Why start at the beginning? (...

By Luvmeharderthanever

30 0 0

Why does every story have to start at the beginning? The introductions, the boringness of it all, haven't we... More

The Middle

30 0 0
By Luvmeharderthanever

The sound of the wind filling my sails, the bustling of my crew, the smell of the ocean. This was the life, or at least it would be if we had had a smooth get-a-way. Canon fire practically interrupted every thought I had as me and my crew tried desperately to fight back the marines. Fish Food, I liked to call them. One shot went over my deck, crashing into the ocean on the other side. These bait breathers were trying to take out my mast!

"That's it!" I yelled, making my way to the back of my ship, as close to the enemy as I could. I pulled my sword out and took a deep breath, I could practically feel my crew take one as well. This had to be perfectly aimed, if I missed we may not have another shot like this. Three ships, perfectly set up in a triangle. That was the most aggressive set-up for an open sea assault after all. However, it was also defenseless if you're precise and well, me.

"Cut cut... Double strike!" I swung my blade in a fluid well-aimed swing. First a blue shockwave raced towards the naval fleet, then a split second later the second blue wave chased after. The first wave knocked the lead ship into line with the other two, the second one cut into the front of their ships, mangling the metal in an irreparable manner. Water began to fill their ships and the frantic orders and shouts could be heard on my own. I, (Y/N), have finally done it again, though now I definitely needed to sit down. Attacks of that magnitude always left me feeling drained and downright tired. I do my best to avoid using them but that fleet had gotten on my final nerve. They were getting better at that. I let myself fall onto the deck and took the moment of shocked silence from my crew to rest my eyes. Of course, on a pirate ship, silence never lasted long.

"WAY TO GO CAPTAIN!" Some one shouted, which set off a chain of excited shouts and cheers from everyone else. It sounded like Kiyo had started the screaming contest, not that I didn't enjoy the praise. I did wish that they had gave me just thirty more seconds before my right hand helped me to my feet again. Kiyo, my first mate and biggest nuisance pulled my up from my resting place.

"You feeling alright, Cap'n?" She asked, concern filling her excited expression.

"'Course. Just another Wednesday afternoon for me." I gave her a grin, to which her concerned face got worse.

"It's... Friday, Captain..." She said cautiously. Friday, huh? Davey Jones' locker this entire heist had me more confused than I thought.

"Ok... maybe a nap wouldn't hurt." I admitted with a sigh. She nodded, helping me to my quarters. Once inside I flopped onto my bed and looked over to her. "Kiyo-" I started but she beat me to the punch.

"Add up the loot, set course for the third furthest island, keep the crew from keeling over and watch for other pirates. Wake you if anything, and you mean anything, goes wrong. Not my first rodeo, Cap'n" She said as she looked over my maps, marking something in her own. I laughed.

"You know me better than I know myself sometimes." I remarked, Kiyo responded with a wink as she left my room. I listened for a while. The waves crashing against the wood of my ship, the nonsensical murmurs of my crew, the cacophony of a pirates ship was never dull nor quiet. My mind always began to wander at times like these. For starters, it wander to just hours prior, the heist we just pulled. Pirates have always been known as murders, thieves, and run-a-ways. Who were the Iron Sword pirates? Just that. We stopped at a rather rich island, helped ourselves at the varies bars for a few days, stocked up real nicely on supplies, and right at the end, we stole every jewel, coin, and bar of golf in the bank, robbed them blinder then mice. Then, it wandered even further back, from hours to days to weeks and then years. I hated thinking about way back then. I closed my eyes and tried my best to think about other things, it must've worked because the next thing I knew it was dark outside. I took a deep breath, trying to convince myself that I never woke up in the first place. Yet...

"Damned stomach." I muttered, irritated at my own hunger. I stood stretching once I did. I made my way to our kitchen, it wasn't far from my quarters. I looked out to the deck as I walked, noticing some thing off. I forgot the food, for now, and made my way towards the open area. The stars shone brightly, Kiyo was right, these are Friday stars, not Wednesday's. However, what concerned me was sitting on my figurehead, the bull with a saber in his mouth at the front of my ship. It seemed to be a bird of some kind, but I could barely tell some of them apart. It was practically staring at me. It must've decided I was taking too long to get to it because it glided to meet me halfway. It hopped a couple of times, as if to show me the paper tied to it's left leg. This- this was weird right? I knelt down, taking the message. The bird yelled at me then flew away.

"Thank you?" I mumbled after its retreating figure. There's no way this message is for me right? I don't even know someone who knows how to use carrier... seagulls? I'm assuming that was a seagull. I looked to the paper in my hand. I should open this in my quarters, just in case this was a declaration of battle or death threat or who knows. On the way there I picked up an apple from the kitchen. I was definitely hungrier than this but this took priority. I took a bite of it as I sat at my desk, overflowing with maps and quests. Gently I opened the curled paper, and nearly choked on the apple.

"SHANKS!" I yelled in anger slamming the note to my desk. I hadn't read it yet, but that signature was unmistakable. Red Haired Shanks, Buggy, and myself had been apart of the same crew, it felt like eons ago. Shanks however left when times got rough and that... stretchy boy had claimed Shanks taught him everything he knows. I did not like straw hat, for the sole reason he left my crew in shambles. It took weeks to get everyone out of prison after his stunt. That straw hat he wore during it, only made me angrier at Shanks betrayal. Buggy wasn't off my dislike list either. The memory of that night made me shake with rage. I took a deep breath and slowly sat back down in my chair. For a few moments I stared at the note, the words were visible but I wasn't reading them yet. I tapped my fingers in focused thought. I let out a small growl and picked up the note again. As it turned out, it was addressed to me.

"Captain (Y/N) (L/N),
     You seem to be someone I once knew! I've decided that it has been far too long since me you and, Buggy have seen each other. Next Thursday I'll be on the Dawn island, a home away from home for me. If you're wanting to have a stroll down nostalgia lane, swing on by. I sent an invitation to our very own rede nosed clown. Heres to hoping!
Captain of The Red-Haired Pirates,

I let out a small laugh, this a-hole. He was the type to invite someone who could very well want him dead to a nostalgic retreat. 

"We'll see Shanks. We'll see." I threw the paper back to my desk and stood. I want food. 

(Word Count: 1344)

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