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The moment the three bolted the door, the chase began.

Luke, Naoto, and (Y/N) had to separate ways throughout the school.

The school was big enough to have a chase sequence.

So let's start with our MC.




The idiots who were chasing (Y/N) were Mikey and Sanzu.

The poor girl kept running as fast as she could since we all know that Mikey is one of the fastest runners in Toman.

(Y/N) saw a nearby door and immediately slid in there.

She quickly barricaded the door with whatever she can find.

After barricading it, she opened the large window.

After barricading it, she opened the large window

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She pushed it open.

She looked down to check if she can land on something.


'Think too fast you, idiot! I can almost hear their footsteps'

The door swung open.

"(Y/N)" Mikey called for her.

She immediately looked to her side and saw another balcony.

'Might as well try it'

Mikey ran after her but it was too late.

(Y/N) pulled herself together and jumped off to the other balcony.

A rope mysteriously appeared, giving her something to get grip on as she climbs to the balcony.

Mikey stomped in anger.

Sanzu, who just arrived, was confused about what was going on.

"...Mikey... what the fuck happened-"

"After her...NOW" Mikey commanded.

Naoto kept jumping and dodging obstacles in his way

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Naoto kept jumping and dodging obstacles in his way.

Jumping over tables, he dodged open doors, pushing the people out of his way.

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