Chapter 6

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It has been a month since Bellatrix was send on her mission to gather more allies for the Cause. Mainly working with Dementors and giants. You have not heard from her since. It is another sleepless night for you full of worries and headaches about the older witch. You try to distract yourself with some light reading, while the cold late autumn wind is howling outside of your bedroom. There is a clicking sound on one of the windows, you look up from your book to see a beautiful raven. Curiously enough it has a letter in its beak. As soon as you open the window the black bird flies onto your desk, cocking its head, waiting for you to the take the letter. You do so whilst mumbling: "From whom could that be..."

My dearest Little one.

First of all I can assure you that I'm fine, I know how you tend to worry your pretty head. The last weeks I had some time to think. About you. About me. About us. I want to apologize for the pain I've caused you. You're not weak, nor pathetic, anything but. I'm glad you came into my life in a time where I, stupidly enough, thought I'd rather be alone.

Now, I know again what I'm fighting for. Not for the UK, nor Wizardkind, nor any Cause. It has all come down to the hope of being with you. I can't wait until you're underneath me again. I'll mark every part of your skin, so everybody sees that you're mine. Forever.


Your cheeks are wet with tears as you have finished reading the letter, clutching it to your heart. With closed eyes you stand still for a while, only to be rudely yanked out of your thoughts by the raven. It keeps pecking your arm. "She demands an answer, doesn't she?" The bird caws and finally leaves your arm alone as you search for parchment, quill and your ink bottle.

Dearest B.

I'm so happy to hear from you. You suspected correctly that my mind is prepossessed by you, not a minute goes by where I'm not thinking about you. You hold my heart spellbound. You've made me feel and experience things I never thought to be possible. So I am thankful for the storm I've known because of you, because in the eye of that storm, we have been together.

Please be safe and come back to me as my body and mind are aching for you.

Ever Yours.


"My sister sent you a letter?" Narcissa Malfoy asks you in astonishment. While Potion Brewing you have told her about the night before, because the fair-haired woman was worried about her sister. Again. You could see it on her face over the last weeks, slowly learning to read Bellatrix's youngest sister better. The longer there was no sign of the dark-haired witch the worse the dark circles around Narcissa's eyes would get.

"Yes, she says she is fine. Oh- I never mentioned that she invited me to Black Manor for solstice. I hope she'll make it back in time."

The older woman looks even more stunned, but in the blink of an eye she regains her composure. "Well, you should tell your parents about your holiday plans, because the last time I have spoken to your mother she was still under the impression you'll spend the celebrations with your family." She gives you a stern look. You gulp. You dreaded telling them, but you really could not delay it any longer.


A few days before solstice you arrive at Black Manor. Another letter, a rather short one this time, informed you that Bellatrix would be there today. The imposing gates let you go through as though you are anticipated. The manor is even bigger than the Malfoy's, although it looks a tad rundown. You have the feeling that it was not inhabited for a long time. The front door opens with an ominous

squeak and you take in the foyer. You can already tell that the Black Manor widely differs from the Malfoy Manor. It is stuffed with all kinds of little trinkets, the walls are draped with paintings and arrases, the wooden floor looks old and is split in some places. You approach an interesting looking piece of jewellery on a side table as-

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