Stockholm Syndrome / h. styles

By BritishBums

2.9M 97.9K 94.8K

Something so wrong, just felt so right. More

Stockholm Syndrome / h. styles


72.4K 2.6K 1.2K
By BritishBums


Jane is played by Nina Dobrev ^ (the girl Harry had supposedly fell in love with towards the beginning of the book, and killed her)

- BritishBums x



- Harry -

"Why'd you kill me?" A voice echoed as I looked up. I was in the same room, locked. The walls were still concrete, everything remained the same.. Just that April wasn't holding onto me anymore. She was standing right in front of me, her eyes a darker shade. She was in the same red, revealing and scandalous dress that she had worn the day she was being dealed to Zayn.

"April I would never do that." I said sternly. But I didn't know what I could do and what my mind urged me to do.. Kill off the people that I had cared about, one by one. It was an urge in my veins that couldn't be stopped. It throbbed in my pulse, it filled every single fiber inside me.. I had to kill.

I was born to kill.

"You think about it, don't you.. Images of my blood, on your hands. Not only that, but you think about it. Getting closer to me. Feeling me." Her voice was soft yet haunting.

I couldn't tell if I was awake or sleeping, and something told me.. I had fallen asleep.

"You want me, so bad. And yet, at the same time.. You know you can't handle it. Me at your side. It's dangerous.. How the hell could you be so selfish? I'd be better off dead." She dryly laughed. "You protect me from them.. Zayn, Louis, Niall.. But what you don't remember is that you're just like them. Killers."

"I'm not.. I don't want to be." I stammered out, raising my voice. "Make it fucking stop." I pleaded desperately.

"You can't. It's simply just..You." She shrugged. "What makes you think I won't leave, huh? It's not long." She hummed.

This wasn't April.. This was my head. It's all in my head.

"You're not real!" I screamed, backing away until my back harshly met the wall.

"Oh, but I am.. Let's just say, I'm the liveliest part of your brain, Harry." She smirked.

Louis came from behind her, as she turned him around and began to kiss him.

What hurt was that I couldn't stop this from happening.. I was numb, and I physically could not move my body.

Then came, Jane. The three had kissed in front of me, together and my stomach tied into knots. I could feel again, but it was this suffocating feeling.. Like I couldn't escape.

"Stop!" I yelled, choking out my words but Jane looked at me, her eyes just as dark.

"Kill her, Harry. See her blood pool. You'll feel it again.. That invincible feeling." She slowly walked towards me, leaving April to kiss Louis as he began to pepper kisses onto her neck.

"All she does, is hold you down. Isn't that what an anchor does? Hold you down.. It slowly kills you too." She says. "Your father would be so proud of you if you just let go. Let the true animal inside of you release." She slowly knelt down in front of me. "You're drowning, Harry and you know it. April is the reason you're suffocating. And once you hold her closer, you'll die. You're dying." Jane sighed, this sinister look on her face.

"An anchor is supposed to keep me from sinking.."

Jane leaned down as she moved her brown hair to one side. Her lips ghosted over my cheek, but I felt nothing but the coldness of her presence.. Or what I thought was her presence.

"Only if you're above the water, darling." She whispered, smirking against my skin.


- April -


I slowly woke up from my slumber, immediately sitting up. Shit..

I looked down at Harry to find him panting and crying out, in his sleep. No no no.. How could I let him slip like this?

Beads of sweat rolled down from his face, as this pained expression appeared on his face as well.

"No!" He cried out, as his breathing became uneven. It sounded as if.. He was suffocating, it got worse and worse.

I knew if I didn't wake him up, it would've gotten to the point close to death.. To think these were just figments of his imagination.

"Harry wake up it isn't real!" I shouted, pulling him towards me. "Harry, listen to my voice. Just listen to me. It isn't real. Let go, just let go.'' I say, holding his hand tightly, keeping him from moving.

"Wake up, Harry. Please. This is April.'' I closed my eyes, just hurting so much at the sound of him so afraid.. So vulnerable.

This is what told me..

This wasn't right, and it never was going to be in the first place.

"Harry, wake up.." I repeated, closer to him. "I'm right here.'' I felt myself weaken.

He had finally stopped yelling at the top of his lungs, his breathing still heavy as his chest rose up and down rapidly.

"Hey, shhh. You're okay. Just.. Wake up. You're here, with me."

I jumped slightly when he had intaked a sharp breath that sounded like a gasp. His eyes opened wide, as he rose up.

"April." He whispered, his lips parted. ''I.. You promised. You promised you wouldn't let me go back there."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I cried. "This is my fault, I shouldn't have let you fall asleep. I'm sorry." I went on, setting my head in my hands.

"I.. It was horrible." He shuddered. "It was my own hell. I.. I couldn't leave. I heard you though, I heard your voice. It's what brought me back."

I nodded, as he stayed close to me, his head on my shoulder.

"What happened?" I said quietly, glancing down at him sadly.

"You wouldn't want to know."

There was a silence, his breathing slowly going back to its normal pace.

"Was I there?"




The next morning, I am immediately taken into shock as I am harshly pushed.

I made sure to stay awake the rest of the night, constantly making sure Harry wasn't falling asleep. I felt so sorry.. By now, he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks though it's only been one night. I felt extremely tired too, and I knew if I even bothered asking for help to one of them.. They wouldn't care. They would only find a way to make it worse. And I didn't want that.

"Come on, don't be slow. Niall wants to see you too."

I glared at him as he just rose his eyebrows at me before turning around and leaving. He had banged his gun against the door before walking out though, and I flinched.

I now realized there were more things to worry about now.. My parents. Everyone I knew, they would come looking for me. But I highly doubted they'd find me that easily. They were good at covering their tracks, I doubt police would find a trace any time soon. And if they did, they would easily find a way to throw them of their paths once again.

If they weren't this good at keeping these things at such a hidden circumstance? Then they would've already gotten caught a long time ago.

"Everyone I know.. They might be looking for me." I whispered.

"They'd have a hell of a hard time finding us, wherever we are though." He basically spoke my thoughts.

"Yeah." I sighed, just staring at the concrete wall.

"You want to go back now, right? After all of this. It's just too much." He said, slightly disappointed as he looked away. "Everyone leaves. That's that."

"I came back for a reason. You.. You just sucked me right back in and I can't seem to withdraw."

He looks back at me, his green eyes looking dull as dark circles grew under his eyes.

"You know what I hate?"


"I.. I see Jane in your eyes, every single time I look at you." His voice was low, husky. "And I can't help but think.. You might go through the same pain she had to go through with me."

"We aren't the same, Harry." I murmured. "Look, you said you loved me.. And I'm not exactly giving up that easily."

"You know we can die, right? We're trapped, nowhere to go. This is probably the end for all of us."

"Don't say that. There's so many possibilities. We can plan it, when they're least expecting it."

"You don't understand April. We got away the first time, now they won't bother letting their guard down. I can tell you right now, they're planning to get all those girls back.. Just like how they did in the beginning, and they aren't going down without a fight either."

"I know." I closed my eyes. "And maybe we can stop it, maybe we can't. But I'm not leaving you. No way in hell. If you're dreams tell you otherwise, you should remember it isn't true.."

"It isn't that easy." He sighed.

"I know. That's why I'm here with you. A hundred percent."

"Yeah. Yeah me too." He said after awhile, but he didn't seem phased.

There was a glint in his eyes that told me.. When he was asleep, he was convinced by something the complete opposite.


Me and Harry had slowly walked out of the room, and were immediately lead to a room. All the windows were barred, doors locked with more than two locks.. This explained itself. They were more up with their guard about us escaping.

"Ah, good morning." Niall greeted, smirking at me and then at Harry.

I stared at a blonde who was turned around at the kitchen stove, my throat going dry and my lips parting in shock.

It was Perrie.. It had to be.

I got my answer when she turned around, not even looking the slightest scared. She looked perfectly.. Normal.

I was confused as she set a cup of tea beside Niall and sat at the table.

She looks at me, her blue eyes slightly widening. I knew they made her act this way.. And she followed, obviously not wanting to be killed.

Perrie immediately looked away, looking down at her own cup of tea.

"Thanks babe." Niall glanced at her, she smiled fakely.

Zayn soon came in, smirking as he spotted her.

"Baby, you were wild last night." He breathed out as he sat next to her.

My heart dropped when they both had made out, right there. Perrie didn't even pull away, not even grimace as soon as he pulled away too.

Zayn moaned throatily, as I watched his hand go down under the table.

Niall groaned, scoffing. "Come on, Zayn. We've got guests today."

"Guests." He looked over, smirking at Harry. "Well, after breakfast I've got a surprise. For all of us."

"Gemma can't wait to see you either, Har." Niall chuckled, glancing at Zayn knowingly.

Harry slammed a fist on the table, lurching forward. "If you laid a finger on her.. I swear to fucking God, Zayn."

"I laid more than a finger on her." He smirked. "We had fun with her last night, right baby?" He looked at Perrie and I felt immediately disgusted of the thoughts in my head. I could feel the bile rising in my throat as I thought about it.

"Yeah, we did." Perrie replied, glancing at him and then over at me and Harry.

She slightly looked hesitant about what she was saying, but then went back to stoic.

Now I really couldn't tell if she was lying or not.. And who's side she was really on, by now.

"No! You did not fucking rape my own sister you bastard you.. And you." He glared menacingly at both Zayn and Perrie.

I held my breath, just completely frozen.

Who knew this would be the most dangerous breakfast to ever have..



Holy butt cakes I updated pretty quick ahh

But yeah, this chapter was whdkdjd eventful

two threesomes happened in this chapter r u srs

Miranda Sings would not be happy omfg

- BritishBums x

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