Not Another Mummy (Shidge)

Від VoltronMoon

628 38 138

It's kinda another Mummy (1999) Au but I'm changing up the storyline a little. It's going to have the basics... Більше

A Promise..
Death Is Not the End..
Awoken Curse..
A Puzzle Box..
An Awaiting Adventure..
A Kiss For His Life..
One Rather Good Looking Map..
Hate 'n Love..
He Is the Map..
A Bet well Won..
The legs of Anubis..
An Dropped In Sarcophagus..
Mistakes were Made..
One Juicy Mummy..
A Huge "Told You So"..
A Toast..
An unwelcomed Guest..
Chosen Sacrifice..
Locked Up..
We'll Meet Again..
A Fallen Comrade..
Sacrifice Truth..
A Gained Friendship..
Her Awaited Hero..
Awaited Kiss..
Happy Ever After..

A Sandy Kiss..

16 1 10
Від VoltronMoon




Antok stares out a window, watching the British Guards atthe front gate. More Soldiers march the encircling parapet. They all the heard the screams in the distance minutes ago and taking notice as more soldier's seemed to be guarding the place compared to before. Something had clearly happened and the unknowing was making all three of them turn mad by fear alone. 

"Ten O'clock! All is well!" A soldier called out from somewhere outside as the lights and music from the Casbah come up from below. 

Antok finally looks away from the window, unable to just stand and wait any longer in the room. He felt trapped and he felt like a sitting duck. His mind was racing with thoughts he didn't like and he needed real fresh air to smack against his face instead of standing by the window, waiting for a breeze. 

"To hell with this. I'm goin' downstairs to get me a drink. You want somethin'?" Antok finally snapped and started walking away from the window as he couldn't stay any longer and needed a break. 

"But Shiro told us to stay here and guard the door" Regris argued back, completely terrified over the guy coming back and ripping their spines out to hang them with. 

"It doesn't need the pair of us to do that. She's stopped trying to break the door down a good ten minutes ago and is sulking just like we are. I'll grab something for her to have once she's allowed out" Antok huffed back as he made his way past the table and heading towards the closed double doors. 

"Orange juice, please" Katie meekly called out from where she sat with her back against the door. Her head throbbing in pain like her shoulder as she had tried breaking out more than once. Trying both the doors and bits of the wall for a weak spot. 

"I'll get ya some orange juice. Sure you don't want anything stronger?" Antok replied with a small frown as he knew he was gonna need a stronger drink to survive the night with. 

"I'd much rather be sober while dealing with all this" Katie admitted with a small frown, resting her head against her knees she held pushed to her chest. 

"Your funeral" Regris lightly joked back. 

"I'm gonna take a nap. My head hurts from trying to break the wall down" Katie mumbled back as she pushed herself to stand, not feeling so good after trying to break out like an idiot. 

"You want something?" Antok asked as he opened up both of the double doors. 

"Yeah, get me a glass of bourbon" Regris quickly answered like an excited pup.  

"All right" Antok smiled back slightly, stepping out. 

"A shot of bourbon and a bourbon chaser" Regris yelled after him as well as Antok started to turn around and close the doors behind him. 

Antok nods and heads out, leaving the doors closed behind him. 

Leaving Regris to  just sits there all alone and smoking his last cigarette. After a good couple of minutes and the faint sound of Katie sleeping in the other room.  He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out his  sacred canopic jar and fondles it. He knew that the tiny little jar was to blame for his life being in danger like it was and yet, he still couldn't seem to place it down. 

A breeze suddenly comes inthrough the open window and making the curtains flutter. Spooking Regris before he laughs it off, not believing how easily he was being scared all of a sudden. Regris soon getsup and goes over to shut the window, not wanting the room to become overly cold if they were stuck guarding the bedroom doors with no blankets. As he reaches the window, he decides to look out the window and check for any signs of trouble. 

Regris is lifted into the air by a mass of swirling sand.His body twists and turns as he screams out in agony. And slowly  his body shrivels as the life is sucked out of him just like it was with Curtis and James. Then he finally collapses to the floor, the key left tucked in his shirt chest pocket.

On thewall above him as another breeze passes through the room. The shadow of the swirling sand condenses and is forming a new shadow in the shape of a human body. The shadow convulse as thebody regenerates before it's over once more. 

Lotor steps into view, dressed in his long, old black clothing. He's regenerated even further andlooks almost normal now, his face no longer decayed. He stepsover Regris's shrivelled body as if it was a mere mat on the floor and not a murdered stack of bones done by his own doing.

He walks up to Katie's door and rattles the knob. Finding it to be locked and soon grows a grins of his own. He found the situation to be perfect for him and his plans. A locked door meaning no easy escape from his prey and no one else to easily disturb him either. The cards were all in his hands now. 

Katie was finally asleep in her bed as the sand begins streaming in throughthe keyhole, pouring onto the floor, forming a large mound.

Her body sensing the danger but her brain wasn't allowing her to wake up. Forcing her to start to toss and turn in her bed. Sweat forming on her forehead and she starts to whimper in both pain and fright. Trapped in a nightmare as her body alarms her over the danger creeping closer and closer. 

The moundof sand is soon gone and in it's place stands a smug Lotor.

Outside her Door..

Shiro, Matt and Lance all race into the foyer and skid to astop as they see Regris's shriveled body on the floor. Shiro panics and runs straight towards Katie's door and rattles the knob,still finding it locked. He bends down and looks in through the keyhole. 

His blood runs cold as he watches Lotor stalk towards her sleeping form. His hands turning into shaking fists and he's quick back on his feet, stepping back and ready to break the door down probably before Lotor gains his way with her.

Lance knees down by Regris body, gagging a little before apologizing the deceased man. Taking out the key from his pocket in hopes to help while Matthew was soon holding up Rover who had leaped in from the window. Shiro rushes past Lance, not seeing the key and picking up Rover without missing a beat. 

Back Inside Katie bedroom..

Lotor sits on the edge of Katie bed, running a hand over her sleeping face and somehow soothing her nightmares and fears away. She falls into a sleepless and clam sleep once more and her brain numbs the sense of danger away by his doing. 

She stops fighting in her sleep and Lotor smiles before closing his eyes. Whispering his true love name as he knew he'd soon have her back in his arms again. Keeping his eyes close as he pictured her instead of Katie and Lotor leans down towards Katie.

And kisses Katie.

Katie body trembles, the spell he casted moments ago already failing as her body rejected the kiss. Her heart knowing it wasn't  the one she desired and she started to whimper in her sleep once more. 

Lotor lips and mouthinstantly start to degenerating and decay. Right down to thebone and yet, he chooses to stay kissing her as if she was truly the one he loves.

But soon the door bursts open and showing an enraged Shiro glaring towards the priest. Before Shiro eyes grew wide over the priest actions, he felt the vomit creep up his thought as he took notice over Lotor decaying state while he kissed her and Shiro soon gave a murderous look towards the mummy again.

"Get your hands off my girl, pal" Shiro growls out, a murderous and deadly aura leaking from around him over the mummy touching his girl. 

Katie is startled away from the sound, finally out on the entrance completely and her eyes grow wide over Lotor rotted mouth as he steals another long, deep kiss. She silently screams and smacks her hands against his jawline, earning a few of the flesh to stick to her hands and she feels close to fainting. 

Her eyes snapping back towards a displeased Lotor who was still inches away from her face. She pales and feels more disgusted than frighten as she can still taste the rotten flesh against her lips. She soon glares towards him before bringing her knees up and kicking him away from her, shoving him off her bed before she stumbles off at the opposite end with a yelp.

"Why do I always end up with the bad kissing experience" Katie whined back from where she laid on the ground. Shiro ignoring the pained jab from such a comment as he was one of those experience and knew she was simply in shock from being snogged by Lotor. 

Lotor putrid mouth grimaces in sadness over her rejection but soon turns his sadness into rage as he stands again and turns towards Shiro. Knowing he had to be rid of the man who kept standing in his way. Lotor  licks his fetid lips.

"Nice lips" Shiro smirks, clearly mocking the man.

And Lotor wrath get's the better of him as he starts to move for Shiro. But Shiro stays put and even give a charming grin as he's been wanting the mummy attention to stay solely on him. He risked a glance over Lotor shoulder, seeing the frighten Katie and feeling his heart squeeze at the sight before giving her a reassuring look. 

"I figured you might be here, so I brought a friend" Shiro announced as he turned his stared back on Lotor and soon lifts up Rover. 

"Sorry for this. Remind me to give you a fuss if we survive this" Shiro whispered towards the clueless Rover before he throws the cat at Lotor.

Lotor instinctivelycatches Rover and soon shrieks as Rover angrily hisses towards him. Swiping his claws towards the man and knowing he was trying to harm his humans. Lotor soon drops the cat and stumbles backtowards the window, which suddenly blows open.

Lotor spins like a dervish and bursts into a whirlwind of sand. Everybody covers their eyes and lifts their arms over their faces to protect themselves from it. The Lotor-sand-devil finally explodes out the window and vanishes over the compound. 

Lance aims his gun at the window with his hand shaking badly. Matthew walks over to Rover, scooping the beloved cat up and pressing a kiss to his head for thanks. 

Shiro wastes no times and hurries to the other side of the bed where Katie was slowly, finally starting to stand. Her body trembling and she looked completely shaken up from what Lotor did. He pulls her into a tight and desperate hug. Not even caring as she wipes her mouth in disgust against his shirt. 

"You alright?" Shiro asked as he stayed holding her close and keeping his strong arms tightly tucked around her. 

"No" Katie muffled voice vibrated against his chest, tickling him a little. 

"I'm not sure" Lance answered at the same time as he finally lowers his gun and rolls his shoulders a little. 

"She kissed a dead guy" Matthew blurted out, hugging Rover tightly and still in a bit of a shocked dazed over what he witnessed. 

"I feel sick" Katie groaned out as she remembered the kiss all over again. 

"Want a mint?" Shiro offered as he knew he had a tin of mints in his jacket somewhere. 

"Yes, please. But after I brush my teeth and use plenty of mouthwash. I can still feel his rotten lips on my-" Katie muttered back and started shaking again as she started to admit over still feeling Lotor lips on her before being silenced by Shiro. 

"Yeah, okay. Please don't go into detail. Still haven't calmed down from my murderous rage and I don't have anyone I can hit right now" Shiro blurted back, his voice tensed and firm as his grip tighten a little. He was still completely pissed off and wanted to Kill the guy but he knew he had no one to take his anger out on right now and needed her to hold back on the details before he did something stupid. 

Katie gave a shy nod, about to step out of the hug but being stopped by Shiro as he wasn't ready to let her go just yet. She wrapped her arms back around him, resting her cheek to his chest and listening to his heartbeat again. Feeling herself relax once more and feel safe all over again. 

Antok finally walks in a couple minutes later and looks at his best friend shrivelled body onthe floor. He soon drops the martini glasses, full of their three orders and leaves the broken glass on the ground while he stares towards Regris body. 

The air being low and heavy once more as they all forgot over Antok and knowing that seeing his only friend in such a state would be heart-breaking for him. 


Lance races his big convertible through the streets and happily honking constantly to get people out of the way and he held no fear in running them over right now. Matthew and Antok was left trapped sitting in the back as Katie sits between Lance and Shiro. 

She's been looking scared and nervous during the whole ride, mostly due to Lance terrible driving skills. Her toothbrush and paste now held by Matt as she's been scrubbing in her mouth and lips for the past ten minutes before Shiro finally took them from her and passed them to Matt to hold. Leaving her to simple much on his tin of mints to help get rid of the conscious taste that she's been left with. And then she suddenly gives Shiro a look.

Shiro glances towards her, feeling her gaze and raising a confused eyebrow as he wasn't sure what had her looking at him in that way. He felt a little nervous and unprepared over anything she was about to say. 

"You called me your girl?" Katie spoke up with a smirk as she stared straight at Shiro, showing he had no room to escape from this conversation. She kept the gigglyness shoved down into her stomach for now as she wanted to make sure this was the real feelings this time around. 

"What? Oh yeah, that was just um .. you know, figure a speech" Shiro awkwardly blurted back as he looked everywhere but her as he felt his cheeks start to burn. He didn't expect her to hear him or remind him over it. 

"I think you were jealous" Katie slyly grinned back, rather enjoying herself as she made him squirm. 

"Jealous? You kiddin' me? Did you see that guy's face?" Shiro scoffed back as he tried acting like she was crazy. 

"Shut up! JUST SHUT UP! We gotta do somethin'! we gotta do somethin, NOW! Before it's too late!" Antok yells out as he leans forward from the back seat, filled with fear. 

Silence fill over them all again as they finish racing into the driveway of the museum of Antiquities. 

They soon jump out of the car and hurry towards the front, main doors of t he museum. Matthew taking the lead as he still remembered the routes and where to find Coran. Lance and Antok practically clinging to his back as they didn't want to lost or left behind and end up alone during all this. 

Shiro took hold of Katie hand unconsciously as they followed along behind. Steadily walking up the stairs to the museum main door. As they reach the top, Katie comes to a sudden halt and pulls on his arm a little. 

Shiro turns to her a little concerned and confused at the same time. Looking around for any signs of trouble heading towards them but finding nothing right now. Lowering his gaze back to her and taking notice how shy and bashful she suddenly became. 

Her warm but sheepish gaze meeting his own before she tugged on his arm again, squeezing their laced hands and hinting for him to lean a bit closer and he did. 

"I-I preferred your kiss" Katie whispered against his ear, needing him to know he had nothing to be jealous over when it came to Lotor. 

She quickly tried hurrying back inside, being stopped by their joint hands as Shiro stood as a blushing, stunned mess for a few seconds. Quickly coming back to his senses and holding a smugly, shit eating grin on his lips as they headed inside together and caught up with the rest. 

Coran and Keith already waiting in the wide entrance and Matt nodded towards his sister to take over the lead now. Lance and Antok jogging over to the doors and closing them once again, locking them as they didn't want an unwanted guest following along behind. 

"Last month I came across an inscription that mentioned the Book of The Dead" Katie mumbled out as she walked ahead with Keith and her brother, the three of them being the smartest of the group for now. Shiro still right on her tail ever since she slipped her hand free from his own and he had Coran beside him, ready to put in his own thoughts on the topic. 

"That book we found at Hamunaptra?" Antok asked unsure as he wasn't as book smart as the other's seemed to be. 

"Yes. I dismissed it because it talked about bringing people back from the dead. A notion I was unwilling to believe" Katie rambled back with a kind smile as she looked over her shoulder, not wanting Antok to feel left out or a dummy. 

"Believe it, sister. That's what brought our buddy back to life" Shiro snorted back as he slipped in between her and Keith, stealing her hand back into his own again. 

"And now he's going to use it to bring his girlfriend back" Matt sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, slowing down and deciding to walk beside his boyfriend again. 

"And if he succeeds, the two of them together will bring about the apocalypse" Keith frowned as he reminded them all over the awaiting fate if they didn't stop Lotor soon. 

"I know this is all meant to be a bit awful but can we also admit how sweet this is. I mean, the guy's been dead for 3,000 years and he still loves his girlfriend like it was their first day of falling in love. He's completely loyal to her. I find that rather sweet. Though I'd prefer if he didn't go around trying to kill us all and take my sister in law as a sacrifice" Lance spoke up with a nervously smile as he hooked his arm with Matt, wanting to be a little closer and more concerted with the man he loves. 

"Would you still love me after 3,00 years of passing?" Katie asked innocently and a little curious over Shiro answer. Her big, round eyes staring up at him a little hopeful and stealing Shiro breath away all over again. 

"I wouldn't allow myself to be separated from you for that long" Shiro confessed as he warmly smiled at her and knowing he wouldn't need a curse to return to her side again. 

"Someone grown smoother" Keith smirked back, purposely advoiding the elbow sent towards his ribs by Shiro. 

Coran soon joins Katie at her side as she heads up thestairs, everyone else in hot pursuit behind. Shiro and Keith right behind the pair and silently fighting with the other. Leaving Matt, Lance and Antok to walk before the arguing pair who was ready to kill each other and be ready to step in and stop them if they do pull out their weapons. 

"The plagues we have seen so far, are merely Lotor flexing his muscles. Only at the moment of Allura's resurrection will he be truly invincible" Coran warned as they finally reached the top of the stairs and headed down the hallway. 

Both Holt's rushed over to reach the display and Katie quickly ran her fingers over the dark stone. Nodding to her brother over it being the correct one she was searching for in the museum. Coran following over to them with Shiro, leaving Lance, Antok and Keith hovering by the stairs still. Keeping an eye out for anyone else that might try following after them. 

"I'm thinking that if the black Book Of The Dead can bring people back to life-" Katie  started to speak her way of thinking out loud to the rest, feeling how anxious and scared they were to be trapped in the building. 

"Then perhaps, the golden Book Of The Living can return them to the underworld" Matthew finished of his sister, understanding her way of thinking and looking rather amazed by it. 

"Exactly" Katie grinned back with a happy nod as she got reading the stone with her brother doing the same on the opposite. Cutting down the time length in reading it all in hopes to find the single bit they needed. 

"So your sayin', if we find the book made outta gold-" Shiro started to ask as he turned his head towards the siblings, making sure he was understanding what they were hinting towards before being spoken over by Coran. 

"And read the sacred incantations contained inside it" Coran carried on as they'd need someone who'd be able to read the incantations. 

"You think it'll send this guy back to hell?" Shiro asked surprised over how easy it was sounding to be rid of the guy. 

"Correct" Katie, Matthew, Keith and Coran all replied at the same time before sharing a odd look. 

And that's when loud and growing chanting is heard coming from outside,  They all rush over to the upper windows and look down outside. The display stone left forgotten as they stared towards the large, crazed mob covered in hideous boils and sores. All of them heading straight towards the museum as they comes chanted "Allura! Allura!" over and over again. 

"It has begun. The beginning of the end" Keith spoke barely above a whisper as he started losing all hope. 

"Not quite yet it hasn't. C'mon, Matt. Read like we're in Coran restricted area again" Katie huffed back as she grabbed her brother arm and rushed towards the display stone once more. Knowing they could still find the Golden book location still and save the day. 

"What?" Coran screeched out at such a confession. 

"Oh yeah, It's about time to nerd this shit up" Matthew grinned back as he rubbed his hands together before he got reading his own half again. Katie reading her own bits, reading as quickly but never skipping a single word. 

"Again? When did you two sneak into the restricted area. Those books are forbidden, even to me" Coran screamed back, pulling at the ends of his moustache as he never noticed them sneak into such a room before. 

"I liked the photo of the dragon in one of the books" Lance guilty admitted as he scratched at his cheek, remembering one of the photos he saw within a book. 

"Wha-" Coran yelp back, almost fainting on the spot. 

"Maybe speak no more over the subject" Keith advised as he glanced towards the Holt's, knowing Coran heart couldn't handle anymore of such confessions. 

"Heh. Seems like you two got outdone by some nerds" Shiro smugly smirked as he looked towards the two who were meant be so secretively and strong but had no chance against the Holt's sneakiness. 

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