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By p3nguin_i1ya

51.9K 1.3K 514

Everything isn't as it is... Everyone can be a liar... PLATONIC (Yandere! Father TOKYO REVENGERS x Daughter!R... More

Characters pt. 2
Q&A pt. 2
14 & 15
Q & A pt. 3
Copycats :((


1K 38 17
By p3nguin_i1ya

TW: Abuse, Toxic, Rape

- Also, shits might get scary or gruesome so I recommend reading this with caution (since my dark mind went on a fun trip while writing this)

As Naoto was busy packing their clothes for their trip to Kyoto, (Y/N) was playing on her iPad.

Eventually, she got bored and decided to go to the living room.

She grabbed the teddy bear and looked at it.

'Who was that? That lady from my dream or whatever it was, who was she? Also if mom is alive why did she decide to hide?'

Her thoughts were invaded by the fact she was very curious to know the truth.

"(Y/N)! Come on! I already got your suitcase and mine inside the car" Naoto yelled.

Naoto was now standing by the door, waiting for (Y/N).

(Y/N) ran back to her room and grab her bag.

"Coming!" she grabbed her phone, iPad, stylus, Nintendo switch, power bank, and their charges and place them inside her handbag.

She closed her bedroom door and bolted towards the main door.

Naoto quickly headed to the gas station first since the trip to Kyoto might get long so they had to be prepared.

Naoto and (Y/N) step out of the car.

While Naoto was busy filling the car with gas, (Y/N) went to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she got out of the restroom when she got pulled back to the restroom.

"WHAT IS IT THIS TIME?-" her eyes widened.

"Hey, sweetie! Did you miss me? Sorry I wasn't around. After you got discharged from the hospital, I couldn't find you even when I tried hiring some agents to look for you, you seem to disappear out of nowhere" Shinichiro pouted.

(Y/N) stared at Shinichiro as if he was crazy.

'I thought after the concert he was gonna be busy?! Don't tell me he skipped his work all because he wanted to see me?'

"I-I..." no words come out of her mouth.

"It's fine if you have nothing to say! In fact, I prefer you don't say anything but come on... Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving the hospital so early? So eager to leave aren't ya?" Shinichiro smiled.

His calm yet cheerful made (Y/N) tremble.

She instantly remembered what will happen if she ever left his side.

It was summer vacation when it happened.

(Y/N)'s grandparents invited Akira and her to go to one of the beach houses that was owned by the family for a small summer getaway.

Of course (Y/N) was so excited since she wasn't able to spend her last vacation in peace because of what Shinichiro did to her.

Long story short, he almost sliced her heels out of anger or jealousy.

Yes, you read that right.

Shinichiro Sano sliced (Y/N)'s heels to prevent her from leaving the house.

This happened while Akira was in Paris for a business trip.

While she was living in the Philippines with Izana and Shinichiro, Akira got back together with Shinichiro again.

Akira had to leave her daughter behind during the summer since she might get busy on her business trip.

So she left little (Y/N) with Shinichiro, thinking she can trust him on watching her daughter.

Since she did know that Shinichiro basically raised Izana, Mikey, and Emma with no problem (bad idea gurl).

So she trusted him to simply watch over her and sent (Y/N) to Shinichiro's house at Makati city.

That is until when came back a few months later.

To her shock, Akira saw her crying daughter with her heels covered in blood while the child was chained to a nearby wall.

(Y/N) was chained to her bedroom wall and her heels were almost sliced.

Akira ran to her daughter's side, asking what had happened and how did she got sliced on her heels.

"Oh? I thought you were gonna be back for another few months?" Shinichiro came into the room.

"What the fuck is this?! I just simply asked you to watch over! How did this even?!" Akira quickly rummages through (Y/N)'s closet to find some towels to stop the bleeding.

"I AM watching her. She just won't listen to me. She wanted to leave me" Shinichiro calmly said.

Akira patched (Y/N)'s sliced heels first before leaving the room with Shinichiro.

"Shinichiro what the fuck did you do to her?!" Akira exclaimed.

"I'm just keeping her safe in the house. What's wrong with that?" Shinichiro smiled calmly.

"So you cut her heels?!" Akira screamed.

"I had to! She gonna go with them" Shinichiro answered back.

"That's not a valid answer! I'm just asking you to watch her, not fucking injure her!"

"It was the only way! I don't want her to go anywhere without me" Shinichiro defended himself.

Akira angrily grabbed a plate and threw at it Shinichiro.

Shinichiro dodged the flying plate.

"You asshole! I am so close to leaving you" Akira cried.

Akira didn't want (Y/N) to die since she was so young. Imagine a 10-year-old committing suicide at such a young age all because of her mother's ex-fiancee.

"Don't you dare Akira-" Shinichiro threatened Akira.

"Remember I left you back then? I can do it again if you pull this shit again" Akira glared at Shinichiro.

"Isn't it enough that you are married and (Y/N)'s surname is Tachibana, not Sano?!" Shinichiro yelled.

"What's the connection of that to the current problem?!" Akira was stressed.

'I'm such an embarrassment, why did I even go back to this idiot?!'

"You're just hurting me so bad and I endured everything for you! I even saved you from Manjiro's and Takeomi's plans since I know they were blackmailing you when you slept with them"

"I did not sleep with them. They raped me! THEY FUCKING RAPED ME SHINICHIRO SANO"








"M-Mama..." a small voice called.

Shinichiro and Akira looked in the direction of the voice and saw (Y/N) on the floor.

"Baby!" Akira ran to her daughter.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your room? Your cut might get infected if you move around-"

"B-Bat...a-away k-kayo... (Translation: W-Why...are you guys f-fighting..)" (Y/N) stuttered.

Akira grabbed her bag from the living room couch and carried the little girl in her arms and tried to leave the house.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shinichiro calmy said.

Akira's blood went cold.

His face was covered in shadows.

It's almost telling her by his actions that if she left this house with (Y/N) something will happen.

Not a good, but a terrible one.

"I-I'm taking her to the hospital. I c-can't take care of her since I don't know how to treat her wound" Akira stuttered.

Shinichiro let go of Akira.

Akira immediately ran to her car and left the house.

(Y/N) was now afraid.

Will Shinichiro hurt her again?

Will Shinichiro keep her in chains again?

(Y/N) started to tear up.

'Someone please help me...' She was shaking so badly.

"Oi let the kid go" a voice warned Shinichiro.

"Ah, Draken. What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you that Shinichiro-kun"

"Well I'm just spending time with my-"

"More like harassing the girl, leave her alone Shinichiro"

Draken pulled the girl out of Shinichiro's hold.

He looked down at the girl.

His eyes widened.


"What the fuck..." he muttered.

The girl in his arms almost, well no, exactly look somewhat familiar.

"Is this Akira's kid?" Draken asked Shinichiro.

"Yes Me and Akira's kid" Shinichiro tried to grab (Y/N) but failed.

"No way, this could've been Mikey's kid or that Tachibana brat-"

"No, she's not Mikey's or whoever that is. She came from me ONLY from me"

"Bullshit Shinichiro, we all know why Akira left you. You just couldn't handle her." Draken said.

Draken's voice was full of venom.

As if he is spitting at Shinichiro with his words.

(Y/N) noticed that Draken lose her hold of her.

She took this chance and slip out of his grasp and straight-up sprinted away from them.

She did not look back since if look back at them, they might get closer if she looks back.

Naoto, who just finished filling up the car with gas.

He noticed that she was taking too long in the restroom.

Before he open the engine of the car, he looked for (Y/N).

Only to see (Y/N) running towards him at full speed.

"PAPA WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW" she grabbed Naoto's arm and shove him into the car.

"Honey what's wrong?!"

"Just drive!"

Naoto just followed his daughter's command and started the car.

They left the gas station.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter came out of nowhere and is very short compared to the others lol. I was just excited for this to be published for some reason. And about Shinichiro cutting (Y/N)'s heels is just the beginning of hell that (Y/N) experienced.

Also, how do you like the story so far? I do have plans on entering characters in the near future while killing some so I won't be bothered to write a whole ass side story about their relationship with Akira or (Y/N).

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