City of Love (Jensoo)

By jenchurist

7.2K 466 112

a collection of short oneshots/multishots about Jennie and Jisoo a one-stop destination for all your Jensoo n... More

Flowers, m'lady?
Haunted House
Wrong Demon
Stray Cat Pt. I
Stray Cat Pt. III

Stray Cat Pt. II

614 51 11
By jenchurist

With the rainstorm calming down into a small drizzle, Jisoo decided to call it a night. She and Jennie had spent an hour or two simply watching movies and shows that the raven liked, and the brunette didn't seem to mind. In fact, she watched in awe, since it was probably her first time ever seeing a movie.

While Jisoo was busy cleaning up and closing those goddamn windows, Jennie studied her. Jisoo seemed like she was living a simple life in contrast to Jennie. She also seemed pretty lazy (if the groaning and sighing as she washes cups wasn't already a big clue) but was affectionate.

"So, Jennie? Do you want to sleep on my bed? I can even take the couch if you feel uncomfortable sleeping next to me." The raven said as she walked back towards Jennie, all the chores having been completed.

"No, it's fine... I can take the couch." The brunette replied.

"You sure? Your neck might ache in the morning if you sleep there, it's not very comfy, I've been there before."

"I'm a big girl, I can sleep on this couch if I wanted to!" Jennie frowned. She was brave! She can definitely sleep on the couch. Alone. In the dark. At a stranger's house.

Jisoo cocked an eyebrow, amused at her antics. She simply shrugged and went upstairs, "Wait here." She quickly brought back a pillow, a blanket, and a pink rabbit plush. 

"Here's Gaji. It will help you sleep at night." The raven handed over all of it.

"Gaji?" Jennie looked at the stuffed toy.

Jisoo nodded, "Yup. Now since you want to sleep here so bad, don't come running to my bed if you get scared!" She chuckled, seeing the brunette roll her eyes.

"Whatever." She grumpily laid down on the definitely uncomfortable couch, no wonder Jisoo tried to persuade her to sleep on a proper bed.

"Goodnight, Jennie."

"Hm, goodnight." The raven switched the lights off before walking upstairs, leaving Jennie all to herself.

It's fine, I have Gaji anyway. She thought as she slowly began to fall asleep. Her eyelids felt like it was getting heavier and heavier until eventually there was only darkness.


Jennie's ear twitched.

Something doesn't feel right.

She tries to shrug it off, but the instincts in her are telling her she might not be safe. Hugging Gaji tighter, she forces her eyelids to open as she scans her surroundings. She sits up, her neck stiff and ears upright.

There doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. Jennie lies down again, staring at the ceiling. The brunette tries to close her eyes, but she couldn't. She was alert, afraid, and anxious.

She has tried counting sheep to fall asleep but to no avail. Jennie yelped when she heard something banging on the window, but sighed when she realized it was just a branch. The brunette glanced at the stairs. Should I..? She asked herself but immediately shook her head. Nope, I'm a big girl! I can do this.

Jennie forcefully closed her eyes and tried to think about something else.

I can't do this.

She didn't want to admit it, but she didn't feel comfortable sleeping alone. With furrowed eyebrows, Jennie sneaks upstairs with everything in hand. Remembering where Jisoo's bedroom was, she gently opened the door.

Jisoo was sleeping soundly with Dalgom on top of her, his tail wagging slowly. Jennie closed the door carefully and tiptoed over to the raven's bed. The cute Maltese dog must've sensed her because he opened his eyes and sat up.

Panicking as she thought the dog might start barking at her and causing Jisoo to wake up as well, she began to cross her arms and shake her head. He is definitely not going to understand... Jennie already knew, but she still tried it either way.

At first, the white puppy opened his mouth and Jennie was ready to just run back down and pretend to be sleeping, but thankfully he was only yawning. The brunette let out a sigh of relief as Dalgom went back to sleep, ignoring her.

The brunette got closer to the bed and placed the pillow. She carefully puts the blanket somewhere else and slowly slipped in, just on the edge of the bed. It feels nicer somehow... maybe the couch really does suck.

And finally, she dozed off.


Jisoo woke up and immediately felt like something is crushing her. Oh my god, did Dalgom have a growth spurt overnight, and is now lying on top of me? The raven tried to rub her eyes but realized her hands were holding onto someone else's pair of arms.

And that's when she noticed a brown tail near her legs. "Jennie?" Jisoo tries to call out, but the girl was in deep sleep. It was dawn, and she could hear birds chirping. The raven tried to untangle their arms but Jennie was apparently very clingy while sleeping.

She had succeeded and stood up, stretching her body. Jisoo decided not to open the curtains so the brunette could sleep in more. Besides, she looked cute with Dalgom next to her, even if cats and dogs don't like each other.

Jisoo smiled to herself as she grabbed her digital film camera inside her drawers. The raven took a picture of the two before putting it back in.

After that, Jisoo went to take a shower and call in sick to work so she would have more time to get Jennie adjusted to the new world around her.

Or maybe she just wants to spend more time with the girl.


Jennie furrowed her eyebrows when she felt something licking her cheeks. She tries pushing it away but it kept coming back to lick her. The girl opened her eyes and almost fell out of the bed immediately.

"AH, GET AWAY!" Jennie started to wipe the dog saliva away, glaring at the criminal.

"I see Dalgom has gotten used to having you around already. He's never like that with Lisa." Jennie turned to where the voice came from and was met with the raven in shorts and a black shirt that says Sunday.

"Sunday? Really?" She squinted. Jisoo nodded and ushered Dalgom to come closer to her. The dog jumps down from the bed and rushes to the raven as if he knew what he did to Jennie.

Jisoo chuckled seeing Jennie continue to wipe her cheeks with her hand, she gives her a tissue that the brunette gladly took. 

"Go shower first, I'll see you downstairs, okay?"

"Okay." The raven went downstairs, leaving Jennie alone in her bedroom. Jennie looked down and grimaced at the sight of her dirty hoodie and pants. She walked into the closet and glanced around to find something.

"Jisoo wouldn't mind, right?" The brunette found a pink sweater with the words Emotional Support Sweater written on it, she pursed her lips before shrugging and taking it, along with a pair of baggy jeans.

After showering, Jennie walked downstairs and finds Jisoo on the couch eating a single piece of bread. Who eats a single piece of bread? The brunette sat down anyway.

"Why are you only eating that?" Jennie pointed to the white bread the raven was holding. 

"Too lazy to make some eggs. So I just slammed some strawberry jam on it." Jisoo said, her speech mumbled by the bread chewing. Jennie simply shook her head.

"You want breakfast?" The brunette shook her head again.

"No, I don't want your strawberry jam bread." Jennie wasn't really feeling hungry anyway, she decides to skip breakfast. They sat together in a comfortable silence watching a TV show Jennie didn't really know, but she didn't mind.

The raven finished her breakfast quickly (a single piece of bread with strawberry jam slathered on is an easy food to chew), she went to wash her hands when Dalgom woofed at her.

"Hm? You want to go on a walk already? It's quite early for that..." The puppy only woofed again, insisting on going out.

"Fine." Jisoo fake-groaned and grabbed a leash small enough for Dalgom. Jennie watched with confusion in her eyes.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked.

"I'm taking Dalgom for a walk to the park. He loves running around there." Jisoo also grabbed a ziplock bag out of the freezer. Jennie's ears perked up.

"You want to come with me, Jennie?" The brunette nodded eagerly, but quickly realized something.

"Wait, how do I hide these..?" She points to the two perky cat ears on her head. The raven thought about it for a while. It was easy to hide the tail, Jennie could just put it inside her baggy pants, but the ears were a slightly different story.

"Ah, I know! Wait here." Jisoo ran upstairs, skipping a step or two and almost falling down in the process.

"I'm okay!" Jennie giggled as the raven almost slipped. While waiting for Jisoo, she crouches down to Dalgom's level and looks at him with interest and curiosity.

"You're nice to me now, right?" The brunette whispered as her hand reaches out to pat Dalgom on the head.

She smiles when Dalgom started to pant and wag his tail. Maybe not all dogs are bad.

"Jen!" She turned around and saw Jisoo with a red beanie in hand. She stood up and got closer to the raven.

"Your ears will be hidden if you wear this." Jisoo places the red beanie on her, and sure enough, when the raven gets a good look at her, the ears were completely hidden, almost as if they never existed and Jennie was just a normal human.

"Do I look good?" Jisoo nodded.

"You look great. Now let's go, Jen."


The two Kims walked together with Dalgom in front of them, his tail happily wagging as he sniffs everything that he could get close to. The brunette was taking it all in, it was her first time walking around, not in anxiety and worry, but in peace.

Jisoo leads them to the park she was talking about, it had a lot of trees and a large lake in the middle of it all. Jennie could see a couple of ducks swimming in it. As they found a bench to sit on, the raven takes off Dalgom's leash. He was well-trained enough to be able to roam around freely, as Jisoo could easily call him back when they need to leave.

The Maltese puppy runs off, having fun. Jennie relaxes on the bench, the sunlight made her feel comfortable. The ducks that she saw earlier got out of the lake and started walking towards Jisoo. Jisoo takes out the ziplock bag and starts feeding the ducks some bird seeds.

"Jisoo?" Jennie called out.


"Have you always lived here?" She asked, eyes full of curiosity.

"Yup. It's a nice place, I feel like I'm not good at adapting to new conditions anyway." Jisoo explained. The brunette hummed, moving closer to the raven. She was starting to feel rather sleepy again, must be the sunlight.

"Do you have friends?" Jennie asked, well, more like mumbled out the question.

"Yeah, Lisa and Chaeyoung. Lisa lives a couple of blocks away, while Chaeng left for another city for college. We still talk though, just not as often."

"Oh..." Jennie laid her head on the raven's shoulder without realizing it. Jisoo froze for a moment before regaining her composure and acted nonchalantly.

"We met in middle school and became best friends since. I have a few other friends, it's just that I don't talk to them as much as Lisa and Chaeng."

"You think we can meet Lisa later?" 

"You want to? I mean, Lisa has like... 5 cats, I'm sure you guys would get along just fine but still." Jisoo said. She always hated Lisa's cats, they always scratched, bit, or hissed at her... but to think she now has a half-cat half-human on her shoulder...

"Lisa seems fun. I wanna meet her."

"Alright, princess. We can go to her house later." The raven looked to her side and chuckled seeing Jennie's cheeks turn to a light shade of pink. She placed her arm around Jennie, the brunette seemed okay with physical contact now.

"Boop." Jisoo poked her cheeks. Jennie immediately frowned and sat up straight. "Don't touch my cheeks."

"But why? They look so soft!" The raven played around.

"You have cheeks too! It's literally right here!" Jennie touched Jisoo's cheek.

"But it's not as fluffy as yours!"

"Stop that! These are my cheeks, you don't get to touch them!" They continued to argue, constantly poking the other's cheeks until Dalgom interrupted them with a bark, he seems to be done running around chasing squirrels.

"Hey, buddy!" Jisoo waved at Dalgom and stood up, getting ready to leave. Meanwhile, Jennie was still on the bench with a pout and crossed arms.

"Come on, Jennie." The brunette only looked away from Jisoo.

"You want me to leave you here?" Again, she got no response. Jennie heard the raven sigh before actually walking away with Dalgom. At first, she pretended to not care, but eventually, she stood up and ran towards Jisoo, hugging her from behind.

"Don't leave me," Jennie said, her voice muffled by Jisoo's shirt. She felt Jisoo caress her hand.

"I would never leave you, princess."


A/N: At first I wanted to have some conflict but with even more exams coming and being busy, I decided this should just be fully fluff (yall r lucky). And yeah, I'll be inactive for a while (maybe even for an entire month)... school can be like that sometimes.

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