CrossMare: Ignorance incinerated PT1

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Cross x Nightmare

Dust and the group go out to scope Dream and aink, it'll take a week. So Nightmare's stuck babysitting the new guy since his aura would give him away.
However Nightmares an omega, and his heat is supposed to start this week...

"Don't forget your suppressants Boss." Dust mumbled, his sharp claws tracing the windowsill he was looking out of.
Nightmare's brow quirked, lifting his skull from some documents he had on Killer's latest mission, the medic of the castle continued.
"The ones for this month are in my Lab, in the drawer." Night narrowed his socket at the taller skeleton's worry.

"What's with the worry?" He asked as he clasped his claws together, tendrils wavering around behind him as the skeleton stayed silent. Before turning towards him, how glowing eyes a bright purple hidden in the shadows of his hood and blood-red scarf.

"what do you mean. This is the first time Killer and I are leaving for a seek with the others. First time since we joined you." He said, despite the emotionless tome, Nightmare can sense the slightest hint of anxiety.

He chuckled half-heartedly "I've been taking them for years, it isn't like I'd forget, did you not take enough of your medicine? Your the last one to feel worried."

The alpha turned his body, foot stepping to Night to turn "that's WHY I'm worried." He growled, his pupil seeming to shift a tint of blue.
"You've been holding your Heat back for YEARS." He waved his hands slightly as he spoke. More emotion filled his voice as he spoke.

The prince let out a soft scoff, whether it be from his aloha instincts, Dust's medication is wearing off, or he actually cares it's annoying having the killer worry over him.

He didn't need alphas fawning or worrying.

"If you happen to go into heat, it'll be a BAD one...and Nobody will be able to help you or keep you safe." Dust said, hands in fists.

"Do not be so concerned." Night sighed as he stacked some papers, "it'll just be me and Cross here." He mumbled calmly.

"That's just IT" Dust stated, voice getting louder just lightly.

"Hah?" Night let out, brow-raising.

"Cross, He's-"

A loud banging was heard on the door, Nightmare and Dust's eyes snapped to the door as Night sighed "come in." He said. the door opened as a tall figure came in, hands clasped at his sides and standing straight.

"Ah- Dust, Horror's been looking for you... it's also time to go," he said as he started at the two skeletons. Dust sighed as he pushed himself off the wall, "I'll see you when we get back Boss" he said walking past the prince, stopping just behind Cross looking back "oh. Also... I left some papers for you in my lab as well." He turned the doorknob- before lifting his head "Cross, maybe you can ask Boss for some special fighting techniques, He might be old but he knows a way around a battle" he said, amusement in his voice before he left.

Cross' eyes sparkled a small bit "Special?"
Night simply hisses a "fucking psycho. Giving suggestions."

Cross turned to the boss, blushed, and walked backward "I shall get lunch started Boss" he said, before turning around and leaving after Dust.

Nightmare stared at the Guards back...


"B-Boss... You don't look ok... Did something happen?"

'It's called leaving me to fucking work and not hassling me with questions.' A sigh escaped the 400-year-old skeleton, as he set his papers down. Thank God Dust had a comfy chair for all those horrific torture methods he comes up with.

His hands slid along the papers as he set his pen down. (it's more Dusts, Nightmare would NEVER bite a pen-like the sharp teeth marks embedded on this poor tool). medical paperwork. He'd say it's a worthless task if it wasn't for how important it was to know his men's health and mental state. He rubbed a hand along his face "no, Just a lot more paperwork than I thought would be here. Good thing dust's so thorough but it's annoying to go through..." His eye moved to the skeleton beside him.

It was amusing to see the guard wear a cloth of some kind around his skull as if he had hair to hold back. As he held a cloth in one hand and a mop in the other, still covered in once dried blood. The prince turned his gaze back to the paperwork.

An annoying whimper sound entered the room as night felt his patience waning. His socket twitched as Cross seemed to notice his tendrils jerky motions, he went to the woman who Dust had been experimenting on.

She seemed to be some Chara, who knew the AU, her hair had been tugged to the point of ripping, and her arms were missing skin. Muscle visibly twitching in agony as the still connected skin was healing from the muscle and skin the flags hung onto.

If it wasn't for the delicious taste of fear and pain this half-naked torture victim was feeding him with, his patience would be done already.

"Cross." He started, the guard nodded as he walked towards the woman. He looked at some tools before lifting a syringe, examined it, and forced the needle into the blindfolded woman's lower neck, tossing it in the bin.

As she went quiet once more. Cross started coming over again.

'What is he some kind of Puppy' he huffed "go clean. I can't work with blood surrounding me." He said as Cross rest his chin at the end of the mop furrowing his brows, "why not take them to your room or office?..."

A scoff escaped the prince "I am NOT taking these disgusting bloody papers to my living quarters" he cringed at the sheer idea.

"Haha..." He can sense Cross' uneasiness. After all, Dust didn't like when people fucked with his things.
Especially his lab.

A sigh escaped the guard "if I had known it'd be like this I would've got with the others....." Night felt irritation at the idiot's rambles as he was looking at the disgusting bloody room.
Nights eyes scanning Errors file, before moving to Cross' layers and layers of medical shit...
Things about the soul.

"Can't do that, Ink and Dream know your magic by heart." He mumbled, "plus. You're new. We can't trust you fully yet, For all we know you're secretly working for Dream still" he started as he heard a sharp intake. Heard the brat open his mouth to retort-

"I'm here too." He added as he skimmed through cross' page, haunting for a second. He felt the guard's eyes on him, wide. "So stop slacking off and get back to cleaning." He mumbled annoyed.

He could practically hear the clusters sound behind him as he sighed, earning a 'YESSIR!'

"May I throw this stuff in the incinerator?" Cross asked, holding up a box of some old needles and useless junk.
Nightmare simply mumbled a yes as he heard the guard shuffling with things behind him, the sound of a drawer opening
"What about in this drawer?" He heard papers shuffling, his eyes turned over half-heartedly at the form behind him.

Old warn-out papers, so old their tinting an orange-yellow.

"These must be old..." Nightmare's fingers twitched as the sense of dread and grief washed over the tall skeleton.

"Killed in action..."

Cross had softly muttered. Night lifted his eyes to the wall in front of him, eyeing the pictures of Dust's deceased brother.

"Old workers, probably during our fights with ink and dream. And whoever else." He sighed softly "idiot... Keeping personal recharge of the dead. And he's supposed to be the emotionless one..." He mumbled.

Cross, seemed uncomfortable"should I leave them here?..."

Nightmare was silent for a second...

"Throw them." He said, Cross' emotions went haywire "WHAT?- but- but I-"

"There's no use for them." Night stated simply. He could sense Cross' emotions switching from fear, anger, grief, regret.


"....yes sir." Cross mumbled softly.

Sanscest one-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें