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A piece of fan mail to Captain America leads to A New Beginning. More

ONE SHOT: Steve and I get closer
ONE SHOT: Captain America Broken by INGA
ONE SHOT: Steve Rogers Sex Life in 1940s
My Chance to Meet a Superhero

Steve Rogers & Lari: A Love Story

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Scene 1: The Email- I, Lari glanced at the lengthy letter I penned to Steve Rogers, aka Captain America. I wasn't sure what really compelled me to look up the mailing address for fan mail, or to waste half a notebook's worth of paper to get to my final draft. Before I could change my mind, I had folded it neatly, placed it in the already addressed envelope and sealed it.

I doubted my words would ever reach Captain America directly, which is partly why I included my email address. But I doubt that anyone would actually read this letter, that I'd love to meet Captain America over coffee or take a walk in Central Park, out of uniform of course.

I actually wanted to do more than that. What woman wouldn't melt over that smile, that body, the whole saving the world on at least a biweekly basis thing? I didn't want to make some poor guy need brain bleach whose job was to send out "autographed" picture responses to fan mail, though, so you kept it G-rated.

Four days passed, and I kept busy as usual. I'd nearly forgotten about the letter to Captain America, but an email with the subject "Thank you for your kind words" from sender Steve Rogers caught my eye. I opened it.

Lari, Thank you for your kind words, ma'am. I do read and reply to all of my fan mail. I would like to meet you for coffee and a walk in Central Park, if you're still interested. Let me know.


Steve Rogers.

At first, I wasn't sure if it was for real. Maybe someone intercepted the letter and was messing with me. The worst that could happen is getting stood up, though, and it's not like that hadn't happened before. I bit your lower lip absentmindedly at the best that could happen. That was about as likely as pigs sprouting wings and flying around downtown New York, though. I thought I might break the backspace key on the keyboard while trying to type a reply.

Dear Steve,

I'd still love to meet you for coffee and a walk in Central Park. Your schedule is probably busier than mine so you can pick the time and date. My phone number is (864) 505-5050 if you want to give me call and set something up.

I look forward to hearing from you again.

I glanced at the time. It had been almost an hour, and I probably should have left 15 minutes ago. Before you made myself late(r), I hit the Send button.

Chapter 2: The Call- I wouldn't admit it to myself, but I was practically tethered to my phone and inbox, waiting for a response of some sort. My phone went everywhere I did, even the shower where it wad perched precariously on the ledge. Lucky it didn't get waterlogged. Not that I was sure of what to do if he called while I was in the shower. Talking to Captain America, or rather Steve, while naked would somehow unpatriotic - like defiling an apple pie. But yet, erotic and stimulating. I wondered if he actually tasted like apple pie, Bomb Pops, the Fourth of July and all things patriotic. Eventually, I lossened up, stopped obsessing over my phone after 48 hours, and didn't check your inbox every 5 minutes. I realized I was too wrapped up in this possible date. Finally, Friday had arrived, the weekend was here and I had absolutely no plans. Especially, in the case Steve called and wanted to see me.
On Friday nite, I was curled up on the couch with a bowl of healthy snacks and a protein shake, half paying attention to a rom-com movie on netflix. When suddenly my phone started vibrating, then ringing. I snatched it up off of the coffee table. The caller ID revealed an unfamiliar number. My heart rate increased. Could it be him?

"Hello?" I answered, hopeful.

"Hello, it's Steve. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but things have been busy around here."

"It's not a problem. I've been busy, too." Knowing damn well that was a lie, but it sounded better than the truth.

"Do you have plans tomorrow afternoon?"

"No, I'm free then." I tried to hide my excitement and the grin plastered on my face, but wasn't sure if I'd been entirely successful.

"It's not coffee, but there's a place called the Shake Shack near Central Park. They have milkshakes and burgers."

"That sounds good." Honestly, I would have probably said YES to anything he suggested, even a root canal. "What time did you have in mind?"

"How does 12:30 Saturday afternoon sound?"

"I'll be there." I tried not to hyperventilate over the fact that I had an actual, official date with Captain fucking America.

"Are you all right?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. So I'll see you tomorrow then?" I needed to get off the phone before he thought I was crazy and changed his mind.


I hung up after a quick goodbye and took a few deep breaths to calm yourself.

There were a dozen people I wanted to call and tell, but decided against it. It was a delightful secret. And if it went badly, I wouldn't have to recount that tale to anyone and be reminded in the future of that time I blew the date with Captain America. Knowing my friends, the reminders would be entirely too frequent. Now that I had a time and place, I needed to pick out something to wear. I walked to my closet and went through everything hanging in it. Nothing screamed 'you should wear me on a casual date with a national icon!' Eventually, I settled on a cute, et sensual blue crop-top sundress that wasn't too revealing. I laid out the dress, some strappy 6-inch wedge sandals, various jewelry/accessories, and a sexy light blue lace panties and bra set for the next day. Not that I really thought anyone else would be seeing the bra and panties. Best to be prepared, though.

I set my alarm and got ready for bed, ignoring the fantasies creeping into my mind. Having an orgasm or two to take the edge off of my building arousal mostly helped. I was going to have to seriously suppress the urge to just jump him. No matter how much I imagined it, but, would he be very receptive to that. I tossed and turned for a few hours while my mind wandered and my nerves got the best of me. Finally, I drifted off into a deep slumber in the wee hours of the morning. The sound of the alarm was both too close and too far away.

Scene 3: Impatience- My alarm went off. I grumbled for a moment, thinking it was another weekday and reached out to hit the snooze. Then, it dawned on me why my alarm was going off on a Saturday morning. This was definitely worth waking up for. During the night, I had many stimulating and hot fantanies about being a damsel in distress who was rescued by Captain America. He carried me to safety and kissed me while I wad still in his strong arms. The scenario wasn't as appealing in the waking world as it had been in the dream. For as little sleep as I had gotten, I was very awake, in a sweet adrenaline rush. In case there was an imminent crash, I put on a pot of green tea.

While the green tea was brewing, I hopped in the shower. My mind wandered to what it would be like to share that shower with Steve. I imagined his touch, your fingers traveled down my body, pausing at my already hardened nipples and trailing down to between my legs. I brushed a fingertip lightly over my clit. A soft moan escaped my lips. I can feel a distinct slippery wetness that had absolutely nothing to do with the warm water spraying down on me.

For the fifth time in less than 12 hours, I ORGASMED, further indulging my fantasies. However, I had a date to get ready for. I washed my hair, scrubbed my body and shaved my underarms and legs. After briefly pondering it, you decided to leave your neatly trimmed bush intact, if for no reason other than the itching when it grows back in. After toweling off, I made quick work of blow drying and styling my hair. Nothing too fancy was necessary for lunch and a walk in the park. I brushed my teeth and put on light makeup. Finally, I slipped into your clothes and sandals.

In front of the full length mirror, i turned in a complete circle. I decided to look good - sexy, but in a completely classy way. As an afterthought I put on a bit of my favorite perfume, because today was special, possibly once in a lifetime occasion. The scent of the green tea had drifted into my bedroom. So I went into the kitchen and poured yourself a cup, inhaling the pleasant aroma. After you finished my green tea, I checked the time. 10:15. So, I paced around the apartment, making sure I hadn't forgotten anything. The passage of time was torture. I made the decision to toss a few condoms into my purse. I'd be forever kicking yourself if I missed out on the unlikely opportunity to get into Captain America's pants because I didn't have protection. After my dozenth complete circuit around the apartment, I decided to just leave and get there early. Something unforeseen could happen to hold you up, and I didn't want to leave him there waiting.

For the sake of not being late because of trying to find a place to park in the insanity that is downtown New York, I decided to take a taxi. I grabbed my little black purse and headed out the door.

The weather was nice - warm, mostly sunny, a slight breeze. Perfect for an outdoor date. It wasn't too hard to find a taxi, and I was on your way. I stared at the sights of the city out of the window. That never got old. The taxi stopped by a familiar intersection. I quickly paid the fare and stepped out in front of the burger place that I never took notice of before. Families and couples were sitting at tables, eating and chatting away. I found an empty table and sat down.

It was 10:50. Time passed slowly while I played on my phone. No new texts. Nothing new on any of the websites I frequented. None of the games installed on my phone sounded appealing. The world, for once, had decided to be boring. This was worse than waiting for school to get out on the last day before summer break. Much worse.

Scene 4: Introductions-"Excuse me, ma'am. Are you waiting for someone?" a smooth voice asked from behind me, pulling me from thoughts back into reality.

I took a deep breath, turned around and glanced up at the owner of the voice. It was definitely Steve. He was taller than I expected, wearing a blue plaid shirt and khakis and carrying a leather satchel. If it was possible, he was even more handsome in person than on the news and in pictures you'd seen online. I quickly got to my feet, trying not to trip over myself in the process, I half succeed. He chuckled as I smoothed ymy dress and acted like nothing happened.

"I am waiting for someone. Steve?" I didn't really need to ask, but I did anyway. In case there were some Captain America clones running around NYC. Stranger things had happened.

"Yes." He extended his hand to shake mine. It seemed odd to me to be shaking a date's hand, but hey, at least i could say I touched him without lying. The handshake was too short for my liking. I tried ignored the tingling from my palm down to your fingertips.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I nodd ed, smiled and looked into his eyes. They were a pretty shade of ocean blue, warm and engaging.

"Have you been here before?" he asked as we started walking towards the window to order.

"No, I haven't. Do you come here often?"

"I usually come here when I visit Central Park, which isn't as often as I'd like."

We both ordered a burger and a milkshake. We sat at an outside table and began having casual conversation. I was giving him my best stuff and he was eating it up. He laughed at all jokes and really seemed engaged. Often times while talking, I would catch him staring at my mouth, then times he would sneak glances at my cleavage, almost, imaging my breasts. We sat, ate, and talked for 2 hours straight. At the end of the meal. I ached into my handbag to pull out my wallet without thinking about it.

"No, I'll get it," he insisted.

"You don't have to." I said, but he looked offended. So, I decided it best to not argue with him, and hosnestly, it was nice to meet an actual gentleman who wouldn't let a woman pay for her own meal when she offered to without having ulterior motives. Not that I'd mind him having ulterior motives, but was that the case.

"Thank you," I said as the waiter left the table with the paid bill and tip.

"Are you from around here?" he asked, taking a sip of his vanilla milkshake.

"No, originally, I'm from Upstate South, I moved here a year ago for a job opportunity. I was always interested in live here growing up, so when I had the chance, I moved. A twenty-five year old single, beautiful black woman living out my sex and the city dream. One of the best things I've ever done."

He laughed, then licked his lips, shyly "I grew up in Brooklyn, but it's changed a lot."

"I can imagine." I wasn't sure whether I should ask questions about his past, in fear of saying the wrong thing. I would have loved to hear stories about his youth, but it seemed like something that might upset him. I had already read about his history online. It was kind of weird knowing more than I should about someone you just met.

"How was your meal?" he asked while smiling.

"Really good. I'll have to come back here." I continued making small talk with Steve, making him laugh, nearly blush in some cases. But, the entire time, he kept his eyes on me, except when he sneak glances at my dress. But, how could I blame. Here I was, a beautiful, intelligent, funny, intoxicating BLACK woman. He stared into my big, bright brown eyes.

I just couldn't believe my luck, still kind of hard to grasp that I was actually having lunch with him and that this wasn't some dream that I was going to wake up from in 5 minutes. A point of curiosity popped into your head. "Do you get a lot of fan mail?"

"Not as much as I'd probably expect. It's mostly from kids." He smiled. "I have gotten some letters from other women, though."

"Have you met any of them?" I said shyly, hoping not to seem too nosy.

He nodded. "It's nice to get out and meet new people out of uniform. I didn't really have the chance to go out on dates before." A forlorn look crossed his face for a moment before he continued. "Do you write a lot of fan mail?"

"That's the first fan mail I've written since I was a kid," I admitted. "I'm not even sure what compelled me to do it in the first place. I was expecting maybe an autographed picture or a mass produced letter back."

"I wouldn't do that. If someone takes the time to write me a letter, I should take the time to read it and reply to it."

"That's very thoughtful of you. Most people would probably let the fame go to their heads and forget about their fans, but I suppose you aren't most people."

I took the last bite of my burger and crumpled up the wrapper. He had already finished his.

"You have something on your mouth." I said, reached forward and wiped it away with my thumb. "There."

I saw a light blush crossing his cheeks. "Thanks."

He then got up from the table, walked over to me and held my back, allowing me to get up from the table. SUCH A GENTLEMAN. I gathered up our trash and put it in the nearest trash can. Steve and I had sat at the table for four hours straight. A cool breeze blew through the air. I wrapped my arms around myself, glancing up at the sky. Gray clouds loomed.

"Looks like rain." He frowned.

"So much for a walk in the park." I sighed. "Would you like to see a movie or something then?" I hoped he didn't want to cut the date short.

"Is there anything you want to see?"

"Not in the theaters right now really." An idea crossed my mind that wasn't completely innocent. I wanted to get down on your knees and thank the weather gods. "There's a couple movies I have on my DVR, though, that I'd really like to see. I've also got Netflix if they don't sound good to you. If you wanted to come back to my place."

"Sounds like fun." He smiled, and I melted a little bit. "Do you want me to follow you back?"

"I actually took a taxi. I didn't even want to try parking around here on a Saturday afternoon."

He laughed. "I hope you don't mind motorcycles."

Scene 5: Movies- I decided that motorcycles were created solely as a form of torture approximately 2 minutes into the 15 minute ride back to my apartment. The vibration of the engine through the thin material of the dress and the barely there panties was torture on its own, without even considering that you were holding on to one of the sexiest men I'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. I could feel his well-defined muscles underneath his shirt. It took every last bit of will power you had not to start exploring them through the fabric when you leaned forward to tell him where to turn. Traffic was at least kind for once, and we arrived before I suffered a completely inappropriate orgasm.

He trailed behind me as we moved off the elevator. Stopping at my apartment door. While I fumbled through your little black CHANEL clutch to find your keys, the condoms fell onto the floor. "DAMN," I mumbled, scooping them up as quickly as humanly possible and shoving them down into the recesses of my clutch. I hoped he hadn't seen them and gotten the (kind of) wrong idea. He was obviously a gentleman after all. I found the keys and shakily shoved the right key into the lock and opened the door.

I turned around to invite him into my apartment. He looked like he wanted to say something. We stared at each other for about a minute. Then suddenly, he moved back, and nodded politely. I smiled back and let him into my apartment.

He was quiet as he looked around. "Nice place," he eventually commented.

"Thanks. So, the TV's over there." I ushered him in the general direction of the couch and entertainment center. "Would you like something to drink? I've got Coke, beer, some wine coolers or I could put on some coffee if you want that or-"

He laughed. "Coke is fine."

I went into the kitchen and grabbed two cans of Coke out of the fridge and showed him over to the couch. I put the cans down on coaster on the coffee table.

He was already seated on one side of the couch. I looked over glanced down and sat about an arm's length away from him, still not quite over the mishap outside the apartment door. I really hoped he hadn't noticed and tried to assure myself that maybe he didn't even know what a condom wrapper looked like. They had condoms during WWII, but maybe they were packaged differently. I tired to convinced myself that they were and took a calming breath.

I snatched up the remote and turned on the TV.

It was on Cinemax, which I hadd been watching last night before you went to bed. Moaning filled the room, and then a sex scene about as explicit as softcore porn covered the screen. A BBW (Beautiful Black woman) with obviously big TITS was riding a man who looked like an Abercrombie & Fitch model. I pressed the button to turn on Netflix rapidly. It didn't turn on fast enough for my liking.

I tried to hide my embarrassment and failed miserably. At this point, I was glad I didn't tell anyone about the date. It would probably have become..."Hey, remember that time you made Captain America think you were a pervert...."

"Look, um, I know the past 15 minutes might indicate otherwise, but I'm not, I mean I know you're a gentleman, and I wasn't trying to-" He started laughing. "I might have been shocked a year ago, but after the past few years, nothing shocks me anymore."

I as still blushing lightly, and he stroked a hand over your warm cheek.

"You know you can leave if you want. I won't be upset." I felt like I needed to give him an out in case he was staying to be polite. He seemed like he would stay to be polite. I probably would be upset if he took it, but only at myself. I didn't make eye contact with him.

He was quiet for a moment before fishing into his pocket. He pulled out a condom."Is that a Magnum?" I looked at the rather distinct shiny gold wrapper.

"What?" he asked. I took the condom. "This." "Uh, well..." He blushed.

I laughed. "I just imagined a guy before who genuinely needed one. Not that I think you have an inflated ego about your DICK size or anything. You seem very...modest," I rambled. "I guess I'm kind of surprised. You seem so, well, wholesome, like you'd never even consider sex outside of marriage."

"Ideally, there's marriage and a white picket fence, but life isn't generally ideal. Besides, I'm not looking for commitment because I can't commit myself fully to anyone. Being Captain America comes first, and it's not right to expect someone to come second. I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't find any really good reason to deny myself intimacy as long as I'm safe about it. Are you looking for something serious?"

"Me? No. I don't want anything more serious than a regular basis friend with benefits. All the good parts without any of the drama." "Not that there's anything wrong with relationships. Some people make it work." I shrugged.

He paused thoughtfully. "Did you really have a movie you wanted to watch?"

"Nothing that I want to watch desperately," I admitted. "If there's something you'd like to watch, though..." I handed him the remote.

He immediately discarded it on the arm of the couch next to him, ignoring the TV entirely. He turned to look at me. Unless I were mistaken, there were obvious undertones of lust in his gaze.

When he scooted toward me, closing the gap between the two of us, my heart caught in your throat. My thigh was touching Steve's. He was obviously interested, but I weren't sure whether he wanted me to jump him on the couch or to make sweet love in the bedroom with the lights off. I always assumed his style would be the latter, but I also assumed he wouldn't be into no strings sex.

I looked into his eyes expectantly, waiting for him to make the first move. He reached up to the back of my neck and pulled me in for a gentle kiss. I closed your eyes and and moved a hand to his shoulder, dropping it down to rest on his bicep. I parted your lips, and the kiss deepened, my tongue playing across his soft lips. He let my tongue enter his mouth. I began to trace his top teeth with the tip of my tongue before sliding it against his tongue. The taste of vanilla lingered from his milkshake. It seemed somehow appropriate for Captain America to taste like vanilla. His tongue moved to explore my mouth languidly. I was completely immersed in the smell, feel and taste of him. He was a really good and thorough kisser. You hoped it was a preview of exceptional skills to come.

He looked at me when pure LUST and need. "I wanted to do that all day long." He said husily. I replied "I'm glad he did. Hopefully it won't be the last time." He laughed/blushed.

Scene 6: Full-On Nudity- He shifted his hand on the back of my neck and tangled his fingers in my hair. I pulled back from the kiss to suck and nibble on his lower lip. The unexplored skin of his jawline tempted me, and I placed a series of open-mouthed kisses up to his earlobe, nipping it.

Moving up slightly, I whispered into his ear, "you have absolutely no idea what you're doing to me right now, and you've barely touched me." He seemed to decide it was time to remedy that, and I wasn't about to argue. He lifted me effortlessly onto his lap. Super strength apparently had a variety of uses. I straddling him, knees pressed into the back of the couch.

His hands ran over my back, down my spine, curved around to my sides and over my stomach before finally resting on my ass. My entire torso tingled from his touch. God, I wanted him to rip my panties off and give my already throbbing clit the attention it demanded. I ground my hips against the bulge in his pants tentatively. He groaned and squeezed my ass with even more force, pulling me tighter against him. The wet lace of my panties only rubbed slightly against his clit. I needed more. Torturously slow foreplay be damned.

"Please touch me?" I asked, but it came out more like begging. I wasn't above begging if it led to release. He moved to knead your TITS, rubbing his thumbs over my chocolate brown kiss nipples through the fabric.

As nice as what he was doing felt, there was always time for it later. I hiked my dress up around my waist and moved one of his hands between my legs, tilting my hips back to grant him access. He brushed a finger from my belly button down to my lower lips.

"Wow, you're really...wet." He seemed impressed, and I took it as a compliment. I wondered if his past partners really weren't that into him, as outlandish as that seemed.

"It's entirely your fault." My grin turned into a gasp when he pushed aside the fabric of the panties and a fingertip made contact with my clit. "Just rip the panties off. They're in the way."

He curved a finger around the thin line of fabric and tugged. I smirked at the sound of ripping fabric. His hands cupped my ass again before grabbing the fabric that still covered me there. He slowly ripped the rest of my panties in half and tossed them behind me on the coffee table.

"Now I have a souvenir!" he joked, but he really did intend to keep the panties hidden away somewhere, as a reminder of this incredible sexual encounter. He chuckled and helped me take off my dress. The air conditioning had kicked on, and the draft from the ceiling vent was slightly cool on my bare skin. He was warm against me, though, but I liked the contrasting sensations.

His fingers returned to my lower lips without urging. He made slow circles around my clit with one finger, never making direct contact. He apparently liked to tease. "Please," I begged, frustrated. He stopped to readjust his hand and slip one finger, then two, inside me. His thumb returned to my clit. He began shallowly thrusting his fingers in and out of me, curving slightly upward to catch my g-spot on the in-stroke. I moaned and wondered where he'd learned to do that.

I moved my hips to meet his thrusts and soon I was riding his fingers in earnest. His thumb teased me mercilessly, bringing me close to the edge before backing off again. He slid his free hand up my back and unclasped my lace light blue bra, sliding it over my shoulders and onto the floor. His free hand focused on your newly exposed breasts. He stared at my beautiful golden brown globes. The round, firm shape, the soft feel. He began to play with one of my nipples, gently pinching it and rolling it between his fingers, pushing to the point of no return. My first orgasm with Steve was like an explosion, sending pleasurable shock waves from between my legs outward and upward. It soon became so intense, almost too intense, but I didn't care. You moaned loudly and disjointed words of praise fell from my lips as I rode the orgasm out as far as it would take me. He stopped rubbing my clit when my orgasm ebbed, but his fingers remained inside me. I slumped forward and laid my head on his shoulder, which I noticed was still clothed.

"You should be less dressed and more naked," I mumbled into his neck. "No arguments here." He withdrew his fingers from me, leaving me feeling very empty. He paused for a second before bringing those fingers up to my lips. I watched him slowly suck and lick each finger clean, carefully gauging your reaction. It surprised and aroused me at the same time. Captain America's bedroom tastes were nothing like his milkshake ones.

My mind wandered to how it would feel if his tongue was tasting me at the source. If he was even half as skilled with his mouth as he was with his hand, he'd having me creaming like a waterfall. "Almost kinky is a good look on you," I commented after he finished cleaning off his fingers. "Almost?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I guess I'll have to try harder to get all the way there."
I was intrigued by what "trying harder" would entail. However, there were more pressing matters at hand. Namely, getting him out of those clothes.

I were trying to be sexy while undressing Steve, but the buttons on his shirt were a source of frustration. There were too many, they were too small, it was too slow and damn it, I wanted to be able to fully admire his naked body now. I fought the urge to just tug them off and add them to the pile of fabric that was formerly your panties. They could always be sewn back on later.

"Need a little help?" He was obviously holding back laughter. "Yeah, I apparently never mastered this lesson in preschool." I laughed as he made quick work of the remaining buttons. He draped his button-up shirt over the back of the couch.

"You know you wear too many shirts?" I asked, tugging the tucked in undershirt from his pants and over his head.In that moment, I just had to admire the very distinct muscles of his torso. He was in better shape than any man you'd ever had the pleasure (or displeasure) of dating. As with all new things, I were eager to explore. I placed an open palm on one of his pecs, spreading your fingers out to feel the firm muscles beneath them. His breathing grew ragged when I dragged my hand down to his abs, stopping eventually at the boundary of his belt buckle. I began mapping out his body with my fingertips, the smooth skin of the hills, valleys and plains between. He was near perfection. I wondered how he wasn't cocky and full of himself like the other guys you'd known who definitely got the most of their gym memberships.

His eyes fluttered shut, obviously enjoying your touch. I nudged his legs apart and moved between them to start kissing where your fingertips had been. Alternating closed mouth kisses with open mouth kisses and sometimes nibbling, making my way over the accessible exposed skin. I trailed to his chest, pausing to tease a pink nipple with my tongue and teeth. He moaned, which was more than enough encouragement for me to give the same treatment to his other pink nipple. I loved all the little noises he made. I then placed my hands on his belt buckle again and undid it, pulling it loose. At least I mastered this much easier. I bit my lower lip and pulled open the button and unzipped his khakis. It was like being a little kid on Christmas opening a present, wondering how exciting its contents would be.

He was wearing a pair of pale blue plaid boxers, similar in pattern to his shirt. I tugged them down as he lifted his hips, and pulled his shoes off and tossed aside everything he had been wearing from the top of his head all the way down to his socks. That's right, Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, was BUTT ASS NAKED on my couch. Finally, my biggest fantasy come true. Looking at him in all his naked glory, I returned to the spot on the floor between his legs where I were greeted by something truly impressive in both length and girth. He definitely needed the Magnums. My jaw dropped a bit, and I wondered how I was going to work with something that massive.

"Are you all right?" he asked, cocking his head. "Yeah. You know if the superhero thing doesn't work out long-term that you could have a great career in the porn industry?"

He blushed. "Uh, thank you?" "I'm not a porn star, though, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle you." I frowned. "We'll take it slow, and I won't do anything that hurts you," he promised, rubbing your shoulder reassuringly. Curiosity about whether the serum enhanced everything got the better of you. I couldn't see that being a point of the serum, but you supposed it could be a side effect. "Were you always this big?"

"Yeah. I didn't realize I was any bigger than the average guy until I saw some...amateur videos on the internet before when I was searching trying to understand modern-day sex practices. I just assumed I was normal." I wrapped your hand around his shaft, and my fingers didn't meet. "Definitely not normal, not that I'm complaining." He groaned softly. I moved my fingers closer to the base and leaned forward to flick my tongue slowly across the tip. Another groan was all the urging needed to envelop the thick reddish-head of his DICK in your mouth, circling it with your tongue. He was definitely a mouthful, and I dipped my head down to take as much as I could without gagging. I moved my hand wrapped in tandem with my mouth -- sucking, licking, swirling my tongue around the head while my hand worked his shaft. I decided to make use of your free hand, and you gently rubbed and massaged his balls, thoroughly enjoying the loudest moan to pass through his lips yet.

"Stop, stop, I'm going to-"
But I didn't stop, and never had any intention of doing so. He had his left hand on top of my head and dug his fingers from his right hand into my right shoulder, painfully, when his orgasm hit, it was accompanied by a flood of unintelligible babbling. I found myself on my knees, swallowing Steve's NUTT, slightly disappointed that Captain America didn't taste like apple pie and the Fourth of July. It seemed somehow inappropriate.

I tried swallowing his NUTT completely, avoiding anything dribbling onto my face with moderate success. He was leaning his head against the back of the couch when I glanced up at him. His eyes were closed, a sheen of sweat covering his face and torso. I stood up and sat down next to him on the couch, admiring his IVORY, nude body again, and waited for him to recover. I glanced over at your shoulder where his fingers had been, and it was already turning reddish-brown hue. I hoped he wouldn't notice. A few bruises would serve as a reminder of the sexy fun we had. But he did notice, when he opened his eyes back up, he immediate saw the bruise on my shoulder. He looked concerned and put his hand down your shoulder. I winced as he touched the bruised spot. An apologetic look crossed his face, and he brushed his fingers against my shoulder in gentleness. I tried to tug my arm away, but he snatched my wrist with his other hand and held on to it firmly but gently.

When I pulled against his hold on my wrist, I realized I couldn't move your hand an inch. But admittedly, it was very arousing that he could overpower me like this. There could possibly be a lot of potentially fun applications if he was okay with them. I still wasn't sure how serious he was about trying harder to be kinky. I watched him look at the bruises and gingerly place his fingers on top of them, matching them in size and shape.

"I'm fine. I've done worse to myself getting into my car," I assured him. He frowned and sighed. He started to open his mouth to say something, but stopped. "Really. I wouldn't take anything back if I could. Not a single second of it."

"I'll be more careful," he promised, placing a kiss on my forehead. "So you're definitely still interested in..." I stared into his ocean blue eyes with excitement and glee.

"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked, obviously confused. "Did you change your mind?"
"Just making sure we're on the same page so I don't do anything to make you uncomfortable." I said reassuringly taking his hands in mine and rubbing them seductively. He return, entwined his fingers with mine for a moment before moving closer to me for a passionate, seductive kiss.

Suddenly, like a man filled with lust, Steve stood up, grabbed me up. I moved up to my toes to kiss his neck. My kisses were passionate, playing coy/innocent at first, but soon, I started licking and nibbling the skin I could reach with my mouth. He moved his hands from my lower back down to the back of your thighs and effortlessly hoisted you up to eye level. I responded by wrapping my legs around his waist as he carried you to the nearest wall and pushed my back against it. His lips pressed to mine hard, tongue quickly claiming my mouth. I moaned into his mouth when he began grinding into my clit. I moved my hands around to the middle/lower part of his back. Stopping only to feel his firm, muscular butt, and I wrapped my legs around him tighter.


But he broke the kiss and looked at me. Told me it was time. No more waiting, me wanted me NOW and was ready to have SEX for the first time, but only if I was ready too. I kissed him again passionately, told him I was ready to have SEX for the first time, and that I wanted this experience with him. He looked at me smiled. In his eyes, I saw relief, along with excitement and pure unadulterated Lust.

Steve then walked us over into my bedroom and sat down on my bed. I had both arms around his neck, both legs around his waist, and kissing his soft, firm lips. I moved us back so Steve was lying on his back and I was above him. He immediate looked up at my golden brown TITS, smiling to himself, re moved up and grabbed my right TIT with his mouth, and he rolled me over onto my back and climbed on top of me. His tongue slipped back into my mouth. I re-hooked my legs around his, tilting my hips back slightly.

He pressed his already hardening member against my clit. I squirmed around him to move him toward my entrance. Virgins didn't tend to have any STIs, not that he could probably catch any with the serum regardless. That was my biggest reason to insist on protection. This was an exception to the rule of not trusting men to be honest. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to feel him bareback.

He broke the kiss and mumbled into your ear, "I don't want to get you pregnant." "I take birth control," you replied into his ear, nipping the lobe. He furrowed his brow. "I don't know."
"We can use protection if it would make you more comfortable." You kissed his jawline down to suck on the sensitive skin of his neck, salty from sweat produced by your previous activities.
He groaned. "I, I..." Instead of completing his sentence, he pushed the head of his DICK inside me. He inhaled sharply. "That"

"Yeah, it does," I agreed, rocking my hips against him, trying to take him deeper.

He slowly plowed himself inside me, pausing only when he was completely engulfed in your very WET, HOT, TIGHT, VELVET PUSSY. His eyes were semi-open and seemed to be rolling up into the back of his head.

I experimentally squeezed him with my pussy walls. I was rewarded with a shudder and what would probably qualify as a whimper. It was strange to hear Captain America whimper.

"Don't do that yet. Give me a minute." He pressed his forehead against mine. "You have no idea what you're doing to me." "I think I might have an inkling," I responded with a chuckle. He withdrew a bit. "I'm not sure how long this is going to last." "Well, you already beat your previous record," I joked.
His thrusts were slow and long. I moved my hips to meet his thrusts quicker and harder, encouraging him to increase the pace. "Fuck me like you mean it," you commanded, biting his neck and digging your nails into him to show him what you meant.

"I, uh...okay, we'll do it your way," he said eventually, pushing himself up to adjust the angle. He completely withdrew and slammed into me with a single hard and fast thrust, hopefully a preview of what was to come. "Give me your hands." I offered my hands to him. He used one of his large hands to grasp my wrists and push them up against the headboard, firmly but not painfully. I didn't expect him to go along with it and gave him a small pleased grin. I licked your lips and looked into his eyes expectantly.

He thrusted into me again. The pace he set was harder and faster than I'd ever thought humanly possible. But Steve was more than the average man, he was built by the super serum. Increasing his Stamina, Endurance, Prowess, and Reflexes. This type of FUCKING verged over the edge into semi-painful, but the pleasure overrode any other sensations that were coursing through my body. I'd found the ideal partner for rough sex. If I could, I would personally send a thank you note to Dr. Erskine.
By now, Steve obviously wasn't holding anything back. It was very arousing to see a man who I'd always thought of as so restrained and proper coming undone inside me. I knew that tomorrow morning, I would be walking with a limp, but Ohhhh...would it be worth it. Entirely worth it.

You couldn't focus on anything coherently other than the feel of him plowing into me before withdrawing completely, only to repeat a moment later. That imposing cock of his was forcing me to accommodate it over and over again, stretching me until I couldn't possibly be stretched anymore. It was making me submit to its carnal desires while my hands were suspended over my head underneath his impossibly strong grasp, rendering you helpless.

"NUTT for me," he demanded huskily. "What will you do if I don't?" I asked breathlessly, wondering how he'd respond.
"I'll, I'll....fuck you harder until you can't take it anymore," he blurted out. His face grew more flushed. I were pretty sure he was very embarrassed. Dirty talk wasn't one of his fortes. Yet. I suppressed a grin at his blush. "I need you to touch my clit," I begged. He released my hands and moved to kneel in front of me, pulling my body up off the bed he was resting on his hind legs and I had my limbs wrapped around his body. Again, he lined his dick up to my slip and moved inside again. His cock sunk deep inside me, and he resumed thrusting at his previous intense pace.

He grabbed one of your legs by the ankle and placed it on his shoulder, changing the angle slightly. One of his hands held onto my thigh while the other moved between your legs, rubbing my clit roughly.

"NUTT," he demanded again. "Give me a second," I breathed. Instead of giving me a second, he put me back on the bed, both legs up in the air around his neck. And began thrusting into me harder, his fingers digging and rubbing my sensitive clit in quick circles. It wasn't going to take much of this.

"YES!" I moaned as he brought me over the edge, pleasurably, painfully, but most of all intensely. My head spun, and I forgot how to breathe. Sweat or tears were streaming down my face.

He groaned and tensed with an orgasm: a large volley of NUTT flooded my pussy. He spurted, hot and slick and urgent, emptying his balls, accompanied by uncontrollable moans.

That went on and on, his eyes squeezed shut. His thrusts grew sporadic until he stopped completely, pulling out and flopping down onto the bed next to you, breathing heavily. I could look and see his NUTT all over. It was leaking out of my pussy, running down my legs, over my stomach.

I smiled at him."Where did you?" I asked, wondering what had corrupted him like that. "Internet," he replied with his eyes still closed. "Did you...touch yourself to it?" I didn't want to embarrass him too much with cruder terms.

"Yeah," he admitted, "but I felt bad for a while...and now." "You shouldn't feel bad."
He looked at me through half-closed eyes for a moment, before completely opening them. His hand went to my face brushed away some of the wetness. "Did I make you cry?" he asked worriedly. "No, it might be sweat. Just really intense, that's all," I tried to reassure him.

"Did I hurt you?" I held your fingers up with my thumb and index finger close together. "Doesn't stop me from wanting to do it again, though. Didn't you enjoy it?" He sighed and kissed my forehead without responding to your question. "I guess I just need to get used to, well, this. Everything really is different now."

"Yeah, I can only imagine. Are you going to be okay?" "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" he countered.
"Being sore isn't a big deal." You shrugged. "What do you want to do now? We could talk, if you want."
He shook his head. "Just lay here with me for a while."
You laid your head on his chest and draped yourself over him. "This okay?"
"Mhmm," he replied, stroking your hair.
You melted into the comforting warmth radiating from his body and barely noticed when you started to doze off against him.

I woke up two hours later, after having SEX for the first time, with the man of my dreams. I needed to refuel my body. I quietly moved Steve's arm that was wrapped around my waist and went into the kitchen to fix a snack. About 15 minutes later, while eating and drinking a glass of wine, I looked back and saw Steve walking out of the bedroom towards me. BUTT NAKED. I was naked as well.

I fixed him something to eat also and we began to talk. Just like that we were back to our normal laid-back, relaxed chemistry. He opened up to me more and told me a couple of stories about his past. After we finished eating, he grabbed by hand and led me back into the bedroom. We climbed into the bed and he put his arm back around me and we continued to talk.

He asked me. "So, what happens now." I shrugged. "I'm good with wherever you want to take this. If you just want to get together for sex, then we-"

"No," he quickly interrupted me. "I wouldn't...use a girl like that." "So we can date, but use the term loosely?" I offered. "We don't really have to label it if you don't want to."

"No labels," he agreed. "Although, I have one request," I started. I took a deep breath. "Can we be a bit discreet? I know the tabloids don't follow you like they do other celebrities, but I'd rather not deal with being harassed by anyone. I'm not ashamed or anything like that, though."

"That's reasonable." said Steve. Then he reached over to the night stand and grabbed the two small "I don't have any champagne or wine," he said. "Alcohol doesn't affect me so I don't keep much of it around at my house."

He tapped his glass to mine, smiling.
"To new beginnings," he said "and wherever they will take us."
"To new beginnings," I agreed and took a drink.

Then, an unfamiliar ringtone started playing from the floor near the bed. I was closer, so I reached over and grabbed his phone out of his pants pocket and handed it to him. "Hello," he answered. He listened for about 45 seconds. "Yeah, I'll be right there." He hung up and turned to you, looking disappointed. "I have to go there's an emergency at headquarters that needs my attention. But I would like to call you when I'm free again, if you want me to."

"Yeah, I'd like that." I smiled. He reluctantly got out of bed and started to get dressed. "I'm sorry about this." "I don't mind. BIG ASS LIE! As you said, being Captain America comes first." Besides, saving the world was definitely more important than potentially getting laid, I thought.

He finished getting dressed and grabbed his satchel. I walked him to the front door. Then in a moment of pure manliness/sexiness, Steve stepped toward me, face to face, wrapped his hands around my waist and leaned in for a long, soft mind-blowing kiss. The amazing kiss lasted a minute & a half. When reluctantly pulling way from his soft lips, my knees were left wobbly, and I leaned against the door frame for support.

He said "See You Soon" and started to walk down the hall, but then turned around. "You can text me if you want."

"Okay, I will. Bye." I said. I watched him walk all the way down the hall, into the elevator, elevator door closing. Then I realized I was naked with my apartment door standing wide open. I quickly closed the door and headed for the bathroom, trying to process everything that had just happened. My life had just taken an interesting turn.

Scene 7: When Pigs Fly- I took a leisurely, relaxing hot shower to clean up. This date definitely hadn't turned out how I'd realistically pictured it ending, but I wasn't complaining. But there was always next time if he really wanted there to be one.

My mind kept wandering back to what kind of catastrophe had pulled Steve away from our first sexual encounter ever. The mental images that coursed through your mind were all gruesome and terrifying. I curled up on the couch and flipped the TV to a local news station. Maybe I'd find something out there. After an endless set of annoying commercials, I saw the incident being reported by the local news station. Then I saw Steve, Captain America, leading the charge, taking control of the situation. "There's my man I said, doing the damn thing." Realizing what I just said, I snapped back to reality, but hey, a girl can always dream.

Even though the destruction wasn't amusing, I couldn't help but laugh at how my prior thoughts about Capt. American being in my bed, seeing him naked and him NUTTING inside me and all over me, manifested into reality.

I yawned and sprawled out across the length of the couch, tuning out the rest of the news. Around 2AM, after I finished watching that movie on netflix, I had an idea. Although, it was late, I decided to text Steve anyway to put my mind at ease.

LARI: Hey Steve, I know its late & you're probably tired after today, but I saw you and the others on the news. I hope you're all okay.

I figured he'd be in bed, but I was surprised to receive a reply a few minutes later.

STEVE: Everyone is fine. We've been through worse battles. Sorry again for having to leave so suddenly.
LARI: I'm glad everyone is okay, and it's fine. No need to apologize. I had a really good time on our date earlier, even though it didn't quite go according to plan.

STEVE: I did, too. We could still go to the park when it's not raining, although I had something else in mind.

LARI: What did you have in mind?

STEVE: I'd like to see you again...maybe try going for that walk in Central Park again? OR Maybe plan another type of date?

Insanely, I was curious as to what it could be, but he probably would have divulged that if he intended for me to know beforehand. Surprises were fun, too.

LARI: I can do that. I have a Technology Coding conference next week, but I'll be free by the end of next week.

STEVE: Sounds good. I'm going to bed soon so I'll see you then. Let me know if you need directions again or if anything changes.

LARI: Will do. Pleasant dreams.

I put my phone on the nightstand and got ready for bed. After a few errant and possibly inappropriate thoughts entertaining what future with Steve would look and feel like, a deep and restful sleep came quickly.

Scene 8: One Night, One Girl and a Piece of Art- Exactly one week later. Steve called me and asked me out for a second date. He had been texting me throughout the week. Apologizing for having to leave our first date early. He sent me beautiful flowers, and did other romantic gestures. He asked me to be his date for Industries Gala being thrown in honor of him and his group, for all their hard work and dedication saving the innocents. Steve asked me to be his +1 and I happily accepted.

On the day of the gala, Steve took me out for Day-Date. We ate brunch at a beautiful, fancy restaurant in the city. Next, he took me shopping on the most expensive street and buy a look for the evening. Afterward, Steve took me for an afternoon walk in Central Park. After returning from the park. I went to my apartment and began to prepare for the evening. I took a shower. Put on my body-shaper and corset to make me really stand out and fit. I wasn't even much bigger then a size 6 well except in the bust area, still a size 36C CUP, rounded, firm, brown Tits, with big, round Chocolate kiss nipples, which still weren't fully tamed. The silky, Red Gown Steve bought was beautiful and seemed to have its own sparkle, even with the extra $5, 000 dollars worth of diamonds and jewelry that Steve insisted I wear.

That night, I took a car service to the gala in order to meet him there. When he saw me, he stopped in his tracks, greeting me with a passionate kiss, and took me I looked like a piece of artwork.

All the members of the Avengers would be there and several SHEILD agents. As an extrovert, I had no problem making polite conversation with people who actually had class and money. No matter the situation, I always had the know how to fit in the group. Although, in some cases, I did feel like the odd woman out. After making his way around the crowd, making introduction and greeting the Upper Socialites, Steve returned to our table. Just looking at Steve turned me on, nearly made my panties soaking wet. He was even more attractive in person, he stood there in his military dress uniform looking like sexy white chocolate. Fresh short blonde-brown hair cut in 1940s men's style. Muscular Body Frame. Urban White man appeal.


He looked at me, grabbed my hand and kissed it. The way he showed me affection, just made my heart start to pound faster, how was it even possible for someone to develop feeling this fast?

The night wore on and I stayed seated at the table people watching, sipping on a glass of water. My heart felt like a lead weight in my chest as I watched everyone laughing, smiling and dancing. Everyone was having a good time. The Captain had been asked to take pictures with fans both young and old. After that, a pretty little blonde, walked up to Steve and asked for a dance. He looked around, at my direction. But she refused to give him time to answer no. She took his arm and nearly drug him to dance floor. Somehow, seeing Steve dance with that random woman made me feel uncomfortable. This woman swooned all over Steve, then she planted a kiss on his lips. And surprisely, he didn't stop it, he let her kiss him. Seeing them kiss made me instantly jealous and mad. I got up from the table excused myself from the table and left the ballroom. I went directly into the ladies and began to tear up.

"Why does it hurt so much to see him dance with another women when we're nothing more than even acquaintances." I asked herself. Is it any use to act tough when someone knows how weak you are?

After about 10 minutes, I gathered myself together and left the ladies room. Steve was waiting for me outside the door. As soon as he saw me, he began to apologize furious, sorry that happened in front of me. I looked at him and told him to stop. He had nothing to be sorry about. He was a handsome, available single bachelor in the city. Plenty of women were probably interested in him. And we both agreed to not be exclusive. He looked at me like I just broken his heart. But he nodded. I told him that it was getting late and that I was leaving. He asked to take me home, but I said no. I would take the car service back home. He wanted to object. But the look I gave him told him not to follow me. He told me to have a great night and I said the same, leaving the gala.

When I got back home, I took off that dress, went for a long bubble bath, got into bed and went to sleep.

Three days later, I had not talked to Steve. He had been calling/texting me. But I decided I needed a break from him. My attraction to him was all consuming, he made me feel things, that other men hadn't made me feel. And most of all, I was always HORNY. One night, after having another sex dream about my dream man, I decided I needed to release some pent up energy. I decided to go to the local neighborhood gym and do some exercises. I went inside the gym and into the boxing quarters, as a way to relieve some built up sexual stress.

The bags were already set up; slowly I tapped my hands and began to wail on them. I pounded the bag harder, red marks beginning to show on the bag. Thinking about needing Steve Rogers, Capt. America, on top of me, FUCKING ME, claiming me.

"Why am I so pathetic?' I whispered, not knowing anyone was there.

"You're not pathetic." His voice was deep and soothing.

A pair of khakis came into view, my head shot up and I came face to face with the star spangled man with a plan. I tried to contain myself and my energy, but I couldn't, I lost my balance on my hands and knees fell, hitting the mat. My muscles were so over worked they wouldn't hold me up.

"How long have you been watching?" I snapped staying where I was as he got up to get two chairs.

"About 5 maybe 10 minutes." He answered, "Okay, up we go," He lifted me up into the chair.

He didn't sit in the other chair instead he got the first aid kit the set it down before settling himself in the chair across from me. I could see the sweat trails on the floor and splattered the punching bag, not having realized I had bruised my hands.

He opened the medical box and set it back down. "I'm never going to cross you in a fight that's for sure." He smiled.

"What happened back there?" His voice was suddenly full of concern as he took her hand and began to unwrap it. Pain shot up her arm and I jerked back.

"What do you mean?" "With the punching bag, I've never seen you this mad?"

"Nothing, it was nothing..."

"Lari, I don't want to seem so forward or pry into your life. But were are friends, I'm worried about You."

"Do You really worry about me."Well here it is. I got caught up in being Friends With Benefits, I got jealous that you danced with that random girl that the gala. I said softly, fully in strategic mode.

His eyes were full of pain almost as if I had stung him. "It's not like that Lari..." That girl didn't mean anything to me. Besides, there's no one like you in my life right now. He breathed, cradling her hand and wrist in his hands. "You're lucky you could've broken something at the rate your going."

"It wouldn't be the first time," I could see the soreness in her wrists and hands. Steve carefully cracked a cold compress opened and pressed it to my wrists. His hands were so rough and large I hadn't expected him to be this gentle; taking great care in bandaging her hands, and wrists so I wouldn't feel the pain.

I said"I feel that we should just concentrate on building a friendship for now." That would be best. Again, he looked at me, like I just stepped on his heart. But the nodded in agreement. So from that day on, we began an interaction with friendship; without sex; JUST FRIENDS.

Scene 10: Now that day seemed so long ago, that day in the gym had lead to where we are now. For a year now, we had been practically attached at the hip. Just Friends, it had seemed. I helped to provide a level of normalcy and stability in Steve's life, helped him come out of his shell, and Steve helped me feel beautiful, confident, and encouraged me to see the good in others.

One day in particular, it was a warm spring night, Steve and I had walked from the Regal Movie Theater back towards my apartment. Steve was unusually quiet. "What's wrong Stevie?" I asked nudging him with her elbow. I used his pet name knowing very well how much he hated it. It was our little joke.

"Nothing," I let out a deep sigh, "The movie brought back memories didn't it." I should've known that going to see the Titanic in 3D would have brought back terrible memories. He just nodded. "I'm sorry Steve I should've known."

"Lari, I'm not going to fall apart at every little thing that brings back a memory. Maybe a year or so ago I would've but not now. I just wondered what my life would have been, had I not been frozen.

"You really miss your friends and family." I whispered, as they sat on a bench in central park.

He leaned back and sighed, "There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about them. But I know that there is no chance of ever seeing them again, so I should try to move on." The truth was even though he felt like he was betraying the past, Steve had moved on. On to Lari. She's so much different, she had beauty, class and confidence, a loving demeanor, but not afraid to tell you were to go if that's the case.

I sat there quietly. "What ever happened to your muse?" "Excuse me..." He sat up.

"Your muse, what kept you alive in all that ice. It's still the reason you draw, I've seen the likeness in your sketch books."

"No, those sketches were done years ago, I'm still looking for a muse." He smiled standing up. "Lari, I wouldn't always tell you when something's wrong but, I do know that I was given this second change for a reason I'm not going to waste it."

I let a smile come onto my face as she stood, walking along side of the soldier. "Steve have you ever think of drawing images of women..." I didn't know how to ask this question, "Images of women like how Jack drew them?"

He looked at me, with a knowing smile, "No, women aren't exactly lining up to take their clothes off for art here in modern day America, or well even in the 30's." He laughed, "I've thought about taking lessons, but I've always been worried I'd be too shy to look at the model."

"Would you be willing to try?" I asked.

"I would be, but I don't have a model." He said looking at me foxx-ly

Before I could stop herself the words came out of her mouth, "I'll be your model." My eyes grew wide and her cheeks blushed. "I mean if you want me to be, I mean we don't have to, I completely understand. She was rambling. "I'll just shut up."

Steve stopped in front of my apartment build and stood in front of her. "Lari would you be willing to do that or me again?"

It was too late now to turn back, especially when deep down inside I knew the thought of him drawing her in the nude brought me the most erotic pleasures. "Yes." I answered.

"Alright next weekend. At my place." he smiled, "Seven o'clock sharp."

"Alright." I smiled.

"Oh, I'll see you Monday at the meeting." He smiled as I walked up my steps.

"Till Monday." I stepped inside the door, and practically ran to her apartment. We hadn't be intimate in over a year, choosing to concentrate on friendship. But boy, had it been a lonnnng year. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't bring myself to have sex with another man. No man could ever make me feel the way Steve did. I missed feeling his dick inside me. But after I agreed to model for Steve, I noticed a change in him. Whenever I saw him, just for a split second, he would have shy blushes looking at me. His smile changed, looking like a smile of ulterior motives; and his shy blushes began to look like the blush of a man who was red hot around the collar, needing a woman's touch even more than usual."

Honestly, I never asked Steve about his romantic life, who he was seeing or if he was having sex with other women, it would still hurt. I desperately wanted Steve to make love to me again, but I knew that Steve and I shared a friendship so special over the last year. That I didn't want to possibly ruin it again with sex. Did he even feel the same way after the past year.

On that fateful Monday evening, after I got off work, Steve picked me up and we rode back to his place on the motorcycle, I was about to become a nude artist model. Over the last year, Steve had moved into a newer building. It was much more high tech and provided a greater level of security, since his profile and also increased. Well, AMERICA (& the rest of the world) loved them some Captain America. As did I.

Scene 11: When we arrived at his building, he pulled into a space in front tall steel grey building in an area I wasn't very familiar with. Thunder cracked, and we got off the bike and walked quickly into the building to avoid the rain, following him on and off the elevator, and onto his floor down a long hallway before he stopped at his penthouse apartment.

He unlocked the door and opened it, ushering me in. I walked in and felt immediately like I was in another era. The furniture, the sparse decor, everything I could see was straight out of the 1940s, whether it be replicas or actual antiques.

"This is such a beautiful, I glad you finally agreed to let SHIELD upgrade you." I wish I could live in a place like this." Immediately, as I said it, he looked at me with and warm smile and nodded. Almost looking pleased with himself for buying the place. Next, I went into the guest bathroom to change, while Steve set up his art station.

Those last words rang in my head as I touched up her makeup, slipping into the short silk robe I had brought. The fabric was warm against my skin as I tied it around my waist. It was time, I had spent enough time in the bathroom. I slowly stepped out and padded down the hall to the living room. I could hear soft music playing and Steve moving about. The smell of coffee, old books and his cologne filled the air. I stepped into the living room observing the space. The room lights were dimmed except for the light by the fainting couch under the window. Steve had his sketch book and other supplies on the chair in front of it. I hadn't taken the time to notice how the room was set up; I pretty much had ran to the bathroom ASAP. The couch had an American flag throw draped over it and pillow propped up for her to lie on. I felt his presence before I saw him.

"I hope everything is to your liking."

I turned to him, my eyes looking up and down his body. He had traded his khakis for jeans and his button down for a white Henley shirt with the sleeve pushed up past the elbows. It was tight fitting and clung to his body in all the right ways. I could only imagine his rock hard physique. "Yes..." I swallowed hard and held the robe tighter around myself. I could feel his eyes on me. He really was a man by nature and the sight of him dressed like this made a familiar wetness pool between my thighs, until I thought it might run down my leg.

Steve felt his big, little soldier starting to stand at attention just seeing her in the robe. Her long legs disappeared beneath the silk. From the cold air of the room he could see had a certain asset of hers reacting.

"Are you ready?" he asked settling himself in the chair. I nodded. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I can do this, I told herself. "The last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll, and as your model I expect you to deliver, soldier."

He smiled as he got himself comfortable. I stood in front of him and slowly untied the robe. I let it slid down her arms revealing her body to the young captain. My eyes focused on his face the entire time. His eyes grew wide as he looked me over, his cheeks turned deep red and he inhaled sharply.

I stood there in front of him, every inch of my golden brown skin exposed, glowing, filling the small room with light. My long, wavy, dark brown hair flowing down over her shoulders stopping just above her tits. My luscious firm, rounded, 36C tits. The slight black liner made the brown of her eyes vivid and her lips were a pouting underneath the deep red lipstick. The chandelier necklace cascaded down between her breasts making them look even perkier and round then he remembered from last year. Those chocolate brown kiss big nipples, fully erect, made dirty thoughts flash though his mind and his hard-on grow to its full length. His eyes continued down to my toned stomach, my belly button adore with a diamond stud, and to my most sacred area, and to her legs, which were toned but still had alot amount of cushion.

"I believe you're blushing Captain." I whispered. That adorable half smile played on his lips. "Lay down on the couch, on your side." I did as I was told, relaxing down on the soft fabric. My hand on my hip, legs slightly crossed, and one arm tucked next to me.

"Relax your mouth, and keep your eyes on me." With that he began to draw.

My eyes never left him, I watched as his hand glided across the paper. How his studying glances were long and yarning. Hours seemed to pass as I lay there, watching him, the noise on the streets of Brooklyn below growing faint, I was in a day dream watching his fluid movements. It was as if the scene in the Titanic was playing out before her eyes, until final he laid down his pencil. "All done." He smiled getting up.

Alright Steve, you can do this. Just remember you've knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times.

I slowly got to my feet reaching for my robe; as I'm Confessing that I Love You sang by Doris Day began to play. He stepped closer, reaching for me as I slipped my robe on. His hand contacted the velvety skin of the side of my face; his finger tip slowly guided my chin up to look at him. My eyes were wide; my lips slightly parted. He bent down and pushed his lips onto my supple lips in a kiss. He didn't know where this new found bravery had come from or how I would react but he didn't care he wanted me like no other woman. More than he had even ever wanted anyone. He had found his muse.

The moment his lips touched mine, I didn't have to think twice about kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers finding their way into his short blond hair. The robe hung around my elbows as they kissed. His lips were warm and moist as they caressed mine; his breathing growing heavier.

"Lari..." He gasped into their kiss. I pulled back and stared up into his deep blue eyes. Love, lust, need, want, a man and a beast were all there, dancing in his crystal blues.

"Steve... what is it?"

He leaned down brushing his lips to hers again, "I've missed you so much. I know you said you just wanted to be friends but I can't just be your friend. Every night that I'm not with you, I'm thinking about you. I miss kissing you, holding you, making love to you. Even though, we only had sex that one time. I can't stop thinking about it. I never been with another woman, because everytime I tried to go all the way, you popped into my mind. I imagine your beautiful brown skin touching me contrasting against my ivory skin. I need you Lari. I need to be inside you again."

I looked at him as he said what he said, at first I thought about saying no. But this time, I think, fuck that. Steve was my mind. Plain and Simple.

"Yes..." Was all I could manage before his lips were on mine again. His lips trailed down my neck, almost as if he had done this one hundred times before.

"Steve..." I moaned, feeling his chiseled muscles under the thin cotton. The hem sat on the waist band of his jeans, her hands found their way under it; I began to push it up, exposing his skin. The feeling of his washboard abdomen made me drip with excitement. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating it was mixed with the musk of his skin. He broke their kiss pulling his shirt off over his head. My breasts contacted the searing skin of his chest and I melted into the warmth, wanting more. The jingle of his dog tags sounded as the cold metal fell on the top of her breasts.

This is moving too fast..."Steve... We should...slow... down..."

"Why?" He ravaged my neck and shoulders with kisses. His lust and animistic nature was taking over.

"Because I want to make this memorable for us. Our first time as a Couple." I pulled back and took his hand. "Come with me." Slowly I led him towards his bedroom.

Once inside I shut the door, the only light was what came through the windows from the streets below. Turning to Steve, dropping my robe and wrapping an arm around his neck kissing him, I reached for his hand. Slowly lifting it; placing it on my TITS. His body tensed; he was getting nervous. "I thought you wanted this." I whispered pulling back to look up into his face.

"I don't want to do anything to lose you again" he swallowed hard; "I can't go through that again."

"Steve it'll be okay, I'm nervous too about the future. But I know I want you in every way possible. I want you to make love to me, Fuck me, Claim me, however you see fit. Just be loyal and honest with me. We must trust each other."

He looked up at me and nodded. I flexed my calf muscles raising myself on my tip toes to nuzzle his nose with mine before initiating another kiss. His hand still in hers against her skin, gradually I began to move his hand, guiding him, teaching him what she wanted. His other hand found its own way to my ass; he gave her a tight squeeze and pulled me in. He was starting to get the hang of it.

Her skin, it's like... like nothing I've ever felt before. His skin of my round breast felt soft and warm to the touch." Steve found himself starting to wonder if the skin that covered the rest of my was like this. .

I let go of his hand, to my surprise he continued to massage me switching to her other breast. "Steve..." I whispered.

"Yes," He slid his hand down to my ass.

"May I?" My hand was on his belt buckle.

He blushes slightly, nodding slowly. He watched as I undressed him, continuing to reformalize himself with my body. My long slender fingers pulled the leather belt opened and then through the loops. The heel of my hand brushing against his manhood sending pleasure coursing through his body. He couldn't stifle the small moan. He looked on as I unbuttoned his pants, unzipping them, and then I did the unthinkable. Steve stared awe as I slowly sunk to my knees pushing the jeans down his well muscled legs. My head was at crotch level. "Lari... what are you doing..."

I looked up and smilled, batting her long lashes, as her finger tips slipped beneath the waist band of his boxers. Saying "Babe, surely you remember what my blowjobs were like."

"Ohh Fuck Yeah, Babe....I've missed you sucking my dick Babe?" Steve said his voice shaking, in both excitement and nervousness.

"Well we'll see about that." I whispered sensually licking my lips, before I began to pull his boxers down. Stretching the elastic to pull them down without catching his erection. As his thick, long, mammoth pink DICK was revealed to me, My eyes grew wide, as I let out a gasp. Immediately he felt himself blush, he wasn't sure if this reaction was a good thing or a bad thing.

He's so big, more than I remembered. I couldn't help but admire it. His dick was completely rigid, straight pointing shape, jutting out from his groin. From the slit that crowned his reddish swollen head dripped precum, this was a man who was practically begging to have a woman. My eyes slide down his thick shaft, to the base, framing this master piece was a thin cover of blonde hair and two very large balls. I looked up at him again, slowly sliding her hand up his little solider. "My, my Captain aren't we standing at attention."

He blushed an even deep red, but he had to admit hearing me call him Captain in this situation made him shiver with pleasure. I leaned forward, as he ran his fingers over my cheek to my hairline, and pressed my lips to the very tip. The response I received was incredible; Steve inhaled sharply, grabbing a handful of her hair.

Oh my god, I've... I've... I can't even... He couldn't even think straight at the touch of my lips on him. The small kiss wasn't much but it was a preview of what more was to come. I pulled back slightly and flicked her tongue over the tip. One hand drifted up the inside of his thighs cupping his balls, weighing them, and adding pressure. He found himself instinctively pulling my head back towards his penis. I smiled to myself, Steve was learning quite quickly. Lowering her my again she grasped the base of his dick in one hand, leisurely licking a circle around his head.

"Lari..." He gasped out my name, almost begging for me to do more.

I wanted to do everything he had ever dreamed of, I licked my lips, pressing them to his moistened tip. Parting them inch by inch slipping him into my mouth. His body shuttered with pleasure, a low groan escaping his throat. Bit by bit he slipped deeper and deeper into her mouth. I took him in as deep as I could, before pulling back.

Steve forced my head back down, he didn't want to force me but the sensation was marvelous. He watched as my brown head began to bob up and down, his dick slipping in and out of my mouth. My hands still massaging his balls. His eyes fluttered shut and he moaned.

"Lari..." He slouched forward. He could feel warmth building in his lower belly, "Lari... stop..."

I pulled back, looking up at him with half lidded eyes. I could feel his skin was hotter than normal, I was about to bring him to his breaking point. Steve picked me up under the arms pressing their lips together as he laid me down on the bed. My light body barely made a dent in the soft comforter. I stared up as him with my big brown eyes, "Steve..." I whispered, pulling him down into another kiss.

He climbed on to the bed, straddling my feminine wide hips; smooth lips caressed the skin of his neck and jaw. His breath growing into heavy pants, as I did this. I bite his earlobe lightly pulling, and sucking. His body twisted, his breath hitched. I loved that I was making a man react like this; no man had ever been so much like putty in my hands as he was right now. "Steve" I gasped as his warm hand slipped under my neck lifting me closer to him, "Make love to me...

He pushed his lips on mine in a rough kiss, pulling on mine lower lip. Steve held me up as we kissed, the heat of his body blanketing mine. The sound of my heart beat fueling him. My fingers knotted themselves in the short soft blond hair at the nap of his neck. Letting me back down slowly on to the bed, he pulled away, his breath ragged.

"Steve....Steve, I want this," I motioned between them, "Us."

He leaned forward kissing my lips lightly again before trailing his lips down my neck to my collar bone. His hands gracing my skin, lips kissing, a gentle lick ever once in awhile. I watching in content as the soldier explored my body. The cool metal of his tags dragged over my skin. Every curve he memorized ever little freckle and beauty mark. A sharp gasp left my lips as his tongue slipped over my erect nipple. The feeling sent heat shooting through my body to my clitoris. I could feel the warm liquid feeling taking over my body as my womanhood moistened. Immediately he pulled back.

I smiled, "Steve, it's alright."

This was going to be a little slower then I liked but he was worth the wait. He bowed his head again, less hesitant then before. Taking my right breast into his mouth, his forefinger sweeping over the nipple of my other breast. His hands were still so unsure, but I figured he would learn what I liked soon enough, I had guided him this far it was all him from here on out. I arched up against him, offering myself. His lips moved down, his hands fallowing, kissing over her toned stomach to my hips. Grasping them in his hands he could feel how slender I truly was. My hip bones were shaped feminine, and round, before giving way to soft fleshy golden brown thighs. I moaned loudly as his tongue slide over the thin skin of my hip to myr inner thigh.

Another wave of arousal hit me when he carefully lifted my leg and rested it on his shoulder. He stared up at me and he began to kiss from my inner thigh to my ankle and back up again. I shuttered, at the loss of his warmth. He relaxed forward between my legs, keeping their eyes locked, my foot flexed against his back. He mumbled something incoherent as he brought his nose up into my curls and inhaled deeply. "YES..." Was all I could manage as he trailed off when his fingers found the maddening slickness gathered there.

He was hesitant, only kisses and the stroke of his fingers, but it was enough to cause me to tremble. Bringing my hand up she ran it though his thick hair, urging him to do more, while the other hand gripped on to the cotton sheets with white knuckle. Steve was so aware of his actions, as he carefully pushing one broad lengthy finger into her awaiting sex. My hips bucked against his face and hand. "Please Captain use your tongue," I gasped my hips bucking up again.

He obliged my request, pressing the tip of his smooth tongue to the swollen fleshy nub, before flattening out and licking. His hand pulling back and plunging back into me. He felt her silken walls clench around his fingers and his ears were meet with a sharp half moan half scream.

He was leaving me completely breathless, as he worked. I could barely think, I couldn't believe that even though we were still somewhat inexperienced, we seemed to know what the other was doing, what the other wanted. Like we were too in sync with each other. "Oh..." My voice trailed off as he added another finger stroking my g-spot. His mouth moved lower, I was so close to my climax as he pulled his fingers from me, but I wasn't left on the edge. His tongue slid over my opening and in. That was all it took, I broke. Screaming his name at the top of my lungs, my nails scrapping over his neck and shoulders, the heel of my foot digging into the flesh of his back. I could feel him moan against me. He slowly looked up at me, sitting back on his haunches. I could see my juices on his lips and on his jaw, as he leaned over I pressing his lips roughly to hers.

He wondered if I could taste the sweetness, and if I thought he tasted as good as he thought I did. Our wet tongues playing with each other's, our kisses intensified and he took his erection in his hand and lightly stroked it, feeling a surge of pleasure overwhelming him. He looked at me, I knew that look, he needed to be inside of me immediately. He slowly stroked from my clit back down to my ass with the tip of his cock; the feeling drew a shuddering moan from the depths of his chest.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, one hand stroking over his back and the other pulling lightly at his hair. He supported himself over me, as he pressed the head of his thick, pink, manhood against my wet, hot dripping pink opening. I felt the head twitch with excitement as he begin to invade me. He throbbed madly inside of me while he slowly pushed himself all the way in. His groan of pleasure was muffled by my shoulder and he bit it gently, not wanting to leave a permanent mark.

"Captain... Steve... Oh YES..." I cried out, my words not making sense. Once again, having Steve's dick inside my vagina felt painful but pure bliss at the same time.

He plowed into me, opening me up. Once he was deep up in my pussy to the hilt, he stopped, lifting his head from my shoulder. He could see my eyes were glistening, "I'm sorry Lari... I..."

I touched my finger to his lips, "You're just so big." I whispered, as I moved my hips against his. He took that as his common to continue. Drawing out slowly he thrust forward into me, I hung on to him. I hips moving to meet his, as they moved as one. His dog tags clinking together in rhythm to their movements, and unsteady breathing, between the slick sounds of sex, groans and moans I heard him say, "I love you Lair. I love you so much."

Hearing those words only made this time more special for me, I pressed my lips to his, and forcing more of my pussy on his dick. It wasn't long until he could feel me tighten; constricting him, hearing me moan his name is if that was the only word I knew. The warmth of my climax slipped down his dick. At this point I didn't expect him to last much longer, but he did.

He leaned back and lifted my leg over his hip, grabbing me by the hips, my arms still around his neck. He lifted me with him, so I straddled his legs. This time I took charge, beginning to ride him. Our bodies rubbing together; he kissed me neck, breasts, shoulders and mouth. Whispering my name against my ear, and moaning against my body. I took to biting and nibbling his skin, as his hand roamed my body. We were enjoying the intimacy the position had gifted us.

There was a completeness to having Steve's body heat curling around me like a warm blanket, and a tenderness to his arms holding me, his hands stroking me and begin able to have eye to eye contact with him. His skin a was glossy ivory with a thin sheen of sweat, his hair falling from where is usually stayed brushed back from his eyes. I stroked his shoulders digging my names into his back when more waves of pleasure and climax overtook my body.

Then I felt it, his chest tightened, and he slumped forward against me. He began to thrust up against her, and I knew he wasn't going to last very long. I let myself fall back to the mattress and let Steve take charge again. Pinning me hard to the bed, his thrust became more erratic, his breathing coming in short gasps.

"Steve," I moaned his name again, arching into him, pulsing my muscles around him. He thrust into me a few more times before he felt that deep pang within his chest as the pleasure surged hard through him, it felt like electricity hit him, as his muscles froze, his manhood lodged deep inside me. "Oh, YES, Lari...I'm about to NUTT Babe." He cried out in pure pleasure are, as he emptied his semen inside my vagina me. My incredibly, tight and velvet pussy walls milking him for every last drop. His body trembled as he came down of the high.

He lay on top of me as I drew the blankets about us. I could feel him kissing he as the residual thrust kept sending his NUTT into me. It seemed like hours had passed until he regained the slightest bit of strength to pull out of me and lay down besides me.

I rolled into him, resting her head on his shoulder, "Steve...I love you too." I whispered.

He didn't know how to reply, He loved her back, and even if this was the only woman he ever had sex with, he knew in his heart, he didn't want any other woman. Smiling to himself, at what just happened between them. He stroked her hair, kissed her forehead, and whispered "Go to sleep now beautiful." He breathed, kissing the top of my head and wrapping his arms around me.

Scene 12: I woke up alone in an unfamiliar bed. For a moment, I wondered where I was, but then a second late, the events that had transpired the night before cascaded into your mind. I had no regrets, Steve Rogers was my man. Plain and Simple.

Rolling over, I looked around and saw him sitting in a chair on the other side of the bed with a sketchpad and a pencil, engrossed in what he was doing. He had put on a pair of gray sweatpants and a white tank top.

"Hey," yI said, smiling at him. "What are you drawing?" He glanced up from the sketchpad, startled. "Oh, it's nothing." "Let me see?" I got up out of bed and walked over to him. Everything between my legs dully ached, but it was still worth it.

I looked over his shoulder to see the sketch. It was you, sleeping in his bed. My breasts and the juncture between your thighs were covered by rumpled blankets. His portrayal was very accurate. The anatomy was perfect. He was undeniably talented, and I felt honored that he'd chosen to sketch me.

"That's really good," you said. "Almost better than the life size picture still hanging in the study."

"It's no big deal, really," he responded, modestly. "Did you have more of your work moved into this place?" I asked, eager to see it. "It's in the other bedroom. I can show you if you really want to see my work." He stood.

I followed him through the living room into the second bedroom. He flipped the light on. The walls were lined with bookshelves containing binders and sketchbooks. A desk was in the middle of the room with art supplies and an open binder on it. He handed the binder to me, and I saw the letter that I had written over a year ago, inside a sheet protector. I flipped through the pages and saw other letters, drawings from children, some postcards from various locations.

"Are all these binders fan mail?" I asked, looking at the dozens of binders incredulously. He nodded. "I'm going to need more space eventually." "And you responded to every last one?" "All the ones with a return address. I don't need to sleep as much as most people do so I have plenty of time." "It's so sweet of you to do that, you know. You probably made a lot of people really happy with your replies."

"What about you?" he asked, pursing his lips.

"I'm happy you replied to my letter. The past year has been filled with so many happy memories. Our friendship has endured alot. And not that you've declared your love for me," I said jokingly. "I'm looking forward to all the new adventures awaiting us." He smiled and laughed. Oh, how I loved to make that man laugh. Then, I asked, "But more important, though, are you glad you replied to my letter?" He looked at him, smiling, bringing me into his body and kissing me passionately in his art studio. So, I'll take that as a yes!

Scene 13: Bright sunlight shone into the Brooklyn apartment, it was late morning, somewhere around 10:45 or 11AM. We lied in bed, bathing in the warmth, the quilt draped over our waists. As Iied beside him, I shifted closer, pushing my ass into his crotch tighter, my back flush against his chest. Steve opened his eyes to see my long wavy brown hair cascading over his arm tucked, under my head and down my back. He was holding me tightly to him, my skin soft under his hand.

Carefully he slid his arm out from under my head and propped himself up leaning over me, watching me sleep. I shivered at the sudden absence of his body heat. Reaching down he pulled the blanket up higher on me, covering my naked body. He didn't want to wake me, I looked so beautiful, like an angel. The memories of last night danced in his mind, the thought made him blush, and smile. He was the luckiest man alive. Leaning down he nuzzled his head against my shoulder kissing my neck and cheek.

"Good Babe." He ran his hand under the blankets over the smooth curve of my hip.

There was no reply, for I was still deep in sleep. His peace didn't last long, someone started to knock on the front door. Steve sighed climbing for the comforts of his shared bed, trying to find his scattered cloths. All he came up with was his jeans and boxers. He struggled to stay standing as he hurriedly pulled them on. The knocking had turned to banging.

"Room Service....Breakfast Mister Rogers." It has helga...the floor maid.

I could hear voiced outside the room, as I woke up. I yawned and stretched thinking about how Steve said he was in love with me. Then the way he showed his love by FUCKING the dog whiz out of my pussy as night. But every inch of my body still felt sore. "I know I'm going to be feeling it for awhile" I thought to myself out loud.

Slipping on my robe, I headed for the bathroom to wash up and put some clothes on. The voices in the hallway grey quiet. Then I could only hear Steve rambling around in the kitchen. I stood in front of the mirror slowly dressing in her jeans and t-shirt, touching up her makeup and packing everything in her bag.

I slipped soundlessly into the kitchen getting a mug down from the cupboards and filled it with green tea. It was perfect drinking temperature. Steve looked up from preparing the food tray to see me on the other side of the kitchen.

"She's awake." He said happily. He left that side of the kitchen and came towards me. Pulling me into his arms and kissing me passionately. "You're not leaving here without me feeding you a hearty breakfast. After last night's activities. I'm need for you to build your strength back up." He said jokingly. I smiled back at him, also laughing at his comment. I told him I would love to have breakfast with him. I sat down at the counter top and began to eat. Steve joined in. We sat there eating in silence, staring at each other.

Happy and Content. Steve moved closer to me and kissing my lips, his hands moved up, cupping her jaw. My lower lip quiver as I kissed back. He pulled back and pulled he into his lap on the kitchen chair.

I nodded against his chest. "I love you Steve."

He nodded, moving his strong, muscular arms over me, "I hope we always have this love for each other." I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. He responded think, so the man out of time found his woman in this time. Steve and Lari looked out of the balcony window, the perfect view of Brooklyn. For Steve, everything was changing and the changes were headed in the right direction.

Scene 14: Dance Lessons- I laughed, then asked "What is it?" referring to an antique radio and looking at it. "SHIELD fixed it for me. Technically, its a music player with some songs and old broadcasts on it." He turned it on, and Bing Crosby started playing.

"Oh, 'Moonlight Becomes You.' I remember this one," I said.
"You've listened to this before?" he asked, surprised.
"Yeah. Someone I knew had stacks of old records, and I listened to them." You paused thoughtfully for a moment. "Hey, would you like to dance?" Steve looked worried.

"I meant dancing that doesn't require lessons," I clarified. "Here, I'll show you." I placed his hands on my waist and wrapped my hands around his shoulders. "And you kind of just move around slowly? It's not really dancing."

He pulled me close to him, his hands resting on the small of your back, then moving slightly lower to my full bubble butt. I laid my head on his shoulder, inhaling his lightly masculine scent, and slowly swayed to the music. One track faded into another. Time passed in a pleasant, slow manner while I was in his arms.

"I thought you wanted to dance?" he asked.
"Well, there's always the horizontal mambo," I offered with a mischievous smirk.

"Horizontal mambo?" He obviously didn't get the reference. "It's my favorite dance of all." I moved my hands down to squeeze his ass and press my hips harder into him.

"Oh!" We were about to kiss, when suddenly, the song changed. "It's a propaganda song from the war." He sighed. "Not the greatest mood music."
He moved a hand to my back to support me and walked over to the radio and shut it off. "Now, where were we?"

"About to get a lesson in the art of Horizontal mambo?" I said, already taking my t-shirt off, showing him my supple, firm golden brown TITS. "You ready for this." I said coyly.

"Damn straight" he said, pressing me down on the couch.

Oh...what fun it is to be FUCKED by a Super Soldier.

Scene 15: Sexin' It Up in Steve's Apartment- Steve and I had been dating for 6 month. During the time when he and the Avengers weren't saving the world. He would give all his attention and affection to me. Although, our relationship was still semi-secret, he had introduced me to his friends and teammates as his girlfriend. The press knew about our relationship, but I really didn't care. Steve always kept his word that our relationship would remain private, outside the public eye. No tabloids, no talk show interviews. Our relationship was between he and I.

We would split spending time between my place or at his. On this particular night, we had a date night planned. However, due to some sort of emergency, he had to cancel. When he had returned home from rescuing the innocent. He walked out of the shower, wear a towel around his waist, and found me on this bed naked, ready for some action. In an instant fit of lust, Steve took off the towel and jumped me. I quickly turned him on his back, moved up his body, and spread my legs, allowing my tight, hot, soaking wet, velvet pussy to slide down his thick, long pick dick.

In that moment, I relished in the fact that I was completely naked, my long, dark brown hair falling back as I slowly fucked herself atop the Sentinel of Liberty known as Captain America, aka Steve Rogers. We were making rhythmic love in a king-size bed by candlelight, the walls decorated with various black-and-white photos from the 1940s.

Steve's hands were running up and over my body, stroking her firmly taut stomach, squeezing her large, rounded 36C golden brown breasts and rubbing at her large, chocolate kiss nipples. He seemed lost in wonderment, his usually, formal demeanour having completely slipped away.

"D-didn't I tell you, Steve...?" I asked breathily, my hips rolling on Steve's pelvis, my pussy stretched wide to accommodate his solid cock. "Didn't I s-say how good this would feel? let go? To indulge in the pah!--in the passion...Babe."

As I slid myself up and down along the length of his thick, long pink mammoth cock, I raked my nails through the blond-brown curls of his chest hair, my lips curling in building need.

"You are a thing of beauty...!" He groaned, his strong hands ensnaring my tiny waist, adding his strength to my motion, making me gasp. "...I don't know how I've deprived myself of you for so-- for so long, I can't do that again, going 1 week without being inside you....Babe!"

"Shh, babe!" I moaned to him, stroking my fingers over his mouth, allowing him to lick at their tips. "Now's not the time for recriminations. Now is the time...for everything we've ever wanted!" And with saying that, I braced my hands on Steve's broad torso and picked up my speed. My breasts began bouncing as I frantically bounced on his cock. Chivalrously, Steve reached up to hold my breasts steady, though not without squeezing and playing with the exquisitely soft orbs.

With his chiseled good looks, his perfect body and his gentlemanly manner, it was no surprise how I was ever attracted to Steve. But with his almost monkish sense of courtship and personal conduct, it only added to indulgence of my attraction. But now we were Lovers as well as best friends. I had no doubt that Steve desired me as well, and we somehow managed to act on those feelings. Now, all I could do is relish the feeling as every perfect inch of Steve's dick slide in and out of my dripping pussy.

"Mmnnhhh!" I panted with every lunge, every thrust, as I threw my head back, his strong hands grabbing and smacking my ass, rubbing down my asscrack.

"Ooohhhh, Steve!" I cried out, my thighs dipping up and slamming down to plow his relentless dick into my wet, hot, tight pussy. "I'm so close, babe! Please! I'm so utterly close!"

"Then...unh!...then by all means..." He grunted, his legs shifting beneath me. "...Ladies first!" With my mouth parted wide open and my eyes squeezed shut, I sped toward the edge of oblivion, teetering there as if in agony.

"Unnnhhh!" I cried out. Using the same precision he showed whenever he slung his legendary shield, Captain America reached out to finger my clitoris, flickering the nib with a firm tenderness that hit the mark with almost violent results.

"Ohhhhnnhhnnnn! Oh! Ahhnnn! YEEESSSS!" I screamed, smashing my sizzling pussy down against Steve's pelvis, his dick resolutely firm and deep inside me.

"Ohhn! Ohh! O!" I rasped, my chest ravished with heavy breath as I ORGASMED, from Steve's incredible Dick.

"Satisfied?" Steve asked, his voice low and velvety, a tranquil smile on his face.

"Not until you are, babe." I said with a saucy grin, leaning forward so that my perky breasts dangled in his face. Taking the opportunity to lick at the brown tips of her nipples, Steve was left surprised as I grabbed him by the shoulders and roughly rolled him over on the bed until he was firmly on top of me.

"It's your turn now, babe..." I said, my eyes sparkling in the half-light, my legs wrapping around his waist. "...Fuck me with everything you have!"

We grinned to each other, happy to be sharing this moment, we embraced for a needful kiss. I just looking up, moved my hands over Steve's backside, feeling the full force of his buttocks clenching with every plunge and thrust into my amazing pussy. I lost track of how long he FUCKED me. I wondered if he would ever NUTT. I could smell the scent of our sex spiking her nose with the spicy aroma of pure, unreserved sex.



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The story is about the little girl who has 7 older brothers, honestly, 7 overprotective brothers!! It's a series by the way!!! 😂💜 my first fanfic...