Ben 10 Academia(Ben 10 X MHA)

By Fluffyplatypus25

271K 5K 3.6K

ahem.... It started when an alien device did what it did And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it... More

2||The Exam
3||Results/Apprehension Test
4||Battle Trial
5||USJ Pt. 1
6||USJ pt. 2
7||Sports festival Begins
8||Sports Festival 2: Electric Boogaloo
9||Ben Tennyson Vs Mina Ashido
10||Ben vs Tokoyami
poll thing
11||Ben Vs Bakugo
12||Hero names
13||Work study
14||Ghosts of the Past
15||Exam prep
17||Rats Mall
Fanmade Alien Poll
18||Two Heroes pt. 1
19||Two heroes Pt. 2
20||Two Heroes pt.3
21||Two Heroes pt.4
24||Doctor's orders
25||Mutants! Mutant! Oh My!
27||All for one
28||The Symbol of Peace
29||The dorms
30||Super Moves
31||License Exam pt. 1
32||Licence Exam Pt. 2
33||License exam Pt. 3
34||License Exam Pt. 4
35||Mama Mirio here i go reusing jokes
37||Save the last dance
38||Work Study 2: Overused Joke Boogaloo
39||Unpleasant talk
42||Crazy bench
43||Echoes of Overhaul
44||Infinite Control
47||Tea Time
47.5||Late unfinished April fools ig
48||Starting to run outta titles
49||Bakualbum Gently weeps
51||Let it flow! School festival!
52||New Threats
53||Ben babysits Eri and nothing bad happens
54||The Imposter
55||The New Recruit
56||My Albedo Academia
57||Revival Party
58||Albedo: Origins
60||Old Enemies
61||Heroes rising pt. 1
62|| Heroes rising Pt. 2
63||Heroes rising pt. 3
64||All hands on deck
65||Joint Training
69||I swear if someone says a lewd joke--
70||a Very Ben 10 Christmas
73||Endeavour agency
74||One thing at a time
75||The hellish Todorokis
poll thing 2: Age of Ultron
77||THis Fffire
77.5||Wildmutt's secret
78||World's Mission Pt. 1
79||World's mission pt. 2
80||Worlds Mission pt.3
81||World's Mission Pt. 4
82||World mission Pt.5
83||World's Mission Pt. 6
84||Freaks and Geeks
85||Albedo and the Beast
85.5||Trivia 2
86||The Future Speaks Pt.1
87||The Future speaks Pt. 2
88||The Future Speaks pt.3
89||The Future Speaks pt.4
90||The High, Deep Blue sky
91||Calm before the Storm
91.5||Future Playlists
92||A quiet Beginning
93||Mirko, The no. 5 Hero
94||One's Justice
95|| Kevin 11
96||He'll Never fade away
98||The Thrill of destruction
100||Disaster Walker
101||League of villains vs. UA students
102.5|| April fools 2023
102||Ben Vs Albedo
103||The lesser of two evils

50||Ben 10 VS Gentle criminal

1.4K 31 21
By Fluffyplatypus25

La Brava arrives on the scene to see Gentle hanging from the beam as Heatblast aims a fireball at him

"Let me go, young man." he says to heatblast.

"He's pleading for his life!" La Brava rationalizes without context.

"You do realize we're on emergency alert, don't you?!" Heatblast asks. "Even before you sneak in if someone like you is found the alarm will sound and the festival will be cancelled, you'll be caught either way! just give up!"

"OH-HO! In that case..." Gentle responds. "My partner has devised a way to disable the alarm sensors. It won't be cancelled. Our plan can succeed. It's a win-win situation!"

"THAT'S EVEN WORSE!" Heatblast replies.

"That's true." Gentle confesses.

"His argument's being refuted!" La Brava states.

"But yes that is my plan!" Gentle sighs. "Before it becomes too troublesome, I would like to continue on my way."

Heatblast bluffs that he called the police in hopes he'll give up

"It appears we'll never agree." Gentle groans. "While the aftertaste of tea remains, I'll have you go to sleep UA Student!"

Gentle uses his quirk to create a platform to free himself from the beam

Heatblast attempts to attack but misses

Gentle begins ricocheting around the construction site as Heatblast struggles to keep up

La Brava pleads for Gentle to retreat

Gentle stops atop a beam

"No, Not yet..." he mutters as he uses his quirk to pull the bolts out of the beam before beginning to bounce on the beam.

"You must listen to what I have to say. I cannot cancel the effects of my Quirk of my own volition. Things must return to their original state gradually. Steel beams regaining their fitness while still keeping some unnatural bounce-- And the one I'm standing on with all its bolts removed. At this rate the steel beam will fall. It is quite dangerous."

Heatblast looks over the side and sees an elderly man directly under the beam.

"You are a student of UA," Gentle comments. "There is no way you'll allow a steel beam to fall."

the steel beam collapses as Heatblast quickly blasts under it and catches it, near immedietly Heatblasts molten body melting away at the steel.

"You were trying to drop this on the person below, weren't you?!" Heatblast grunts trying to control his temperature

he can't swap to someone who won't melt through the steel without releasing the beam

"No," Gentle confesses. "I just wanted to pull you in. I was always planning on making it bounce back up so it wouldn't fall. I thought you'd rush down but your speed and power are quite apparent now. But please stay there and bear it patiently."

Gentle and La brava mount a crane to slingshot themselves toward UA

any step Heatblast tries to take only further melts away at the stability of the beams

Heatblast fires off a mouth laser aimed at Gentle who dodges mid-air

"Tenacious young-lad!" Gentle exclaims.

"Neither of you are going to give up..." La brava comments. "Let's use it--- My Quirk."

Heatblast struggles between holding the beam up and not melting through the beam he's standing on.

suddenly the beam he's holding is melted in two as Heatblast quickly grabs both pieces and uses the momentum of them falling to throw them aside.

he jumps off and returns to the concrete ground looking at Gentle and La Brava who are flying away

"Time to Improvise!" Heatblast exclaims as he grabs the crane and slingshots himself forward too using igniting his legs and arms to fly after them

69 minutes until the festival.

(Alien X:"HA! nice....")

Fine, an hour and 9 minutes

"He's on our tail, Gentle!" La Brava exclaims.

"La Brava..." Gentle sighs. "if possible, I want to save your quirk for our retreat."

"But, but, Gentle." La Brava pleads. "At this rate it's highly possible you'll fail!"

"I Know that!" Gentle snaps back. "Because it's a race against time!"

Heatblast unleashes an attack causing Gentle to force a landing to dodge.

the three end up in a forest as Heatblast closes the distance.

Heatblast does a flip in the air before landing and attempting to punch Gentle who blocks the attack with elastic air.

suddenly a fireball Heatblast threw as he did that flip falls from above and hits gentle in the back knocking him and La Brava down

Heatblast drifts across the grass as he propels himself to the side before grabbing both and holding them to the ground.

he manages to lower his temperature now that he's not fighting as to not burn either.

"Don't move. Just give up." he recommends

Gentle tries to struggle but is no match for heatblast's strength

"I'm gonna hand you over to the police first chance I get. So, don't resist."

right then tears well up in La Brava's eyes as she stares into Gentle criminal's eyes

"I love you." she confesses

Gentle criminal stares back and smiles.

"Thank you, La Brava..." he sincerely responds as pink electricity and smoke begin to emanate from his body

Gentle Criminal begins to stand up pushing back against heatblast

Heatblast is now the one struggling as Gentle's hair flairs up and his entire composure is shifted

"Nothin' Personal kid...." Gentle sighs as Heat blast is flipped and punched into the dirt at super sonic speeds

Gentle Criminal stands above Heatblast surrounded by the pink aura of La Brava's Quirk

LA BRAVA, QUIRK: Love. By Murmuring her love, she can power up the person she loves most for a short time. The deeper her love the more power she can give, and if activated in a crisis it can jump up to tens of times more.

"I don't like using brute force," Gentle admits. "I always cut scenes like this in movies..."

he walks up to heatblast and judo chops him in the neck

"Please sleep for me for a while, if I don't do this much you wouldn't be able to sleep."

he turns to walk away before he hears a voice

"I'm..... not.... that easy.... to put down...."

looking back Gentle and La Brava watch as the grass begins to burn as heatblast pushes himself back up

"The USJ Nomu, Wolfgram, Gang orca, Overhaul, and so many more before I even came to UA... None of them were able to take me out..."

Heatblast stands up clenching his fist

"I guess you could say my biggest 'Quirk'  is I never give up unless I give it my all!" he heroically remarks.

instantly heatblast fires off a finger ball which Gentle dodges allowing it to hit a tree

Gentle places La Brava down and lunges at heatblast

"Stop this Gentle criminal!" Heatblast roars

the two are locked in battle as they trade blows

"Gentle! I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry!" La Brava cries. "My love... My love wasn't enough!"

"No one has proved that your love was not enough!" Gentle calls back as he forms layers of elastic air above his head calling out


layers of elastic air pin Heatblast to the ground

"A sandwich is deemed more elegant the thinner it is." Gentle criminal comments. "I don't like piling layer upon layer."

he leaps atop the layers of elastic air

"But even so, I want to fulfill my dream... To leave my name in history! For posterity! This dream is no longer a dream i hold for myself! Today, I take the first step toward my great work. It's not so trivial that I can just give up when someone tells me to! If you're a UA student, then you must understand my yearning for this dream!"

Heatblast puts all of his power into his body as the layers are engulfed in his flames causing Gentle to leap aside allowing heatblast to burn his way from under the layers.

"If you understand so much," Heatblast says. "Then why the school festival! Why would you trample on everyone's hopes?!"

"Because that's just how it is!" Gentle responds.

the two fight in the air before heatblast lands staring daggars at Gentle

"Oh I see." Heatblast remarks. "You're a hypocrite!"

Gentle is angered by this and begins bouncing around punching Heatblast over and over again

heatblast is knocked back and forth as he's unable to get a clear sight on his assailant

by the time his beatdown is finished his knuckles are beaten but cauterized as he now bares burns across his fingers.

"You can mock me and say that I'm mentally weak!" Gentle screams. "That's fine!"

Gentle lunges forward punching heatblast but this time it's caught

"I'm not Mocking you, Gentle criminal!" Heatblast snaps back in fury.

"Win! Gentle!" La Brava calls out.

the pink smoke emitting from Gentle gets more potent as he begins to overpower Heatblast with both hands

"YOU!" Gentle growls "Why do you want to be a hero?"

"I'm the same as you, Gentle." Heatblast grunts. "My dream isn't just my own anymore! a dream bigger than the body I was born in! bigger than the cruel world I lived in!"

"But in a one in Ten million chance I was given a chance seemingly from the stars!"

"So now I owe it to everyone to not blow it! For those who've been hurt! for those who need a hero! I want to become someone who can protect them and show them a bright future!!!"

"The same...." a wistful Gentle sighs. "Huh...?"

suddenly Gentle grips onto heatblasts hands as hard as he can and hurls him into a tree

La Brava attempts to run toward UA to enact their plan

Heatblast attempts to stop her but is stopped by Gentle criminal kicking him into the dirt

"Am I still not as strong as those you fought before?"  he mutters.

"I need more fire power." the LITERAL FIRE MONSTER comments.

and on Que Gentle begins bouncing around

"after spending so much time in heatblast, I probably only have enough time for one transformation." Ben thinks as he reverts.

without a moment of hesitation he dials up the right guy for this job

Gentle criminal recoils from the blinding green light before turning over to see Ben had turned into Fourarms

"You're in trouble now!" Fourarms roars charging Gentle Criminal

without fear Gentle criminal reels back a punch as he rushes fourarms

"Feel the conquering effects of our love!" he exclaims brushing Fourarms' attack aside and striking him in the stomach.

the four armed fighter coughs up blood being sent flying back as he times out and is smashed through a tree

"N-No..." Ben moans in pain. "I.... Failed..."

Ben struggles to remain conscious. "I guess..... he was too strong...."

before he faceplants into the dirt finally defeated....

"Now that he's out of the way." Gentle sighs holding his side. "I can regroup with La Brava and we can pull off the plan."

as he walks toward La Brava's location he notices his wounds don't hurt as much as he thought they did.

"Gentle!" La brava calls out returning to the scene. "There are heroes just over there--"

she looks upon the scene

but snapping back to reality we see Gentle criminal was the one who was unconscious and Ben had never turned into fourarms in the first place

He'd turned into pesky dust

he had turned into pesky dust and immedietly put gentle criminal to sleep, creating a dream scenario where Ben was defeated and he managed to enact his plan

before the heroes would immedietly stop him and his life would go to complete shit afterwards

"PRRRRRR, sweet dreams." Pesky dust smirks.

"No, stop...." La Brava cries as she drops her computer and rushes toward the two. "What did you do to him?"

"Take it away!" she cries as she hits pesky dust repeatedly

which hurts but so he wakes Gentle up again

just waking up on top of the lover mode wearing off has caused Gentle to finally be able to feel his injuries and even breathing hurts so he won't be getting up anytime soon

"La.... Brava....?" he moans in pain.

"Let Gentle go! Let go!" she cries. "Gentle had his heart set on this scheme! He even forgot about the tea breaks he loves to get ready! Let go! What 'Bright future'?! Gentle is my only light! Don't take my gentle from me! Don't take him away!"

Pesky dust times out as suddenly Gentle uses what remaining Lover mode energy he had left to hurl Ben aside seeming to not even be trying to hurt him

Ben is bounced away as he kneels down and embraces the one person in this cruel world who could ever love him.

the dream Pesky dust gave him showed La Brava getting caught with him, ruining her life, a fate far worse than failing to achieve his dreams...

as he is bounced away Gentle seems to shoot a glare toward Ben that spoke a thousand words

"For the sake of her bright future, go away, Ben 10.... you protected everything you stood for and won..."

rustling is heard as the pro heroes Hound dog and Ectoplasm arrive.

"I stumbled over a pebble on the road..." Gentle lies to protect the festival

"UA, I wish to turn myself in..."

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