Sunsets and Constellations |...

By Mchxcake_007

27.8K 1.3K 469

Elijah has been sent to Stonewall Academy following an incident at his former school. He's easily distracted... More

• O N E •
• T W O •
• T H R E E •
• F O U R •
• F I V E •
• S I X •
• S E V E N •
• E I G H T •
• N I N E •
• T E N •
• E L E V E N •
• T W E L V E •
• T H I R T E E N •
• F O U R T E E N •
• F I F T E E N •
• S I X T E E N •
• S E V E N T E E N •
• E I G H T E E N •
• N I N E T E E N •
• T W E N T Y •
• T W E N T Y O N E •
• T W E N T Y T W O •
• T W E N T Y T H R E E •
• T W E N T Y F O U R •
• T W E N T Y F I V E •
• T W E N T Y S I X •
• T W E N T Y S E V E N •
• T W E N T Y E I G H T •
• T W E N T Y N I N E •
• T H I R T Y O N E •
• T H I R T Y T W O •

• T H I R T Y •

437 25 0
By Mchxcake_007


Elijah stood by the entrance of the medical facility, after having signed the discharge forms and collecting his medication for the next few days.
Arius and Ryder had both texted him separately that they'd be coming to pick him up.
The warm rays of the sun sank into his skin, making him feel sleepy all over again, but comforting him in a way. He had always loved being in the sun but today was slightly different. He felt giddy and impatient as he drummed his fingers against the wall he was leaning on.
His mum and Abby had given him a proper scolding after hearing what had happened, but Elijah had just laughed it all off.
Oh he'd loved the break from school, sleeping all day, being pampered by the nurses who really liked his goofy nature and making friends with the doctor. He was dreading going back to school and internally groaned at all of the work he had to catch up on.

He perked up at the sight of Ryder, Tirzah, Arius and Viggo all walking toward him.

"I did not expect all of you to show up, but it's cute." Elijah chuckled, genuinely feeling touched by the gesture, it was nice to see all of their stupid faces after so long.

"It takes a village." Arius said, smirking at Elijah as the latter rolled his eyes.

Tirzah wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight, burying her face in his chest.

"God, babe I've missed you! Math is so boring these days." She groaned into his chest as Arius pulled her back slightly, separating the two.

"Go easy on him, he's just out of hospital Tirzah.“ he smiled, shaking his head.

Viggo and Ryder exchanged suspicious looks and burst out into a fit of sniggers as Arius blushed scarlet from the neck up.

"Glad you're okay man!" Viggo patted his back as they all made their way toward their respective dorms.

They filled in Elijah on whatever had happened during the week, talked about school work and reassured him that he didn't have much worry about.

What had he done to have found gems like this?

Maybe coming to Stonewall wasn't such a bad thing after all.

He glanced toward his right where Ryder walked, unusually stoic and a tight lipped smile on her face. He'd really have to talk to her about whatever was bothering her, he had kept quiet for too long and it pained him whenever he remembered the night she had broken down into the most heartbreaking sobs.

"Alright, I'll leave you guys to it! See y'all at dinner." Arius said.

Elijah remembered that he had rehearsals for the play scheduled for the end of the year and wished him good luck as the rest of them walked on.

Once they reached their dorms Elijah placed both his hands on Ryder's shoulders and took a deep breath.

"I don't know how else to put this Ry, I'm really worried about you and I want you to feel better and I'm here for you, always. You don't have to go through this feeling like you don't have anybody to lean on, okay?" He said all in one breath, taking Ryder by surprise.

Her eyes teared up, and her lower lip trembled, but she didn't break. Elijah pulled her in for a hug which she reciprocated immediately resting her face on his shoulder.

"Thank you Elijah, but I'm not ready. Well it's not that I'm not ready, I just don't know to talk about it because I never have. Give me some time." She said softy.

"Take your time, I'm here for hugs and ice cream if you ever need it." Elijah hugged her tighter.

"Can we do a movie night instead? Jake's been off the whole day, troubles with Dani apparently." Ryder sighed, pulled her hoodie over her head as she sat down.

"Yeah, I mean yeah definitely. But wow, I- this is incredible timing. I just hope he's okay." Elijah said, as he remained standing.

"He's been in such a weird mood all day,  he even skipped classes yesterday." Ryder replied.

Elijah pulled out his phone and dialled Jake's cell.

"Hello?" Jake's voice sounded throaty and dry.

"Jake, hey! Do you want to come over tonight? Movie night with Ry and me?"

"I don't think so man, I'm really exhausted. Besides, aren't you supposed to be admitted?"

"Well I was discharged today evening."

"Are you okay?" Jake shot back immediately, concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah yeah, I'm all fine as of today. So what do you say? Movie night?"

"I really don-"

"Jake, please? I haven't seen you in forever!" Elijah pouted.

He heard a sigh on the other end of the line, and a tiny chuckle followed.

"Yeah okay, I'll be there. What about Tirzah though?" He questioned.

Elijah slapped his forehead, exasperated that he'd forgotten about her rooming with him.

"I'm okay, I'm really exhausted today after track, so you go on ahead!" He heard Tirzah's voice in the background before he could say anything.

"You sure?"

"Of course, go on ahead." She laughed.

They hung up after that and Elijah had found another reason as to why he loved these people so much. He was feeling like a proper sap today and he knew without a doubt that Arius would go all "fucking sap" on him if he could hear his thoughts.

Speaking of Arius, Elijah was giddy with new-found excitement at the discovery that Arius cared about him a lot. He didn't have to tell him anything, just the look in his eyes when he'd come to visit him ever so often, and his gestures proved enough.
He had even initiated holding hands, and Elijah blushed as he remembered the feeling of the other boy's fingers hooked with his own. Arius was absolutely adorable when he was shy and Elijah didn't know that a kiss to his knuckles would elicit the reaction from him. It wasn't fair for someone as big and tall as him to look so cute that Elijah decided he'd make it his everyday mission to make the boy shy as often as he could just to see him like that.

"What're you smiling so much about?" Ryder questioned curiously, effectively snapping Elijah out of his thoughts.

"Just about how cute Arius is when he's flustered." Elijah chuckled.

Ryder rolled her eyes and pretended to gag as Elijah laughed out loud at her reaction.

"What? It's true!" He said dreamily.

"Dude you're so whipped! But I'll have to admit, you both are disgusting. Disgustingly cute." She said, her nose scrunched up, but a genuine smile playing on her lips.

"Like thirteen year olds flirting for the first time!" She said.

"You know, he was lost in his own world every night during dinner? He probably missed your annoying ass more than he thought he would." Ryder said softly.

"Of course he did!" Elijah replied, but he was internally screaming and Ryder didn't need to know that.

"Be careful Elijah, I don't wanna see you hurt, you're too pure for that." Ryder said, face turning dead serious all of a sudden.

"I will, I hope nothing fucks it up."

They spent the rest of their evening doing their own thing. Elijah buried himself under the covers, looking for a movie to watch later that night as Ryder messed around on her iPad.

Tirzah burst into their room when it was close to dinner time with Jake trailing behind her lazily.

"Let's go guys, I'm starving!" She said, dramatically flopping on the floor.

"Yeah let me grab my phone!" Ryder said, walking over to Elijah and pulling the covers off of him.

"I'm skipping tonight, I don't really feel like walking all the way, besides I've had my snack and meds already." Elijah said before Ryder could drag him out of bed.

"You sure you'll be okay on your own here?"

"Yes, mom." Elijah rolled his eyes, smiling at Ryder.

"I see you're back to yourself eh?" Jake said from the doorway as he twirled his phone around.

To say Jake looked like shit would be a gross understatement. His hair looked greasy and eyes had dark circles around them. They even looked very red and swollen, instantly worrying Elijah.

"Jake! What-"

"I know man, I know!" Jake whined, eyebrows scrunching up and shoulders falling from their stance, defeated. He looked exhausted.

"Y'all better go get dinner before they run out! I'll be fine." Elijah said hurriedly, sensing Jake's discomfort.

He bid them goodbye and shut the door, seating himself on the beanbag as he scrolled through his phone. He couldn't pick a single movie for the life of him.
Should he pick Suspiria? Leatherface? The Saw franchise?

He went to refrigerator to check for ice cream, and a few energy drinks for the night, their snack cabinet was restocked last week anyway.

He went back to relaxing on his bed as he opened a text from his mother. She'd sent him a picture of Roxy and Leo playing together and his heart swelled as he smiled at the two furballs. He sent her a quick voice note and swiped back to the chat interface on whatsApp.

Mr. Grinch
Where you at?
7:08 pm

Elijah's heart sped up just a little more than normal as he smiled at his phone like a lovesick fool.

Skipping dinner today,
I don't feel so well haha.
7:08 pm

Do you need anything?
Have you taken your meds?
7:08 pm

No no, I'm fine!
It's a lil headache :(
and yes I have I'll be ok!
7:09 pm

Why are u texting
while eating?
7:09 pm

"Was wondering where
you were."
7:09 pm

I see ;)
7:09 pm

Anyway, study w me tomorrow? Library after 4?
I've got the philosophy
stuff covered.
7:12 pm

Elijah was kind of stunned, Arius making efforts to spend time with him? Both of them knew that he'd manage perfectly fine without help, but it warmed Elijah's heart and he couldn't help but smile as he giddily typed his reply.

Sounds good, can't wait 2
study w you ;)
7:13 pm

Okay now go to sleep you moron, I'll see you tomorrow.
7:14 pm

7:15 pm

Arius and Elijah never texted, it was the rarest of rare occurrences in their few months of friendship. Elijah was in a really good mood after having texted Arius and had  a permanent smile plastered to his face. He decided that they'd watch Suspiria tonight.

A few minutes later, Jake and Ryder walked in, with Jake's quilt and two bottles of beer tucked under Ryder's arm.

"Woah where'd you find that? You know that we might get into trouble if we get caught right?" Elijah said in a low voice as he ushered the two inside hurriedly.

"Keep your voice down you idiot! I borrowed them from my cousin." Ryder said setting them on the bedside table and pulling both of their beds together.

"So what the fuck-"

"Let's watch the movie, I'll tell you." Jake sighed, wrapping himself in his quilt as he jumped in the middle.

Elijah tucked himself next to Jake after setting their snacks in front of them as Ryder shut off the lights and got on the other side of Jake.

"Suspiria, baby let's go!" Elijah cheered and whooped, earning him a smack on the back of his head as Jake chortled.

They thoroughly enjoyed the movie, discussing about it along the length of it as they'd all seen it before.

"Man thank you for persuading me to come, I didn't realise how much I needed this." Jake wrapped both his arms around Elijah and Ry, squeezing them a little before letting go.

"So what happened then?" Ryder asked, turning on the bedside lamp and popping open her bottle of beer.

"Where do I even start?" Jake rolled his eyes.

"At the beginning? Maybe? I guess?" Elijah deadpanned. Jake glared at him as he took a swig of his beer.

"So Dani man, what a fucking coward."

Elijah and Ryder exchanged alarmed looks as they waited for Jake to elaborate.

"Her parents took her to a business dinner, since she's deputy CEO of her dad's company now. Apparently she didn't think much of it, but good-fucking-lord!" He exclaimed loudly, before putting his mouth to the bottle again.

Elijah popped another gummy bear into his mouth as he waited with bated breath while Ryder looked like she could see where this was going already. She moved closer to Jake and gave him a little side hug.

"One of her father's business partners, in who's company he owns a good percentage shares brought his son with him who's opened his own company and asked if they could marry them off."

"Fucking hell!" Elijah whistled lowly.

"She told her father that she'll think about it." Jake said.

"What? That doesn't even make sense! I thought they knew she had a boyfriend."

"They don't, she kept saying we'd cross that bridge when we got there." Jake shook his head.

"The dude's rich, has his own company, apparently he's really charismatic and well mannered and to top it all off, he's hot. I'm up against a hot businessman! I don't stand a chance." Jake said sadly, lying back down on the bed.

"I don't even know what to say, why can't she stand up against it?" Ryder questioned.

"What would she say? No, I have a boyfriend who's still studying? And oh, he's not in the business line anyway? Her parents would never approve."

"So what? Fuck them, if she really loves you she'll try to reason with them, no?" Elijah said, lying down next to Jake.

"It's not that simple Elijah. I definitely wish she'd do that, but it's not that easy a choice to make. There's a lot riding on this decision for her." Jake sighed.

"This sucks ass, like what the fuck?"

"Tell me about it! It's driving me up the wall! And we yelled at each other so much! Is it too much to ask to have a loving relationship? She's my fucking girlfriend of 2 years now! What am I supposed to do? We didn't even see all of this coming so soon." Jake said burying his face into the pillow.

"You guys need to talk and figure out whatever this is, like adults. Not yelling at each other. You're on the same team." Ryder mumbled, as she patted his head.

"I get so stressed and mad every time I even see her name pop up on my phone screen! This can't end, I love her too much. She doesn't even seem to be as scared as me, like, it wouldn't make a difference to her if we broke up and she married that hotshot." Jake said, his voice shaking a bit as the sentence progressed.

"Sleep on it Jake, and call her tomorrow. Civil talk. Go to sleep now okay?" Elijah said turning off the lights as they all snuggled together, keeping each other warm.
His heart ached for both of his friends who were fighting these battles and he hoped against hope that things would work out for them.


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