Is it Fate?

Oleh LesbianInNeverland

632K 19.2K 3.4K

Lisa and Jennie are happy. They're engaged and about to have a baby. Just as they're about to get their happy... Lebih Banyak

Special Epilogue (Mrs. Kim)
Special Epilogue (The Twins)
Special Epilogue: (SooElla+JealousLili)

Special Epilogue (SooElla)

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Oleh LesbianInNeverland

This one goes out to @nicorobin757, who asked for the SooElla sequel.

Its not exactly a whole sequel, just a chapter but I hope you love it anyway!

Told you guys that I really couldn't leave this story alone.


Soo-in asked her new mommy to help her bake Ella's favorite cupcakes for her seventh birthday. She'd been saving her allowance. Soo-in still couldn't believe she got an allowance now. She always saved it because she wanted to buy Ella something for her birthday. She had bought Ella her favorite tub of ice cream and a dress that Ella had been gushing about for over a month, her new mama had taken her to the mall to help her find it.

Soo-in was so grateful to her because Jisoo hated shopping just as much as she did. Her mommy had offered to go with them but they both had quickly said no, giving each other knowing looks. If Rosie went with them they'd probably spend way too much time there and neither of them wanted that. Soo-in appreciated that her mama was just like her, they had walked into the store, all business and had looked for the dress Ella had described. It took them less than fifteen minutes to be done, quickly finding it and purchasing it and then booking it out of there.

Besides the ice cream and the dress, Soo-in even got her mommy to help her write Ella a song. She was nervous about it though. She didn't know if she could really go through with it when the time came.

There were so many kids at Ella's birthday party. Ella was sweet and very popular at school so it was no wonder most of her class showed up Soo-in thought. Even a lot of the older kids were there. She didn't realize that Ella had spent the entire time waiting for her best friend though. Ella had ignored most of the kids trying to get her attention, waiting for Soo-in to show up. She had sprinted right to her as soon as she noticed her aunties came in, knowing Soo-in must be right behind them.

She almost knocked her down with the force of her weight. She hadn't meant to run so hard but she really missed Soo-in. She hadn't seen her for two days after all. It had been a weekend and Ella had left for a dance competition so she hadn't had a chance to visit her aunties so she could see her best friend.

Soo-in immediately hugged her back.

"Happy birthday Ella."

Soo-in then shoved her gifts to Ella's tiny frame and Ella smiled that gummy smile that she really liked.

Ella never let Soo-in leave her side the rest of the party. She dragged her around by the hand the entire time. They giggled at the bouncy castle her mama had insisted on renting for her. Ella had even forced Soo-in to stand by her side as she opened all her presents.

Soo-in blushed the entire time because of the attention. Every time Ella would open a present she would show her best friend first before showing the crowd that was watching her.

Ella got a lot of nice things gifted her that day, but nothing, nothing had been so special to her until Soo-in had nervously pulled out the ukulele Ella had gifted her when they first met and sang Ella a song in the backyard once everyone else had left. It had been Ella's favorite present ever.

She'd told Soo-in as much when she was done, telling her it was beautiful in between little tears because she couldn't believe her best friend was so kind.

Everyone at school was wary of Soo-in, she was a little rough. Ella knew they were scared of her. Ella had always felt so proud that the only person Soo-in was ever so sweet and vulnerable with was with her. It made her feel special. So naturally, her heart had soared when she found out her best friend wrote a song just for her.


Soo-in wrote Ella a song every year on Ella's birthday after that. She couldn't help it, not after Ella's reaction to the first time she had wrote one. She liked seeing Ella so happy.

Those songs were always Ella's favorite birthday present. Every single year, without fail.


Ella turned thirteen today. She almost kicked all her friends out from her birthday party so she could listen to Soo-in sing to her already. Soo-in had looked shy, like she always did and Ella really couldn't understand why because the songs she wrote were always beautiful and Ella really thought she had the best voice she had ever heard. It was even prettier than her Auntie Rosie's voice, and that was saying a lot because her Auntie Rosie belonged singing in some kind of angel choir or something.

The kids wouldn't hurry up and leave and in the end she dragged Soo-in to the backyard to make her sing for her because she couldn't wait any longer. Her song was all she had been looking forward to all week.

Soo-in had looked around to make sure no one was watching before she started. Their classmates were still in the house after all. She almost refused but the hopeful look on Ella's face made her gather all her courage and do it. She couldn't really ever deny her best friend after all. Not when she looked like that. Soo-in started playing and singing.

Ella had given her a bone crushing hug afterwards and Soo-in felt a self satisfied smile creeping in. The embarrassment totally worth it.


Ella turned sixteen that year and she told her mommies she wanted to skip the party. Her mama had been upset because she was so nice like that and had really wanted to celebrate Ella's sixteenth birthday with a big party for her, saying Ella deserved the world but all Ella wanted was to spend time with her mommies, her aunties, and most especially her best friend Soo-in.

She asked them if instead of a party they could go somewhere instead. Her mommy had quickly convinced her mama to agree. Lisa had just wanted to make her kid happy so it didn't take much convincing, once she realized it was what Ella actually wanted. She promptly booked a trip to the mountains as soon as Ella told her were she'd like to go.

Ella had so much fun. It was her best birthday yet. She snowboarded down the mountain holding Soo-in's hand as she went so that they wouldn't fall. It had been their first time ever trying to snowboard and Ella wasn't even surprised that Soo-in was a natural—her best friend was really good at everything after all.

They giggled as they watched their moms have a snowball fight. Auntie Rosie and her mama were kind of awful at snowboarding so they ended up at the bottom of the mountain throwing snowballs at each other and tackling each other into the snow, not bothering to go back up the mountain after a couple of tries. They made snow angels as they giggled like kids and Ella watched as her mama gave Auntie Rosie a piggy back ride as they waved at the rest of them and told them they were over the snowboarding and were going for hot chocolate instead. They yelled for them to have fun on their own as her mama ran, almost dropping auntie Rosie in the snow at some point because she kept spinning around.

Auntie Jisoo on the other hand had gotten the hang of the snowboarding pretty quickly so she had stayed. Her mommy was really good right off the bat too and hadn't even paid attention to the rest of them as she was on the slopes, too busy having fun as she bobbed and weaved down the mountain. Ella copied the way her mommy stood on the snowboard and Ella found that she wasn't so bad herself anymore.

Still though, she kind of really liked holding Soo-in's hand so she would pretend to fall every once in a while so that Soo-in would stop her board in order to help pick her up. Soo-in had spent the entire time right next to Ella, not straying too far away just in case.

Ella's stomach was full of butterflies when Soo-in would fuss over her, brushing the snow off her jacket and telling her to be careful so she wouldn't hurt herself every time she would pick her up from one of Ella's 'falls.'


Ella got her first kiss that night she turned sixteen.

Her mommies and her aunties had trusted them enough to leave them in the hotel alone while they went out to do what her Auntie Jisoo liked to call "Adult things." Which to Ella meant they were probably going to go drink and gamble at the hotel they were staying at. Ella was strangely happy and nervous all at once to be left alone with her best friend.

Her mama had picked a really nice hotel room that had an outdoor jacuzzi and Soo-in and Ella had planned to hang out there the entire night until they looked like prunes.

"Take care of Ella, my baby fox." Her mama Jisoo said sternly before they left, trusting her daughter to be responsible with her niece.

Soo-in nodded solemnly, taking her incredibly seriously. She would never let Ella come into harm's way. She'd made it a mission ever since she was little to make sure Ella was never hurt. She promised her mama that she would, meaning it with all her heart.

Ella didn't know this, but Soo-in was always in detention because she kept beating up any boy or girl that said anything remotely close to hurting her Ella. Sometimes it was boys saying Ella was really pretty and that they would make her be their girlfriend, sometimes it was girls who were jealous because Ella was the prettiest girl in school so they would say something mean about her or try to spread rumors.

Soo-in didn't care, she shut them all up with her fists every time. She had an agreement with their friend Woo-jin ever since they were six. Anytime he would hear bad gossip over Ella he would tell Soo-in so she could take care of it. Nobody dared to talk bad about Ella in front of Soo-in, they were all too scared of her. No one was scared of Woo-jin though so he was always the first one to find out. If he ever overheard anything he never hesitated to tell Soo-in about it and inevitably, Soo-in would end up fighting whatever kid that wronged Ella.

Soo-in was glad her mommies never took her back, considering how much trouble she was always in because of those fights. She really lucked out with Rosie and Jisoo. Her mommy would always ask why she had gotten into a fight that time and even though Soo-in would always lie she noticed a glint in Rosie's eyes and it made her wonder if her mommy knew why she was really fighting these kids all along. They never pressed her though. They would pretend to ground her but her mama Jisoo would always cave first and would beg Rosie to let her off the hook. Rosie would always agree.

Soo-in would always lie to Ella too about why she was in detention, making up some excuse or another and Ella being the sweet and trusting best friend she was always believed her. Soo-in almost felt guilty about it, but it had to be done. She wouldn't dare let anyone fuck with her best friend, over her dead body. She knew Ella would hate it knowing Soo-in kept getting in trouble for her sake and she would never let that happen. She needed to protect her best friend from any awful feeling at all costs.

Ella giggled at her Auntie when she bowed at her, "Happy birthday my Queen. I'll leave you with your other humble servant," she said, pointing at Soo-in.

Her auntie Jisoo had never really let the Queen thing go and Ella loved her for it. She hugged her tight before they left. Taking turns with her other auntie and her moms too.

"Thank you mama," She said once it was Lisa's turn. She knew Lisa had wanted a party for her, she wanted to show her off and she had instead caved to Ella's whims probably spending entirely too much money on this trip just to make her happy.

"Anything for you babygirl." Lisa kissed her on the cheek and Ella was still such a mama's girl, even at sixteen that she couldn't help but hug her again.

"I love you mommy." She said to Jennie, who had been standing next to Lisa.

"Happy birthday love, be good okay?" Jennie said almost sternly. "No sneaking out or anything crazy."

"Of course not mommy," Ella giggled.

"I wouldn't let that happen," Soo-in said seriously, meaning it.

Jennie only smiled, knowing full well that Soo-in would never let Ella get into trouble. She reminded her a lot of the way Lisa was with her when they were young. She trusted Soo-in with Ella completely.


Ella went to change into her bathing suit and found that Soo-in was already in the hot tub when she came out. Ella felt a little shy. This was the first time she'd been in front of Soo-in in a two piece bathing suit and she hoped she looked okay. She looked down as she sunk into the Jacuzzi quickly.

Soo-in had hoped Ella didn't notice her blush when she saw her come out. She tried averting her eyes from her best friend's body as soon as she'd seen her. Ella was entirely too pretty and she couldn't help but admire her, the inevitable rosiness coating her cheeks before she turned away.

They spent their entire night jumping in and out of the jacuzzi. Sometimes it would get too hot so they'd jump out and giggle, jumping back in a minute later because of the cold night air stinging their skin. They played music and Soo-in admired the way Ella would dance. Even if she just moved her shoulders, Soo-in thought Ella had more grace than half the population combined. Ella was a beautiful dancer and Soo-in really loved that about her.

Ella absolutely knew this was her best birthday ever once Soo-in brought out her guitar and sang for her, playing the song she had written for Ella's birthday that year.

Ella's heart was thundering out of her chest as she listened because the lyrics.

The lyrics were saying something that Ella had always wanted to hear from her best friend. Ella dared to believe she meant them. Her breath caught as she watched.

Soo-in wouldn't look at her as she sang and played and Ella really needed her to because Soo-in's eyes never lied and Ella really needed to know if this was real.

She really needed to know if this was really happening. She needed to know if Soo-in had actually written a love song to her. She had to know if Soo-in really meant was she was singing right now—that she was in love with her best friend too just like Ella had always been.

Soo-in stopped singing. She set the guitar down and she finally looked at Ella.

"I'm sorry Ella, I couldn't help it." Soo-in confessed.

She was so afraid Ella would run away. She was terrified she wouldn't want to be her best friend anymore but Soo-in was never one to hide. She had to tell her. She'd been hiding her love for Ella for years and she really couldn't hide anymore. She needed to get it out.

"Do you mean it?" Ella asked in the smallest voice ever. "Do you mean what you just said?"

Soo-in gulped before answering.

"I do Ella. I'm sorry. I needed you to know though." She said, looking down at her lap. Figuring she just lost her best friend because of her stupid feelings that she couldn't fight because Ella looked close to crying right now.

She didn't expect Ella to jump on her. She didn't expect Ella to hug her and start crying. It was instinct. Soo-in wrapped her arms around Ella and hugged her back.

"I'm sorry Ella. I'm so sorry. I promise I won't be weird. I promise I'll still act the same. Can you please still be my friend? I can't lose my best friend Ella." Soo-in begged. Her heart was breaking but she could deal as long as she still had Ella. She was way more important to her than her stupid feelings.

Ella couldn't help but let the tears fall. Soo-in liked her back. Soo-in actually liked her back. Ella had been in love with her best friend for longer than she could remember. She couldn't believe it. Ella pulled back to look at her best friend, grabbing her face with her hands, making her look up into her eyes.

"I love you too." she whispered.

Soo-in almost fainted.


"I love you too, you idiot." Ella said, this time forcibly.

Ella had hoped Soo-in would get the hint way before then because Soo-in had always asked her why she didn't have a boyfriend considering she was the prettiest girl in school. Soo-in would always mention that and Ella would blush when she asked and complimented her because she'd had a crush on Soo-in for so long.

Ella didn't want anybody else. She hated every boy besides Woo-Jin and she didn't like him like that, they were just besties and yeah there were a lot of girls who were really pretty in school but no one could compare to Soo-in. No one even came close to her. Her heart had belonged to Soo-in ever since they were six and Ella kind of hated she hadn't admitted her feelings sooner now that she knew she liked her back.

Soo-in didn't waste anymore time. She crashed her lips to Ella's, heart beating out of her chest the entire time. Ella's lips were so soft and they were even better than Soo-in had ever dreamed of. This girl, this little girl who had rescued her and single handedly made Soo-in feel like she was actually worth a friendship was now kissing her back and Soo-in wanted to melt. She'd never really cared about anyone but Ella and she couldn't believe she was so lucky to be kissing her right now. It was all she'd ever dreamed of.

Neither of them really knew what they were doing. They were each other's first kiss after all.

A boy had tried kissing Ella when she was fourteen and she'd slapped him in the face because he wasn't Soo-in and how dare he try to touch her lips first. Ella refused to kiss anyone else. She'd always wanted it to be her so she waited knowing it was probably useless. Even if she never did receive her first kiss, she couldn't bear it being anyone else.

Soo-in had her own offers through the years too but she would always scare them away with a scowl and a fuck off. She didn't want anybody's lips but Ella's. Refusing to even practice for her even though she knew she'd eventually try to kiss her and wanted to do good.

Despite not really knowing how to kiss, they spent the rest of Ella's birthday making out, unwilling to let go of each other. They'd both waited too long for this.

Ella almost felt jealous because she was sure Soo-in must have kissed lots of people already, judging by how good of a kisser she was. Soo-in couldn't even think about that right now, too busy enjoying the fact her best friend was finally kissing her back. Ella's kisses were perfect but she couldn't even register the fact maybe Ella had a lot of experience making out with people. She was too much in bliss right now.

They finally pulled away right before midnight because Soo-in wanted to give Ella her gift on her actual birthday.

She asked Ella if she would be her girlfriend that same night as she handed her the gift she bought her. Ella didn't even hesitate. She squealed and said yes before pouncing on her lips again. Ella hadn't been so happy in her life.

Rosie caught them kissing when they got back that night. Her eyes had widened and she rushed to push the others back so they wouldn't see. She'd known her daughter's plans all along for that night.

Soo-in hadn't told her, but Rosie just knew. Her daughter had been incredibly nervous all week. She didn't let Rosie help with the song that year. Soo-in wasn't the type to be nervous and she was always incredibly blunt so Rosie knew something was going on just from her shifty behavior.

She had already known for years how in love the her daughter and her niece had been with each other so she figured this was probably the year something would happen and she had been right. They had always reminded her of Jennie and Lisa, they'd reminded her of Jisoo and herself. It was inevitable that they would end up together at some point.

She smiled to herself when she saw them. She didn't want to ruin their moment just yet. At least not in that way. Not with their parents walking in on them kissing. Rosie was pretty sure this was probably their first time and she didn't want to ruin it for them with some embarrassing entrance.

Luckily, Jisoo and Lisa had challenged each other to see who could drink the most soju so they were pretty wasted at the moment so they didn't even realize what was happening as Rosie pushed them back.

Jennie was busy making something in the kitchen, she tended to do that when she was tipsy. She loved to feed everyone.

Rosie shouted a few seconds later once Jisoo and Lisa were far away enough from the jacuzzi so that their girls knew they were home now.

"Wifey can you please make that dessert I like?!" She said as loud as she could, hoping her voice would carry outside to warn them.

"Of course!" Jennie shouted back, already moving to get the ingredients.

Soo-in jumped away from Ella in a panic. Looking around and making sure their parents hadn't seen them making out just now.

Ella didn't care. She pecked Soo-in's lips again before grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the jacuzzi.

"Best. Birthday. Ever." Ella commented.

Soo-in felt warm despite her nerves.

Ella had proudly announced she had a girlfriend now to everyone and Soo-in almost wished the ground had swallowed her whole at the murderous look Lisa had sported when she said that.

Lisa eventually came around once she realized Ella's new girlfriend was Soo-in but Soo had never really relaxed around Lisa after that.

____Soo-in's Senior Year____

Soo-in had never been so nervous in her life until that day. She thought she had been nervous the day she confessed to Ella but this was a whole other level of nerve-nervewracking. She was planning to ask her aunties for their daughter's hand in marriage that day and she felt like she was going to pass out because what if they said no?

Soo-in knew Ella loved her mommies too much to ever go against them. Soo-in actually really loved them too, they'd gotten really close since she was little. If they said no she wouldn't dare propose to Ella. She would never break up their family like that. She couldn't be the reason for a rift between Ella and her favorite people in the world.

She took a deep breath before trying to knock. Then promptly ran away. She'd been standing at their front door for minutes already and she just couldn't do it.

Her auntie Jennie had apparently noticed she was outside though. As soon as Soo-in turned, walking away because maybe she should do this later the door opened and Jennie had yelled for her to come back.

"Hey darling? Where are you going?"

Soo-in paled. Now or never? Yeah, no. Maybe never. She turned back around nervously.

"Um, sorry auntie. I thought Ella was here but she just texted me and she said she wasn't so I was just leaving." Soo-in lied.

Jennie giggled at her, "Come in love. I just made dinner. You can eat while you wait for Ella. She should be back soon."

Soo-in followed behind her stiffly. Fuck.

Jennie made her sit by the bar as she finished preparing their meal.

Soo-in almost hyperventilated when Lisa walked in too.

"Hey Soo. I didn't know Ella was back yet from dance practice?" she asked confused, looking around for her daughter once she noticed her niece was there.

Soo-in panicked. She ran away. Jennie and Lisa watched as she scrambled out of her seat and ran to the door.

She avoided them for two weeks.


"Soo. We need to talk."

Soo-in froze, a familiar anxiety shooting down her spine. She was doing homework and her mommy Rosie hardly ever sounded so serious with her. She put her pencil down.

"I'm graduating?" Soo-in said hopefully, figuring this talk had something to do with her awful grades.

She was actually very smart. She just didn't care about school. It was dumb. They taught useless crap and Soo-in was entirely too focused on Ella to care about her grades anyway. She almost failed on purpose halfway through the semester so she could stay behind and be in her girlfriend Ella's grade.

She'd eventually given up on that plan when she saw her mommies' disappointed looks on their faces. She loved Ella, but she loved her mother's too. They had rescued her. It broke her heart when they didn't even scold her, they just asked what they could do to help.

Soo-in threw herself into her schoolwork ever since, determined to graduate. It was almost a little too late because she had really, really tanked her grades—she had barely made it. She had just recently found out that if she kept it up she would actually graduate on time.

Rosie sighed, sitting down on her bed.

"I know love, I'm proud of you."

"Oh." Soo-in was a little confused now, unsure of what her mommy needed to say.

"That's not why I want to talk to you."

"Oh." she said again, a little worriedly now.

Did her mom find out about her beating up that kid last week? Shit.

She braced herself.

She didn't regret it though. She would do it again in a heartbeat. Woo-jin had told her the kid was going to try to take Ella to prom and Soo-in couldn't have that. No one was going to steal her girl. He'd talked crudely about Ella in the boys locker room and Woo-jin had told her all about it. Her blood had boiled. She wasted no time that day, finding him after class near his car and punching him square in the jaw. She knocked him out with a single punch. She'd gotten really good at fighting over the years after all. She really thought she'd gotten away with that one.

Soo-in sighed but she waited for her mommy to speak. Knowing she was probably going to get grounded or something. That was never even the worst part, they would only ground her for a bit usually. The worst part was the sad look on their faces. Soo-in hated it. She braced herself for the disappointment that was sure to come from her mommy Rosie's face soon.

"Why are you avoiding your aunties?" Rosie asked.

Soo-in immediately flushed. She didn't expect that. She really, really didn't expect that.

"I—I'm not."

Rosie leveled a look to her and Soo-in panicked because her mommy was the nicest person ever and she couldn't take it when she looked scary like that.

She dropped her gaze, afraid of telling her.

Rosie walked up to where Soo-in was sitting and grabbed her hand.

"Just tell me love. You know you can tell us anything right?"

"Yeah." Soo-in said sheepishly.

She knew she could. Rosie and Jisoo had been the perfect parents her entire life. Soo-in felt like she didn't even deserve them sometimes. Most of the time actually.

"What's going on then?"

Soo-in couldn't lie to her. She loved her. Rosie was her mom. She'd been her mother even before she had adopted her. Soo-in had loved her like that ever since she met her.

She decided to bite the bullet. She knew Rosie would get it out of her eventually anyway. Her hands shook as she reached for it.

She pulled out the box she always kept in her pocket and handed it to her, not looking into her eyes.

"I want to marry Ella." she mumbled.

Rosie opened the box to see a ring.

"I know I'm young. I know that this might seem ridiculous to you but I love her. I love her so much and I can't picture anyone else in my future. I want to spend my life with her. I was going to ask my aunties for permission but I chickened out and ran and now I can't look at them anymore so I've been avoiding them ever since. I think Ella is hurt and mad at me too because I haven't come over since then but I really couldn't face them."

"Oh Soo." Rosie pulled her in for a hug.

"Wait, You're not mad?"

"I could never be mad at you." Rosie said honestly.

"Do you mean—Is this okay? Will you let me marry her? I was going to ask you guys too but I needed to know it if was possible first. I promise I'm old enough to know she's the one for me. I know I just turned eighteen but I swear it's only her for me. There's never been anyone else."

"Soo, I've been in love with your mama since I was four. I don't think love really has an age. To be honest, I wish she had married me sooner. You have our blessing. I promise, we just want you to be happy baby."

Soo-in never cried. She almost did then though, especially when her mama came home and Rosie told her that their little girl wanted to get married.

Jisoo hadn't even argued, her eyes had sparkled and she offered to take Soo-in to a shop to buy a ring, telling her she'd pay for it. Soo-in had told her she already had one.

"Of course you do, how could I ever doubt my baby fox." Jisoo said honestly. Soo-in was so resourceful she couldn't believe she even doubted the fact Soo-in had everything planned already. Her kid was like that. She never really needed them, Jisoo was just grateful she let them be in her life.


Soo-in invited her aunties over for dinner one day a week later. Lisa had found it odd it was only them three. Jisoo and Chaeyoung were nowhere to be seen and all Soo-in had told them was that they were having a date night.

Jennie kind of already had an inkling about what was about to happen. Considering Ella was away for another dance competition, she figured she knew why Soo-in had asked them to come over. She said nothing though, letting Soo-in take her time.

Soo-in's hands shook as she served them the food she made. She made their favorite dishes. Ella had told Soo-in how her mommy always cooked her mama's favorite dish on special occasions and so Soo-in wanted to follow their tradition. Ella was too important to her not to.

She finally spoke up after dessert.


"Whats up Soo?"

"I just want to apologize for avoiding you. I had something to ask you and I got too scared so I ran. I'm sorry."

Lisa looked at her quizzically because her niece wasn't one to get nervous over anything. She was stubborn and entirely too confident most of the time. Jennie just fought the smile that was threatening to appear. She so knew what was about to happen.

"What did you want to ask?" Jennie said, urging her on.

Soo-in's hands shook again.

"I—I need you guys to know that I love Ella very much. She's my favorite person in the whole world. She has been ever since I was little. Ella was my first ever friend. She made me feel like the world didn't really suck so bad after all ever since I met her. I used to think I didn't belong anywhere, especially not with other kids my age but Ella just broke all my defenses without even trying and claimed to be my best friend and it was probably the best moment of my life until a few years ago when she said yes to being my girlfriend. I know sometimes I cause trouble, a lot of trouble, but I swear it's always in Ella's defense. Not that she needs it." Soo-in added quickly, putting her hands up.

"Ella is super strong and powerful. She could take on the world if she wanted to but I just never want her to suffer so I try to fix things for her before she finds out. Usually it lands me in some kind of mess like detention or that one time I almost got arrested but I'd rather it be me than Ella and I will never, ever change that. It's like second nature to me, it always has been."

Soo-in had actually gotten arrested that time but she managed to get away with it, bailing herself out in time to be able to hide it from everyone. She wasn't about to admit that to them though. Either way, she didn't regret it even if they did find out. She'd willingly go back to jail. That kid had almost ran over Ella one morning because he wasn't paying attention as he drove so Soo-in had smashed the windows to his car with a crowbar during third period and slashed his tires so he wouldn't be able to drive anymore.

She got caught. She should have asked Ryujin to shut off the security feeds at their school parking lot but she had been too livid to think straight at the time.

Soo-in took another shaky breath.

"Ella is everything to me and I know she's your whole world too. I know you want everything for her, but I do too. I swear it on my life."

She handed Lisa a single yellow flower and Jennie a purple hyacinth as she spoke. Soo-in also knew about their old balcony, the one threaded with their old flowers. She knew that was tradition too so she had bought Lisa and Jennie's favorite flowers as well to give to them as she made her pleas.

She braced herself before continuing.

"I probably don't deserve her. I'm probably not enough for her but I promise that I'll devote my life to her if she lets me. I promise to do my best to make her happy."

Jennie couldn't fight the smile anymore. She knew it. She'd realized it as soon as Soo-in had spent a solid twenty minutes outside their house two weeks ago trying to find the courage to knock and then ran away.

"Aunties, please, can I marry her? Will you let me? I won't ask her if you say no. I won't propose even if it does break me. I would't dare to because she loves you so much and I do too and I respect you guys too much to ever go against that but I really hope you say yes. I can't really do this without her. She's everything to me. I swear I'll keep her safe." Soo-in said the last part with conviction, looking at Lisa because she knew that's all she cared about just like Soo-in did. She wanted Ella to be safe and happy at all costs. That's all that really ever mattered.

Soo-in pulled out the ring to show it to them. She'd spent years saving up. Ever since Ella said yes to being her girlfriend, she'd already planned for it. She'd even begged her moms to let her pick up a job so she could have the income to buy it on her own. They'd protested at first but eventually relented because Soo-in kept bugging them about it every single day.

She would prepare speeches about how her having a job would be good for her and that she probably needed the discipline a job would provide anyway. Every day she had a different excuse and eventually they let her knowing she was really serious about it, though they hadn't known why Soo-in wanted a job at the time considering the fact they made sure she was always provided for. Jisoo always gave her too much money when she went out after all, so much so that Soo-in had picked up a habit of sneaking the cash back into her wallet when she wasn't looking.

Ella had hated when she finally got hired because it meant she spent less time with her girlfriend but Soo-in was determined, despite Ella's disarming pout. She'd always known she wanted to marry Ella one day and her goal was the only reason she could ignore Ella's pleas to quit so they could hang out more. It was the only time Soo-in had ever been able to say no to Ella so her girlfriend had finally stopped begging her to quit, assuming Soo-in found her job too important and deciding to support her instead. Soo-in had only waited long enough to try to propose as soon as she could afford the ring. The day that she had enough cash for it she had gone straight to the store and ordered it.

"You told her once that someone who loved her very much would ask her to marry her one day. You told her not to settle for anything less than the way you two love each other. I love Ella like that. I always have." Soo-in addressed Lisa as she pointed between them.

"You told her not to accept a proposal unless the person who asked her got her a ring more beautiful than the one you got her. I know that's pretty impossible though. She carries it everywhere. She's never taken it off and honestly I don't want her to. I don't want to replace it. I want to add on to it."

She handed Lisa the ring she had custom made for Ella. It was Chanel of course. It had taken Soo-in years of hard work and not spending a single paycheck to afford it. It matched the one Lisa had gotten Ella all those years ago. It was delicate, it was meant to intertwine with Lisa's ring perfectly if she wore it, threading itself beautifully over the other ring. It was perfect.

Soo-in hoped Lisa and Jennie would agree. She needed their approval. She knew she needed it. She'd spent years trying to observe Ella's taste in things so she could pick out and design the perfect ring. She thought it might be enough but she couldn't help but panic nonetheless. There was nothing in this world that her girlfriend loved more than her moms, and Soo-in was desperate for their blessing. She was desperate for them to realize she loved Ella so much that she spent years trying to please her. She spent years trying to pick out the perfect ring because of a single story her mama had told Ella when she was six about when she got her own proposal. Soo-in took it to heart.


Soo-in cried for the second time in her life when they actually gave her their blessing to marry Ella. She hugged them so tight whispering thank you's and I love you guys so much and I promise to protect her with my life.

She couldn't believe it. She had thought they would tell her no because in Soo-in's opinion no one would ever really be good enough for Ella. Not even her.


Ella had squealed and said yes as soon as Soo-in had proposed, tackling her and giving her kisses. Soo-in had asked her to marry her on Ella's seventeenth birthday. She sang her a song and then dropped down on one knee, hands nervously shaking as she pulled out the ring.


Soo-in cried for the third time in her life when she saw Ella in her wedding dress, being walked down the aisle by both of her mothers by her side.

They got married in the same flower field that Ella's mommies had gotten married at. Soo-in had insisted they have their wedding there despite Ella saying they didn't have to do that. Soo-in had wanted their wedding to be special though. She wanted to marry her best friend in the same place her mommies had. It was good luck.

Ella really couldn't believe how lucky she was to have been able to marry Soo-in. She almost didn't make it through the ceremony, crying the entire time.

They got married on Ella's 18th birthday. Soo-in wrote her a song, like she usually did and she performed it at the ceremony.

Then they completely disappeared, running away to be together, leaving everyone behind and not even bothering to show up to their reception. Neither of them cared, they'd waited so long to love each other. Everyone could manage without them.

Ella giggled the entire time as Soo-in dragged them away, pulling her by the hand to their hotel.



@Jennieerubyyyjaneee I'm writing your chapter as we speak, bout halfway through so hang tight!

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