Madly Inlove || M.Y.G

Af Princess_penguin23

535K 18.8K 17K

"You know wherever you will hide I will find you right?" ~Dark Romance Min Yoongi fanfic~ Mere

Sneak Peek
1: Late
2: Present
3: Black Van
4: unknown number
5: Stranger
6: Watched
7: Watching
8: A Week
9: Coffee Shop
10: Capture
11: Awake
12: Kiss
13: Lunch
14: Mine
15: Dinner
16: Beat
17: Bruised
18: Threat
19: The Boys
20: Escape
21: Mad
22: found
bonus chapter
23: Caught
24: shackles
25: far
26: Talk
New Book
27: trouble
28: Surprise
29: Belong
30: Apologize
31: Careful
32: Yearn
33: Mystery
34: Tada
35: Run
36: Bare
37: Pain
38: Voices
39: Cards
40: Casino
41: Abduct
42: Clueless
43: Bunny
44: Knives
45: Doll
46: Bullets
47: Home
48: Tremor
49: Dusk til Dawn

50: Beneath

6.8K 195 321
Af Princess_penguin23

Word count: 3.5k

Another update before the month ends! The book is really nearing its end and I'm so madly in-love with the ending I came up with.🤧 I guarantee you'll be satisfied with the ending.

Enjoy reading my Madly inlove readers. See you on the next chapter!

Yoongi woke up before you do, soft and slow, a pleasant buzz flowing lazily through his veins. He looks down, pleased to find you huddled so close, legs tangled with his, head resting atop of your curled arms, forehead pressed to his chest.

You breathe so gently, small puffs of air in and out that caress his bare skin.

Yoongi couldn't help his lips spreading to a smile when he recall the love making you both shared last night, how your body connected with his.

He strokes your hair absentmindedly, brushing back the small strands of hair that have fallen in front of your eyes, enjoying the feel of it between his fingers and the way you nuzzle almost imperceptibly closer.

"Wake up my love." He murmur in a raspy voice while he trails the back of his hand across the line of your jaw, drags his thumb under the swell of your lips. A slow smile pulling at the corners of his mouth when your eyebrows pull together, when you shift and stir under his touch as you gain consciousness.

Your eyes slowly blink open—looking quiet confused, the expression you made has Yoongi's smile turns predatory.

Yoongi somehow likes the way you stiffen in his arms, the way your entire body goes rigid when you become violently aware of his proximity and your vulnerability.

It reminds him of how frail you are, incapable and in need of protection.

"Good morning," he breathes, feels a rush of sadistic glee when you flinch.

Clenching your eyes shut, you hope the next time you wake up it won't be in his arms but back in your bedroom, at your home.

Every single day of every waking moment in cold sweats- even as you sleep- you are haunted by the bittersweet melody of his voice and his eerie touches that burns your skin.

"Morning." You mumble, almost inaudible as you lowered your head, shying from his prying gaze.

Almost instantly realizing you were naked underneath, your hand fist the blanket and clutch the fabric tightly against your chest in unease, your body curling to a ball in protection.

The memories of last night and early morning rushing back to your mind instantly got your chest aching as tears well up in your eyes, deeply distress.

You were raped. He raped you.

At once, tears roll down your cheek unable to held it in as you grieve silently, pressing your lips together to conceal your whimpers to be heard.

Yoongi was aware that you were crying from your hunch figure and unsteady breathing but did not acknowledge your sorrows as he nuzzle your hair.

"I have something to do in the city but I'll be back in a while." He serenely announce with his eyes close, relishing the warmth of your skin and the scent of your hair.

Discerning your silence Yoongi open his eyes and added sedately.

"Don't get any ideas in that pretty head of yours my love, You know that I can find you wherever you will hide right?"

You pressed your lips together in a tight line, hot tears prickling the corner of your eyes as you draw in a shaky breath.

Of course you knew, from all the previous attempts of escaping that failed, the only escape from Yoongi is death.

Either yours or his.

If it just you, you've already taken your life a long time ago, but the image of your parents waiting for you at the doorstep of your home, searching restlessly, hoping you're still alive got you crumbling.

"And once I found you,

I will drag your little family here and kill them right in front of you."

That morning, you blankly gaze outside as you stood at the porch with a distant look on your face, eyes void with any warmth as your lips settle to a frown.

It was eerily silent that it's almost creepy, the rustling of the grass was your only companion, thin branches of trees dancing along gale and the sound resembles your sigh, a long, deep, audible breath expressing your sadness and weariness.

You were exhausted, both mentally and physically. You don't know how long has it been since you've been kidnapped but it felt like years from everything that happened to you. It was draining and soon you'll be an empty shell.

Your vision was on the line of trees, the barrier that separates you from your freedom.

You could have ran away but you've learned from your past actions, you can't hide, you can't guarantee your freedom despite successfully running away, he will always find you and bring you back so you've given up that thought long ago.

There's no escaping Min Yoongi.

With a long weary sigh, you give one last glance at the skyscraper of trees that was calling for you to reach, you turn on your heel and return inside the house. Back to your imprisonment.

You smile bitterly.

Funny how you thought your chances of escaping will be broad once those men are gone, but just then you realize that the death of Suga is the only escape.

Even with his wings cut off, you're still unable to escape his claws.

The sudden creak from under your bare feet had you stopping momentarily as you jolted out from your thoughts. It's specifically came beneath the rug that covered the hallway.

Your brows furrowed, a quizzical look now plaster on your face as your gaze drop to the ground.

You try shifting your weight to the other foot, and sure enough, another high-pitched creak echoed throughout the room.

Crouching, you grab one corner of the rug and started to walk the opposite way with it, and what seem like a wooden door was revealed.

Perhaps it's a basement. You thought.

You bent down to touch the cool metal handle and shivered. You were having second thoughts, yet you find yourself gripping the steel and pulled it upwards, revealing another set of stairs.

As you climbed down, the only thing you could hear was the blood roaring in your ears, it was dark and cold from the lack of sunlight that it made you shiver.

Reaching your hand forward your hand eventually graze something like a switch which you flipped up. You hadn't realized you had been closing your eyes and holding your breath until then, by now you could see the faint light through your eyelids and slowly you open your eyes.

The sight in-front of you got your breath hitching, your heart plummeted to your stomach as chills shoot down your spine.

The first thing you noticed were the pictures pinned on the walls. Hundreds and hundreds of pictures.

Of you.

With a tentative step, you slowly walk over to one of the walls covered with them. There were pictures printed out from what looked to be from your social media pages, candid shots of you walking down the street, on a grocery store, the place you worked, and even screen-caps of surveillance videos.

But your eyes is pierced on the picture that was in the dead center of the wall in it's own little space, it was a picture of you sleeping in the comfort of your home, the same picture he sent you through text, you notice that the white wall around it was covered in heavy, red circles surrounding the photo and some writings yet you didn't bother reading it.

Too creeped.

You felt a hot tear slip down your face. You wiped it away with shaky hands and continued on.

He's sick.

You force your wobbly legs to move, walking over to a big, metal desk which was littered with cameras, papers and equipment.

There's a laptop lay in the center, you quickly opened it in hopes it's working and it lit up, surprise that a document is present on the screen.

"My love is finally home, she was not happy but she should be because we're finally together, she was a cry baby, always crying. She said she didn't love me, but I know she will eventually."

"She ran away... my baby ran away, she fucking ran away! SHE LEFT ME!"

You read through others, and find yourself crying unconsciously as you cup a hand over your mouth to stifle your loud sobs. Having enough, you tear your eyes from the screen and didn't read further.

You're totally creep out and shaken in shock and fear.

Yoongi had been documenting your every move since from the very start he saw you.

Yoongi is obsessed with you and you're certain of that ever since he started showing his aggressive nature towards you but you didn't know he gotten this far that he's been documenting your whole life.

He was there, always there watching you from the beginning.

With shaky fingers, you hastily exit the document and the zero bars on the bottom of the screen got you crying out in frustration.

Of-course there will be no signal, you're in a middle of fucking nowhere, away from any civilization. You thought bitterly.

You shut the laptop and breathed in and out in shaky breaths to compose yourself. With trembling hands you smoothed out your dress and shook your numb hands around, trying to get the feeling back in them.

Sniffing, you look around the room when your eyes suddenly fell on a brown envelope that was discarded on the floor at the far corner, like it was thrown away.

You also notice the medicines, tablets and capsules discarded on the ground around it.

Something about it attracted your attention, like it was calling for you and you found yourself walking towards it, before you knew you were already holding it in your hands.

You flipped it around and your eyes squint at the small scribble on the brown surface.

As your fingers trace the writing on right top corner of the envelope, you read quietly.

"Min Yoongi."

You took a deep breath and brace yourself as you peak what's inside of the envelope, papers, it was stapled, you gently pull it out and your eyes squint at the thin sheets.

It was a medical record.

The same name that was scribble on the back part of the envelope is printed on the same page, under it was a date that you assumed to be his birthday, too much older from you making the situation even more sick than it already was.

Your eyes went lower to see there was a lot of numbers under the dates of treatment, the last being 2012 which is nine years ago.

Turning the paper, the next page is not printed with words instead it was written in a messy handwriting in red ink.

Your eyes narrowed as you bring the sheet closer and read silently.

It is certified that with a proper examination and test report I have diagnosed Min Yoongi suffering from delusional disorder. It is a mental disease in which a person starts believing in false things and suffer from delusions. Min Yoongi is also diagnosed with psychotic disorder and in under observation. Developed bipolar disorder and needs proper assistance and is on going treatment-

Your chest suddenly feels heavy as you stop yourself to read farther as your mind couldn't take it all at once, taking a deep breath you return the papers back in the envelope and close it.

Suga might be back soon and you can't be caught by him wandering around knowing the tremendous you'll be situated in.

You were about to return the envelope back to where you first found it when your eyes landed on the stone ground beneath your feet, there was a small paper on the floor cut in square, you must have dropped it when you pulled the papers out of the envelope without noticing.

Crouching down, you picked it up on the flat surface to return it back on the envelope, it wasn't thin as the papers when your fingers grasp it, and it has the same name written on the white surface.

Flipping it back to see what's on the other side your blood runs cold, all strength being drained from your body as you look at the image in the photo with frightened eyes.

You drop the photo with trembling hand, stumbling back as you back away, frightened.

On the ground lays the photo of Suga.

Smiling sinisterly.

"How's your day my love?" Yoongi ask in a casual manner as he take a first bite, the clinking sound of the utensils resonating the silent place.

(A/n: Sorry guys I can't help it, he just look so hot here.)

You were both settled down on the dining table for dinner that night, across each-other.

It was nearing sunset when Yoongi returned at the house from his transaction. He immediately engulfed you in an embrace when he found you laying on the bed, whispering how much he missed you while you remain hushed, not even question about his business and previous whereabouts, still shaken with so many thoughts going on in your head.

You didn't respond nor meet his gaze as you aimlessly slice the piece of meat on your plate, failing to hear him as your mind wander back to the room just floor below.

"How's your day my love?" Yoongi repeats himself, his tone gotten more firm and comprehensible.

Hearing him, you respond with a quiet, somber tone. "It's good."

"I can't hear you."

You halt, your eyes narrowing in irritation, fingers clenched tight that your nails dug on your palms painfully, your breathing gotten heavier as red dances your vision.

Why can't he just leave me alone?

Yoongi look up from his plate at the sudden sound of the chair scraping the floor only to see you standing at the other end of the rectangular dining table with a knife clutch on your right hand. Perhaps it's the vexation or weariness overtaking you for your abrupt rash actions.

"Stop playing with dangerous toys my love." Yoongi composedly dictate, a solemn look on his face as he return eating right away. "Sit down and eat."

He was nonchalant, too nonchalant even with you holding a knife that could kill him which only fuel to your pent up frustration as you glowered at him, a defiance look on your face.

"You want to know how I feel? It's horrible." You said lowly, your clench hands trembling on your sides in agitation. "I'm sad... I'm exhausted and you're asking me how's my day?" You heave out a heavy breath as you agonizingly said. "It's horrendous."

"Drop that attitude now." Yoongi pause and utter calmly. "Don't make me stand and punish you my love, I'm not in the mood to hurt you right now."

Yet you carried on despite his threats, "I don't know what's up in your fucking head but if this is love to you then I don't want it." You were aggravated to say the least as you spat your words through gritted teeth.

That was the last straw for Yoongi as he drop the spoon and fork down, the utensils clanking on the white chinaware harshly.

He look at you.

"I don't know where the fuck did you pull that attitude and I don't like it." His voice was steady and low at first like testing a shallow water before diving but there was an aggravation on his tone, then he was shouting. "I'd kill for you, I killed them for you... I killed those who've hurt you! For you!"

You recoil but didn't drop your demeanor nor lose his intimidating gaze.

"And still that's not love to you?" Abruptly rising on his seat, he stalked towards you in brisk step backing you up against the kitchen counter. "I don't care if you feel horrible!" If he carried on, he might literally get stabbed but Yoongi doesn't care as if his only salvation was to be heard and listened by you. "I'd gave you everything, I'll even die for you-"

Yielding from the emotional exhaustion, the dagger eventually slipped from your grip, dropping to the ground with a thud. You scream at his face. "Then die!"

"That's what you want?" he asked, rattled, the urgency in his voice evident as he cupped your face quiet tightly that his fingernails is poking on your skin. "Will that make you happy? Then kill me."

It's a mix of absurd and maybe it's the adrenaline and the agitation dominating him as his arms wrap you in an embrace.

"Go to hell." was what you thoughtlessly answered, your hands crumpled on his chest, continuously trying to pull away from him in a weak attempt yet he never let you.

It started with a lone tear streaming down your cheeks and before you knew you ended up crying in front of him, your hand fisting his shift crumpling the fabric as you weep.

You're getting so emotional all of the sudden.

It's the frustration, the fear, or the desperation to end your suffering or all these mixed emotions you've been feeling for the past few months.

Whatever the reason was, it's making a turmoil in your mind and chest. You're conflicted.

But it was him softly cupping your face, drilling words which he believed in inside your head. "You have to learn by now that this is your life. You are mine and you're gonna stay here and be a good wife and a mother to our children."

You shake your head totally creep out, pressing your palms against his chest you push him away but you were tightly pressed between the kitchen isle and him.

"You're crazy, I don't want to be your wife nor have a baby with you." You tried to state in a firm voice yet it came out shaky.

You can not fathom a life with him.

For a second he was quiet, then a lopsided grin slowly tug the corner of Yoongi's thin lips as he lean down to get to your face and deliver in a leisure pace, tauntingly.

"Sadly, even if you want it or not you'll have my child."

Circling his thumb on your cold cheeks, he towered over you, with you tightly pressed against him, his shadow engulfed your whole presence as he lower his head and captured your lips.

The kiss was overflowing with possessiveness. That moment, even without words, it felt overwhelming and deathly promising.

The kiss lasted shortly and with his forehead pressed against yours and lips faintly grazing your own, you whisper in loathe.

"I hate you

Min Yoongi."

His lips curl to a sinister grin, handsomely devilish indeed.

And as he look deeply into your eyes, he said.

"That's right baby, my name's Yoongi,

Min Yoongi.

And you're gonna remember that name until your last breath."

Yoongi was gone again the next morning.

There was a note on the side table telling you that he wouldn't be present for an undetermined amount of time and that he'll be back before the day end. You were glad that he had only left the note instead of waiting for you to be awake and be aware of his presence.

You didn't think you would be able to face him after the events of the day before. You had barely gotten any sleep as your mind too busy swimming with millions of thoughts to be succumbed by slumber.

You take a deep breath and heave out a sigh, wiping the fog on the mirror with your palm, with your hands pressed down on the marble counter you lean your upper body weight as you stare at yourself through the mirror glumly.

You've lose a lot of weight, and the absence of the childish glint in your eyes indicates what an empty shell you are.

Your eyes gradually fell on your forearm.

Min Yoongi.

The initials that's carved on your skin and left a prominent scar that even how much ointment you'll apply won't disappear stands for Min Yoongi.

Your fingers unconsciously hovers over the bulging mark on your arm, grazing it as you trace his initials with a distant expression on your face.

It was the same letters swirls in golden writing on the black box he sent you, the first present.


Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath to clear your thoughts, your mind is spinning with new information you find out.

But when you open your eyes, your eyebrows perked as your head suddenly rushed with a sense of dizziness and nausea. You press the heel of your palm against your forehead to stop the pounding in your head as you feel lightheaded.

It might be from the lack of sleep, you thought.

All of the sudden you have the urge to bend over when your diaphragm, chest wall and abdominal muscles all contract at the same time and you felt the pressure on your stomach, forcing the content last night rise on your throat, and soon enough you were vomiting on the sink.

You were dry heaving, every muscle in your body was sore and aching from your stomach trying to expel content that was no longer there. Tears stream down your face when you felt your stomach muscles flexed on their own volition again making you cough up air but what got your heart really breaking was the apprehension you dread.

I can't be pregnant.

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