The prince and the servant (K...

By Chlomagic

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Sapnap is the prince or soon to be king. Karl is one of the servants at the castle. What will happen after th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Important a/n
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

270 10 17
By Chlomagic

Trigger warnings: swearing, mentions of dead people

Sapnap's pov
Fuck here goes nothing. "Sapnap we need to talk about Emma," Why is she all calm. "What about her," "Well we were thinking that maybe you two should try and be friends," "Friends FUCKING FRIENDS. MOTHER SHE MADE KAR CRY. SHE FUCKING FORCED ME TO KISS HER AND YOU WANT US TO BE FRIENDS. Sorry about the yelling mother but I will not be friends with that bitch who made my boyfriend cry,"

My mother had gone quiet. "Well thank you for telling me that Sapnap but I want you to still try and become friends with her maybe even lover and break up with that Karl boy," I stood there frozen. What happened to my mother. She was so supportive but now she wants me to date Emma. "NO IM NOT DOING ANYTHING WITH HER!" "SAPNAP I AM YOUR MOTHER AND YOU LISTEN TO ME YOU DATE WHO I TELL YOU TO AND YOU LISTEN TO ME!" My mother never yells. "Auntie Jackie what did you do to my mother," She just smirked. "Your mothers gone for a little bit so I'm in charge,"

I rush out of the room. Who's gonna believe me there identical twins. Dream he always believes me. "Dream thank god I found you. My mother Auntie Jackie and I need you to help me find my mother," "Sapnap stop with your lies. I know that's not the truth," I froze even my best friend won't believe me. I rush upstairs to the bedroom but Karl isn't there. "Emma why are you in here and where's Karl?" "In the same place as where your mothers going,"

I quickly shot up from where I was laying freaking out. I look next to me to see a sleeping Karl. So it was a dream. Dream will believe me and Auntie Jackie isn't here. I decided that I should get up and go look for Dream.

Emma's pov
"You mistake you haven't made him fall in love with you yet," This was the tenth time I've been yelled at because of this.
"How can your sister make someone fall in love with her but you can't. I'm ashamed to call you my daughter," I used to this now. I just sat there with my head hung low. I wanna tell people that I'm forced to make Sapnap fall in love with me but I'll get disowned and lose my chance to become Queen.

"I promise enough I'm trying but he loves Karl not me and I don't want to ruin it," "Find a way to break them up," "Fine mother," I walk out trying hard not to cry but it started. "Emma are you ok," I look up to see Hannah and Lilly standing there. "Yeah it's not like I want you guys to care," I do please I want you guys to know the truth. "We heard what you said to Karl and it's messed up," Hannah said walking off. I wouldn't if I wasn't forced to make Sapnap fall in love with me. "You know you can talk to me. Royal life can be hard. My girlfriend used me for my money," I look over to Lilly. "Who would break up with you. Your one of the sweetest most kindest people I know," (I kinda ship Lilly and Emma )

She just starts giggling. "Do you actually like Sapnap or are you forced cause I know a lot about both," "I would like option 1 but it's option 2. I didn't mean what I said about Karl bring up his mother but my mother would disown me if I didn't say it," Out of nowhere we hear a male voice. "Ok that's a plot twist," We both look up to see Sapnap standing there. "I was trying to find Dream but you know ears dropping is fun as well." "You do know I'm sorry right. I wanna apologise to Karl but he will probably ignore me," "Karl forgives people way to quickly," Sapnap said. "Come on well get you to apologise,"

For once I don't feel like a villain. "This is like when we were kids and Emma didn't like Sapnap," Lilly said. We all just burst out laughing until we saw Karl standing at the top of the stairs. "I think you two should talk in private," Sapnap said before dragging Lilly away. "Goodbye," Lilly said as she was being dragged away.

"Karl I'm really sorry. I promise that I didn't mean anything I said or did but my mother wanted to disown me if I didn't bring up your mother and break you two up, and I think you and Sapnap are a cute couple and I didn't mean to kiss Sapnap, and you don't have to forgive me I just wanted to tell you that," He just stood there emotionless and then a small smile came onto his face. "I wouldn't like to be disowned either. I will give you a second chance but if you mess it up then I won't forgive you," I smiled as well. "Alright let's go find the others," I say dragging his arm to go find Lilly and Sapnap.

3rd person pov
I guess everyone gets there happily ever after Emma has apologised for everything her mum has forced her to do and now she's not hated unlike Sapnap's dad. Karl and Sapnap are still together. Dream's planning to propose to George because you know Dreams a simp. Wilbur and Tommy are enjoying working together. Quackity is happy dating Wilbur. Hannah also forgave Emma. Sapnap's mum is happy being single. So is this the end of the book you may ask. Maybe maybe be not.

Nah we still have a wedding and other things. And I need a new ship to be in this book.
Word count - 974

Guys I have Covid sadly but you know life is life and I don't really care at this point. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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