Harry's Worst Fear (A Father...

By JessicaRivera821

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Harry is plagued by dreams during the summer, which makes Snape feel concerned for him. Deatheaters are seen... More

Chapter 1: Harry's Vision and the Weasley's Invitation
Chapter 2: Camping, Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman
Chapter 3: The Quidditch World Cup and Chaos at the Campsite
Chapter 4: Back at the Burrow, Mayhem at the Ministry and Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 5: Divination, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and DADA
Chapter 6: S.P.E.W, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons
Chapter 8: Sirius Black, Talk with Snape and The First Task
Chapter 9: The Golden Egg, Dobby and Talking With Snape

Chapter 7: The 4 Champions, Rita Skeeter and Wand Weighing

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By JessicaRivera821

Here's the chapter you've all been waiting for. <3 I hope Snape's reaction satisfies you all. <3 I did the best I could on this chapter. I don't know when the next chapter will be conplete, but I'll get it done as soon as I can. <3 So, please be very patient with me. <3 Thank you and enjoy! <3

The next day was Saturday, as Harry, Ron and Hermoine go down to the great hall to eat breakfast. As they reach the entrance hall, they see students eating toast and checking out the Goblet of Fire. The goblet was placed in the middle of the entrance hall on a stool. A thin golden line was traced around it, about 10 feet away. Ron asks a 3rd year girl, "Anyone put their names in yet?" The girl said, "All the Durmstrang lot, but I haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts yet." Harry said, "Bet some of them put their names in last night after we'd all gone to bed." They heard laughing, which made them turn around. It was Fred and George. They were hurrying up to the Age Line. Fred said, "Done it. Just taken it." Ron said, "What?" Fred said, "The Ageing Potion, dungbrain." George said, "One drop each. We only need to be a few months older." Fred said, "We're going to split the 1,000 Galleons prize money between the both of us, if one of us wins." Hermoine said, "I'm not sure this is going to work, you know. I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this." Fred rolls his eyes, looks at his twin brother, and said, "Ready? Come on, I'll go first." Harry watches as they each take out a slip of parchment paper out of their pockets. Fred went first as he steps over the Age Line. George steps over the Age Line soon after. For a minute, Harry thought it worked for them as the twins grin at each other. But the next moment, there was a sizzling sound, then both twins were thrown out of the golden circle. They both landed painfully on the stone floor. To add insult to injury, they both had sprouted identical white beards that was almost as long as Dumbledore's. Everyone in the entrance hall laughed, even Fred and George, when they looked at each other. A familiar deep voice that sounded amusing, said, "I did warn you." It was Dumbledore. He had come out of the great hall and had spotted the twins with the long beards. Dumbledore said, "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss. Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuff. Both of whom decided to Age themselves up a little, too. Though I must say, neither of their beards are as fine as yours." Harry, Ron and Hermione, who were also laughing, entered the great hall to have breakfast. Since it was Halloween, the great hall had live bats flying up near the ceilings and jack-o-lanterns were lit and floating just below the bats. Harry walks over to the Gryffindor table where Dean and Seanus were sitting. As they sit down with them, Dean said, "There's a rumor going around that Warrington gor up early and put his name in." Ron said. "That big bloke from Slytherin that looks like a sloth?" Dean's nods his head in reply. Ron said, "We can't have a Slytherin champion!" Seamus said, "And all the Hufflepuffs are talking about Diggory. I wouldn't have thought he'd want to risk his good looks." Harry shakes his head as Hermoine said, "Listen." They could hear cheering coming from the entrance hall. They turn in their seats to see Angelina entering the great hall grinning. Angelina said, "Well, I've done it. I just put my name in." Ron said, "You're kidding! Are you 17 then?" Harry said, "Of course she is. Can't see a beard can you?" Angelina said, "I had my birthday last week." Hermoine said, "Well, I'm glad someone from Gryffindor is entering. I really hope you get it, Angelina." Angelina said, "Thanks, Hermoine." Seanus said, "Yeah, better you than Pretty-Boy Diggory." Several Hufflepuffs that were walking past, heard that and glared at him. Once they all finished eating. Ron said, "What're we going to do today, then?" They leave the great hall as Harry said, "We haven't visited Hagrid yet." Ron said, "Ok. As long as he doesn't ask us to donate a few fingers to the Skrewts." Hermione said, "I just realized something. I haven't asked Hagrid to join S.P.E.W. yet! Wait for me, will you, while I nip upstairs and get the badges!" Ron and Harry shake their heads as they waited. Harry said, "Hey Ron, look." Ron looks to see what Harry was looking at. They watch as the students of Beauxbatons enter through the front door, with Madame Maxime entering behind them. The students move aside as the students of Beauxbatons and Madame Maxime walk up to the Age Line. One by one, each student walk over the Age Line and put their slip of parchment into the Goblet of Fire, while Madame Maxime waited for them. The fire turned red and let off some sparks each time the slip of paper touched the fire. Ron said, as the silvery-haired girl drops her slip of paper into the goblet, "What do you reckon will happen to the ones that aren't chosen? Reckon they'll go back to school, or hang around to watch the tournament?" Harry said, "Don't know. Hang around, I suppose. I mean, Madame Maxine is staying to judge, isn't she?" After all of the Beauxbatons students put their names into the Goblet of Fire, they follow Madame Maxime out of the castle. Ron said, "Where are they sleeping, then?" A loud rattling sound from behind them, told them that Hermoine returned. Ron said, "Oh good, hurry up." They hurry out of the castle and find Madame Maxime and her students half way across the grounds. As they got close to Hagrid's hut, the mystery of where they slept, was solved. The powder-blue carriage that was the size of a house, was parked 200 yards from Hagrid's front door. The students were climbing back into the carriage. The palomino horses were grazing in their make-shift paddock, next to the carriage. Harry knocks on Hagrid's door and hears fang barking. Hagrid opens the door and said, "About time! I thought you lot'd forgotten where I live!" Hermione said, "We've been really busy...."

Hermoine stops abruptly as she looks up at Hagrid. Hagrid, was wearing his hairy brown suit with a checked yellow and orange tie. His hair was different too. From what they could tell, it seemed that Hagrid used large amounts of axle grease to tame his hair, because his hair was slicked down into 2 parts. It looked as if he was trying to put his hair in a ponytail, but failed. Hermione clears her throat and said, "Um, where are the Skrewts?" Hagrid said, "Out by the pumpkin patch. They're getting massive. Must be nearly 3 feet long now. Only trouble is , they've started killing each other." Ron and Harry just stared in surprised at Hagrid's new look as all 3 enter the hut. Before Ron could say anything, Hermoine said, "Oh no, really?" Hagrid said, as he shuts the door, "Yeah, It's ok though. I've got them in separate boxes now. Still got about 20." Ron said sarcastically, "Well, that's lucky." They sat down while Hagrid made tea. They were soon talking about the Triwizard Tournament. Hagrid looked excited as they were, as he said, "You wait. You just wait. You're going to see some stuff you've never seen before. First task.... Ah, but I'm not supposed to say." Harry, Ron and Hermoine said, "Go on, Hagrid!" Hagrid grins as he said, "I don't want to spoil it for you, but it's going to be spectacular, I'll tell you that. Them champions are going to have their work cut out. Never thought I'd live to see the Triwizard Tournament played again!" After awhile, Hermione tried to get Hagrid to join S.P.E.W. when she showed him her badges, but he flatly refused. After talking with Hagrid for a little while longer, they went up to the castle for lunch. After lunch they went up to their common room in Gryffindor Tower. They did their homework as rain fell outside. When they finally finished their homework, it was after 5pm and it was also getting dark. It was almost time for the Halloween Feast. They head down to the great hall for the feast. They stop in the entrance hall to see Hagrid entering the great hall with Madame Maxime, with her students walking in behind them. Harry, Ron and Hermoine raise their eyebrows to each other but didn't say anything. Harry, Ron and Hermoine enter the great hall and see that the Goblet of Fire has been moved and placed in front of Dumbledore's empty chair at the staff table. Fred and George were sitting at the Gryffindor table as usual. They were now clean shaven. Harry, Ron and Hermoine sit down as Fred said, "I hope it's Angelina." Hermoine said, "So do I. Well, we'll know soon." Dumbledore arrives and starts the Halloween Feast, before sitting down to eat. The students felt that the feast was taking longer than normal to end. It seemed like most of the students wanted the feast to be over so that they could all find out who the champions were going to be. Finally the plates were cleared, looking as if they weren't served food to begin with. Students start to talk, but they soon went quiet as Dumbledore got to his feet. Dumbledore said, "The Goblet is almost ready to make its decision. I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the hall, walk along the staff table, and go through the door into the next chamber. Where they will be receiving their first instructions." Dumbledore takes out his wand and sweeps it over the hall. The floating candles instantly went out. The only light in the great hall were coming from the jack-o-lanterns floating near to the ceiling and the Goblet of Fire with its blue flames. The blue flames shown brightly in the darkened great hall. After a minute, the flames in the Goblet turned red. Sparks start to fly out of it. Then, a tongue of flame came flying out of the Goblet. Out of the flame came a charred piece of parchment. The piece of parchment floats in the air as the flames in the Goblet turns blue. Dumbledore takes the charred piece of parchment out of the air and starts to read it. He said, "The champion for Durmstrang.... Will be Viktor Krum." Everyone claps as Karkaroff said, "Bravo Viktor! Knew you had it in you!" Krum walk up to the staff table and heads to the door behind the table. He goes through the door as the clapping dies down. Everyone turns back to the Goblet, which has turned red once again. Another charred piece of parchment comes out of the Goblet. Dumbledore takes the parchment from the air and reads it as he said, "The champion for Beauxbatons.... Is Fleur Delacour!" Everyone claps again as the silvery blonde girl stands up and walks up to the staff table and goes through the door. Ron said, "That was the veela gir!" Everyone quiets down as the Goblet turned red once more. The 3rd charred piece of parchment comes out of the Goblet of Fire. Dumbledore takes the parchment and reads it as he said, "The Hogwarts' champion is.... Cedric Diggory!" Everyone claps again as Ron said, "No!" Cedric grins as he heads up to the staff table and goes through the door. Dumbledore said, "Excellent! Well, we now have our 3 champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real...." Dumbledore suddenly stops talking. They instantly knew why. The Goblet of Fire had turned red one last time. The final charred piece of parchment comes flying out of the Goblet. Everyone goes quiet as Dumbledore takes the parchment and stares at the name on the parchment for a couple of minutes. He finally reads it as he said, "Harry Snape." Harry sits there stunned as everyone looks at him. How did his name come out of the Goblet of Fire? He didn't enter. Not to mention, that it was impossible for him to enter the Tournament since he was 14 years old. No one clapped, but students were starting to talk angrily amongst themselves. Professor McGonagall got up from her seat and went to whisper to Dumbledore. Harry looks at everyone at the Gryffindor table, and saw that they were all looking at him in shocked with their mouths opened. Harry looks at his 2 friends Ron and Hermoine and said, "I didn't put my name in! You know I didn't!" Ron said, "I know, Harry." Hermoine said, "We both believe you." Harry looks back at the staf table to find Hagrid in shock. Harry finally look at his father, Snape. Snape was looking at him in complete and utter shock, his eyes wide open in shock and fear and his jaw dropping open, unable to utter a sound. Harry mouthed, 'I didn't put my name in the Goblet! I swear, dad!' Snape still in shock, put his finger to his lips, which Harry took to meaning, stay quiet for now. Dumbledore and McGonagall had finished talking. Dumbledore said, "Harry Snape! Harry! Up here if you please!" Hermoine nudges Harry to go as she whispers, "Go on." Harry slowly gets up and starts walking towards the staff table. He feels the eyes of everyone looking at him. Students were whispering angrily, their voices getting gradually louder. Harry reaches the staff table as Dumbledore said, "Well.... Through the door, Harry." Dumbledore wasn't angry but he wasn't smiling either. Harry looks at Snape, who nods in encouragement in return. Snape, now has a look of concern in his dark brown eyes. Harry walks towards the door behind the staff table and walks through it. On the other side of the door was a smaller room. There were painting of witches and wizards on the wall and a nice fireplace with a warm fire burning. Krum, Fleur and Diggory were standing around the fireplace, seemingly waiting. Fleur turns around and sees Harry. She said, "What is it? Do zey want us back in ze hall?" She thought he was there to bring a message. Harry didn't know how to answer her. So he just stood there, until the sounds of several feet walking quickly could be heard. Ludo Bagman was the first to reach them. He gently grabbed Harry by the arm and moved him forward. Bagman said, "Extraordinary! Absolutely Extraordinary!" Bagman has Harry stand by the fireplace as he continues, "Gentlemen, Lady. May I introduce, incredible though it may seem, the 4th Triwizard Champion?" Krum's eyebrows furrowed. Cedric looked from Harry to Bagman, thinking that he must have misheard him. Fleur said, "Oh, vairy funny joke, Meester Bagman." Bagman said, "Joke? No, no. Not at all! Harry's name just came out of the Goblet of Fire!" Fleur said, "But evidently zair 'as been a mistake. 'E cannot compete. 'E is too young." Bagman said, "Well, it's amazing. But as you know, the age restriction was only imposed this year as an extra safety measure. And as his name's come out of the Goblet, I mean, I don't think there can be any ducking out at this stage. It's down in the rules, you're obliged. Harry will just have to do the best he...."

Bagman abruptly stops talking as the door opens once more. Professor Dumbledore walks into the room, followed by Snape, McGonagall, Mr. Crouch, Karkaroff and Madame Maxime. McGonagall closes the door, muffling the sounds of students talking. Fleur goes to Madame Maxime and said, "Madame Maxime! Zey are saying zat zis little boy is to compete also!" Snape raises an eyebrow at her words about his son. As Harry looks annoyed that he was called little boy by Fleur. Madame Maxime said, "What is ze meaning of zis, Dumbly-dorr?" Karkaroff said, "I'd rather like to know that myself, Dumbledore. 2 Hogwarts champions?" Karkaroff smile was slightly cold and, as usual, his eyes were as cold as ice as he continues, "I don't remember anyone telling me the host school is allowed 2 champions. Or have I not read the rules carefully enough." Karkaroff gives a nasty laugh. Snape frowns as his eyebrows furrowed. Madame Maxime said, "C'est impossible. 'Ogwarts cannot 'ave 2 champions. It is most injust." Karkaroff said, "We were under the impression that your Age Line would keep out younger contestants, Dumbledore. Othwrwise,
we would, of course, have brought along a wider selection of candidates from our own schools." Snape hissed, his dark brown eyes filled with malice, "It's no one's fault, Karkaroff. Don't go blaming Dumbledore for what happened." Dumbledore said, "Thank you, Severus." Snape nods to Dumbledore, his eyes still looking malevolently at Karkaroff through his curtain of black hair. Dumbledore looks at Harry and said, "Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" Harry said, "No, sir." Dumbledore said, "Did you ask an older student to put it into the Goblet of Fire for you?" Harry said, "No, sir, I didn't." Madame Maxime said, "Ah, but of course, 'e is lying!" McGonagall said sharply, "He could not have crossed the Age Line. I am sure we all agree on that." Madame Maxime said, "Dumbly-dorr, must 'ave made a mistake wiz ze line." Dumbledore said, "It is possible, of course." McGonagall said, "Dumbledore, you know perfectly well you did not make a mistake! Really, what nonsense! Harry could not have crossed the line himself, and as Professor Dumbledore believes that he did not persuade an older student to do it for him. I'm sure that should be good enough!" Karkaroff said, "Mr. Crouch, Mr. Bagman, you are our objective judges. Surely you will agree that this is most irregular?" Mr. Crouch said, "We must follow the rules. The rules state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the Tournament." Bagman said, "Well, Barty knows the rulebook back to front." Karkaroff said angrily, "I insist upon resubmitting the names of the rest of my students. You will set up the Goblet of Fire once more, and we will continue adding names until each school has 2 champions. It's only fair, Dumbledore." Bagman said, "But Karkaroff, it doesn't work like that. The Goblet of Fire's just gone out. It won't reignite until the start of the next Tournament." Karkaroff said, "In which Durmstrang will most certainly not be competing! After all our meetings and negotiations and compromises, I little expected something of this nature to occur! I have half a mind to leave now!" A growling voice said, "Empty threat, Karkaroff. You can't leave your champion now. He's got to compete. They've all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient eh?" Moody had just entered the room and walks towards them. Karkaroff said, "Convenient? I'm afraid I don't understand you, Moody." Moody said, "Don't you? It's very simple, Karkaroff. Someone's put Mr. Snape's name in that Goblet of Fire, knowing he'd have to compete if it came out." Madame Maxime said, "Evidently, someone 'oo wished to give 'Ogwarts 2 bites of the apple!" Karkaroff said, "I quite agree, Madame Maxime. I shall be lodging complaints with the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards." Moody said, "If anyone's got a reason to complain, it's Mr. Snape. But funny thing, I don't hear him saying a word." Fleur said, "Why should 'e complain? 'E 'as ze chance to compete, 'asn't 'e? We 'ave all been 'oping to be chosen for weeks! Ze honor for our schools! A 1,000 galleons prize money! Zis is a chance many would die for!" Moody said, "Maybe someone's hoping Mr. Snape is going to die for it." Bagman said, "Moody, old man, what a thing to say." Karkaroff said, "We all know Moody considers the morning wasted if he hasn't discovered 6 plots to murder him before lunchtime. Apparently, he is now teaching his students to fear assassination, too. An odd quality in a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dumbledore, but no doubt you had your reasons." Moody said, "Imagining things am I? Seeing things, eh? It's a skilled witch or wizard who put the boy's name in that Goblet." Madame Maxime said, "What evidence is zere of zat?" Moody said, "Because they hoodwinked a very powerful magical object! It would have needed an exceptionally strong Confundus Charm to bamboozle that Goblet into forgetting that only 3 schools compete in the Tournament. I'm guessing they submitted Mr. Snape's name under a 4th school, to make sure he was the only one in his category." Karkaroff said, "You seen to have given this a great deal of thought, Moody. Of course, I heard you recently got it in your head that one of your birthday presents contained a cunningly disguised basilisk egg, smashed it to pieces before realizing it was a carriage clock. So you'll understand, if we don't take you entirely seriously." Moody said, "There are those who'll turn innocent occasions to their advantage. It was once my job to think the way dark wizards do, Karkaroff. As you ought to remember." Dumbledore said, warningly, "Alastor!" Moody goes quiet. Apparently, Alastor is Moody's first name. Dumbledore said, "How this situation arose, we do not know. It seems to me, however, that we have no choice but to accept it. Both Cedric and Harry have been chosen to compete in the Tournament. This, therefore, they will do." Madame Maxime said, "But Dumbly-dorr...." Dumbledore said, "My dear Madame Maxime, if you have an alternative, I would like to hear it." Madame Maxime went quiet, but she looked angry. So did Karkaroff. Snape was smirking, while Bagman looked excited to give out the first instructions to the champions. Bagman said, "Well, shall we crack on, then? Got to give our champions their instructions, haven't we? Barty, want to do the honors?" Mr. Crouch said, "Yes, instructions. The first task. The first task is designed to test your daring. So, we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard. Very important. The first task will take place on November 24th, in front of the other students and the panel of judges. The champions are not permitted to ask for or accept help of any kind from their teachers to complete the tasks in the Tournament. The champions will face their first challenge armed with only their wand. They will receive information about the second task when the first task is over. Owing to the demanding and time-consuming nature of the Tournament. The champions are exempted from end-of-year tests." Mr. Crouch looks at Dumbledore and said, "I think that's all, is it, Albus?" Dumbledore said, "I think so. Are you sure you wouldn't like to stay at Hogwarts tonight, Barty." Mr. Crouch said, "No, Dumbledore, I must get back to the Ministry. It is a very busy, very difficult time at the moment. I've left young Weatherby in charge. Very enthusiastic. A little over-enthusiastic, if truth be told." Dumbledore said, "You'll have a drink before you go, at least?" Bagman said, "Come on. Barty, I'm staying. It's all happening at Hogwarts now. You know, much more exciting here than at the office." Mr. Crouch said, "I think not, Ludo." Dumbledore said, "Professor Karkaroff, Madame Maxime, a nightcap?" But Madame Maxime was already taking Fleur Delacour with her towards the door, talking in french. Karkaroff lead Krum to the door in silence as they both leave the room. Dumbledore said, "Cedric, Harry, I suggest you both go up to bed. I am sure Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are waiting to celebrate with you both. It would be a shame to deprive them of this excellent excuse to make a great deal of mess and noise." Cedric nods and said, "Night, Harry." Harry said, "Night Cedric." Snape said, "I'll escort Mr. Snape to Gryffindor Tower, headmaster." Dumbledore said, "Very well, Severus. Thank you." Snape nods in return.

Cedric leaves the room, looking thoughtful. Wondering what the first task will be. Harry follows Snape out of the room and leave the great hall, which was now empty and head towards the moving staircases. As they make their way up to Gryffindor Tower, Harry said, "You do believe me, don't you dad?" Snape said, "Yes I do, Harry. I know full well that you didn't put your name in the Goblet of Fire. I also agree with Professor Moody's theory that, whoever put your name in the Goblet of Fire, did so under a 4th school. So that you may end up being killed in one of the 3 tasks." Harry said, "I wonder who did though." Snape said, "I wonder as well, Harry." Snape turns to face Harry and pulls him into a hug. Harry hugs him back as Snape said, "I am as shocked as you are, Harry. Perhaps, a little worried as well. Please be careful when doing these 3 tasks. I don't want to lose you. You are all that I have, son." Harry said, "I'll be careful, dad. I promise." Snape let's go and said, as his eyes darkens, "When I find out who put your name in that Goblet.... Let's just say that, I pray that Dumbledore finds out who did it before I do." Harry let's go and said, "Yeah." Snape said, "Everything will be alright, Harry." Harry said, "I hope so, dad." Snape nods in agreement and said, "Let's get you up to Gryffindor Tower, Harry." Harry nods as he follows Snape up the stairs, until they reached the Fat Lady, who guards the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. The Fat Lady looks at Harry and said, "Well, well, well. I've heard a few students talking. Who's been chosen as school champion, then?" Snape rolls his eyes as Harry said, "Balderdash." Snape said, "Good night, Harry." Harry said, "Good night, dad." As the Fat Lady smiles and swings forward to allow Harry to enter. Immediately, a blast of noise was heard and a dozen hands grabbed Harry and yanked him through the portrait hole and into the common room. Snape chuckles as he heads back down to the dungeons. The Fat Lady swings shut as she smiles. Fred said, "You should have told us that you'd enter!" George said, "How did you do it without getting a beard?" Harry said, "I didn't. I don't know how..." But Fred cut him off and said, "We've got food, Harry, come and have some." Harry said, "I'm not hungry. I had enough at the feast...." Ron and Hermoine saw that Harry was starting to stress out, since no one was listening to him. So, Ron let out a loud whistle that got everyone to go quiet. Ron yelled, "OY!! HARRY IS TRYING TO SAY SOMETHING, BUT NO ONE'S LISTENING TO HIM! CAN YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN?!" Harry said, "Thanks, Ron." Ron smiles, "No problem, Harry." Harry said, "Ok everyone look. Whether you believe me or not, I didn't put my name in the Goblet of Fire. And I don't know how my name got into the Goblet. I never wanted to enter anyways. Dumbledore, Moody and Snape think that someone put my name in the Goblet under a 4th school, so that I would get chosen, no matter what. So, I'll have to go through with the Tournament. One more thing, I'm not hungry, ok. I already ate at the feast." Harry sets the food down at one of the tables and said, "Have fun celebrating. I'm going to bed." Harry heads up the stairs as the Gryffindor students start talking again. Ron and Hermoine follow him up the stairs. Harry, Ron and Hermione sit down on Harry's bed and talk for awhile. As the noise in the common room start to die down, Hermoine tells them good night and heads to the girls' dorm to get ready for bed. Harry and Ron get ready for bed as Dean, Seamus and Neville enter the dorm to get ready for bed as well. One by one the boys fell asleep. Harry was the last one to fall asleep, his last thought before falling asleep, was about who put his name in the Goblet of Fire and why. Harry and Ron wake up the next day and get dressed. They meet up with Hermoine and head down to the great hall for breakfast. All the while, reassuring Harry that everything was going to be ok. They even agree with Harry that Moody was right. Someone put his name in the Goblet. The question was why? They enter the great hall and sit at the Gryffindor table. They eat breakfast and go for a walk. Hermoine said, "Maybe you should let Sirius know what's going on." Harry said, "No, I'm sure he'll find out either way. I mean he reads the daily prophet anyways. I rather talk to my dad about it, since he's good at figuring stuff out." They head up to the owlery to visit Hedwig. Hedwig flies down to Harry. Harry pets Hedwig and gives her owl treats. After 30 minutes, they head back up to the castle to enjoy the rest of their day. By the next day, Harry thought that everyone would get used to him being champion. Apparently not. It was pretty clear that everyone else thought that he had entered the Tournament. Unlike the Gryffindors though, they weren't happy about it. Hufflepuffs normally got along with the Gryffindors, but now they became cold towards them. Just one Herbology class was enough to prove this. It was plain to see that the Hufflepuffs felt that Harry stole their champion's glory. It must have stemmed from the fact that Hufflepuff house rarely got any glory. And the only time they received glory was when Diggory won the Quidditch match against Gryffindor last year. In their Herbology class, Ernie Macmillan and Justin Finch-Fletchley, whom Harry usually got along with, never talked to him. Even though they were all at the same table repotting Bouncing Bulbs. They did laugh rudely, however, when one of the bouncing bulbs wriggled free from Harry's hand and smacked him hard in the face. Ron told them to shut up and to piss off, which Harry was grateful for. After Herbology, they made their way to Care of Magical Creatures down at Hagrid's hut. Harry would have been looking forward to seeing Hagrid on a normal day, but Care of Magical Creatures was always with the Slytherins. As usual, Mafloy arrived with the usual smirk on his face. Malfoy said, "Ah, look boys, it's the champion. Got your autograph books? Better get a signature now, because I doubt he's going to be around much longer. Half the Triwizard Champions have died. How long do you reckon you're going to last Snape? 10 minutes into the first task is my bet." Crabbe and Goyle laugh as Ron said, "Shut up, Malfoy!" Crabbe and Goyle clenched their fists, glaring at Ron. Before Malfoy could say anything, Hagrid came out from the back of the hut, carrying a tower of crates. Each one had one large Blast-Ended Skrewt in it. Hagrid set the crates down on the ground and said, "I think the reason why these Skrewts are killing each other, is because of excess pent up energy. So, to fix that, each one of you will fix a leash on a blast-ended skrewts and take it for a short walk." Malfoy said, "Take this thing for a walk? And where exactly are we supposed to fix the leash? Around the sting, the blasting end or the sucker?" Hagrid said, "Round the middle. You might want to put on your dragon-hide gloves, just as an extra precaution." Hagrid looks over at Harry, and realizes that Harry needs someone to talk to, so he said, "Harry, come here and help me with this big one." Once everyone⁰ started walking the skrewts, Hagrid said, "So, you're competing, Harry. In the Tournament. School champion." Harry sighs, "One of the champions." Hagrid looks anxious as he said, "No idea who put you in for it, Harry?"

Harry looks in surprise at Hagrid as he said, "You believe I didn't do it then?" Hagrid said, "Course I do. You say it wasn't you, and I believe you. Dumbledore believes you and all." Harry felt such a big relief to hear Hagrid say that. Harry said, "I wish I knew who did do it." Hagrid and Harry watched the entire class walk the skrewts. They were were all over the place. The skrewts now look as if they have a grayish-looking armor. They were much stronger now and were harder to control. Hagrid said, "Looks like they're having fun, don't they?" Harry assumed he was talking about the skrewts, because his classmates certainly weren't having any fun. Every now and then, with a loud bang, a skrewt's back end would explode, making them shoot forward a few yards. Which ended up dragging the students on their stomachs, as they try to get back to their feet. Hagrid said, as he looks at Harry, "Ah, I don't know, Harry, school champion.... Everything seems to happen to you, doesn't it?" Harry nods. Everything did seem to always happen to him. The next several days were some of Harry's Worst days at Hogwarts. He could understand Hufflepuff's attitude with him being champion. And he expected nothing less from the Slytherins. He hoped that the Ravenclaws would understand, but he was wrong. Most of the Ravenclaws seemed to think that he was desperate for more fame. Trelawney was feeling more certain about her predictions about Harry's death, and he did so badly at Summoning Charms that he was given extra homework by Flitwick. Hermione said, "It's not that hard, Harry. You just weren't concentrating properly." Harry said bitterly, "I wonder why...." Ron said, "Not that easy when most of the school hates you and thinks you enter the Tournament." Harry sighs and said, "Nevermind, Double Potions to look forward to this afternoon." Harry always enjoyed Potions. Even if he had Potions with the Slytherins. So, when they arrived at the Potions classroom, the Slytherins were already there, waiting outside the classroom door. Each one of them were wearing a badge, which all had the same message, with the letters glowing red: SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY-THE REAL HOGWARTS CHAMPION! Malfoy said, "Like them, Snape? And this isn't all they do, look?" Malfoy presses his badge, which made the message disappear. Only to be replaced with another message, with the letters glowing green: HARRY SNAPE STINKS! The Slytherins laughed as they each press their badges. Harry starts to get red in the face out of anger. Ron said, "Shut up, Malfoy!" Hermoine said, "Oh, very funny, really witty." Malfoy said, "Want one Granger? I've got loads. But don't touch my hand. I've just washed it, you see, and I don't want a mudblood sliming it up." Harry had enough. He takes out his wand and points it at Mafloy. Hermione and Ron said, "Harry!" Malfoy said as he takes out his own wand and points it at him, "Go on then, Snape. You're dad's not here to look after you now. Do it, if you've got the guts." For a second, they looked at each other, then at the same time, they both shouted. Harry said, "Furnunculus!" Malfoy said. "Densaugeo!" Harry's spell hit Goyle in the face. Malfoy's spell hit Hermoine. Ugly boils were appearing on Goyle's nose. Ron said, "Hermoine!" Ron pulls her hands away from her face to reveal that her 2 front teeth were growing past her lips. Snape arrives as he said, "What's all this noise about?" Snape sees Hermoine's teeth and Goyle's nose. Snape looks at Harry and said, "What happened?" Harry said, as he points to the Slytherins, "They are wearing these badges that said that I stink and would change to say that Diggory is the real champion. Then Malfoy offered to give one to Hermoine, but he told her not to touch him, because he didn't wanted, um Mudlood filth on his hand." Snape's lips tighten as he continues to listen. He hated it when anyone said that word, "Well, you know how I hate hearing that word, so I retaliated. I know I shouldn't have, but he was going to attack me, so I had no choice. We fired spells at each other at the same time and my spell hit Goyle, while Malfoy's spell it Hermoine. Malfoy started the fight first, sir." Snape looks at Malfoy and said, somewhat coldly, "Give me your badge." Malfoy reluctantly hands over his Harry Snape Stink Badge. Snape looks at the other Slytherins and said in the same tone, "Give me the badges, all of you." The rest of the Slytherins gave him their badges. Snape looks at Goyle and simply said, "Hospital Wing, Mr. Goyle." Goyle left for the hospital wing as Snape looks at Hermoine. Her teeth have now grown past her chin. Snape said, "You as well, Miss. Granger." Hermoine, who was crying, said, "Thank you, Professor." Hermoine left for the hospital wing. Malfoy said, "I was just showing off the badges, sir." Snape said coldly to Malfoy, "That would have been fine, if it wasn't insulting Mr. Snape. Furthermore, "continues Snape, before Malfoy could interupt, "I have told you time and time again, not to use that degrading word about muggleborns, but you continue to use it. 10 points from Slytherin and a week's worth of detention with me. It will not be a pleasant experience, I can assure you." Malfoy goes quiet. Snape said, "Both of you, put away your wands." They put their wands away as Snape said, "I expected better from my Slytherins." Snape opens the door and said, "Inside." Harry sighs as they all go inside. Snape pockets the badges and follows them inside. They take their seats as Snape shuts the door. Harry and Ron sat together at the back of the classroom as usual. Snape starts his lesson with a lecture as he said, "Antidotes. You should all have prepared your recipes now. I want you to brew them carefully. Then we will be selecting someone on whom to test one on." Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Snape said, "Enter." It was Colin Creevey. He enters the classroom and walks up to Snape. Snape said, "Yes?" Colin said, "Please sir, I'm supposed to take Harry upstairs. Mr. Bagman wants him. All the champions have to go see him." Snape said, "Very well. Your excused, Mr. Snape." Harry said, "Yes sir." He put his things away and follows Colin out of the classroom. Colin said, "It's amazing, isn't it? You being champion?" Harry said in a monotone voice, "Yeah, really amazing." Harry then said, "What do they want photos for, Colin?" Colin said, "The Daily Prophet I think." Harry sighs and said, "Great. Exactly what I need. More publicity." They reach the door as Colin said, "Good luck!" Colin walks back to class as Harry knocks on the door and enters. The classroom was fairly small. The desks and chairs were pushed to the back of room. 3 of the desks were placed end to end. Ludo Bagman was sitting in one of them, talking to a witch that was wearing magneta robes. Krum was standing in a corner looking around. Cedric and Fleur were talking to each other. Bagman sees Harry and said, "Ah, here he is! Champion number 4! In you come, Harry, in you come. Nothing to worry about. It's just the Wand Weighing ceremony. The rest of the judges will be here in a moment." Harry said, "Wand Weighing?" Bagman said, "We have to check that your wands are fully functional. No problems, you know. As they are your most important tools in the tasks ahead. The expert is upstairs now with Dumbledore. Then, there's going to be a little photo shoot. This is Rita Skeeter. She's doing a small piece on the Tournament for the Daily Prophet." Skeeter said, "Maybe not that small, Ludo." Her blonde hair had tight blonde curls and she was wearing a pair of jeweled glasses. Her 2 inch nails was holding a crocodile-skin handbag. Skeeter said, "I wonder if I could have a word with Harry before we start? The youngest champion you know. To add a bit of color?" Bagman said, "Of course. That is if Harry has no objections."

Before Harry could say anything, Skeeter said, "Lovely." Then she grabs Harry and takes him out of the room. She said as she leads him into a broom closet, "We don't want to be in there with all that noise. Ah, this is nice and cozy." Harry sits on a cardboard box while Skeeter sits on an upturned bucket. She opens her crocodile-skin handbag and takes out some candles, lights them and makes them float in the air with her wand. Skeeter said, "You won't mind, Harry, if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill? It leaves me free to talk to you normally." Harry said, "A what?" Skeeter smiles as she takes out a long acid-green quill and a roll of parchment. She stretches out the parchment between them and sets her quill on its tip onto the parchment. It stands there on its tip, waiting. Skeeter said, "So, Harry, what made you decide to enter the Triwizard Tournament?" Harry said, "I didn't enter the Tournament I don't know how my name got into the Goblet of Fire." The quill starts to write. Skeeter said, "How do you feel about the task ahead? Excited? Nervous?" Harry said, "I don't know, nervous I guess." Skeeter said, "Champions have died in the past, haven't they? Have you thought about that at all?" Harry said, "Well, they said it's going to be a lot safer this year." Skeeter said, "Of course, you've looked death in the face before, haven't you? How would you say that's affected you?" Harry said, "I don't know." Skeeter said, "If your parents were still alive, how do you think they'd feel if they knew you were competing in the Triwizard Tournament? Proud? Worry? Angry?" Harry said, "I don't know. Worried, I guess." Harry looks down to see that the quill had just written:

Tears fill those startlingly green eyes as our conversation turns to the parents he can barely remember.

Harry said loudly, "I have not got tears in my eyes!" Before Skeeter could ask another question, the door opens and light fills the closet. Skeeter quickly puts the quill and parchment in her handbag. Harry saw Dumbledore standing there looking at them. Skeeter said, "Dumbledore!" Skeeter stand up and said, "How are you? I hope you saw my piece over the summer about the International Confederation of Wizards' Conference?" Dumbledore said, "Enchantingly nasty. I particularly enjoyed your description of me as an obsolete dingbat." Skeeter said, "I was just making the point that some of your ideas are a little old-fashioned, Dumbledore. Many wizards in the street...." Dumbledore said, "I will be delighted to hear the reasoning behind the rudeness, Rita. But I'm afraid we will have to discuss the matter later. The Weighing of the Wands is about to begin, and it cannot take place if one of our champions is hidden in a broom closet." Glad and relieved to get away from Skeeter, Harry quickly returns to the small classroom. The other 3 champions were sitting in the chairs. Harry looks over at the 3 tables and see that Madame Maxime, Karkaroff, Mr. Crouch, and Bagman were already sitting at the table. Skeeter sits in the corner and takes out her quill and parchment. Dumbledore said as he takes his place at the table, "May I introduce Mr. Ollivander? He will be checking your wands to ensure that they are in good condition before the Tournament." Ollivander said, "Mademoiselle Delacour, could we have you come forward first, please?" Fleur walks over to Ollivander and hands him her wand. Ollivander twirls the wand like a baton and makes the wand emit pink and gold sparks. Ollivander said, "Hmmmm.... Yes, 9 1/2 inches, inflexible, rosewood, and containing.... Dear me...." Fleur said, "An 'air from ze 'ead of a Veela. One of grandmuzzer's" Ollivander said, "Yes. Yes, I never used Veela hair myself, of course. I find it makes for rather temperamental wands. However, to each his own, and if this suits you." Ollivander checked for scratches or bumps, then said, "Orchideous!" A bunch of flowers burst from the wand. Ollivander takes the flowers and said, "Very well, very well, it's in fine working order." He hands the flowers to Fleur and hands her back her wand. Ollivander said, "Mr. Diggory, your next." Ollivander looks at Diggory's wand and said, "Ah, now this is one of mine, isn't it? Yes, I remember it well. Containing a single hair from the tail of a particularly fine male unicorn. Must have been 17 hands. Nearly gored me with his horn after I plucked it from his tail. 12 1/4 inches long. Made of ash. Pleasantly springy. It's in fine condition. You treat it regularly?" Diggory said, "Polished it last night." Harry sees that his wand had fingerprints all over it, so he quickly cleans it with his robes as best as he can. Ollivander makes streams of silvery smoky rings come out of Diggory's wand. He hands the wand back to Diggory saying that it was in very good condition, then said, "Mr. Krum, if you please." Krum goes to him and hands his wand to him. Ollivander said, "Hmmm. This is a Gregorovitch creation, if I'm very much mistaken. A fine wand maker, though the styling is never quite what I.... However...." Ollivander continues, "Yes. Hornbeam and Dragon Heartstring?" Krum nods. Ollivander continues, "Rather thicker than one usually sees. Quite rigid. 10 1/4 inches." Ollivander flicks the wand and said, "Avis!" Birds flew out of the wand and through an open window. Ollivander said, "Good." He hands the wand back to Krum. Ollivander said, "Which leaves, Mr. Harry Snape." Harry hands his wand over to Ollivander. Ollivander said, "Aaaah yes. Yes, yes, yes. How well I remember." Harry remembers, too. Ollivander spent more time examining his wand, before making a fountain of wine come out of Harry's wand. He hands Harry his wand, declaring that the wand was in perfect condition. Dumbledore said, "Thank you all. You may go back to your lessons now. Or perhaps just go down to the great hall for dinner, as lessons are about to end." Bagman said, "Photos, Dumbledore, photos! All the champions and judges! What do you think, Rita!" Skeeter said, "Yes, let's do those first. And then perhaps some individual shots." It took a long time for the photographer to finish taking the photos. Finally, they were free to go. Harry went down to the great hall for dinner. Hermoine wasn't there. He figured she would still be in the hospital wing. Harry sits with Ron and eats dinner as they talked about the day and wondered how Hermoine was doing in the hospital wing. Harry also lets Ron know that Fleur was indeed a veela. After they finish their dinner, they head up to Gryffindor Tower and did their homework. After they finished their homework and put it away. They head up to their dorm and got ready for bed, thinking of what tomorrow was going to bring.

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