Not Another Mummy (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

655 46 138

It's kinda another Mummy (1999) Au but I'm changing up the storyline a little. It's going to have the basics... More

A Promise..
Death Is Not the End..
Awoken Curse..
A Puzzle Box..
An Awaiting Adventure..
A Kiss For His Life..
One Rather Good Looking Map..
Hate 'n Love..
He Is the Map..
A Bet well Won..
The legs of Anubis..
An Dropped In Sarcophagus..
Mistakes were Made..
One Juicy Mummy..
A Huge "Told You So"..
A Toast..
An unwelcomed Guest..
Chosen Sacrifice..
Locked Up..
A Sandy Kiss..
We'll Meet Again..
A Fallen Comrade..
A Gained Friendship..
Her Awaited Hero..
Awaited Kiss..
Happy Ever After..

Sacrifice Truth..

13 1 0
By VoltronMoon




Katie slowly follows behind Lotor into the underground cemetery. She comes to a suddenly halt at the sight of all the big hairy rats scurrying through the mausoleums and over the gravestones. Staring at the cemetery in pure disgust and having to take a deep, calming breath to keep herself in control and not freak out. 

Slav huffs in annoyance behind her and shoves his rifle into her back while he pushes her forward.

"Keep moving" Slav ordered out and earning Katie to give him a look. 

"You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself, always get their comeuppance" Katie warned completely serious as she turns around to face him, poking her finger into his chest to show she was talking about him and holding a knowing air over what his fate might hold. 

"Yeah?" Slav asks looking very worried all of a sudden. 

"Oh yes, always" Katie promises as she turns back around and carries on walking down the stairs, a smirk on her lips as she knew she'd just creeped out him for good. A little bit of sweet revenge in her eyes. 

Slav looks even more worried as he starts nervously chewing on his lip. Hurrying down the stairs after her and not wanting to be left trapped alone in such a spooky place.

All three of them walk over the bridge crossing the disgusting detritus moat. Katie looks down at it, completely horrified. Her hands grip at her dress as she feels both her nerves and fear try to take control over her cool head. She pinches herself in secret and carries on walking just a little bit quicker. 


Shiro, Keith and Matt are all busy digging out a collapsed doorway. All three of them working hard to dig it out and having a torch wedged into the stand beside it. Lance left standing behind them while holding the second torch for them to see.

"Take those bigger stones first" Lance call out orders from where he stood, pointing towards the ones he mean and not doing any of the digging himself. 

Matt takes a deep breath through his nose and takes the stones his beloved boyfriend was pointing towards in hopes to shut him up and keep him happy. Both Shiro and Keith having a tick forming on their foreheads from Lance trying to boss them around while they did the heavy work. 

"Take them from the top or everything will cave in on us" Lance huffed out in annoyance as he didn't agree with their handy work. 

Matthew and Keith both dropping the collapsed ceiling bolder they were carrying off together due to it's weight and almost dropping it purposely on Lance foot. Dropping it to the side instead as they knew they couldn't risk gaining any more injured on the trip since it's slow them all down. 

"Come on. Put your backs into it" Lance snaps out like a bossy superior. 

And that was the last straw as all three males stood up from where they were hard work and send murderous glares towards him. All daring for him to say one more thing while he did nothing at all and see just what get's buried next by their hands. 

Lance giving a guilty and frighten smile in return before deciding to walk away and leave them at it without another word from him. The other three giving a pleased look that showed he made the right choice before they went back to work on the stones and boulders. 

"Okay, now what the hell does this Horus guy look like?" Shiro finally asked as they had almost completely cleared the doorway and only had a few bigger stones to move now. He needed to know what to look out for if they wanted to find this Horus guy quickly. 

"He's a big fellow with pointy ears and a face like a falcon" Matthew deadpanned as he's spent years dumbing things down for his boyfriend to understand and be able to join his and his sister rants over certain topics. 

"Got it" Keith and Shiro replied at the same time as they both now knew what to look out for. 

None of them taking notice as Lance took notice over the amethyst scarab on the far wall. It almost stood perfectly the same to the one that Varkon had visited just days. But this one held a different carved pattern into and Lance still stupidly started picking one out of the wall. His torch flung into the sand to help light the wall up. 

"I say, look at that" says in aww as he starts to walk back to the rest and jiggle it in his open palm.  

Lance comes to a stop and stares at the scarab in his palm. It starts to glow a nice shade of blue and something inside it starts to wiggle. Lance attention is caught even more by the strange thing and he knows he's got to show the rest as well. 

"Say, gents! You should come have a look at this" Lance calls out again, aimlessly waving his free hand towards them in hopes to pull one over. 

"What have you found now?" Matt asks a little tired and wipes the sweat away from his forehead with his sleeve. 

"Look. Isn't it pretty" Lance grinned back happily as he held out his hand to show off what he found. 

"Lance put that down-" Matt quickly starts to say in panic and horror, catching everyone else's attention rather quickly but ending up being too late to warn Lance. 

The wiggling continues for a long, agonizing beat,and then the scarab breaks out of it's cocoon. Matthew out of instincts on wanting to try and protect his family tries to slap it out of Lance hand. But he's too late as the scarab instantly burrows into Lance's palm. The cocoon being smacked out of his hand instead by Matt. Lance starts to freak out and scream in pain and fear. Both Shiro and Matt runs up and rips the arm off Lance's shirt. Watching as the scarab is now burrowing up Lance's left arm. 

"Do something! Do something!" Lance cries out as tears filled his eyes. 

"We need to cut it out" Matt says without skipping a beat and nodding towards Shiro to do it, knowing he was the best man for the job. 

Shiro whips out his butterfly-knife and snaps it open. Matthew grabs at Lance's left arm and trying his best to keep it as still as possible for Shiro. But Lance was freaking out too much and still thrashing about making it difficult for Matt to keep his arm still. 

"Not that! Do something else" Lance yelled back in fear as he wasn't ready to be sliced up. 

"Help me hold him" Matt ordered out towards Keith who quickly stood behind Lance and holding him still as best as he could. Both males nodding towards Shiro to do why they were able to hold Lance still. 

Lance's eyes widen in terror as the knife passes in front of his face. Matthew and Keith biting their lips and putting all their power in holding Lance as still as possible. Having to block out his scrams that grew louder and louder as he was being cut open.

Shiro's hand flicks something away and they all snap their heads towards the scarab. Watching it hit the floor and immediately starts scurrying back towards a very faint Lance, wanting to finish the job. 

Shiro reacts first and pulls out his gun before finally blows it away. 

"Thanks" Matt weakly whispers out, his arms holding Lance close as the taller male sobbing in the nooks of his neck. 

"Patch him up" Shiro muttered back instead, still as shaken up as the rest over what they just witnessed. 

Keith stepped forward and used Lance ripped sleep to form two bandages. Placing one around his shoulder where the scarab was cut out and using the second makeshift bandage to wrap around Lance hand where the scarab had entered. Matt hugging him the whole time and soothing him while Keith did the patch up job for him. 

"From now on, don't touch anything. Not a damn thing" Matthew firmly tells Lance as he pushes him back to make him stand by himself and face him. Lance sniffles before giving a small nod to show he understood what he was being told. 

"Keep your hands off the furniture, got it?" Shiro ordered sternly as he couldn't allow one of Katie family members to die. He needed them both to stay alive otherwise she'd never forgive him for leaving them to die and choosing to save her instead. 

Lance swallows hard and nods vigorously in reply. 

With Katie..

The gunshot had echoe into the cemetery as Lotor, Katie and Slav stepped up to the strange Altar. The same Altar where four thousand years ago Lotor had tried to bring Allura back to life.

Both Katie and Slav snapped their heads towards the stairs they walked down to enter the cemetery. Katie filling up with hope as a bright smile took over her face, they were alive. Her brothers and Takashi, they were all alive and close by. 

Slav was just as glad at the news. He wasn't the best friend to Shiro but he didn't want to lose his old pal in such a way. He knew the man deserved a much better death than crashing in a plane. 

"Takashi" Katie whispered, stepping towards the bridge and wanting to run out and find them all. Being stopped as Slav hand landed on her shoulder, ready to pull her back if she did make a run for it. 

Lotor scowls at the sound and angrily reaches into a canopic jar, all of them already neatly placed on the Altar. He pulls out the crusted remains of Allura heart and crushes it to dust in his hand. He opens up the black book and starts reading from it. Once finished he blows the dust against a mausoleum wall. 

Katie and Slav both curiously stare at the wall. Both going  wide eyed as two forms emerge from the mausoleum's wall. Horrific-looking mummified corpses. Lotor whispers his orders towards them as they wobble to reach him. Two of Lotor's long dead Priests. Both respectfully bow towards him before turning and moving down a passageway. 

"The bembridge scholars never wrote about this" Katie admitted as she and Slav starts backing away, both a little bit terrified. 

Lotor turns back towards the altar and starts to prepare it once more. No longer seeming worried or bothered over Shiro presence being close by. Katie gulped as she suddenly had a really bad feeling grow within in her. 

She glances towards the stairs, wondering if she'd gain the chance to escape and warn the rest over Lotor own priests being sent after them. But her attention is pulled back towards Lotor as he starts speaking in Hebrew again. 

"Prince Imhotep wants your heart" Slav translate once more as he holds his gun on her again and nodding for her to walk back towards the altar. 

"Tell him, I'm truly flattered... but that it's already taken" Katie blushes a little as she feels a bit complimented by the man before giving a sadden smile as she must confessed it was already stolen by someone else. A certain someone she'd kill first if she did get turn into a mummy before he was able to save her. 

Lotor continues speaking as he lays  the four jewel encrusted canopic jars next to the shattered one. Keeping them neat and placing them all in a certain order. Nodding for Slav to carry on translating for him. 

"He wants your heart and your brain, your liver, your kidneys..." Slav started to translate the list of things that Lotor was wanting from her very soon. Not noticing as Katie eyes widen bigger than ever as realization dawns on her. 

"..and how do you say? Those slimy things in your stomach?" Slav awkwardly asks as he turns pale and starts pointing towards his stomach. Feeling a little sick over the list that Lotor was giving out for his to translate. 

"Intestines" Katie quietly answered as she fell pale. 

"Yeah! Them" Slav grinned back happily and nodding his head to show she got it right. 

Katie just couldn't believe. Her luck was so rotten in the past year that she really couldn't believe it was going to get any worse and yet, Lotor had proven her wrong. She lost her brother who's travelling pals awoken the guy.

She's had a kiss stolen by her from some beardy, shabby looking guy that smelled worse than any of Coran cooking she's ever seen. Found out the rude pig of a man was actually rather handsome and injured having playful banter with even if he did upset her a few times with his foolish, bad manners and way of thinking. 

She's found the tomb of Lotor and somehow helped released him earning him to chose her as a sacrifice against her wishes. She's had to watch a handful of people die due to the curse.

And she can't actually forget that she's gained three kisses from the guy, one when he looked like a dead corpse still and the other two weren't against her will either. 

She had still yet been reward with a kiss by Shiro, a kiss she actually desired and hoped to be better than the last lot of kisses she's had forced upon her in the past week. 

And now, Lotor wanted her insides. 

"You only want me for my organs?!" Katie screamed back completely furious towards Lotor and no longer playing the weak chick he's captured. She was pissed off and she was gonna give him a piece of her mind. 

But Lotor only turns to her impressed before giving such a bond shivering grin that earned her mouth to turn dry. She shakily stepped back as he stalked towards her like a predator to it's prey. 

"Takashi! Hurry up" Katie yelled out desperately as she knew her time was very much up by now. 

Lotor soon backhands her with more strength than needed and Katie is knocked down for the count. Everything turning back and the throbbing pain from her head hitting the stone vanishes as she's lulled in by sleep. Lotor stares at her passed with a cold and malevolent stare in his eyes. Finally turning away and walks off into the mausoleums.

Slav nervously glances around before he quickly scurries away. Leaving Katie alone in the hands of Lotor and allowing her to only stand as his sacrifice for Allura once more. 

With Shiro..

Shiro squeezes through a small crevice in a wall and drops to the floor of a very dark and stuffy chamber. He picks up his gunnysack and scans the darkness as best as he can before stepping forward. 

He takes notice over something glitters a little ahead and slowly steps towards it. Leaving Lance, Matt and Keith to all crawl in behind him. Shiro soon notices a shaft of light coming from high above him. It's shooting through a small hole in the ceiling and stopping against a wall next to one of those mirror disks.

Smirking as he remembered Katie neat trick and rather glad that she was so giggly over showing it to him. His heart squeezed as he remembered the shin in her eyes and the proud grin on her lips when she saw his reaction to the trick. He missed her.

Frowning as he shakes away the little handful of memories he's gained with her and  aims his gun. He wastes no time to fire, knowing that the shot from earlier would most likely have given them away to Lotor. He knew the place could echo and he was certain that danger larks close by.

The bullet strikes the disk's pedestal and causing the the mirror to spin into the shaft of light. The rest all stepping back and watching as the shaft of light hits the disk and quickly bonces around the room. The mirrors all joining together and lightening the chamber up within seconds. 

"That really is a neat trick" Shiro muttered to himself as he glances to the closest mirror and picturing Katie standing smugly beside it.

But that's when everyone eyes finally got use to the lit up camber and found it to be an enormous treasure chamber.  Filled to be overflowing with everything sparkling and shining. The wealth of Egypt. 

All four males are left speechless as they stare in aww. 

They slowly walk down the stairs and enter deeper in the chamber. Having to walk along all the treasure and gold and so much more to reach the other doors. 

"Can you see-" Lance started to ask breathless as he wondered if he was going crazy from the throbbing pain in his arm. 

"Yeah" Shiro answers without needing to hear the full question, all of them were thinking the same at this point. 

"Can you believe-" Lance started to ask before falling silent again as he stared at gold statue beside him. 

"Yeah" Shiro admits with a small nod, staring at a golden crown dropped on the floor to his right. 

"Can we just-" Lance started to ask hopefully before being spoken over. 

"No" Shiro firmly told him as they had pressing matters to deal with. 

That's when the mummified Priest-mummies all start breaking in from the ground and start crawling out. Groaning and whining as they start crawling out and pushing them to stand. The group of four all standing straight and watching in shock over the sights. 

"Who the hell are these guys?" Shiro yelled out in disbelief over more mummies showing up. 

"Lotor's priests" Keith simply answered as he aims the machine gun towards them. 

"I never killed a priest before" Shiro admits as he pulls out his elephant gun and takes aim, feeling a little bit conflicted over this killing spree that's about to happen. 

"They are evil, cursed, they matter not" Keith reassured as he understood the conflicted emotions felt. 

"Well, okay then" Shiro muttered back and fires  the elephant gun.

Keith and Matthew join him in the shoot out, Matt having stolen Lance small gun and using it to shoot with. Leaving Lance to be pushed behind the three of them as he stood injured and without a weapon. 

Smoke and flames fire into the air and Shiro blasts one of the mummies that tried pouncing towards them. He blows it's upper torso clean off before he pumps the gun. He doesn't give much notice over the huge spent cartridge flips through the air. He simple aims and fires again. Blasting another mummy and happily blows this one's torso clean off as well.

As the smoke clears again, he's left to witness the two sets of legs keep walking forward, unaffected by the loss of their upper torsos. Shiro can't believe it at first before he remembered how the past forty-eight hours of his life has been like. 

"Will you just give me a break already" Shiro cried out and goes back to shooting at the walking legs. 

Lance get's fed up and steals one of Shiro guns from it's holster. Using his right hand to shoot with and helping to give back up fire as they all start walking backwards towards the closest doorway. Matt runs out of bullets and simply throws the gun towards a mummy instead, hitting it directly in the head and Shiro whistles out impressed over the throw. If they weren't fighting mummies that hit would have knocked someone clear out. 

And then Shiro frowned as Matt stole his other gun in the holster and started shooting towards the mummies with. Shiro glancing down as his elephant gun finally runs out of bullets and he holds like a bat before whacking a few mummies that got close before leaving them to Keith to shoot down. 

The mummies and mummies bits only kept coming and coming, never ending in their eyes. Earning all four of the men to keep backing away and haul ass. Running down the closest doorway and following along as the mummies and mummy pieces follow them into the passageway.

That's when Slav creeps into the chamber, poking his head out to make sure both the humans and mummies were long gone. Once he was sure it was safe he steps outs and stares in wonder at all the treasure. Then happily falls backwards into a pile of jewels and rolls about, laughing in glee over how rich he'd soon be.  

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