Chapter 7

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Only the cracking of twigs underneath your feet can be heard as you run through the dark forest. A ravenous Nundu is right behind you, resembling a dark-coloured lion, it is one of the most dangerous magical creatures in the world, its toxic breath can wipe out entire villages of people. Originally Nundu's are located in Africa, but the Dark Lord has heard rumours of a small pride of them living in the darkest parts of the Forbidden Forest. So he sent his lieutenant, Bellatrix, and yourself to hunt them down.

Right now it rather seems more like one of them hunting you down though. You are getting more and more out of breath, but Bellatrix, who runs next to you, only cackles maniacally. She is shooting spells on spells at the creature. The Nundu is launching forwards, trying to attack you but the dark witch casts a Protego on you and throws herself in front of you, effectively saving you, but receiving the full blow of the attack. She falls with a grunt, you immediately stop running and walk to her. The creature luckily got sidetracked by a stray unicorn as it obviously decides that it would be a much tastier meal than human. There is blood everywhere on her as you hold Bellatrix in your arms.

"I told you, little one," she coughs up some blood, "I'll always protect you." The older witch attempts to smirk, but it turns out to be more of a grimace of pain than anything else.

You scream as you see the life leaving her face, her body feels heavier in your arms.

"BELLA!" You yell out her name over and over again in utter misery.

Suddenly someone shakes you, you are confused for some seconds and you keep on screaming your love's name.

"It's all right, pet, I'm all right, just another of those dreadful nightmares you've been having."

"Bella?" You are out of breath, your body is shaking.

"Yes, me, I'm here. I'm fine." Bellatrix holds you tightly as you slowly realise you are not dreaming any longer and the older witch is, indeed, alive.

You have been having these kind of nightmares for two months now, every other night you awake from different scenarios of Bellatrix dying. Since you have been on the mission with her in the darkest corners of the Forbidden Forest. She says it is only because the forest is full of scary things and you always worry about her too much, but you have a feeling that it could be more than that. The other witch is sometimes far too reckless and self-assured for your liking.

"Have some Calming Draught, little one. It'll help you."

"No, I took them with me for you, Bella, when you have your own nightmares." As you spent every single night with the dark witch since Solstice, you know that she has her own demons, or rather Dementors, to fight.

"We can always get more. Cissy will-"

"No. The trace. Remember?"


It has been a topic of discussion since you have started the mission. To be safe you have to refrain from magic use as much as possible. Otherwise Aurors could detect your whereabouts easily. You remember the first night in your magically enhanced tent fondly. You were stunned once again by Bellatrix's magical abilities as she casually mentioned that it was none other than her who enchanted the tent, because there were not any to buy since so many witches and wizards are on the run.

"Er- It's nothing special, really. But I thought we don't have to live like complete savages while hunting monsters."

"Nothing special? Bella! It's beautiful!" The tent represents a small, yet cosy, flat. There is everything one would need for the time being. A kitchenette, an adjoined bathroom, a comfortable looking bed, and ah-: A reading nook with a nice collection of books. "My little bookworm, of course you'd bring your library with you.", you tease her.

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