Not Another Mummy (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

628 38 138

It's kinda another Mummy (1999) Au but I'm changing up the storyline a little. It's going to have the basics... More

A Promise..
Death Is Not the End..
Awoken Curse..
A Puzzle Box..
An Awaiting Adventure..
A Kiss For His Life..
One Rather Good Looking Map..
Hate 'n Love..
He Is the Map..
A Bet well Won..
The legs of Anubis..
An Dropped In Sarcophagus..
Mistakes were Made..
One Juicy Mummy..
A Huge "Told You So"..
A Toast..
Chosen Sacrifice..
Locked Up..
A Sandy Kiss..
We'll Meet Again..
A Fallen Comrade..
Sacrifice Truth..
A Gained Friendship..
Her Awaited Hero..
Awaited Kiss..
Happy Ever After..

An unwelcomed Guest..

16 1 19
By VoltronMoon




Lightning flashes as Shiro races across the compound, knocking several Soldiers out of his way, panic stricken. He only stops in relief as he takes notice over Katie walking ahead, an opened book in one hand that she was reading through while her other hand carried two closed books to start reading afterwards. 

She really was searching for a way to kill the priest. 

Her glasses slipped down to the edge of the nose and she was only focused on the book, nothing else around her at all. She didn't take notice over the passing shoulders or the thunder echoing in the distance. 

Shiro couldn't help the smile that pulled on his lips at the sight, this was her, the real Katie Holt. How could anyone not find her as the most adorable thing alive and turn all gooey every time her nose twitched in frustration over not reading what she wanted to know over. 

Realization smacking across the face once more as thunder echoed closer and he was reminded over why he was urgently trying to track her down moments before. 

"Katie!" Shiro called out desperately as he started to speed up again, racing towards her. 

"Katie" Shiro yelled out a little louder, her nose still deep into the book as she took no notice over anyone or anything around her still. 

"Miss Holt" Shiro decided to say next as he slowed down, almost reaching her. 

"For the last time I told you not to-" Katie started to snap back in annoyance as that finally caught her attention and she spun round, falling silent as she realized who it was. 

"I should have started off with that name first" Shiro grinned back amused as he finally stood to a stop before her and glad all her attention was focused on him. 

"What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left already" Katie asked a little surprised to see him, slight hope in her eyes for a small confession on why he chose to stay, that he'd chose her. 

"Boat doesn't leave until tomorrow" Shiro replied as he knew she would have missed out on Regris passing that bit of intel onwards since she didn't come down to the bar. 

"And you decided to take a simply stroll with me? Why not stay in the bar or mess around with some random girl who'd drool all over you. Why did you come find me?" Katie frowned, completely unamused over his reply and poking at his chest for a real reason on why he was looking for her. She didn't think he'd choose to spend the rest of his last day with her, not after their fight and not when many other ladies would love to keep him company if he asked for it. 

"We've got problems" Shiro admitted with a weak smile as he knew she wouldn't be liking the next set of news he had to pass on. They all thought they had more time and the mummy only proved them wrong. 

"We? I thought only "I" had problems to solve" Katie deadpanned as she raised a mocking eyebrow, remembering how he thought over the whole "we" issue earlier. 

"Look, you can lecture me and get your own back later. But we've got a serious problem" Shiro sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, knowing she'd bite him for that but needing her to act like a grown adult right now. 

Katie lowered her eyebrow, worry filling her expression as she knew something bad must have happened by how panicked and frightful his eyes were. She gave a small nod, showing she'd leave the aftermath of their argument to the side for now and was ready to listen. 

But before Shiro could say a single word more, a blast of thunder and lightning scares Katie. She drops her opened book as she flinches from the scare. Only not taking notice over the change in weather. She goes to kneel down and collect it before a hand grabs at her arm. She jumps again out of fright and drops the rest of her books. She glances to the hand, wide eye to find a very spooked Shiro quickly pulling her up. 

And that's when a barrage of  hail and fire slams into the courtyard. Shiro is quick to move and pulls them both away, pushing their backs into the wall behind to keep them safe. A water fountain bursts into steam in the centre of the courtyard making Katie give a startled yelp. A wooden trellis catches fire and the pair soon witness as a ball of fire lands on the two soldiers she passed moments before. 

Shiro grabs Katie hand without a second thought, holding it tightly as he's desperate to not let her go and lose her. Pulling her along as they run after the eaves while everyone else is running in every direction outside still, trying to avoid the maelstrom. 

"He's here! I saw him! That thing is here!" Shiro announced as he quickly moved them along towards the stairs, already knowing the rest was getting Curtis and to meet him at the poor guy room. 

"The creature!? Are you sure!?" Katie asked back in shock, not expecting him to reach him as soon as he has and praying for Shiro to be pulling on her leg. 

Shiro gives her an incredulous look and gestures at the hail and fire that was still falling outside and destroying buildings and ending lives still.  

"Pretty sure!" Shiro replied as he slowed to a stop by the stairs.

He glanced down to their joint hands as he felt Katie tighten her own grip on him as she stared towards the people burning alive just inches away and the buildings crashing down in the distance. Shiro felt his breath hitched as he took in the sight, it was worse than any war he's been forced to fight in before. 

A startled squeak catches both their attention and turn around to find a scared Slav quickly turning around and ready to run back up the stairs. Shiro moves quicker, mostly jumping onto the stairs and yanking at the back of Slav top before shoving him into the wall. Turning him around to face him, keeping a tight grip on his collar and pulling back his other arm before freezing as he took notice to Katie still gripping onto his hand. 

Katie gave an embarrassed look before releasing his hand and letting him form a first, showing he was ready to hit Slav if he didn't start giving answers. Slav, already understanding the threat started to tear up in fear and gave a begging look towards Katie for her help. Katie simply held onto the stairs and went back to watching the damage happening to the city. 

"Slav, you little stinkweed. Where you been?" Shiro asked, glaring towards Slav who gulped. 

The hail and fire came to a quick stop. Everything goes dead quiet. Shiro and Katie freeze, giving Slav the perfect change to wiggle free and make a run for it. Knocking into Katie and almost making her fall down the stairs if Shiro didn't catch her arm and pulled her back up, keeping her steady.

And then a blood curdling scream is heard coming from the living quarters directly above them. Dread filled the both of them and Shiro was soon taking hold of Katie hand again, pulling out his gun with his free hand before the two of them race up the stairs.

They run down the hall, neither daring to stop and using the feared adrenaline that their bodies were pumping through them right now. Sliding to a stop as they reached Curtis quarters and finding his double doors left wide open, making them assume the other's had reached him in time. 

But they were wrong. 

Both Shiro and Katie race into the room, past the Servant whois running out screaming as he was passing when Slav had sprinted out and went to check if someone was hurt.

They skid to a stop as they spot Curtis, or what's left of him, lying dead in his chair. Shiro having to look away as vomit creeped it's way up his throat and he had to force it back down. Katie stepped forward, stopping as her arm brushed against his and she just stared at what use to be of their friend. 

His body is shrivelled to half it's size. Drained of all organsand liquids. He was nothing but old, grey bones with his clothes hanging off him and showing just how much he's lost of his body. 

Shiro and Katie are completely horrified, both sharing a scared look before they heara loud moan. Both turning in panic as they took notice Lotor standing on the far side ofthe room. Shiro lifting his gun, taking aim and silently pushed Katie protectively behind him, still gripping her hand to make sure she was with him and wouldn't be stolen away from behind. Katie free hand gripped at the back of his shirt, showing she was still with him as she was ready to give his hand back if he ended up needing both guns. 

Lotor is regenerating!

A thick skin form over powerful newmusculature. His tendons ripple. His bones bulge and reform.His mouth opens to an inhuman size as he moans and cries out,in severe pain. And then it's over. And he looks like anincredibly muscular, corpse-like vision from hell. The'Terminator' Mummy.

Shiro and Katie are left stunned.

"we are in serious trouble" Shiro squeaked out, his voice breaking a little as he knew just how much "we" problem this was now. 

Lotor starts to move towards them, staring at Katie.

"Back off, creep. She's already got an asshole in her life and I'm not giving that position up" Shiro snarls out, glaring daggers towards the shack full of bones. 

Lotor takes no notice over his threat and keeps coming. And Shiro, being the very half American he was and half gentlemen he was wasn't going to allow another man take his girl or try and hit on her either. Shiro opens fire. 

Blasting Lotor with bullets through his body, ripping some of his flesh and bones apart. But Lotor doesn't seem to mind. Unbothered over the bullets shooting through him and carries on making his way towards Katie who soon releases Shiro hand, letting him use both guns against the mummy. 

Matthew, Lance, Regris and Antok runs into the room, guns in hand and ready to help defend their friends after hearing the gunfire ahead. But they'reall left stunned at the sight of Lotor. Katie pulling Shiro back a little, moving him out of the way if the other's decide to aim and shoot. 

Releasing his shirt and moving to the side as she didn't want to be caught up in any shooting once it started. 

But Shiro being the "man" he was deciding to stupidly start walking forwards and throws a right hook, punches Lotor in the face. Katie cheers from where she kept herself tucked to the wall before groaning in disgust as Shiro fist goes straight through Lotor skull and get's stuck deep inside his head. 

Shiro stares at it, own disgust,then quickly yanks his fist back out. Shaking his goo covered hand a little before glancing back to Lotor. All of them watching as the area of Lotor'sface quickly degenerates and decays, right down to the bone, as if Shiro's hand instantly infected it.

"Ew" Shiro simply states as he looks towards a very enraged Lotor. 

Lotor angrily turns towards Shiro and grabs him with no effort. Lifting him with the one arm and throws him across the room. Right into Matt and the others, knocking them down in one go. 

Lotor looks at his hand, the one thatjust grabbed Shiro with and watches as it starts to shrivel and decay next. He quickly turns to Katie who look as the men with concern as they're all stain grunting or groaning in pain from the pile up. But she finally looks backs towards Lotor before turning away as she notices him staring at her. She slides along the wall completely terrorized by him as he makes his way towards her once more. Her back halting as she finds herself trapped by a bookshelf and Lotor already steps up to her.

She was caught between him and her back pressed to the wall. 

Staring wide eye in fear towards the mummy that finally stops directly in front her, their chests almost touching and she knew if he could breath, she'd feel his breath against her face. 

"You saved me from the undead. For this, I shall make you immortal" Lotor spoke in his home tongue towards her, leaning closer and closer as Katie quickly pulls her hand up over her face trying to break the distance. 

Shiro finally sits up, rubbing the back of his head before falling pale over how close Lotor had gotten and just what the mummy was hinting towards. 

Gagging a little as the rotting smell smacked her nose and she could tell he's been dead for a very long time. Her knees shaking and ready to give in but she held no space to pass out now without having her fall straight into Lotor awaiting arms. Her fair skin falling pale as she was ready to throw up as soon as Lotor leaned in to steal a kiss from her. 

And that's when a Rover jumps onto the piano, hissing towards the mummy trying to get a smooch from his owner without consent.

Lotor shrieks. The balcony doors blow open and Lotor soon spinsinto a  blast of wind and sand. Swirling round the room as he screeches at the top of his lungs. Everyone lifting their arms, protecting themselves from the sand smacking against their skin. And Lotor soonout the doors.


For now.

Katie left standing transfixed.

Matthew helps both Lance and Regris to stand as they were at the bottom of the landing pile and took most of everyone weight on them. Antok wobbles forward before kneeling next to Curtis, shriveled body, horrified.

Shiro wasted no time on reaching Katie, standing in her line of sight and knowing she was in a state of terrified shock. He gently and slowly moved his hands to her upper arms, giving them a light squeeze to gain her attention and kept in her line of sight as her eyes finally looked to him. 

"It's over" Shiro whispers as he meets her gaze, trying to use himself to ground her again. 

"N-Not it isn't" Katie stuttered back, knowing this wasn't the end. 

"Are you okay?" Shiro asked with pure concern, loosen his grip on her arms as he knew she was back with him now. 

"No" Katie choked back, her body trembling. 

"Need a hug?" Shiro asked as he glanced over his shoulder towards her brother's and ready to walk her over to one of them. 

"Yes" Katie sniffled, leaning her forehead against his chest and clinging to him. Her arms holding him as tightly as she could and she let the flood of tears fall from her eyes. 

"It's alright. He's gone for now. We'll find a way to stop him, together" Shiro soothes out, wrapping his arms around her and keeping her tucked close to his body. Calming his heartbeat down and letting her sink her own breathing with it, hoping it help comfort her. 

"I feel sick" Katie whined out, all her emotions finally calming down as she focused on his heartbeat and finally noticed that she wanted to throw up. 

"Please don't puke on me" Shiro pleaded as he lowered his head to look at her better. 

"Takashi.." Katie whispered out shyly as she lifted her head. 

"Yeah?" Shiro asked with worry. 

"I can't move my legs" Katie admitted, a little frighten. 

"It's the shock" Shiro explained calmly as he's seen it happen to his comrades in the past. 

"I need to pee" Katie whispered as quietly as she could, looking rather embarrassed. 

"I thought you needed to throw up" Shiro replied with a raised eyebrow, holding her up as best as he could. 

"I do but my bladder just kicked in as well" Katie sighed in defeat as she couldn't ignore her bladder anymore. 

"I'll help take her" Matthew offered as he was already hovering close by and mostly wanted to check his sister was actually okay as well. 

"I'm not taking you into the women's toilets" Katie deadpanned as she stared towards her brother who rolled his eyes. 

"I'll stand outside and only step inside if you call for me" Matthew promised as he snaked a hand around his sister waist to hold her up and placed one of her arms over his shoulder. 

"Fine" Katie huffed back as she let her brother help her walk away towards the toilets. 

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