Remembered// Teen Wolf

By AmaliaTw09

2.2K 50 3

S3b Hope Martin is struggling with her own mind. She's trying to understand her feelings and Stiles? Well, St... More



480 9 0
By AmaliaTw09

>She was running down the road. In the middle of the night, in the forest. She was running as fast as she could, but then the Nemeton got into way. Huge tree, before it was cut down. She stopped and looked up to reach the end , but it was too dark to see anything. Suddenly, someone grabbed her leg. She looked down and saw Jennifer, not her nice side, but the monster with frightening face. Jennifer pulled her down under the ground, and she couldn't breathe.

Suddenly, Hope woke up screaming. She started breathing really heavily and coughed dirt.

"Hope?" Lydia ran to her room.

She sat down next to her and looked at the bed,It was dirty.

"What happened?" Lydia asked worried.

"It was just nightmare." she replied breathing heavily.

Hope get out of the bed and went to the bathroom's room. Lydia looked at her feet scared.

"What?" Hope said confused.

"Your feet. There's dirt and blood on them." Lydia stood up.

Hope looked at her feet, she was scared but also confused. She looked at her hands, just to see blood on it. Then Lydia fell to the ground.

"Lydia!" Hope yelled and ran to her.

"You killed me." She said with her mouth bleeding

Then she woke up. The first thing she did was controlling if the bed is still dirty. Then she wiped her tears from her eyes. She got out of the bed and went to the bathroom.

"Hope!" she heard voice from the other room.

"I'm in shower." She yelled.

"Well, hurry up! We have to go to the school."

"Just give me five minutes,Lyds."


"And you couldn't wake up?" Scott asked as they were walking to the school.

"Nope, and it was beyond terrifying. You ever hear of sleep paralysis?" Stiles replied.

"No, do I want to?" Scott looked at him worried.

"Well, have you ever had a dream where you feel like you're about to wake up but you can't move or talk?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I've had that." he replied.

"It happends because during REM sleep your body is basically paralyzed. It's called muscle atonia. That way if you start dreaming about running, you don't actually start running in your bed" Stiles continued.

"That makes sencse." Scott said.

"Sometimes your mind can wake up before your body does. So for this split-second, you're actually aware that your body is paralyzed." Stiles added.

"And that's the terrifying part." Scott said.

"It turns your dream into a nightmare." Hope interrupted them." I had this nightmare, tonight. I was in the forest, I saw Nemeton. I saw Jennifer. Then when I woke up screaming, Lydia ran to the room."

They looked at her curiously.

"But guess what. I looked at my foot and they were dirty, then at my hands and they were covered in blood. When I turned to Lyds, she was on the ground dying, with the words, ¨you killed me.¨ After that I really woke up."

"You think it means something?" Scott asked.

They finally entered the school.

"What If what we did that night. What if it's still affecting us?" Stiles said.

"Like, Post-traumatic stress?" Scott asked.

"Or something."

They went to the class and sat down.

"You want to know what scares me the most?" Stiles looked at them. "I'm not even sure this is real."<

And for now, she really woke up with her eyes glowing. It was the middle of the night and she started screaming. All things around her started shaking as she was no longer controlling her powers.

"Hope! Calm down, It's okay. It's all right." Lydia ran to the room and hugged her tightly.

"How do I know I'm not dreaming? Lydia! How do I know?" She yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Uh- You have extra fingers! Count your fingers, Hope!" Lydia raised her voice.

Hope looked at her hands and started counting her fingers, "One, two, three....nine, ten." There were just ten fingers.

"See? You okay." Lydia smiled nervously.

"I'm okay." Hope looked at her scared.


They were outside infront of the school. They saw Scott running down the stairs as he bumped into Stiles.

"You'll alright?" Stiles asked.

Scott nodded his head.

"You don't look all right, Scott." Stiles said.

"I'm okay." Scott replied.

"No, you're not. It's happening to you, too. You're seeing things, aren't you?" Stiles said.

"How'd you know?" Scott asked.

"Because it's happening to all four of you." Lydia came closer.

"Four?" Stiles looked at her.

"Don't looked at me." Lydia pointed at Hope.

"You weren't under the water, you're not affected by the Nemeton,right? Okay How's that possible?" Scott asked confused.

"Well, you know the strong connection Deaton was talking about?" She smiled ironically. "I think it's stronger than we thought."

"What do you mean?" Stiles looked at her.

"I think I'm seeing your dreams, actually I think I'm part of your dreams." She said.

They all looked at her.

"Didn't you have a dream about me, telling you I killed Lydia in mine?" She asked nervously.

"The one you thought you were already woke up." He looked at her scared.


"Well, well, look who's no longer the crazy one." Lydia said walking down the hall.

"We're not crazy." Allison said.

"Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis? Yeah, you guys are fine." She said sarcastically.

"We did die and come back to life. That's gotta have some side effects, right?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, but what the hell is happening to me?" Hope asked ironically.

"Well, you're a witch. Maybe it's normal?" Stiles said.

"It's not fucking normal, Stilinski. I'm going crazy." Hope said.

"See? Like I said." Lydia smiled.

Scott sighed.

"We keep an eye on each other. Okay? And, Lydia, stop enjoying this so much." Stiles said and walked away to the class.

"What?" Lydia asked sarcastically.


"Good morning, everyone. My name is Mr. Yukimura. I'll be taking over for your previous history teacher. My family and I moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure, by now, you all know my daughter, Kira. Or you might not since she's never actually mentioned anyone from school. Or brought home a friend for that matter." Mr. Yukimura said.

They heard a loud sigh and thud.

They all turned around and there she was. Kira looked around with an akward smile, and people laughed.

"Either way, there she is." Mr. Yukimura smiled. "Let's begin with American History at the turn of the 20th century.


Scott, Stiles and Hope was standing next to the lockers.

"Maybe we need a little more time to get back to normal." Scott said.

"Yeah, try not to forget we hit the reset button on a supernatural beacon for supernatural creatures. I think there's a pretty good chance things are never going to normal."

"AND, what worries me even more, is that I'll see every single thing, he'll be dreaming about." Hope said sarcastically.

"Yeah, this is not good. Like at all." Stiles looked at them.

"Yeah." Scott said.

Stiles tried to unlocked his locker, but he couldn't.

"What?" He whispered.

"What's wrong?" Hope asked him worried.

He didn't responded. Scott looked around and saw Kira, when he turned back to them his eyes were glowing.

"Scott, your eyes." Hope said.

"What about them?" Scott asked confused.

"What about them? They're starting to glow." Stiles said.

"You mean like right now?" Scott looked at them.

"Yes, right now. Scott, stop. Stop it." Stiles raised his voice.

Scott started breathing heavily.

"I can't, I can't control it." He put his hand on his eyes.

"Stiles, we have to take him somewhere else." Hope looked at him worried.

"All right, just keep your head down. Look down, come on." Stiles said grabbing his arm.

He took him to one of the classes and closed the door behind him. Scott started growling. He started walking around the class. Stiles and Hope went closer to him.

"No, get back, get away from me!" Scott yelled.

"Scott,it's okay." Stiles said.

"I don't know what's going to happen. Get back." He started panicking and turning.

Scott pulled out his claws and started dugging them to his hands. Blood started coming out of his hands as he started to calm down. He fell down on his knees and turned back.

"Pain makes you human." He said breathing heavily.

"I don't think it's just in our heads." Hope looked at him worried.

"This is real. And it's starting to get bad for me too." Stiles added. "I'm not just having nightmares. I'm having these dreams where I have to literally scream myself awake. And sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm ever actually waking up."

"What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"Do you know how you can tell if you're dreaming?" Stiles said.

"You have extra fingers, right?" Hope asked.

"And you can't read in dreams. More and more the last few days, I've been having trouble reading. It's like I can't see the words. I can't put the letters in order."

"Can you read now?" Scott asked.

Stiles stood up and looked around the class.

"I can't read a thing." Stiles said.

"Me neither." Hope sighed and looked at them worried.


They were in class.

"Stilinski! Are you paying attention back there?" Coach asked.

Stiles was writing something in his notebook.

"Stilinski!" Coach yelled and blew his whistle.

Hope frowned. Coach whistle sounded louder than ever. Hope's ears were ringing.

"Uh-huh?" Stiles looked at him confused.

"I asked you a question." Coach said.

"Sorry, Coach. What was it?" he asked.

"Oh, It was, ¨Stilinski,are you paying attention back there?¨"

"Well, I am now." Stiles replied.

"Stilinski,stop reminding me why I drink every night. Does anybody else want to answer the question on the board?"

Scott and Hope looked at him worried, Stiles noticed.

"I'm okay. I just fell asleep for a sec." Stiles assured.

"You weren't asleep, Stiles." Hope looked at him even more worried.

He looked at them confused and Scott pointed at his notebook.

¨Wake up,Wake up.Wake up¨ he had written many times all over his notebook. He looked at it scared and covered it with his book.


"Okay, so what happens to a person who has a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?" Scott asked.

And is unable to tell what's real or not?" Stiles added.

"And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives?" Allison added again.

"I've seen a movie like this, they all died." Hope smiled ironically.

"Don't make jokes about it, you're out of your mind, too and haven't even experienced it." Lydia looked at her.

"They're all locked up because they're insane." Isaac answered Scott's question.

"Isaac." Hope raised her and gave him a bad look.

"Ha. Can you at least try to be helpful, please?" Stiles said annyoed.

"For half my childhood, I was locked in a freezer. So, being helpful is kind of a new thing for me." Isaac replied.

"Okay, do we..Are you still milking that?" Stiles asked.

"Oh, my God." Hope whispered.

"Yeah, we are still milking that." Isaac said.

They kept arguing.

"Shut up,Isaac!" Hope raised her voice.

"Why me? He's the one that started it." Isaac replied.

"None of you is being helpful, right now. So, just, stop!" Hope said annoyed.

"Hi, sorry." They heard a voice.

They turned around, it was Kira.

"I couldn't help overhearing what you guys were talking about. And I think I actually might know what you're talking about. There's a Tibetan word for it. It's called ¨Bardo.¨ It literally means ¨in-between state.¨ The state between life and death." Kira explained.

"And what do they call you?" Lydia asked.

"Kira. She's in our history class." Scott said smiling.

"Are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?" Hope asked.

"Either, I guess. But all the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in Bardo. There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations. Some you see, some you just hear. And you can by visited by peaceful and wrathful deities." Kira explained.

"Wrathful deities? And what are those?" Isaac asked confused.

"Like demons." Kira replied.

"Demons. Why not?" Stiles sighed.

"Hold on, If there are different progressive states, then what's the last one?" Hope asked.

"Death. You die." Kira replied.

"Great." Allison looked at Hope worried.


"It sounds like your subconscious is trying to communicate with you." Deaton said.

"Well, how do I tell my subconscious to use a language that I actually know?" Stiles asked.

"Do you remember what the sign language looked like? The placement and movement of the hands?" Deaton asked.

"You know sign language?" Hope looked at him impressed.

"I know a little." Deaton replied. "Let me give it a shot." he looked at Stiles.

"Okay,the first move was like this. Then.." He said moving his index finger in circles.

"That's ¨when¨ " Deaton said.

"then there was this, twice." He moved his palms.

"That means ¨door¨ " Hope said.

"You know sign language?" Scott looked at her confused.

"A little." She smiled.

"And there's this in beetween that." Stiles continued and put his thumb on his chin.

"That's it?" Deaton asked.

"Yeah." Stiles replied.

"¨When is a door not a door¨?" Hope looked at him confused.

"When is a door not a door?" Stiles repeated confusely.

"When it's ajar." Scott replied.

"You're kidding me. A riddle? My subconscious wants to tell me a riddle?" Stiles asked annoyed.

"Not necessarily. When the thre of you went under the water, when you crossed from unconsciousness to a kind of super consciousness you essentially opened a door in your minds." Deaton replied.

"Okay, but I wasn't under the water. What is happening to me?" Hope interrupted them.

"The connection you two have, you must have strengthened it somehow." Deaton said.

"So, now he's part of my dreams, and I'm part of his?" She said annoyed.

"You're controling it, Hope. You can stop it by learning more about your powers."

"Okay! So, what does that mean? The doors still open?" Scott interrupted them.

"Ajar." Deaton said.

"A door into our minds?" Stiles asked worried.

"I did tell you it was risky." Deaton said.

"What do we do about it?" Hope asked.

"Well, that's difficult to answer."

"No, wait a sec, I know that look. That's the ¨we know exactly what's wrong with you and we have no idea how to fix it¨ look." Stiles said.

"One thing I do know is that having an opening like that into your mind, it's not good. You each need to close that door. Hope, you have to broke the merge with Stiles. And you need to do it as soon as possible." Deaton said.


They walked out of the clinic.

"How the hell I'm supossed to do that shit." Hope frowned.

"I don't know. But you better do it quick. Right now, Stiles is dangerous to you." Scott looked at her.

Suddenly, a car parked in front of us and Sheriff Stilinski got out of it. They all looked at him confused.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Stiles asked.

"I'm here because I could use some help. Actually your help." Stilinski looked at Scott.

"Why me?" He asked confused.

"Because eight years ago, almost an entire family died in a car accident. One of the bodies a young gurl named Malia, was never found. There's enough evidence to have me thinking that a werewolf could have caused the accident, and then dragged her body away. If you could somehow get a lock on her scent, If you could somehow help me find her body, it might provide the missing clue." Stilinski explained.

"And what if it was a werewolf?" Stiles asked.

"Well, there's somebody out there who murdered an entire family. Someone who still needs to be caught." Stilinski said.

"If you got me some things of hers, I think I'll be able to find her by a location spell." Hope said nervously.

"I'll call Mr. Tate tomorrow. You guys are coming" Stilinski said.


Scott,Hope and Stiles went to Mr. Tate's back door. Stiles opened the door and it creaked. Hope and Scott looked at him irritated. Stiles opened it and it creaked again.

Stiles opened it quickly and they went upstairs to Malia's room.

They were looking for something with Malia's scent.

"Try this." Hope passed him a stuffed animal.

He sniffed it and shook his head.

"All I'm getting is some animal smell." Scott said.

"What kind of animal?" Stiles asked.

"Dog." Hope said and they turned around.

There was a dog standing in the doorframe and growling.

"He's cute." Hope smiled ironically.

"But he can tore us apart. Scott, get rid of it." Stiles whispered.

"Me?" Scott asked.

"Yes, you." Stiles replied.

"Yeah, you're a werewolf. Glow your eyes at it or something." Hope said.

"Be the Alpha." Stiles added.

"I can't. I don't have control." Scott said.

"Okay, buddy, you're going to have to try something." Stiles said looking at the dog.

"Hi doggy, I'm Hope. We'll be friends. Are we friends?" Hope tried to pet the dog

The dog started barking and they jumped.

"Okay, that didn't work." Hope said.

"No way." Stiles said sarcastically.

"Apollo, shut up! Shut the hell up!" Mr. Tate yelled

The dog stopped barking and left immediately.

"Real heroes." Hope smiled ironically as they were hiding behind her.

They cleared their throaths and kept searching for something.

"Here. Try that. Anything?" Stiles asked.

"All I'm getting is that dog." Scott replied.

Stiles started staring at something.

He took out his phone and took a picture of framed picture. There were two girls. One had a doll. It was Malia and her sister.


"I'm sorry. I tried as hard as I could. If it wasn't so long ago, I might have been able to do it." Scott said.

"It's okay. It was a long shot. In fact, it was a pretty terrible idea. I think I just ripped a wound open i that poor man. I never should have brought you guys here. I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for trying, all right?" Stilinski said.

"Yeah." Scott replied

"Wait!" Hope raised her voice. "Before you leave, I might have felt something back in there."

"Felt something?" Stilinski looked at her confused.

"I think, she wasn't murdered. I think she was the one killing." Hope said nervously.

"A kid? Killing?"

"Just hear me out, okay? Little girl, started changing into a werewolf. She couldn't control it, so, she killed her family and then, ran away because she was just too scared." Hope explained.

Scott and Stiles looked at her confused.

"No, we would find her somewhere. You're wrong. But like I said, thank you for helping." Stilinski said.

He started the car and drove off.

Hope sighed.

"Aren't there a lot of cases that go unsolved?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, I just think this is one he felt like he could've figured out right now." Stiles replied.

"Why is it so impornant now?" Hope asked.

"Well, he wants to be able to solve more while he's still Sheriff." Stiles said.

"What do you mean ¨still Sheriff¨?" Scott asked confused.

"Your father didn't tell you?" Stiles looked at him.


"Thanks for driving me home" Hope said.

"Yeah, sure." Stiles smiled.

Hope sighed and got out of the car.

"Hey!" Stiles yelled.

"Mmm?" She turned to him.

"When you were talking about having feeling about the Malia case, what did you feel?" Stiles asked curiously.

"Your dad was right. I was wrong." She turned and went to the main door.


Hope was lying in her bed and suddenly, heard a footsteps in the hallway. She frowned and got up. She went to the door to look up, but she didn't see anything.

Suddenly,someone pulled her arm. She wanted to scream but before she could someone put a hand on her mouth.

"It's me" Scott whispered and took his hand off her mouth.

Hope turned around and saw Stiles standing behind him.

"I almost got heart attack." She looked at them irritated. "And what time is it?"

"I don't know, but we have to go out and find a dead body." Scott said.

"Wasn't finding a dead body the thing that got you into this all supernatural stuff?" She asked.

"We're going."


"You know, If my dad's right, that means there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet." Stiles said.

"I know." Scott replied.

"If it turns out to be something like triplets that form into, like, a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up for that." Stiles said.

"I'm gonna leave you two idiots here and use you as a bait." Hope said ironically.

"Thanks." Stiles replied sarcastically.

"Yeah, especially since I can't even control my own transformation anymore." Scott said.

"So, we'll get kill by Scott, since he'll turn into giant wolf with bright red eyes." Hope smiled ironically.

"Try be less pessimistic, please." Stiles frowned.

"You woke me up." She whispered irritated.

They went up a small hill. Suddenly, they heard a howl. Stiles grabbed Hope's arm and she bumbed into Scott which caused him to drop his phone where they had GPS. The phone rolled down the hill and fell into a puddle.

"Amazing. Well done, Stilinski." Hope smiled ironically

"Sorry, I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless little animal." Stiles said.

They walked down the small hill and Scott grabbed his phone trying to dry it.

"It still works." Scott said.

"Great, you don't have to buy a new one." Hope smiled and punched Stiles's arm gently.

He look at her irritated.

"What? I'm trying to be less pessimistic." She said sarcastically.

Stiles looked at something.

"Let me see the flashlight. I think we found it." Stiles said walking and they followed him.

There was the car. The Tate's car, covered in dirt, plants and was rusty.

"Uh.. why wouldn't they move it? Isn't it evidence?" Scott asked.

"Probably too much of a pain in the ass to tow out." Stiles replied.

"Stiles, give me the flashlight." Hope said and pointed the flashlight at something. "Look at this. Those are claw marks."

They went closer. Scott passed his hand throught the claw marks.

"Animal claws would be closer together, right? A lot closer." Stiles asked.

"Then it was a werewolf." Scott said.

"So, you were right." Stiles looked at Hope.

"No. Your dad was right." Hope said and kneeled besides the car's door.

"What is that?" Scott asked and Hope pointed the flashlight at it.

Stiles grabbed it. It was a dool. They all frowned looking at it.

"I'm hungry." The doll spoke.

They screamed and Stiles threw the doll to the ground.

"Oh, my God!" Hope yelled.

"I think I just had a minor heart attack." Stiles said.

"Hey, Stiles.." Scott started staring at something. "Please tell me you see that."

Hope looked in the direction Scott was looking at. She saw blue glowing eyes in the dark.

"Yeah, I see it." Hope took a deep breathe.

"Me too." Stiles said.

It was coyote. The coyote started running away and Scott ran after it.

"Scott!" Hope yelled but he kept running.

"Wait, hey, Scott! Scott, wait!" Stiles yelled.

Stiles grabbed Hope's hand and they started running quickly to try to catch up with Scott.

"I'm 100% sure it was Malia." Hope said breathing heavily as they continued to run.


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