Sanscest one-shots

Galing kay DipFall

6.6K 125 31

as it says- mostly make these when half asleep like now so if I add ships besides sanscest ill say here or so... Higit pa

CrossMare: Sleeping prince πŸ‹
CrossMare: Ignorance incinerated PT1
Dustard: just thinkπŸ‹ (DustBery pt2)
CrossMare: Ignorance incinerated PT2πŸ‹
eve's apple
his own father
Goth's birthday gift~
You'll be MY daddy~
Creativedeath- shower

Dustberry: Over Thinking πŸ‹

585 15 1
Galing kay DipFall

Drug use(?)
Victim blaming(self blame)
Gore? I think?
One sided obsession
One sided attraction
Minor Sorial(mentioned)
Dust x Fell (mentioned)
Mentions of torture and murder
Yandere/obsessed Blue
Probably generally fucked up
Unreliable narrator

Use a lot of my Headcanons for Dust here.
Also this probably counts as a vent piece idk

Dust always had a small soft spot of Blue, he always made Dust think of his brother back when he was normal.... he captured the same adorable naive innocence and loved everyone... Dust didn't realize Blue would watch him when they fought, would ALWAYS watch.... turns out Blue wasn't as innocent as he thought. For once Dusts should have overthought, realized he misinterpreted Dusts soft spot for something more. It could've saved him.

Words: 5361

It's cold...

Why is it so cold?..

A shift of an arm, uncomfortable-

'What the fuck...'

Dust tried to open his sockets... so heavy...

It felt like it took minutes just for the simple task.
Forcing his sockets to slowly open instantly brought currents of pain through his skull and down his neck, cursing the killer instantly shut his eyes once more. Not that it did any good now.

His nasal cavity twitches, the smell was musty, stagnant air mixed with mold. The only smell most wouldn't instantly recognize was the scent of iron from somewhere, barely noticeable to those who don't know it well enough... A small sniff indicated whatever it was...was pretty fresh...

A few days old?...

The soft sound of dripping somewhere to Dust's left indicated a pipe of some sort, along with the sounds of soft rumbles of a water heater, if he had ears they would've perked as the soft hum of buzzing entered his skull, flickering bits louder with electricity... Possibly a light?...

All these indicated to Dust that he was in some basement or bunker.

The pain had dulled enough for Dust to open his sockets slowly once more, before blinking rapidly, noting how there was barely any light... His eyes darted around silently noting how there were only three light sources (including his own glowing eyes.)

One was the barely working light bulb swaying through the air, flickering every few seconds as a moth fluttered around and tapped it repeatedly, allured by the light. Each hit made the buzzing bulb grow louder just a smidgen, before quieting just as fast.

The other light was from the single crimson dot, blinking in a rhythm facing right at him where he sat.
Dust felt pain rack his skull once more, reaching a hand to the place where it hurt along the back of his head-

He winced-

Dust's eyes snapped to his left arm, widening just slightly as the crimson and white met his gaze...

'Where's my hand...'

His left arm trembles, his dark blue sleeve went down before abruptly was scrunched up just below his elbow, about an inch lower wrapped around his radius and ulna bones was what he had to guess were some bandages, disgustingly bad at how they wrapped, barely doing a good job in Dust's professional standards.

The proof alone is the crimson and dark blue magic trickling down the bandage below to the concrete floor. Dust stared, sockets wider than normal...

He can still feel the fingers and hand TWITCHING. He can feel the movement feel the warmth...

But interestingly not the pain.

F a s c i n a t i n g

Dust's done PLENTY of these kinds of experiments on other poor souls (admittedly most were Charas who had the poor fortune of stumbling into his view.) To understand what it feels like.

The feeling reminds him of when papyrus touches or tugs on him or his clothes, demanding his attention.

Before he can let his mind wander he forced himself to look at his other hand. Luckily for him, his other hand was perfectly intact...however this one was chained against the wall he was against. Dust silently cursed to himself as he looked back at the camera.

Staring at it silently... It's on. And whoever kidnapped him was probably watching like a sick fuck...

Ok, maybe he isn't one to talk.

Nobody's been this stupid to capture dust and not plan to kill him.

What did they want to do? Torture him?

Dust scoffed at the notion.

Staring at the camera Dust rose his hand, summoning a sharp bone-

Before realizing that nothing happened, nothing appeared...

The soft buzz that would trail his palm and fingers as he summons an attack or used magic was gone.

Thinking of it... so was Papyrus...

Looking around swiftly Dust realized he couldn't see the phantom... ANYWHERE.

Nor his voice or the sense of intense magic and LOVE that courses through his body...

'Did my LV disappear? A reset?" He thought, leaning forward the best he could with a chained wrist, putting his wounded arm against his own pocket...
Before he felt himself choke as he felt a tug on his neck, his arm darted up-

A collar?
Leaning his body to the right he (with quite a bit of difficulty) let his chained fingers slide along the cold metal of the collar around his neck.

'This is one of MY creations' he realized, staring down at the dark gray floor...

His own magic suppressed collar used on HIM?... Dust wet his lips noting the kidnapper dialed it down, so he can use basic bodily functions (I. E his tongue) but nothing else...

Dust forced himself to relax, trying to think logically here.
What even happened before?

What did he remember?...

Nothing much.

He was talking to Horror, sitting on a fallen tree in the woods near Nightmares castle. He remembered it was cold. The soft snow falling around him and his friend (Horror was so persistent on calling him that) as the much taller tank of a skeleton was cleaning his ax recently coated with blood. They were talking about... Something...
Dust doesn't remember... He knows he was in one of his rambles, while Horror(the quiet skeleton he was, even quieter than Dust himself) would simply nod or glance over.

Next thing he knew he was here-


He remembered seeing something blue and red. Seeing something flying into Horror's neck - instantly Dust had recognized it as one of his own darts, usually used for calming Killer or himself down when they're in panic episodes, then pain blossoming all along his skull...

Suddenly Dust felt the first actual emotion since he woke up, worry.

Is Horror ok? Did whoever abducted him kill his admittedly only real 'friend'?

He felt his breathing hitch realizing what the feeling meant, his medications were wearing off...

His suppressants- tugging at the chains at the realization as he felt panic. no-no- he needs them - without his suppressants how can he handle everything-

He won't be as logical, he'll follow emotions over the smartest (heartless) things. He felt pain rising along his right arm as he was pulling harder...

Not enough... he needs OUT


The door slowly crept open... Dust stilled as the soft puttering of his own blood tricked into the floor by his wrist...

Slowly turning his skill forcing his breathing to relax, he can't show weakness.
It'll get him killed.

The soft footsteps of boots entered his hearing as the light flickered...


Dust knew of the small skeleton, of course he does. He's one of the annoying brats working for Dream against Boss.

He's even fought the little fucker. Admittedly he's only alive because Dust feels a soft spot for him... he reminds him of his brother before everything... innocent. Naive.

So maybe he pulled back some attacks. Unlike Ink and Dream Blue was the one who seemed to care the MOST about others. ACTUALLY cared...

That doesn't mean Dust likes him. He's annoying, idiotic, childish - he's the complete opposite of the stoic-faced tall and slender Murderer.

While Blue seems to have quite a bit more muscle mass, Dust was more slender and lanky, if it wasn't for his skull shape he'd be mistaken as a Papyrus even if he's a foot or so short.

Most papyrus height is at least seven feet(Fell's brother is seven And a half... if his calculations and memory is right) while Dust himself is just up to six feet tall.

Turns out LOVE makes you grow, differently for everyone.

He's sure always eating sweets and deserts doesn't help him gain muscle either. He's a more stealthy killer than head-on like Killer or Horror...

Dust felt his sockets snap centimeters wider as a gloved hand slid across his cheek.

Warm breath hit his neck as a soft gentle voice spoke...

"You're always in your head Dust, it isn't fair..." Dust instantly rose his arm up to place on the much shorter skeleton's shoulder, feeling the weight as the star sans sat on his lap, looking up to him.

Dust cursed - without Papyrus to hassle him he thinks too much too long...

"What the fuck's going on Swap Sans." Dust demanded, just now realizing how DRY his throat was.

The naive skeleton seemed to smile that usual big, wide, and innocent-seeming smile...
"Come on Dusty your smart! You can come up with an idea yourself!-it's one of the most amazing things about you, so smart and thinking ahead!"

"Dusty." Dust deadpanned, the younger's smile grew.

"Ya! Though I like DustBunny more! You're just as CUTE as a bunny"

Dust already feels his headache growing...

If he wasn't chained up, terribly wounded, and unable to use magic he'd already shove this brat away.

He felt disgust rise as that small almost delicate hand trailed up his cheek in some sign of 'comfort'.

"Your eyes are so pretty Dust... even more without those stupid suppressants, seeing that purple fade is so gorgeous - as you grow used to feelings you'll grow to care about me MORE. I know it." His big blue eyes were almost clouded... faded. Not here.

Dust tched.

"Whoever said I cared at ALL", he said disgusted at the idea, blue simply smiled "you weren't nearly as hard on me as you were with Ink and Dream... or even whatever person you caught, I'm special I KNOW it!" Dust wet his skeletal lips trying to process...

"What? I never went easier on you." He tried, but Blue seemed to just GIGGLE, eyes darting to his right hand. "Did you know your finger taps when you lie? It's barely noticeable unless you watch like I do~" Dust felt something...weird...



"Watch?..." Dust slowly repeated his words, blue nodded eyes going starry like a child's showing a presentation he's been excited over.

"Yes! You've taught me SO much Dusty! Originally it was because I saw you dragging my Chara with you to your little playroom, I didn't understand at first... why you were doing that, her begging for you to stop as you watched her being devoured?... but I couldn't stop watching!" Dust felt every cell in his body, every speck of dust that made up his bones be drenched in an ice-cold bucket of water.

He kidnapped that human Fourteen months ago.

This kid's been STALKING him for over a year?

Normally he wouldn't give a fuck if he was ruining someone's brain and psychology. Hell, he'd take his time and examine differences, examine what ELSE would fuck someone's mind up...

But not only was thus over STALKING Dust.
This wasn't him fucking up this kid's mind.

Blue would've run Off or confronted Dust if that was the case...

This 'Hero' was already fucked up in the mind.
He just sat there and watched who dust assumed was his friend get devoured and ripped to parts alive by some rabid Deer Dust had been experimenting with.

How much did he watch, how often...

A voice whispered against the side of his skull "you opened my mind so much Dust...not only with how human bodies act, but how our bodies as well..." he mumbled. Dust felt his body still as hands slid South. Tracing his sternum with the gentleness of a lover.

Dust's eyes darted from ahead down to Blue, noticing the smaller was much higher up on his lap than before, Dust opened his maw as he tried processing everything happening...

He decided to play naive.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He mumbled as Blue let out that giggle.

"I admit... Seeing you practically stuffing Fell was interesting, I've never seen such things before either! Brother's so sure I'm too young. As if I'm a kid" Blue than Frowned "I'm twenty dammit! I know what sex is... Just...never seen it." He mumbled as he slid Dust's shirt up slowly gliding his gloved palms up his spine.

Dust smacked his head back against the wall, squirming back the best he could as the fingers slowly slid up his spine's front, each connected piece up the lumbar, tracing each scar...

Blue cooed against Dust's throat, having forced himself, so his face was below Dust's jaw "I'm not sure which is more addictive seeing Dusty..." he began as he reached his thoracic vertebrae. Before stopping, and starting right back down...

"Seeing you release your needs as you ruthlessly fucked into him, or seeing him on top of you as you clawed his back begging for more~" he crooned the last bit as he suddenly wrapped his hand around Dust's sacrum vertebrae and roughly tugged, forcing Dust's hips and lower back jerk up against Blue as Dust cried out at the painful tug and sudden rough grin from above.

Dust dragged his claws along the wall as he tried forcing his hips back down, his spine tinting a mix of blue and purple as Blue smiled... this one was a more sinister smirk than anything...

"It's ok Dust, I won't do anything to Fell... I know you didn't really realize I felt this way for you... let alone him, besides you ARE older than me, your around thirty right Dusty? Not including the resets your poor brain had to endure... BESIDES! That just means you're more experienced, so it'll feel better!" He laughed "I apologize Dusty, I couldn't bring myself to do the same... I wanted my first time to be with you, only you..."

Dust tried getting Blue off with his left arm, ignoring the pain when too much pressure was put on the wound... this isn't good. This isn't good. He needs free. He needs -

Something injected into his neck. Glancing down he realized it was one of his suppressants.

The deep purple liquid seeping into his bone as he felt his body slack slightly, sockets wide as Blue hums "if you start feeling TOO many emotions you'll fall into despair, We can't just take you off it all at once sadly... so you won't feel nearly as much as you SHOULD... besides, if you feel negativity you'll basically be a bright neon sign to tell Nightmare where you are! And I can't have THAT" he hums.

Dust felt exhausted, he was already overstimulated by emotions... the mix of the need to cry had dulled down significantly, however.

Dust felt Blue's hips start grinding down on him as Dust stared up ahead, trying to process everything.

This was one of the experiments he never did, not even in heat.
Rape had always sickened Dust... its one thing to kill someone, to experiment with the thirst for knowledge...

It's another to force a creature into something for sexual gratification. It's just WRONG.

Maybe He feels this way because he's disgusted with sex altogether when it's with strangers.

After all. He's only fucked two people all his life (or the other way around).

The first being Torial. But that was YEARS ago before he was even classified as 'Dust'.

And the other was Fell, who he admittedly was quite smitten with whenever he felt glimpses of emotions...

He felt something rising in him as he felt small soft now naked hands sliding his shorts off...

Fear? He didn't know. It's always so hard to think after he feels emotions and takes medication...

He heard a voice-

"Sorry I took your hand, Dusty... I know it's your dominant one I just- I had to-" embarrassment?... "I wanted to feel that Buzzing of magic that you always make, But the collar would prevent most of that...
Luckily your arm and hand had enough LOVE and Magic to not dust while I used it!"

Used it?... dust stared tiredly, blue took it as a question.

"Well, I couldn't have fun while you were asleep! And you took TWO DAYS to wake up! I guess I hit you too hard... hope I didn't cause any issues... Your hand satisfied me well enough!"

Dust stared blankly, processing his words...

"You jacked of using my dismembered hand?...."

Blue smiled like it's a normal fucking thing to do "that and to experiment what It's like to have something besides my own in me! Did you know your fingers kept twitching? I DIDN'T!"

Dust felt disgust rise up as he felt sick...

Or is that the right term?

He just wants to sleep...

He wants to pet the new kitten Nightmare got him for a present, eat some of Horror's homemade Dango and listen to Boss' long and detailed mission plans.

Probably something with getting Killer to stop stealing all the knives again...

'I hope Cross is taking care of Boss with me gone... I know Boss doesn't like it when I'm late to his meetings.'

He felt a hand start rubbing along his pelvis, exploring with a child's curiosity that makes him sick to his stomach, he can't tell what was happening anymore, he sees the skeleton talking but only heard a buzz as his left arm started to pulse...

That's when he feels a shock course down from his neck, a loud gasp escapes him, eyes widening as he snapped his head down....

He stared as his form trembled, the skeleton between his legs, pouting up at him holding his limp shaft in hand.

When did he summon?... he doesn't remember summoning...

"Dusty What did I say about being in your HEAD?!" Blue squeaks, Dust simply stared, blinking owlishly as Blue smiled "aw I can't stay mad at my Kitty!"

Don't call me that.

"Say Dusty wanna know what else I learned watching you and Fell?"

Don't say his name.

Blue giggles sliding a hand up the underside of the limp organ "I learned how sensitive your tip is!" Before he clasped his lips around the tip of the shaft.
Dust threw his head back, this time harder. Ignoring how it hurt even with the cushion of his hood as he stared up.

Don't put your mouth there you're dirtying me.

Normally dust wasn't one to care about being 'clean'. Not like Boss... he'd shower when made to, Cross thinks it's depression, but Dust didn't care...

Now?... all he's thinking is how disgusting he feels.

His legs jerked with each suckle as Dust felt eyes staring up at him, wide and innocent. It sickened him.

It didn't matter how old Blue was. He reminded him too much of his brother, too much of innocence he remembers protecting...

Blue's bro would be so heartbroken...

Dust trembles as he felt blue take his whole shaft in, and realized with a weird feeling that he was getting excited.

He hears Blue's gleeful sounds...

He feels that sickness again. How could he? Get excited like this?

As his Enemy gorges on his dick like it's a Thanksgiving.

Dust couldn't stop his left foot from kicking the air as he cried out, Blue still trying to fit the entire thing in even as he grew to full length, Dust shakily held in a scoff.

Sure he's only slept with two people, but he knows full well most can't simply take his entire size.

Fell was a special specimen...

If he had to guess Fell knows a lot more about sex than he does, he knows now attractive Fell is in comparison...
Despite his scars Fell was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, he doubts he's the first fells been with.

Not that it's an issue, they aren't exactly a 'thing' and Neither wanted to settle down, since dust physically can't love with his suppressants and Fell's need for attention Dust can't give with his own need for knowledge and revenge on Humans.

"A-AH!!~" he cried out his brain short-circuiting as he felt teeth graze his tip painfully. Looking down blue glared up at him with that pout...

Dust felt his vision blurred, so much like paps... the furrowed brows, puffed cheeks... he didn't want such a precious memory tainted by this copy...

Thank God he's a sans... if Blue was a papyrus Dust would've been worst off...

Dust bucked his hips up hitching a throaty groan ad he roughly spilled into Blue's mouth, before his hips landed with a tremble, dazed. Mind empty finally as he stared up...

Finally, silence... no thoughts, no memories, no Blue...
Just emptiness as he stared at the gray ceiling tinted with orange hues...

As quickly as the euphoria came, misery followed...

'I just....' he slowly lowered his gaze, the empty feeling in his chest only grew. Deep purple and blue magic covered Blue's soft face and in his open panting mouth... Dust stared blankly as Blue was lapping it all up giddily...

It made him sick...

Blue laughed "it's so much tastier fresh Dust! Much better than cold while you shower!"

That's it...

Dust felt something rising as he leaned to his right head down...

The next thing he knew the strong smell of stomach acid and magic filled his navel cavity as he coughed, gagging. Blue gasped worried, pulling back as Dust tried curling in on himself.

'I can't take this... I need more suppressants... I want to die' he hid in his knees ignoring Blue's voice worriedly asking why he threw up and if he was OK.

When Blue finally took the hint that Dust isn't going to reply he left...

Then came back, Dust refused to lift his head. Refused to move, So He was forced to listen as Blue started (he guessed) cleaning up his fifth like he's some animal.

He's just glad he isn't human.... he'd never allow himself to eat or drink, if it meant having to deal with this perverted anomalous to clean up that kind of fifth.

He flinched when a hand cupped his cheek again, closing his eyes tightly as he felt that emptiness grow in his chest, consuming him...

"What's wrong Dusty? I know you haven't eaten is that it?" Dust opened his eyes slowly. Letting his head be lifted as Blue frowned.

"Dusty...why are you crying?" He had asked softly, gently trailing his thumb along Dust's cheek. Dust's eyes widen slightly, but didn't speak...

'I don't cry. I never cry.' He thought... A pathetic excuse of a defense for himself.

He didn't cry when mother died. Not when father left him and paps. Not when paps died the first time. Not after he killed him himself either.


He's never been sexually violated either.... or 'enjoyed' being violated...

He felt sick all over again.

That's when he felt lips press against his own, his tired eyes widened even more as Blue pressed his face against his own.

'Doesn't he understand?... this damn loony can't take a god-damn HINT?' He felt the other trail his tongue across his lip...

He refused...

That is until a hand slid down and start sliding into his rib cage, Dust gasped as his soul was grabbed... blue took advantage.

Dust laid there feeling more warm liquid trickling down his cheeks as his left arm kept loosely trying to push Blue off, Dust felt his body shaking as his eyes rolled back feeling things he's never felt before. He hated this. He truly did... he despises it....

'Ya right, You're the one who orgasmed.' A familiar voice rang threw his skull.

Dust let out a sound, he refuses to call it a sob. Trying to shake his head as he weakly opened his eyes again...

No. He didn't. He never wanted this, he never-Blue stimulated him-

'Enough for you to get excited like the disgusting animal you are. Truly pathetic, Sans.'

Its getting hard to breath as he felt Blues's thumb push something into his soul, his thumb?... he can't tell... he felt the smaller skeleton pull his hips down against himself as he heard Blues moans breathlessly into his mouth...

Dust felt all of their eyes. Watching. Happy he's getting this punishment for what he did to them. Dust's eyes slowly rolled back as he felt tears slip from his sockets faster.

'You deserve this brother, you weren't supposed to enjoy it. But you can't even do that right'

Blue pulled back as Dust felt saliva trickling from his jaw, a disgusting line of spit connecting them...

He can taste himself on Blue's tongue.

'Proof you enjoyed it like the sick bastard you are you, damn devil.'

"Dusty your as sweet as I knew you'd be" Blue moaned in his ear as he ground his hips against Dusts, Dust didn't remember his legs being pulled from his fetal position...

He didn't remember when his shorts were FULLY gone either. Weren't they just below his hips?... he let put a shaky beg for papyrus to stop... just leave him alone...

Blue seems to have misinterpreted his begging sound...

Dust felt tears falling more ad he felt something rubbing against him, below his own shaft... why can't he unsummon? This isn't fair...

'You'd unsummon if you weren't a needy bitch, look at you, hard again. Disgusting.'

Dist shakily pressed his wounded arm against his own head, attempting to quiet everything.

His already cracked brain was already going in a never-ending downward spiral.

Dust felt something start forcing itself into him, he simply stared ahead at all the eyes sneering at him.

'Go away, leave me alone I don't want to look at you stop looking at me!'

Blue didn't seem to notice Dust wasn't there... or if he did, he didn't care at this point...

Dust slowly closed his sockets as soft silent sobs escaped his lips, feeling another pair of lips trail down his throat and chest as he felt someone thrusting into him repeatedly, no preparation besides their own excitement creating natural lubricant into dust.

A pained moan escaped the killer as he looked to the ceiling once more... crimson eyes stared back, sneering in disgust...

"You're sure enjoying yourself, did you want me to be the one to do it? That why your taking dick from someone like me?"

Disgust filled Dust as he shook his head quickly, barely managing a 'no' as he moaned drooling as large gloved hands slide down his cheek. He didn't process that he couldn't feel it this time.

"But look at how you are down there brother, it's such a disgusting sight." Dust obeyed... because he could never say no to papyrus-

He stared blankly as his own legs were clinging to Blue's waist, trembling as Blue held his hip with one hand and held his abused soul to his own face, examining Dust's very being in his hand like Dust was a god.
His eyes narrowed in on his own shaft bobbing with each incredibly harsh and immature movement as Blue's baby blue-colored organ forced itself into Dust.

Pre was trickling down his tip as Papyrus spoke again "You really are just a slut. Taking it like a champ. It's sickening. I bet you'd enjoy living like this huh? Maybe be forced to carry his young?" He mocked.

"N-no!~" he cried out as he thrashed around, moaning when Blue hit something inside him, Blue didn't seem to notice, too focused on something...

A sob of a shriek escaped the usually Stoic monster as his tongue lolled out Blue roughly biting on his soul, trailing his tongue up Dust's soul as dust let out a filthy sound-

It seems Blue liked that sound, as he snapped his eyes up to Dust... before pulling out and forcing Dust's taller yet pathetic form onto his knees, his cheek against the wall as his arm was turned uncomfortably... aching as he stared back, hiccuping silently as Blue spread Dust's thighs before both hands went to his backside, spreading him open as dust felt that nausea rising again...

He let out a silent gasp as he felt Blue force himself right back into him, sliding his hoodie and shirt up to get a good grasp on his slightly toned hips.

All the murderer could do was take it as his cheek painfully rubbed against the wall, blood already rising at the harshness as scrapes forked on the bone, his eyes rolling back as Blue grunted behind him forcing him to take more and more.

Dust cried out biting his own tongue as a disgusting sound of wetness hitting concrete was heard, his dick practically spasming for attention as Blue moaned.

Dust hiccups as he heard his brother's voice again...

"You came already? You really are needy, huh? If you wanted it THUS rough you should've told fell you slut."

Dust could only repeatedly say no.

No, he isn't he- he's not - His logical brain tried to work. Tried to explain the logical side of why he isn't like this...he isn't disgusting he isn't filthy-

But with Blue's intense pace, holding his wounded arm painfully against the wall on the other side of dust he couldn't stop moaning, crying out.

Far overestimated sexually as his hole was abused and used, even as Blue slammed in and came. Spilling into Dust's deepest crevices as Dust spasmed Blue just kept going, fangs holding his powerful soul easily with suckles, so his free hands explored Dust's body letting go, so his poor hand fell limp hovering over the ground...

It wasn't much longer until Dust's brain fully shut down, staring blankly at the wall on his right as he felt some cock force into him over and over and over. It isn't Fell, he knew that just from the movement and shape

How long has it been at this point? An hour? A day? It felt like forever. At this point he couldn't stop himself as he was moaning and shrieking, his walls being abused and used raw as the object inside him kept pumping more and more and more MAGIC into him. He barely noticed how much baby blue mixed with purple sperm (and some crimson) covered the floor as he felt Blue slam in...

He sobbed in pleasure when he felt Blue slam in once more, spilling into him, most of it just spilling out and forcing an orgasm out of Dust again as more just splatter the floor and some on the wall.

Blue finally seemed spent, having used all the bent up lust as he slowly slid out, Dust shook... before he swayed and fell to his right, a sickening crack heard as his right arm broke painfully from the strain of possibly hours in such a position, then the tug in an almost 180 turn... dust didn't react.

He didn't do anything as he laid there, his fibula splintered as the tibia cracked painfully...

He stared at the wall he was chained to. His neck-straining slightly from his chain... the chain that kept him there...

He felt blue and his own cum cover his side as he lay there, but he did t care...

He barely noticed the tears pooling on the concrete below as he heard footsteps walk away.....

Blues voice mentions something about a blanket and a bath...

He didn't care.

All he processed was his own voice in his head, the begging of death.
For this pain to stop, he wants to die. He's been wanting to since the first advances...

He barely heard the sudden sound of clatters and glass shattering. Barely registered the thundering footsteps above.

The sound of Blue's voice... Is that Dream?... he slowly rolled to his back, his arm held up painfully by the cracked bone.

He heard the door opening loudly, and fast footsteps...

Heard some kind of sound, more footsteps...

As his eyes were slowly sliding shut in exhaustion he saw a silhouette above him, a bright royal blue...

He felt someone rubbing his cheek, checking to see if he was even alive...

As his eyes shut fully he heard a familiar voice rang out nearby.

"He got away Boss...."

"It's fine. We have a bigger issue to worry about. Can you hear me, Dust?... I'm going to pick you up..."

Dust didn't reply, for once his brain isn't thinking.

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