The Violet Stark

By Marvelolic_3000Stxrk

3.3K 36 108

I do not own any of the characters beside Abigail and others I make up all credit goes to marvel Abigail irb... More

My Background in the 40s
The Winter Soldier or should i call him Bucky
Mission part 2
My Sisters
Suits and sweet kisses
Meet Loki
Meet Loki
Problems and problome solving
Lab experiments and backstorys
Thank you for your cooperation
The war part 1
The war part 2
The War Part 3
The War Part 4 The fight
The War Part 5 The Fight Part 2
They hydra base
Meet the twins
Ride home
Home Again
Artificial intelligence
The hammer fiasco
Ultron has the Twins?
Story time
Safe house
More Artificial Intelligence!!!
The beginning
Robot army
The Battle
What now?
Mr. Secretary
Accords argument
Winter and Witch
The Chase
Winter and Witch
Peter Parker
Clint and Sharon
Welcome everyone
Avengers V.S. Avengers
Avengers V.S Avengers 2
Avengers V.S Avenger's 3
The Raft
Uh oh
Infinity begins
Guardians of the Galaxy
Half is back
The Morons
Flying donut crew
Where is the stone
Morons meet Avengers
Stormbreaker plan and soul
Coming together
Were in the endgame now part one
Where in the endgame now part two
The Snap
Space again
Uh oh
Five Years Later
Scott Lang + time travel???
I Love You 3000
Let Me Guess He Turned Into A Baby
It worked
When and where
In time
New York, 2012
Oh, We Blew It
The Time Stone and the Reality Stone
The Power Stone
Here we go
Stark and Carter
The Snap
He's here
3 against the world
On Your Left
Clint/Ta'Chala & Instant Kill
The Women Of Marvel
My Arm Kinda Hurts
The End.........Or Is It?
2nd book

Fighters and fatherly feelings

64 1 3
By Marvelolic_3000Stxrk

We had to wait a while in order to go and get Wanda and Pietro from the hydra base because Thor would not be on planet for the next few months and he said he would come as soon as he could.

In the time that we had waiting on Thor Tony took me under his wing and became my father which none of us expected to happen but after he found out what had happened he couldn't resist the chance for me to have a family even if it's not like him. He had a soft spot for me.

Three months earlier
Morning kid he said. Morning I replied. What are you doing up this early he asked me it was still only 5:30 AM just couldn't sleep had a couple of night mares about my past and my parents. You wanna talk about it. Sure I said
It was mainly just about the way my parents died we were just driving down the road and somebody crashed into us I had one peice of glass slice my leg but other then that there wasn't a scar on my body. But I looked in the front seat and saw my parents lifeless bodies just sitting there. I got out of the car and ran strait to Buckys house he comforted me all night just letting me cry into his shoulder. It brought me peace knowing he was there for me we were only 16 I said with a small chuckle. But he was still there for me no matter what. Sounds like you guys have a connection. We did and still do that will never change I feel like I've always loved him just didn't know how to tell him. Or even say it. And then hydra happened and we pick up here.

Little did she know that Bucky had a nightmare of his own and was listening from around the corner

You know if you want and this is completely up to you he said. I could technically adopt you. You could become a Stark I could build you an iron woman suit if anything were to ever happen to your powers and have Bruce do a small procedure where he puts some of my blood in your body to technically make you my biological daughter.

I just looked up at him with hope in my eyes really I asked? Yeah he said if that's what you want. I immediately got up from my seat ran over and hugged him it shocked him at first but after a second he hugged back. I'd love that I sad still hugging him. Thank you......Dad. I said. Your welcome Abigail Stark. Hey that has a pretty ring to it. He said yeah it does I replied and a week later I was officially a Stark. on the way home we were joking around. you do know I knew your dad once I said. And. who cares your a Stark now kid. And if don't count the years you were on ice your really only 18 years old since you were only 17 when you went to war. And if I do count all thoes years I'm technically 106 we both laughed at that one. Wanna stop and get lunch he asked. Only if it's cheese burgers. That's my girl. he said looking over at me.

End flash back

Natasha went on to train to be a shield agent while Steve Yelena and Bucky stayed with me and my dad. I hadn't seen Nat for about a month so I was really starting to miss her.

I walked into my dads lab one day so we could continue working on building me and Iron Woman suit as a father daughter bonding thing and for whenever I wanted to use it in the future.

Hey dad I said as I walked in the room hey Abs he started calling me that for short instead of my full name. Oh this is the best song on the
This playlist. Shoot to thrill AC/DC he asked yup that's it. This is why you are my daughter he said. You think we're almost finished with it I asked? Yep you just have to learn how to fly it. Awesome could you teach me now I asked? Yea of course he handed me a chest plate just like his put that on. I did as he said now do what I do. I watched him double tap his chest plate so I did the same and the suits surrounded our bodies. Awesome I said. I'm definitely using this more then I use my powers. Alright ready to fly he asked? Yup I responded. Jarvis give her the run through. Yes sir the A.I responded. after he was done I looked at my dad. Alright I think I've got it I said. Then Try and keep up he said back and we walked out to the balcony of the tower and took off. Dad this is amazing!!! I knew you would like it he said. Wait I gotta try the hand thruster gun things I forget what it's called. I don't know either it's cool he said. Jarvis medium power to the thrusters. Yes Ms.Stark. So I shot a couple around just in thin air this is awesome. well we better get back it's getting kinda late and Thor should be here any day now he said. alright I responded. We landed back on the balcony where Steve was and scared the crap out of him. jeez You guys. Oh come on Steve were just people nothing to be scared of I said. My dad laughed at my comment. Yeah people in titanium suits he said. Guess ur right. Alright Abs I want you to experience the very first way I go my suit off so come with me. I followed him into his lab and stood on a plate that had robots start taking parts of my suit and putting them back in the case so it would still work. See you in about and hour. Daddd I complained. he laughed as he walked out of the room sorry sweetie. To late to stop now. About 10 minutes later Bucky walked in and I was still complaining but I didn't notice him.We designed this to come off Jarvis. ma'am struggling will only make it worse. OW Jarvis gently. Ehhem. Bucky cleared his throat. I looked over at him and we just stared for about 2 seconds.

Let's face it this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing. I said. Your such a stark he said with a laugh. Hey when I get this off imma come find you I wanna show you something. Alright doll see you then. He said and walked out

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