of your inner thoughts already. But then- Bellatrix stops at the memory of your last meeting in the gardens of Malfoy Manor before she flew off to her mission. "I love her." Those three little words pulsate in your mind over and over again like a heartbeat. Oh no- The older witch retracts from your mind in an instant.

"Y-You love m-me?" She whispers. Her voice barely audible. A look of pure disbelief in her eyes. You avert your own eyes, you feel tears well up in them. You do not know what to say. You did not want her to know so soon. You flee the situation by running out of the library. You do not dare looking back at her.


Later that day you wander through the manor. Not exactly sure if you want to see Bellatrix or not. You enter the attic, it is dark outside by now so you have to take a double look as you see a small figure. It is Bellatrix, holding a raven on her arm, feeding him by the looks of it. Your heart is beating fast, you realise that you missed her presence already.

"Hey.", you say lamely.

"Hello pet. You already made the acquaintance of Hugin, haven't you?" The older witch looks at you with a small smile. You inwardly thank her for not bringing up the ending of your Occlumency lesson. You relax and take a few steps to stand closer to her.

"Yes, he's quite the charmer, just like his owner." You return her smile warmly, making her chuckle.

"He has been my only friend since- Since I'm a free witch once again."

You take some of the food Bellatrix holds and offer it Hugin. He picks it out of the palm of your hand and caws. It almost sounds like a happy caw to your ears.

"He likes you, I'm not surprised. He seems to have an eye for people."

There was something nagging on your mind for a while, so you make the plunge and voice it. "I'm surprised that our Lord lets you loose over solstice. He seemed adamant to always have you working on something."

Bellatrix hums. "I don't think my leisure hours will last for long though. The Dark Lord- He- He isn't the man he once was. He is far from the man I met when I was your age. I'm not even sure if one can call him a man any more. He is more like a creature, he has just one desire: Killing the boy. It's his sole purpose. I don't know if we'll ever reach our initial goals." She lets Hugin fly away in the evening sky and comes closer to you. "We wanted freedom for Wizardkind. No more hiding from muggles." She cups your cheek with one hand. "Tomorrow is solstice. I want to watch the sunrise with you, my little one."

Winter solstice is the celebration of the sun's rebirth. It is all about the honouring of the symbolism of fire and light, along with life, death, the rising sun, and the moon. Among the Sacred Twenty-eight pure-blood families it is one of the most important holidays.

"I'd love to...", your murmur while Bellatrix caresses your cheek.

"Let us go to bed early then...", the older witch smirks.


It starts like every other night over the past week as Bellatrix and you lie on her bed, exchanging deep kisses. The older witch always stays clothed and disappears during the night to Merlin knows where. But tonight would be different. As Bellatrix straddles you, you mumble a "Let me touch you." into her soft curly hair.

"You're touching me right now, little one." She is not wrong. As she sucks on your neck, you lightly stroke her back and arms.

"You know what I mean..."

The dark witch sits up straight, looking down at you. She vanishes all of her clothes with a wandless spell. You gasp for air. You are in awe of her lean body with curves at all the right places. Skin white as alabaster. The voluptuous swell of her breasts, her rosy buds are already erect. Her muscly, yet soft thighs straddling you. Taut stomach and- You see her glistening core, swollen lips, feel her juices wetting your skin.

"May I?" You ask tentatively while holding up your hands. Bellatrix just nods, never taking her eyes off you. Her skin is as silky smooth as it looks, you cautiously run your hands all over her body, noticing every little reaction of the other witch. There are some scars and burns spread across her body. You trace a finger over a bigger scar right underneath one of her breasts. Bellatrix slightly jerks while letting out a low whimper. "I'm sorry."

"It's all right, just a tad sensitive there. My still visible injuries are all from dark magic. I've tried potions and ointments, without success."

Your heart aches for the older witch. Who would be so gruesome to inflict such pain on her. But you know better than to ask her right now, instead you start to fondle her breasts, marvelling at the softness of them. You pinch her nipples, which prompts Bellatrix to sharply intake her breath.

"My Bella..." It is merely a whisper but the other woman picks up on it. She frowns. "I'm sorry", you say once again, uncertain about using the nickname.

The dark-haired witch leans down and kisses you while saying: "It's all right. I like it." You only see her. Her long curls surrounding your faces, you are cut off from the outside world. You feel her body on your own body. Her breasts on yours. She slightly moves on top of you while kissing you passionately. You run your hands over her back, wrap your legs around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer.

With a sudden idea in mind, you gather all of your strength and turn Bellatrix on her back, so that you are now straddling her. She looks up to you, surprised, but does not say anything as she caresses your waist and hips with her hands. You see curiosity flash in her eyes as you position your pussy over hers, you skim experimentally along her core, trying to find the right angle. Bellatrix spreads her legs further apart, giving you better access. As you lower your body once more, you glide over her folds with your own. You moan at the sensation, even Bellatrix lets out a low moan. You start to find your rhythm as you ride the other witch. Her eyes flutter shut for a moment when your clits meet for the first time.

"Oh little one... what are you doing to me..." You are not sure whether the older witch just means you riding her, or the lack of control she is clearly experiencing. Bellatrix moans loudly as you roll your hips particularly hard. She grabs your hips, her nails digging into your flesh. She is so wet, you feel her cum mixing with your own. Her breathing becomes more and more erratic. You move your hips faster, sliding over her cunt at just the right angle to always brush over her clit. Bellatrix's moaning is getting louder, she meets your hips with her own, completely losing herself in the feeling of you riding her. She looks beautiful like this. You realize that she is close to her climax.

"My pretty Bella...", you moan the words. Bellatrix's face distorts to an almost pained expression as she comes. You immediately lean down to capture her mouth in a sloppy kiss, all wet and needy. The kiss does not last long as the older witch spins you around, you are on your back once again. You look up into her dark hooded eyes. She wastes no time and enters your pussy with two fingers, pushing them into you with slow, deep thrusts.

"You belong to me, pet." Your walls quiver around her fingers. "My property." Her thrusting gets faster. "Only I have ever fucked you..." Bellatrix pushes in another finger. "Oh- Yes- So tight-"

"Ah! Bella!" You are a trembling mess underneath her as she pounds into you with three fingers, stretching your hole like never before. The longer nail of her index finger scratches your walls. The feeling alone almost makes you come.

"You're my little slut, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes- Oh- Bella, yes!" Your pussy throbs at her words. Bellatrix groans as she feels your pussy tighten around her fingers. Her other hand squeezes your throat, your breathing gets frantic. She flexes and curls her fingers inside of your cunt. You nearly scream.

"Say it.", she whispers huskily, relaxing her grip on your throat for a moment. "Say you're mine."

"I- I'm yours..."

"Crucio..." As the pain of the curse jolts through your body you come, all the while yelling Bellatrix's name until your voice is hoarse. The older witch envelops you in a tight embrace, murmuring sweet nothings, placing kisses all over your face. Your bodies are both sticky and sweaty, but neither of you care enough to cast a spell to clean yourselves.

The dark witch spoons you, holding you firmly, securely. She kisses your shoulder, lightly bites down and sucks before she rests her head against yours. You feel her warmth, skin on skin, you have never felt safer in your life than in this very moment. Finally Bellatrix stays with you the whole night. Finally you can sleep without interruptions. Finally you feel at peace. Home.


After New Years your intimate togetherness is disrupted by the Dark Lord. He assigns both of you on another task. At least you would be together since it will be a long mission. But Bellatrix suspects your Lord knows about your relationship and has ulterior motives.

"He sends us into the darkest areas of the Forbidden Forest to look for Nundu's. They're among the deadliest creatures in the world. He wants us to catch at least one of them for the Cause. He plans something I can't quite grasp, but I will, little one, I will. For now we need to play along. But I won't let anything hurt you, my pet. Never."

For the first time you see something close to worry in Bellatrix's eyes as she looks at you.  

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